sibly using other formalisms than Alloy, has a great
potential to further enhance or validate the security of
emerging web technologies and specifications.
The full report of the security analysis (De Ryck
et al., 2012) does not only cover potential increases
of the attack surface, but also discusses how specific-
ations suffer from under-specification and ambiguity,
leading to inconsistent and potentially insecure imple-
mentations as a consequence. Additionally, the full
report illustrates that mainstream implementationsnot
always comply with explicit security considerations
stated in the specifications. As a consequence, se-
curely specified features might in practice still be vul-
nerable due to this mismatch.
In this paper, we aimed to thoroughly scrutinize emer-
ging web standards for potential security problems.
We performed a systematic and repeatable analysis
using two generally applicable security goals: preser-
vation of security invariants and graceful interaction
of co-existing features. From the security analysis, we
can conclude that the overall security of the standards
is quite good. Nonetheless did we identify several vi-
olations of one of the stated security goals under cer-
tain application-specific circumstances.
The results presented in this paper build on experience
from an earlier security analysis performed with the
support of ENISA (De Ryck et al., 2011c). This re-
search is partially funded by IBBT, IWT, the Research
Fund K.U. Leuven and the EU-funded FP7-projects
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