Non-repudiation of Forwarding
Traceability of Confidential Data Via Multiple Recipients
Rainer Schick and Christoph Ruland
Chair for Data Communications Systems, University of Siegen, Hoelderlinstr. 3, Siegen, Germany
Non-repudiation, Data Leakage Protection, Security Service, Data Tracking, Evidence Generation.
Nowadays, it can be assumed that valuable private data can be securely transmitted from one sender to one (or
more) recipients. An unsolved problem following the transmission is addressed by this paper. The sender of
some confidential information does not know what happens with the data after the transmission. If the message
appears in a place it should not, the originator does not know who published it unauthorized. In order to solve
this problem, this paper introduces a new non-repudiation service that allows tracking the way of protected
data via several recipients.
As far as confidential data is concerned, these data can
be protected against unauthorized access in different
ways. But what happens if allegedly trustworthy re-
ceivers misbehave? How to find out who is the data
leak? These questions are often neglected in compa-
nies and other institutions. For the originator of sen-
sitive private data it would be best if there would be a
new security service that provides traceability of con-
fidential information.
The new service deals with the topics of Endpoint
Security and Data Leakage Protection (Scheidemann,
2008). Actually, one of the largest problems of com-
panies is the unauthorized use of private devices by
their employees. Large amount of data can be stored
on such insecure devices and the damage may be huge
if such a device gets lost. The new non-repudiation of
forwarding service (NRFS) introduced in this paper
collects so-called tracking data from multiple recipi-
ents and provides traceability of protected data. The
tracking data prove the forwarding of confidential in-
formation and are updated for each transmission. If
a dispute arises, these data are used to generate evi-
dence. The conflict resolution after the evidence gen-
eration phase is out of scope of the NRFS.
After this introduction, related work are figured
out in the next chapter. Chapter 3 then describes
the basic idea of non-repudiation services and figures
out the innovations and advantages of the NRFS. The
Data Tracking Protocol (DTP) introduced in chapter
4 is designed to realize the NRFS. The protocol en-
sures that the tracking data are protected against tar-
geted manipulations using a security module. Finally,
in chapter 5 some conclusions are presented and an
outlook to future work is given.
The ISO/IEC 13888 standards describe 8 different
non-repudiation services (ISO/IEC 13888-1, 2009;
ISO/IEC 13888-2, 2010; ISO/IEC 13888-3, 2009).
General information about non-repudiation services
are described in ISO 13888-1. Examples for sym-
metric techniques are given in part 2, asymmetric
techniques in part 3. These services provide protec-
tion against an individual falsely denying the involve-
ment in a particular action or event. For example,
the sender can request a token which proves the re-
ceipt by the designated recipient. The recipient in turn
requests a token which proves the forwarding to the
sender. The goal of the NRFS is to prove the action
of forwarding by allegedly trusted users.
Non-repudiation services and their underlying
protocols usually should be fair (Zhou and Gollmann,
1996; Kremer et al., 2002), so that no party gets an
advantage over another party. The NRFS does not
exchange token between sender and receiver, so the
aspect of fairness does not need to be considered.
Regarding the reliability of the NRFS, false posi-
tives must be prevented under all circumstances. No
manipulation should lead to a user falsely being sus-
pected. Manipulations that prevent the expose of an
Schick R. and Ruland C..
Non-repudiation of Forwarding - Traceability of Confidential Data Via Multiple Recipients.
DOI: 10.5220/0004053303870390
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2012), pages 387-390
ISBN: 978-989-8565-24-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
attacker should also be prevented, if possible.
There exist other approaches to provide traceabil-
ity of data. One is digital watermarking (Liu et al.,
2005; Wang et al., 2001; Cox et al., 2008). Dig-
ital watermarks support copyright holders to track
data leaks if an unauthorized copy is found. Water-
marks can be embedded visible or invisible and have
to cope with different problems: The embedding ca-
pacity is limited in relation to the size of its carrier
(Barg et al., 2003) and the embedding algorithms de-
pend on the file format. Another approach is Digi-
tal Rights Management (DRM). This technique is of-
ten used to preventunauthorized copies of multimedia
data. This is done by installing proprietary software
and by using online activation mechanisms. DRM
is considered controversially, and many experts claim
that unauthorized copies cannot be prevented (INDI-
CARE Project, 2006; Schneier, 2001).
