Towards Process Centered Information Security Management
A Common View for Federated Business Processes and Personal
Data Usage Processes
Erik Neitzel
and Andreas Witt
Faculty of Computer Science, Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany
Department of Business and Management, University of Applied Sciences Brandenburg, Brandenburg, Germany
Security, Privacy, Federated Business Processes, Social Networks, Information Security (IS), Information
Security Management Systems (ISMS).
While comparing the progress of our two research projects of developing an information security management
system (ISMS) for federated business process landscapes and the enhancement of security of social networks,
we discovered a fundamental view congruency concerning the way information security can be handled. This
paper deals with a conceptual framework which uses the ISO 27001 and the German BSI IT-Grundschutz
Framework as a base for determining a methodology for a process based point of view towards information
security management for both federated business processes within business applications and personal data
usage processes within social networks. The proposed layers are (1) process layer, (2) application layer, (3)
network layer, (4) IT systems layer and (5) infrastructure layer.
Todays organisations depend on IT systems which
support their business processes in various ways.
Those processes, however, have evolved from a
single-organisation based support net into inter-
organisation based business processes, see figure 1.
Figure 1: Federated business processes.
Generally, every organisation has to ensure the
value contribution of their IT along the goals of
the organisation. At the same time, the quality of
application systems has to be guaranteed. There
are economic criteria like costs and functional/non-
functional criteria (features, usability, security).
Some of those criteria are complementary. A distin-
guished position takes information security, as it is
not just a quality criterion, but serves the organisa-
tions drive of reaching its goals at the same time.
For the assurance of the above mentioned value
contributions there are both vendor independent
(ITIL, COBIT) as well as proprietary (MOF, ITSM,
ITPM) reference models. They describe goals, tasks,
organisational aspects and concrete results of IT con-
trols (Goeken, 2006). Hence, there are procedures
for implementing general IT governance for organi-
sations – often security aspects are adressed as well.
There are also information security management
systems (ISMS) like the ISO 2700x (ISO/IEC, 2009)
and the German BSI IT-Grundschutz 100-x (BSI,
2009) for the introduction and sustaining support of
the quality criterion and business enhancer informa-
tion security within an organisation. These frame-
works are based on the Demming cycle, which sug-
gests the phases Plan, Do, Check, Act (Walton, 1988).
Within the limits of one organisation there are
first approaches for systematic procedure models as
presented by Nowey (Nowey and Sitzberger, 2006),
as well as suggestions for measuring security quality
within business application systems (Dorrhauer and
ockle, 2011). A generic web-based federation of
business application systems (Gaedke and Turowski,
1999) and approaches for their security are proposed
(Armando et al., 2006) (Arsac et al., 2011).
However, none of the mentioned frameworks
adresses the emerging need for governing business
processes across multiple organisations neither for
Neitzel E. and Witt A..
Towards Process Centered Information Security Management - A Common View for Federated Business Processes and Personal Data Usage
DOI: 10.5220/0004050301890192
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Technologies and Applications (DATA-2012), pages 189-192
ISBN: 978-989-8565-18-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
the general purpose of implementing a consistent
cross-organisation IT governance nor for supporting
information security management.
Analogously to the situation of single-
organisation business processes evolving into
inter-organisation based processes, social networks
experience a similar trend by means of inter-
organisational security issues, see figure 2. Within
the realm of huge social networks like Facebook, a
common business model is the selling of personal
data to other organisations for advertising. For exam-
ple, Facebooks ad revenues reaches $4.27 Billion in
2011 (Fredricksen, 2011).
Figure 2: Social networks third party interests.
There are ideas regarding a re-invention of the so-
cial network using semantic P2P systems as presented
in (Schwotzer, 2011). As long as those concepts are
not turned into products, personal data will remain to
be processed by third parties as presented here.
Those personal data usage processes are quite
similar to business processes, as both of them are
spread across multiple IT systems, being carried by
various IT infrastructure components within differ-
ent organisations as many businesses are supported by
cloud based services.
Generally, information security management deals
with the process of sustaining risk reduction regard-
ing various threats against the three main informa-
tion security criteria. Those criteria are confidential-
ity, integrity and availability of information (ISO/IEC,
2009). Those criteria do not change when expanding
processes to multiple organisations and nor do the
threats against them. The risk, however, rises signifi-
cantly and so does the need to implement effective
safeguards. As discussed earlier, there is no current
framework supporting information security manage-
ment across multiple organisations.
Regarding social networks, the mentioned risk is
similar. Data protection and privacy is compromised
by the joint network operation itself. In terms of infor-
mation security management, that means an extensive
risk against confidentiality (here the confidentiality of
personal data). Hence, the sustaining need for trans-
parency increases – and so does the need for reporting
on technical and organisatory safeguards being imple-
mented by organisations.
