Reusing Simulation Models for Weapons Effectiveness Analysis
Kangsun Lee
and Taesup Kim
Department of Computer Engineering, MyongJi University, MyongJiRo 116, YongIn, Kyunggi-Do, South Korea
Department of Business IT architecture, KT ds, 206 Jeongja, Seongnam, Kyunggi-Do, South Korea
Keywords: Reuse Repository, Ontology, Simulation-based Weapons Effectiveness Analysis.
Abstract: Simulation-based weapons effectiveness analysis involves complex modeling tasks to represent weapons,
natural environment and operational environment. An integrated M&S (Modeling and Simulation)
environment provides useful tools and services to partly automate the modeling tasks. Along with the M&S
environment, a model repository can help model developers to ease the required tasks by sharing predefined
and already validated models, generated from inside and outside the M&S environment. In this paper, we
introduce our M&S environment, OpenSIM (Open Simulation Engine for Interoperable Models), and
illustrate how the model repository in OpenSIM can enable users to reuse models for weapons effectiveness
analysis. OpenSIM manages weapon ontology and thesaurus dictionaries to assess structural and contextual
similarity between weapon models. We present semantic information and similarity measures of OpenSIM
and illustrate how the model repository of OpenSIM helps users locate reusable weapon models.
As modern weapon systems require significant
money to develop, evaluating their effectiveness
becomes necessary before the actual development
(Department of Defense, 2001) is taken place.
Evaluating weapons effectiveness is a hard task,
since we have to consider not only weapon systems
themselves but also various war factors including
natural environment (i.e. sea, ground, air),
operational environment (i.e. anti-air warfare, anti-
surface warfare), and external systems (i.e.
command and control systems) (Hong, 2011). These
factors are hard to control in real world. Therefore,
simulation technology is believed to be a realistic
solution for analyzing and predicting weapons
effectiveness (Wang, 2010).
Simulation-based weapons effectiveness analysis
involves complex modeling tasks to represent
weapons dynamics and engagement environments.
An integrated M&S (Modeling and Simulation)
environment provides useful tools and services to
partly automate the modeling tasks, and helps users
to save development cost and time (Cho, 2007).
Along with the M&S environment, a model
repository can also help model developers to ease
the required tasks by sharing predefined and already
validated models (Benali, 2010).
Many research works have been proposed to
construct and manage model repositories for various
M&S applications. Although the existing
repositories have been partly successful in providing
efficient services, such as registering and retrieving
models, they still lack flexible matching services
regardless of structural discrepancies between
models (Yilmaz, 2011). Most of the existing
repositories employ key-word based search
techniques to find reusable candidates. However,
they are not powerful in taking into account the
contextual similarity between similar weapon
models. Also, utilizing the reuse repositories may be
limited, if users are unable to access the stored
models from anywhere on various execution
environments. Weapon models are usually
developed by many experts from various disciplines,
possibly dispersed over the network. Therefore, a
distributed repository can greatly facilitate
collaborative modeling among the experts.
In this paper, we introduce a distributed model
repository to support reuse of models for simulation-
based weapons effectiveness analysis. Our
repository has been implemented in an integrated
M&S environment, OpenSIM (Open Simulation
Engine for Interoperable Models) which is under
development by our research team (Lee, 2011).
OpenSIM manages a reuse repository in the cloud
Lee K. and Kim T..
Reusing Simulation Models for Weapons Effectiveness Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0004055901140119
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH-2012),
pages 114-119
ISBN: 978-989-8565-20-4
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
computing environment to store large amount of
data for representing weapon models. Utilization of
the reuse repository can be greatly improved, since
users can access the weapon models from anywhere
and on various execution and operating systems with
the help of cloud data storage and services.
OpenSIM describes models with three dimensions
structure, attributes, and behaviors. Weapon
ontology has been constructed to organize similar
models and assess structural similarity between
models. Thesaurus dictionaries are also managed to
resolve textual discrepancies appeared in the names
of attributes and operations in weapon models.
