Figure 4: Graphics of: a) modification of system output Y
disturbance F
and control U
0 5 10 15 20 25
measurement noise
Figure 5: The measurement noise.
Figure 6: Set
of potential EMR’s states at n=30.
As evident from Fig. 4-6 the proposed controller
ensures enough control quality. For system quality
improvement it is necessary to use the observer
giving a specified multiple rating of possible
perturbations at each control step.
In this paper we considered the problem of robust
control of EMR. The unique technical vision system
for EMR’s sensory system, providing real-time
continuous feedback in Cartesian coordinates, was
proposed. A new algorithm was given for the state
filtering for robust control determination.
The presented algorithm allows intersect convex
polyhedrons. As the actual systems are nonlinear, it
is necessary to be able to intersect non-convex sets.
It is an objective for future work. Also expedient to
note that additional increase of technical vision
resolution in future can be reached by
implementation of our original method of scales
binding described in (Sergiyenko, 2011).
This work has been supported by the Ministry of
Science and Innovation (MICINN) of Spain under
the research project TEC2010-17429, and the
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid under the
research project AL12-PID-31.
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ICINCO 2012 - 9th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics