
For each entry in the matrix, the client performs
O(σ) work per test. Since there are O(|Σ|) such tests
the client performs work proportional to O(|Σ|
total work. The server must perform O(|Σ|
) total
work. Furthermore, the number of rounds is 1, since
everything can be done in parallel. Finally, the multi-
plicative depth is 2.
We introduced techniques for outsourcing matrix
multiplications over closed semi-rings and other al-
gebraic structures that lack the ring algebraic struc-
ture of the (+, ∗) multiplication. These techniques
can be used in a variety of settings to outsource the
computations in a secure manner. The remote server
being used does not learn anything about the inputs or
the outputs to a computation other than the size of the
matrices and of the alphabet. Although in most prac-
tical situations it is harmless to leak the size of the
alphabet, it is nevertheless of intellectual interest to
extend our protocols so as to hide it. There is a more
practical need for extending our schemes to hide the
size of the matrices, which we leave for future work.
The authors would like to thank the anonymous
reviewers for their comments and useful sugges-
tions. Portions of this work were supported Na-
tional Science Foundation Grants CNS-0915436,
CNS-0913875,CNS-0915843, Science and Technol-
ogy Center CCF-0939370; by an NPRP grant from
the Qatar National Research Fund; by Grant FA9550-
09-1-0223 from the Air Force Office of Scientific Re-
search; and by sponsors of the Center for Education
and Research in Information Assurance and Security.
The statements made herein are solely the responsi-
bility of the authors.
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