Similarity metrics are defined to quantify the
structural and contextual similarity between models
and to guide the semantic search process. With the
help of the model repository and tools/services of
OpenSIM, model developers can efficiently conduct
their weapons effectiveness analysis by improving
reusability of weapon models.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2
introduces the architecture of model repository in
OpenSIM. Section 3 presents the reuse framework in
OpenSIM to enable semantic search for reusable
models. Weapon ontology, thesaurus dictionaries
and the semantic search algorithm are explained in
Section 3. Section 4 presents implementation results
of our reusing framework. We conclude in Section 5
with future research works to achieve.
OpenSIM is an integrated simulation environment to
help model developers perform weapons
effectiveness analysis. OpenSIM provides a suite of
tools and services for developing, executing and
analyzing simulations of weapon systems. In order
to facilitate the modeling process in OpenSIM, we
provide a repository that stores reusable weapon
models as shown in Figure 1. Clients can access the
reuse repository from anywhere with the help of
Storage Manager in OpenSIM. Storage services help
clients to register their models and search reusable
models according to their simulation objectives.
With the help of Resource Registrant, each model is
registered to the model repository with syntax (e.g.
interface information) and semantic (e.g. weapon
category) information. All these information are
zipped with an index bitmap to save space. In order
to support semantic search for weapon models,
queries are analyzed in Query Analyzer.
Morphological analysis is performed on the weapon
models to resolve textual discrepancies in the names
of attributes and operations. The Searcher ranks
candidates with the help of Ranking Module, and
recommends reusable models to the client. Detailed
explanation on the semantic information and the
search algorithm will be given in Chapters 3.
Figure 1: Model Repository Architecture in OpenSIM.
Many weapon models have been developed by
various organizations. Although they exhibit
different forms in development programming
languages and platforms, they are similar in their
structures, attributes and operations. New weapon
systems are usually developed in order to improve
parts of the old ones. Therefore, there are very high
chances to reuse the existing weapon models for
analyzing the effectiveness of new weapons. In
order to maximize reusability, OpenSIM
recommends a model that has maximum similarity
in structure, attributes, and operations. Structure
similarity is assessed based on our weapon ontology,
while attributes and operations similarity are
assessed by resolving textual discrepancies based on
our weapon thesaurus dictionary. Section 3.1 3.3
present the details.
3.1 Weapon Ontology
Ontology formally represents knowledge as a set of
concepts within a domain, and the relationships
between those concepts (Silver, 2010). We construct
weapon ontology to organize weapon models.
Figure 2 shows a part of weapon ontology to
organize guided missiles. Guided missile models are
represented and related to others according to
military organizations (i.e. Air force, Army, Navy),
engagement types (i.e. air-to-air, air-to-ground,
ground-to-air, etc.), range (i.e. short, middle, long),
Reusing Simulation Models for Weapons Effectiveness Analysis
guidance method (i.e. radar, laser, optic, GPS, etc.),
development details (i.e. platform, programming
language), and resolution (i.e. high, medium, low).
Figure 2: Weapon Ontology for Guided Missiles.
An index bitmap is associated with a weapon model,
in order to represent the ontology information space-
efficiently. All the structural information, including
military organization, warfare type, range, fidelity,
programming language, and guidance systems, are
represented with 25 bits as shown in Figure 3. These
bitmap indexes provide significant performance
advantages over traditional value-list indexes for
complex queries, such as searching for reusable
models, according to Oneil (Oneil, 1997). Structural
similarity can be assessed by logical operations (e.g.
and (&)) between bitmaps.
3.2 Weapon Thesaurus
Models may have attributes and operations with
different names, even though they have similar
meanings. We construct a weapon thesaurus
dictionary in order to group models that have similar
meanings in attributes and operations. Figure 4
shows a part of our thesaurus dictionary for guided
missiles. For example, hit rate, hit_rate,
hit ratio, hit and accuracy may have the
same meaning, even though their textual
appearances are different.