In case of social networks, there are different
points of view regarding security and privacy. The
social network itself has to protect its network against
hackers (Mirror, 2011). At the same time it has to of-
fer personal data of its users for selling. For that, most
social networks use Application Programming Inter-
faces (APIs) like Facebook’s Open Graph. For best
revenue of a social network provider users should re-
veal as much personal information as possible. By
doing so user profiles are getting more relevant for
advertisers. As a result users of social networks
could receive an unwanted overflow of commercial
information (Bognanni, 2008). Therefore, conflicts
arise between commercial use of user profiles by so-
cial networks and the user’s willingness towards their
own data and user generated content (M
orl and Groß,
2008). Hence, social networks, users and advertis-
ers are heavily depending on each other. This depen-
dency influences information security criteria in-
tegrity, availability and confidentiality, see figure 3.
Figure 3: Social networks/users/advertisers dependencies.
The above mentioned problems are also relevant
for companies which have their own social network,
e.g. Lego with Rebrick
or companies using social
networks for social commerce or social media mar-
keting campaigns. Social media marketing and social
commerce strategies often make use of fanpages or
own company accounts in different social networks.
Hence, companies that use social networks for their
online strategy have to integrate different IT systems
and external applications within their federated busi-
ness process landscapes.
BSI (the German authority regarding IT security)
(BSI, 2009) suggests a framework compatible to the
requirements of the ISO 27001 in which a layered ap-
proach is used to simplify the problem of referencing
safeguards to categories of information security man-
agement relevant objects. Those layers are (1) inter-
sectoral aspects, (2) infrastructure, (3) IT systems, (4)
networks and (5) applications. The approach starts
with a layer that deals with general security man-
agement requirements for an organisation and is then
followed by layers beginning from physical to logi-
cal object categories. We argue that BSI’s approach
fits single organisations information security needs
but not federated processes, as for that purpose a top
down approach would be necessary which begins at
the level of processes, not at the level of infrastruc-
ture. Generally the layered approach seems appropri-
ate to be pursued towards that problem.
As a conceptual model, we therefore argue that
a layered model shall be used that uses the basis of
the descriptive model presented by BSI but replaces
the intersectoral layer by a process layer and inverts
the order of the other layers. The requirements of
that process layer are the same as the requirements
presented in BSI’s layer 1 (intersectoral aspects), but
refers to the process, not the organisation. Thererfore,
several organisations would have to implement safe-
guards identified for that process.
We now argue that BSI’s remaining layers shall
be used in opposite order, to receive a top down secu-
rity management approach. In particular, the process
layer (1) shall be followed by applications (2), net-
works (3), IT systems (4) and infrastructure (5), see
figure 4
Furthermore, due to the same structure of organisa-
tions supporting business processes and organisations
using personal data of a person registered at a social
network; we conclude that a business process and a
personal data usage process are to be handled in the
same way regarding security management.
In addition, we propose that the safeguards that
need to be implemented according to ISO/BSI shall
be extended by the following two constructs:
(1) For the purpose of an individual’s privacy eval-
uation (Heidisch and Pohlmann, 2012) has presented
the idea of a “data letter” where each web entity that
processes personal data (e.g. a social network) regu-
larly has to inform the user about which kind of infor-
mation is stored and processed about him. As a result,
The figure was developed using Fugu Icons designed
by Yusuke Kamiyamane.
Figure 4: Proposed IS security management layers.
the user may request change and deletion of the infor-
mation presented.
(2) Based on the idea of the data letter, we propose
the introduction of an IT security letter (ITSL) that
informs the user about the actual security measures
that were implemented at the level of a providers (IT)
infrastructure. This ITSL could be voluntary, thereby
serving as a competitive advantage at the market.
The content of the ITSL shall include references
to the implemented safegaurd categories as defined
in the ISO 27001. The broad guidelines defined in
that standard would form both a solid and individu-
ally formable frame of which the user can get an im-
pression of how its stored and processed information
is guarded against attacks and failure.
The actual safeguards to be implemented for those
layers shall stay the same as defined in ISO 2700x
and/or BSI IT-Grundschutz.
Following the proposed model, both federated
business processes and personal data usage processes
are secured towards threats against integrity, avail-
ability and confidentiality especially those of per-
sonal data within social networks.
Future research shall both conduct further evidence of
the presented problem and deliver an evualuation of
the effectiveness of the proposed model. The common
view and methodology shall be refined and further
investigation be progressed regarding explicit safe-
guards serving the security of federated business pro-
cessed. In the end, a measurement model shall be de-
veloped to assess both the effectiveness and efficiency
of those safeguards.
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