Verifying Privacy by Little Interaction and No Process Equivalence
Denis Butin
and Giampaolo Bella
School of Computing, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland
Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Universit`a di Catania, Catania, Italy
Software Technology Research Laboratory, De Montfort University, Leicester, U.K.
e-Voting, Privacy, Inductive Method.
While machine-assisted verification of classical security goals such as confidentiality and authentication is
well-established, it is less mature for recent ones. Electronic voting protocols claim properties such as voter
privacy. The most common modelling involves indistinguishability, and is specified via trace equivalence in
cryptographic extensions of process calculi. However, it has shown restrictions. We describe a novel model,
based on unlinkability between two pieces of information. Specifying it as an extension to the Inductive
Method allows us to establish voter privacy without the need for approximation or session bounding. The two
models and their latest specifications are contrasted.
Formal analysis of security protocols is even more
relevant as electronic voting (e-voting) starts being
used for official elections across the world. The
novel properties claimed by such protocols require
new models and tools, especially when computer-
aided analysis is desired. A key objective of e-voting
protocols, called voter privacy or ballot secrecy, states
that the way a particular voter voted is not known
to the adversary. While the vote itself obviously be-
comes public in the final stage, it is the link between
voter and ballot that must remain confidential. Other
goals than voter privacy are also commonly studied
for e-voting protocols, but we focus on voter privacy
in this work.
The most notable efforts in the area, which are
rather recent, are based upon a widely-accepted
model, process equivalence. These have advanced
computer-aided analysis of e-voting protocols signif-
icantly, albeit all existing tools face some limitations.
The general idea of using equivalences in process cal-
culi was presented as early as in 1996 (Schneider and
Sidiropoulos, 1996), concurrently with the Inductive
Method’s inception (Paulson, 1998). This position
paper makes the point that also the latter can be used
profitably to verify e-voting protocols without inher-
ent limitations about size and features, hence offering
Research supported by the SFI grant 08/RFP/
a valuable parallel means of analysis. The analyst gets
strong assistance in his task — for examplein keeping
a clear picture of the various scenarios that the execu-
tion of the protocol may entail, over which the goals
must be assessed.
However, interaction is only significant during
proof development, that is, when a line of reasoning
is being investigated for the first time. With automatic
tools, this effort usually results in the implementation
of extended analysis routines that can later be invoked
and run fully automatically. Similarly, although theo-
rem proving remains interactive, vast portions of the
proof scripts can be re-used with minor adaptations
over new case studies, when these require the same
line of reasoning. For example, once confidential-
ity proofs were developed (Paulson, 1998), the cor-
responding scripts received negligible modifications
throughout subsequent applications. We argue that
this feature of interactive tools has not been empha-
sised properly so far. Therefore, the effort of develop-
ing a proof for an innovative property could be com-
parable to that of expanding an automatic tool for the
same reason. Proof reuse could be the right balance
between automation and interaction.
After recalling the main existing efforts, our de-
bate starts by comparing them with the mechanization
of our model in the Inductive Method.
Butin D. and Bella G..
Verifying Privacy by Little Interaction and No Process Equivalence.
DOI: 10.5220/0004043502510256
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2012), pages 251-256
ISBN: 978-989-8565-24-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Most existing papers on formal privacy modelling in
the context of e-voting are based on the following in-
distinguishability criterion: it must not be possible to
distinguish between a situation in which the honest
voter V
voted x and the honest voter V
voted y, and
one in which the converse is true. A cryptographic
extension of a process calculus is then used, often the
applied pi calculus. Two main tools build upon this
ProVerif. The automatic ProVerif tool (Blanchet,
1998) uses an algorithm based on Horn clauses. It
is able to efficiently check an under-approximation
of (i.e., a stronger equivalence than) observational
equivalence between processes in the applied pi cal-
culus for an unbounded number of sessions (Blanchet
et al., 2008). Because of the approximation, it lacks
in precision and may producefalse negatives spuri-
ous attacks may be found. Supplementary equational
theories for broader cryptographic primitives support
are easy to add, but this may lead to non-termination
in some cases. ProVerif was used to analyse for
a fixed number of voters voter privacy in the Fu-
jioka, Okamoto and Ohta (FOO) (Fujioka et al., 1993)
protocol in (Delaune et al., 2009). FOO involves two
election officials and uses blind signatures as well as
bit commitments. The bisimulation reasoning was
done by hand.