25 bits
Army(001), Navy(010),
Short(001), Medium(010),
High(001), Medium(010),
C++(001), Java(010)
Infrared light(0000000100)
Figure 3: Structure Index Map (in part).
By looking up the names of attributes and
operations in the thesaurus dictionary, we can assess
how a model is similar to other models regardless of
their textual appearances.
Figure 4: Weapon Thesaurus Dictionary for Guided
Missiles (in part).
3.3 Semantic Search Process
In order to locate reusable models, our search
algorithm calculates similarity in three dimensions
structure, attributes, behaviours (or operations).
Given a user model X, structural similarity with
other model, Y, is calculated by the following
S_Similarity(X,Y) =
Σ (Index (X
) & Index (Y
where, Index(X
) is the i
bit in the index bitmap
of model X, and w
is a weight factor for comparing
the i
bit, and & is logical and operation.
Two models can be considered as similar if they
have many attributes in common. In order to resolve
morphological discrepancies between attributes, we
SIMULTECH 2012 - 2nd International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and
first look up the thesaurus dictionary to replace an
attribute name with the representative name in the
thesaurus dictionary. Then, attributes similarity,
A_Similarity(X,Y), between model X and
model Y can be calculated by cross-checking all
attributes of model X and model Y, and counting
the number of attributes that belong to both of the
models. O_similarity(X,Y), the measure for
assessing similarity on operations between model X
and model Y, can be determined with the same
process as in A_Similarity.
Finally, the search algorithm determines the
overall similarity, Similarity, by calculating the
weighted sum of S_Similarity,
A_Similarity, and O_Similarity. High
Similarity valued models are recommended to
users as reusable candidates.
A distributed M&S resource storage has been
constructed in OpenSIM based on Apache Hadoop
and HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System)
(Apache, 2011). Apache Hadoop is a software
framework that supports the distributed processing
of large data sets across clusters of computers.
Applications are able to work with thousands of
nodes and petabytes of data within the Hadoop
framework. HDFS is a distributed, scalable, and
portable file system written in Java for the Hadoop
framework. HDFS provides services to replicate data
across multiple hosts for high reliability, to
rebalance data by moving copies around, and to keep
the replication of data high. Detailed explanation on
cloud data storage and services are found in the
works of Franklin (Franklin, 2005) and Chuck
(Chuck, 2010).
Weapon models and their associated data
resources are stored across three machines with the
help of HDFS. Clients can transparently access
weapon models stored in the OpenSIM repository
through TCP/IP communication, regardless of their
execution environments and operating systems.
Section 4.1 4.3 illustrate how we can reuse weapon
models in OpenSIM repository through an example
of Mistral missile.
4.1 Registration
Users register their weapon models to the repository
in OpenSIM. Figure 5 shows a registration tool in
Upon completing modelling tasks on OpenSIM,
users register their models to the repository.
Figure 5: Registration Process in OpenSIM.
Attributes, Operations, and general information
(e.g. model name, creator, publisher, implementation
details (e.g. programming language, operating
system), component type (e.g. C++, DLL, etc.),
ownership) can be selectively published for users
discretion. For example, attributes such as
(x,y,z) position of a missile, and operation
names, such as fireTarget, are published by
users. All published data are then automatically
represented in XML and RDF data files as shown in
Figure 6. An index bitmap is also associated with the
registered model based on the weapon ontology
discussed in section 3.1.
Suppose the Mistral model has been developed
by army to analyze the effectiveness of short-range,
infrared ray missile in the anti-air warfare. Also,
suppose this model has been developed by C++ with
detailed dynamics and attributes (high resolution).
By matching this information with the weapon
ontology in Figure 2, the index bitmap of this model
is defined as 0010010010010010000000100.
This index bitmap is specified in the last row of the
RDF data file in Figure 6.