3.1 Non-repudiation Services
The goal of non-repudiation services is to protect
the parties involved in a transaction against the other
party falsely denying the participation in a particular
event or action. For example, a sender of a message M
can generate evidence for sending it. The recipient in
turn generates evidence of the corresponding receipt.
These evidences are called non-repudiation token.
(Zhou and Gollmann, 1996) and (ISO/IEC 10181-
4, 1997) divide non-repudiation services into four,
(Ford, 1994) and (RFC 4949, 2007) into six phases.
The following list refers to the compact representa-
tion as shown in (ISO/IEC 10181-4, 1997):
1. Evidence generation: The critical action occurs
and evidence is generated.
2. This phase includes the transfer, storage and re-
quest of the evidence.
3. The evidence is verified by a trusted authority.
4. Dispute resolution: Evidence is retrieved from
storage, presented and again verified to resolve the
If symmetric techniques are used, the token must nec-
essarily be verified by a Trusted Third Party (TTP) in
case of a dispute. Using asymmetric techniques, the
TTP is not mandatory. Nevertheless, the authenticity
of the applied public keys must be guaranteed. Non-
repudiation policies may enforce that only TTPs are
allowed to generate the token. Usually, a URL to the
used policy is part of the generated token. A non-
repudiation service must permit a trusted authority to
verify if a given signature was applied to given data.
This authority checks if the private signature key cor-
responds to a given valid certificate.
In contrast to existing non-repudiation services,
the NRFS collects evidences for multiple transac-
tions. Each sender and recipient adds certain informa-
tion to the protected data (Schick and Ruland, 2011b;
Schick and Ruland, 2011a). Spoken clearly, for each
action unique tracking data are added to the confiden-
tial message. That is, the NRFS allows incremental
updates of the tracking data for each forwarding and
thus tracking the whole way of data from the origina-
tor to the last recipient.
3.2 Requirements of the NRFS
The main goal of the NRFS is to provide traceability
for confidential data over multiple recipients. Addi-
tionally, the originator must be able to prove to be the
source of the information and the protected message
must not be accessible by the recipient unless his or
her unique tracking data are indelible added. Finally,
the plaintext data output to the recipient must be ac-
companied by unique tracking data. These tracking
data should not be erasable. At least any manipula-
tion of these data must be recognized reliably.
To achieve these requirements, a security module is
needed to realize the DTP. This module is mandatory
for different reasons: It provides access control and
ensures that the confidential message is output to the
user only if the embedded tracking data are authentic.
Most importantly, the private and secret keys required
by the DTP can be securely stored, without even the
owner of the module knowing the keys. Specified
Protocol Data Units (PDUs) are transmitted between
the security modules of the users.
3.3 Service Description
The NRFS implies a closed group of recipients (e.g.
a company network), so that the TTP may be rep-
resented by the initial sender O . The TTP should
not be involved in each transaction, so that the role
of the TTP is off-line. Digital signatures and trans-
action timestamps are used to generate and provide
the evidence. Thus, the NRFS is an asymmetric non-
repudiation service. Table 1 summarizes the service
descriptions and shows that the NRFS consists of two
different data processing parts. The security module
processes the encrypted data and handles the private
and secret keys of its owner, while the digital water-
mark will be embedded into the plaintext message M.
Table 1: Description of the non-repudiation of forwarding service.