AKiSs. More recently, the focus in the process
equivalence approach has shifted from trying to prove
observational equivalence to checking a weaker kind
of equivalence: trace equivalence (
). In (Chadha
et al., 2012), a new cryptographic process calcu-
lus is introduced alongside a novel procedure for
checking equivalence. Specifically, under- and over-
approximations of
are introduced, the fine-grained
trace equivalence
and the coarse trace equiva-
. Over-approximation can prove protocols
correct, and under-approximation can rule out flawed
protocols. The calculus supports a broad variety of
cryptographic primitives: all those that can be mod-
elled in an optimally reducing convergent rewrite sys-
tem. The procedure is limited to a bounded number of
protocol sessions. For a class of processes called de-
terminate, there is a coincidence between
observational equivalence. Automation is provided
by the AKiSs tool. The work also includes an analysis
of voter privacy in FOO. However, since the model of
FOO does not yield a determinate process, observa-
tional equivalence cannot be proved by this approach
and the approximation
must be checked instead.
Precision. Since ProVerif systematically uses
under-approximations, it is not precise in general.
While it will not deem a flawed protocol correct,
it may fail to validate a correct protocol due to the
detection of a false attack. For AKiSs, precision
depends on the class of the process modelling the
protocol. Those which can be modelled using
determinate processes can be checked directly for
observational equivalence and
because of their
coincidence with
in that class. On the other hand,
some e-voting protocols, particularly those using
phases like FOO, must be under-approximatedby
because they do not lead to determinate processes. In
that case, as for ProVerif, the risk of spurious attack
detection subsists. Unlinkability in the Inductive
Method is treated by inductive theorem proving, so
there can be no false positives. When unlinkability
cannot be established, attacks are not given explicitly
but examination of the remaining subgoal allows
the user to trace back the flaw to the problematic
protocol step. This interactivity gives greater insight
into the protocol’s intricacies but requires more effort
than the aforementioned tools. Another aspect of
precision is session bounding. While the Inductive
Method and ProVerif both support unlimited protocol
sessions, the computational cost of AKiSs blows up
exponentially when more sessions are interleaved.
Automation vs. Interaction. AKiSs is fully auto-
mated. Voter privacyin ProVerif was checked by hand
in (Kremer and Ryan, 2005). An automatic verifi-
cation in ProVerif was presented in (Delaune et al.,
2008), but a translation algorithm is involved and its
correctness is not formally proven. In (Delaune et al.,
2009), a ProVerif privacy proof for a fixed number of
voters is partially automated. The Inductive Method is
mechanized in Isabelle/HOL, an interactive theorem-
prover. As noted above, this requires user interac-
tion at proof development time, whereas ProVerif and
AKiSs require it at tool development time.
Termination. Termination is guaranteed neither in
ProVerif nor AKiSs. While ProVerif features a res-
olution method that ensures termination for a spe-
cific syntactic transformation of protocol models, this
method is limited to secrecy and authentication prop-
erties(Blanchet and Podelski, 2005). Since the Induc-
tive Method is based on induction, there is no termi-
nation issue.
Supported Cryptographic Primitives. Associa-
tive/commutative (A/C) operators are currently sup-
ported by none of the tools, despite their usefulness
for the modelling of protocols using exponentiation
or XOR. Blind signatures, which are commonly used
in e-voting protocols, are supported by all three tools
compared in this paper. AKiSs supports a larger vari-
ety of cryptographic primitives than ProVerif and the
current version of the Inductive Method. In (Chadha
et al., 2012), Chadha et al. conjecture that all those
which can be modelled in a rewrite system with a
specific convergence propertyare supported. Notably,
trapdoor commitments can be modelled. By contrast,
supporting new cryptographic primitives in the In-
ductive Method requires modelling them through ad-
ditional rules using existing primitives or changing
the underlying framework. The latter option requires
more work since specific assumptions about the inter-
action of operators are made in the theory Message,
which is always imported. On the other hand, major
modifications have been performed successfully, for
instance in (Martina and Paulson, 2011), demonstrat-
ing the flexibility of the approach. New cryptographic
primitives can be added easily to the applied pi calcu-
lus by devising new equational theories, but the re-
sulting model may be beyond the scope of the tool’s
automatic analysis (Delaune et al., 2010).
Efficiency. The Authors of (Chadha et al., 2012)
state that the automated analysis of privacy for FOO
requires a few minutes on a modern laptop. Load-
ing and verifying all FOO theories in Isabelle/HOL
takes a similar time. However, our FOO theory also
establishes other useful security guarantees about the
protocol. Another metric is the respective human ef-
fort necessary to formalise protocols and their goals
before the actual analysis. This aspect remains to be
Synthesis. Table 1 summarises the comparison but
does not aim for exhaustiveness. The “large set” of
cryptographic primitives supported by AKiSs is the
set of those that can be modelled in an optimally re-
ducing convergent rewrite system.