4.2 Semantic Search
Semantic search in OpenSIM is performed
throughout the three phases structure matching,
attribute matching and operation matching phase.
Suppose a modeller wants to reuse available missile
models that have been developed by army for
analyzing weapons effectiveness in anti-air warfare.
Suppose the modeller also wants to reuse short-
distance and infrared ray guided missiles. Figure 7
shows a wizard provided in OpenSIM to perform the
Reusing Simulation Models for Weapons Effectiveness Analysis
structure matching.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="EUC-KR"?>
<operationDescriptione>Calculates (x,y,z) to encounter a targer
(a) XML data file for Mistral weapon model in part
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="EUC-KR"?>
<Description about="Mistral.dll">
<dc:Subject>anti-air weapon</dc:Subject>
<dc: Fidelity>HIGH</dc:MultiFidelity>
<dc:Military> Army</dc:Army>
<dc:BitMap>001 001 001 0000000100 001 001</dc:BitMap>
(b) RDF data file of Mistral Model in part
Figure 6: Data files for registering weapon models.
Upon selecting the search criteria, such as military
organization, and warfare type, SQL query is
automatically generated in OpenSIM with the
corresponding index bitmap. Structure matching is
performed by the steps specified in section 3.3.
Table 1 summarizes structure matching results in
descending order. The three models with highest
structure matching score are selected for further
attributes and operations matching. Based on the
missile thesaurus dictionary, attributes with similar
meanings are grouped. In this example, KP-SAM,
Mistral, and 9K38 are selected from the structure
matching, and their attributes are cross-checked after
resolving their textual differences with the help of
the missile thesaurus dictionary. Figure 8 shows the
OpenSIM tool to show the results from the attributes
and operations matching. Based on the modelling
and simulation objectives, users can choose reusable
models that have desired attributes. Operation names
are also checked based on the thesaurus dictionary,
and operations with the similar meaning are grouped
for users to select reusable models. Detailed
descriptions on the operations are also available to
help users choose reusable models
Figure 7: OpenSIM wizard for Structure Matching.
Table1: Structure Matching Results in part (Top 10)
Index bitmap
Matching Score
001 001 001 001 010 0000000100
001 001 001 001 001 0000000100
9K38 Eaglar
001 001 001 010 001 0000000100
001 001 001 001 100 0001000000
001 000 001 010 100 0000010000
001 001 001 010 010 0000000010
001 001 000 100 100 0000101010
001 000 001 100 010 0000010000
001 010 100 001 100 0000100000
001 010 100 001 001 0000100000
SIMULTECH 2012 - 2nd International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and
Figure 8: Attributes and Operations Matching Results.
In this paper, we introduced a cloud repository in
OpenSIM for improving reusability of weapon
models. OpenSIM is an integrated modelling and
simulation environment to help users perform
weapons effectiveness analysis. OpenSIM provides
a set of tools and services to register and discover
reusable models. Weapon ontology has been
constructed to assist structure matching. Weapon
thesaurus dictionaries are also provided in OpenSIM
to resolve textual discrepancies appeared in the
names of attributes and operations. Reusable models
are recommended based on structure similarity,
attribute similarity and operation similarity. The
OpenSIM reuse repository is distributed over the
cloud computing environment. Weapon engineers
and simulation experts can cooperate easily by
accessing reusable weapon models in any places on
various operating and execution environment.
Although OpenSIM can successfully supports
semantic discovery of reusable models by
considering structure, attributes and operations
similarity, search results can be further improved by
considering more semantic information. So far, we
have dealt with Is-A and Has-A relationship between
models. However, various model relationships, such
as, part-of, relates-to, can be added for accurate
semantic discovery. We also would like to research
various metrics to properly quantify similarity
between models.
This work was supported by Defense Acquisition
Program Administration and Agency for Defense
Development under the contract UD080042AD,
Republic of Korea.
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Reusing Simulation Models for Weapons Effectiveness Analysis