Two models for building Digital Signature of Net-
work Segment were presented using flow analysis
(DSNSF), building two types of signatures, DSNSF-
KM by K-means and DSNSF-ACO clustering opti-
mized by the metaheuristic Ant Colony Optimization
Both DSNSF-KM and DSNSF-ACO showed
good results being possible to generate both a model
which describes in general behavior of the network.
Between the two signatures, DSNSF-ACO had better
results as the proximity of the movement through nor-
malized mean square error; whereas the DSNSF-KM
had better results for correlation to the movement.
Tools that allow network administrators character-
ize network traffic is of vital importance. They make
it possible to identify behaviors for a given time, day
of week or even a particular service, having an impor-
tant role in detecting anomalies.
As future work, the proposed models must be im-
proved in order to increase the accuracy and test algo-
rithms for anomalies detection using signatures gen-
erated DSNSF-KM and DSNSF-ACO.
Also the creation of Digital Signatures of Network
Segments (DSNSF) with information as bits/s, TCP
port, IP source and destination aims to create a cor-
relation matrix DSNSF to assist in the detection of
network problems.
This work was supported by SETI/Fundac¸˜ao
Arauc´aria and MCT/CNPq by the financial sup-
port for the Rigel Project. Thanks to the Federal
University of Technology – Paran´a – Toledo Campus.
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