The Inductive Method. The Inductive Method
(Bella, 2007; Paulson, 1998), specified in the inter-
active theorem-prover Isabelle/HOL, has never been
applied to e-voting protocols until now. It models pro-
tocol steps and a Dolev-Yao adversary’s actions as in-
ductive rules. At its core are inductively defined mes-
sage operators. Initially supported message compo-
nents are agent names, guessable integers (numbers),
nonces, hashes and ciphertexts. The parts operator
takes as input a message and returns the set of all its
components, including encrypted ones for which the
key is not available. It is normally used to denote all
elements appearing in network traffic. analz bears
close resemblance to parts, but takes into account
cryptography. Only ciphertext for which the corre-
sponding decryption key is available yields the em-
bedded plaintext. As opposed to parts and analz, the
synth operator specifies message building rather than
message deconstruction. Taking into account avail-
able cryptographic keys, it inductively defines the set
of messages that can be built from an initial message
set. Ciphertexts and message hashes can be generated
from available messages. Agent names and guessable
numbers can be synthesised ex nihilo.
Cryptographic keys in Isabelle have the type key.
In the case of asymmetric keys, for encryption, key
pairs are modelled by priEK and pubEK. For signa-
tures, priSK and pubSK. The invKey function turns an
asymmetric key into its associated reciprocal key, e.g.
invKey(priEK A) = pubEK A.
Not only is the number of agents unbounded: ev-
ery agent is also able to interleave any number of
protocol sessions. Since proofs are carried out in-
ductively, susceptibility to replay attacks is taken into
account. Agents can be either the Server (a trusted
agent which knows all shared keys and is never com-
promised), a friendly agent or the Spy, who embodies
the threat model.
Three message events are available. The Says
event models the sending of a message between
agents. For instance, Says A B {Nonce Na} means
that agent A sends agentB a message consisting solely
of the nonce Na. It is realistic to assume that not
all messages reach their destination, hence message
sending does not imply message reception in gen-
eral. However, a sent message can be delivered as
intended; this is modelled by the Gets events, which
precisely represents the reception of a message by an
agent. The Notes event models the addition of a mes-
sage to an agent’s knowledge, for later use. It can be
seen as a private recording of information.
Every protocol step is modelled as an inductive
rule, with preconditions and a postcondition. The pro-
tocol model is the set of all admissible traces built
from those steps. The empty trace is also allowed,
Table 1: Synthesis of characteristics of mechanized FOO privacy analyses.
ProVerif AKiSs Inductive Method
Precision Precise for determinate
processes, else under-
Under-approximation Precise for generalised as-
sociation synthesis
Operation Partial automation Full automation Interactive proving
Unbounded sessions Yes No Yes
Systematic termination No No Yes
Supported cryptographic
Usual + blind signa-
tures, bit commitments,
proxy re-encryption
Large set conjectured Usual + blind signatures,
bit commitments
and modelled by the Nil event. Furthermore, a Fake
event accounts for message forgery by the Spy, who
builds and sends everything she can from components
extracted from network traffic:
| Fake:
[[evsf bankerb gets;
X synth (analz (knows Spy evsf))]]
= Says Spy B X # evsf bankerb gets
Extensions for e-Voting Protocols. The following
extensions are protocol independent. Blind signatures
can be modelled as an inductive rule using symmetric
cryptography and agent knowledge:
| Unblinding:
[[evsb foo;
Crypt (priSK V) BSBody analz (spies evsb);
BSBody = Crypt b (Crypt c (Nonce N)); b symKeys;
Key b analz (spies evsb)]]
= Notes Spy (Crypt (priSK V) (Crypt c (Nonce N)))
# evsb foo
New operators are added to the Inductive Method
to make the treatment of voter privacy possible. One
is analzplus: by building upon the traditional mes-
sage set analyzer analz, it is empowered with an ex-
ternal message set from which extra decryption keys
can be derived. This helps to define aanalz, whereby
the attacker extracts all meaningful associations from
protocol events and traces:
primrec aanalz :: agent => event list => msg set set
aanalz Nil: aanalz A [] = {}
| aanalz Cons:
aanalz A (ev # evs) =
(if A = Spy then
(case ev of
Says A
(if A
bad then aanalz Spy evs
else if isAnms X
then insert ({Agent B} (analzplus {X}
(analz(knows Spy evs)))) (aanalz Spy evs)
else insert ({Agent B} {Agent A
(analzplus {X} (analz(knows Spy evs))))
(aanalz Spy evs))
| Gets A
X aanalz Spy evs
| Notes A
X aanalz Spy evs)
else aanalz A evs)
For instance, considering the event Says A B X
where A is uncompromised and evs is a generic pro-
tocol trace,
aanalz (Spy Says A B X # evs) = insert
(Agent A Agent B analzplus X (analz (knows Spy evs)))
(aanalz Spy evs)
The association synthesiser asynth builds new as-
sociations out of existing ones that share a common
element. The common element should not be one
of the election officials’ names since those appear in
all protocol runs and are therefore linked to all voter
identities. It is defined as follows:
inductive set
asynth :: msg set set msg set set
for as :: msg set set
asynth Build [intro]:
[[a1 as; a2 as; m a1; m a2;
m 6= Agent Adm; m 6= Agent Col]]
= a1 a2 asynth as
Associations arising from a generic trace of the
protocol model are examined using these operators.
