installed PV plant maximizing the usage of locally
produced renewable energy. The consumption of
locally produced energy has a major benefit both for
the user, by lowering the overall cost of energy and
also for the operation of distribution grids with a
high penetration of renewable energy generation.
This paper presented an algorithm that deals with
the two problems: minimizing the operating cost of
the house heating system and maximizing the use of
local produced energy and lowering the burden on
the distribution grid.
From the source of power consumption
perspective, the algorithm can be extended to use the
energy from other types of local renewable energy
sources. It can be extended also from the perspective
of the types of loads that are shifted, not focusing
only on the heat system but also on different
household appliances.
The proposed algorithm can be used to manage
energy produced by other types of renewable energy
generation, such as wind turbines and combined heat
and power plants. The algorithm can also be
modified for other types of consumption that has the
ability to be shifted in time, such as water heaters,
air conditioning units and refrigeration systems.
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grant POSDRU/88/1.5/S/50783 (2009) of the
Ministry of Labor, Family and Social Protection,
Romania, co-financed by the European Social Fund
– Investing in people and also partially supported by
the E.U. Project No. 228449/2011.
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