CLASS OF NRS: Non-Repudiation of Forwarding Non-Repudiation of Forwarding
ROLE OF TTP: Off-line Off-line
TYPE OF EVIDENCE: Digital Signature, Timestamp Digital Signature, Timestamp
GOAL OF EVIDENCE: Proof of forwarding to all sender Proof of last authorized receipt
USER OF SERVICE: Data originator, all recipients Data originator
CONCERNED USER: All sender Last authorized recipient
4.1 Goals of the Data Tracking Protocol
The DTP is designed to fulfill the requirements spec-
ified in chapter 3.2 und thus to realize the non-
repudiation of forwarding service. The basic ideas
of the DTP have been described in (Schick and Ru-
land, 2011b; Schick and Ruland, 2011a). Figure 1
shows the abstraction of the NRFS from the user’s
point of view. The user does not need to have knowl-
edge about the underlying protocol. Instead, certain
data are input as parametersinto the service primitives
provided by the security module through the service
access points (SAP). Finally, certain data are output
to the user. The communication between two service
users is realized by the DTP.
The use of a Public-Key Infrastructure (PKI) is a
basic requirement of the DTP and the existence of an
appropriatePKI is assumed for the DTP. This includes
the verification of digital certificates, reconciliation
with a Certificate Revocation List (CRL) and check-
ing the nonRepudiation bit in the keyUsage extension
of X.509v3 certificates (RFC 5280, 2008).
Different functions (called service primitives)must be
provided by the security module. Users must be able
to initialize and configure the service, send and re-
ceive data and finally generate evidences in case of a
dispute. The functionality of the protocol and each
function provided by the security module are briefly
described in the following.
4.2 Tracking Data
The tracking data are used to track the way of mes-
sage M if a dispute arises. These data consist of
unique identifiers which distinguish the participating
users and the protected message M. The size of the
of Forwarding
Data Tracking Protocol
Figure 1: The different layers from the user’s point of view.
tracking data should be kept as small as possible be-
cause of the security module. On the contrary, these
data are used to generate evidence, so they have to be
both unique and provableauthentic. This is a common
problem in information security - security increases
overhead and complexity. The tracking data must be
protected from several attacks. This includes protec-
tion from targeted manipulations, traffic flow analyses
and privacy aspects (concerning the user identifers).
More detailed descriptions of the protection mecha-
nisms will be part of future work.
4.3 Functions of the Security Module
With the security module, the required private and se-
cret keys must be generated and stored within a se-
cure environment. The owner of the module must not
have access to these keys, otherwise he or she would
be able to tamper data. Additionally, the confiden-
tial message M must not be output to the receiver if
any manipulation is detected or if M (or its originator)
is not provable authentic. If so, the security module
has to stop data processing and signalize an informa-
tive error message. Thirdly, the tracking data must be
added to M before the receiver gets access to it. The
authenticating signatures must also be generated and
verified by the security module. Hence, the module
must provide the following functions:
1. Initialize. Lets the originator configure the DTP
and prepare the data for the protocol. The required
keys are also generated by this function.
2. Send. If data should be forwarded to the next au-
thorized receiver, this function must be used. It
sets up a secure communication channel and sends
encrypted data.
3. Receive. Processes the received encrypted data.
If the data are in good condition, the watermarked
plaintext and encrypted storage data are output.
4. Evidence-TD. Generates the non-repudiation to-
ken based on the tracking data accompanying the
protected data containing M.
5. Evidence-WM. Generates the token based on the
digital watermark which has been inserted into the
plaintext message.
With the non-repudiation of forwarding service, con-
fidential data can be tracked via multiple recipients.
Evidence can be generated to prove the whole way
of protected data. The service is split into two parts:
The first part relies on a security module and the sec-
ond part inserts digital watermarks into the plaintext
that output to the recipient.
The data processing part provides a high level of se-
curity. The user is not able to access the confidential
data unless the security module accepts the received
data as valid. The security services of peer entity au-
thentication, non-repudiation of origin, data integrity
and access control are provided. The user is not in
possession of any private or secret key. Instead, these
keys are managed by the security module.
In future work, the key management must be de-
scribed and information about secure key storage and
distribution must be given. Moreover, legal aspects
of the NRFS should be analyzed. The requirements
that are necessary to make the non-repudiation token
valid evidences must be pointed out. Due to the re-
quired computational power of digital watermarking
algorithms, an appropriate security module must be
found. Finally, that module should provide the ser-
vice primitives described in this paper.
This work is funded by the German Research Foun-
dation (DFG) as part of the research training group
GRK 1564 - ’Imaging New Modalities’.
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