In particular, the set asynth(aanalz Spy evs) for-
malises all possible associations that the attacker can
build out of active observation of the trace evs. Un-
linkability of two pieces of information can then be
specified by stating that they cannot belong to any as-
sociation in this set at the same time.
Verifying Privacy for FOO. We now focus on the
case study of the FOO protocol. The main privacy
theorem is stated as follows: whenever the first step of
the protocol was performed by a regular honest voter,
any association containing her vote cannot also con-
tain her name.
theorem foo V privacy asynth:
[[Says V Adm {|Agent V,
Crypt (priSK V) (Crypt b (Crypt c (Nonce Nv)))|} set evs;
a (asynth (aanalz Spy evs));
Nonce Nv a; V / bad; V 6= Adm; V 6= Col; evs foo]]
= Agent V / a
Although this statement is protocol-dependent, it
is simple enough be adapted to any e-voting proto-
col precisely as the current literature shows with
the confidentiality goal. No honesty assumptions are
made about the election officials Administrator and
The proof involvescase-splitsabout possibleasso-
ciations arising from each protocol step, and a num-
ber of lemmas specifying possible associations, such
as the following one:
lemma aanalz PR:
[[a aanalz Spy evs; Crypt P R a; evs foo]] =
(Agent Col / a
(Agent V a V bad V = Col)
(Nonce Nv / parts {R}))
((Nonce Nv / a)
(Key (invKey P) analz (spies evs)
Agent V / parts {R}))
This lemma establishes properties of association
sets from the protocol model that contain at least one
ciphertext. It states that if a nonce appears as an
atomic component of the body of the ciphertext, then
either the name of the election official Collector does
not appear in the association, or all agent names ap-
pearing in it are either dishonest agents or the Collec-
Specifying and verifying the unlinkability model
involved substantial effort. About 20 subsidiary lem-
mas had to be proved beforehand. Many of them, like
the one just mentioned, analz PR, establish properties
of association sets. Remarkably, the generic nature of
the proof has great potential for reuse over other pro-
tocols. Also, its redundant parts may be programmed
as ML tactics for greater automation. In cases where
unlinkability does not hold, the subgoal that cannot
be proven indicates which protocol step can lead to
an attack.
We shed a different light on voter privacy by seeing
it as unlinkability property between two pieces of in-
formation. The feasibility of this model is shown by
a specification in the Inductive Method and a suc-
cessful privacy proof for a classic e-voting proto-
col. While the process equivalence model is show-
ing steady progress through new trace equivalence
approximations, our machine-assisted analysis is pre-
cise for an unbounded number of sessions, and sup-
ports proof reuse. Its interactive nature also provides
broader protocol understanding to the analyst. Since
process equivalence-based methods are not currently
able to deal with all protocols, it seems worthwhile to
investigate alternative approaches like this one.
A submission of our Isabelle theories to the online
Archive of Formal Proofs (Klein et al., 2012) is being
Future Work. Demonstrating the flexibility and
reusability of our specification through additional ex-
amples is our main next task. The proofs must be
adapted to a generalised association synthesiser. We
then intend to analyse protocols that cannot be han-
dled in current implementations of the indistinguisha-
bility model, such as e-passport protocols, and in-
vestigate the specification of associative/commutative
operators. Finally, we plan to model other privacy-
type properties, such as coercion resistance.
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