10 12 14 16 18 20
Access budget(dB)
Figure 8: BER map of 6-wavelength setup.
budget of 46.8 dB.
The SCA arrangement consists of a delay interferom-
eter, a pair of circulators, and an SOA (see Figure
9). The delay interferometer demodulates the input
DPSK signal into a pair of complementary OOK sig-
nals that are coupled into the circulators, which direct
the opposite polarity signals through the SOA (Ter-
vonen et al., 2010). The signals are amplified while
they simultaneously traverse the SOA gain medium
from the opposite directions, and finally the signals
are coupled out via the circulators.
As discussed in (Tervonen et al., 2010), this arrange-
ment permits saturated SOA operation, which results
in the maximized output power, low ASE noise, and
virtual absence of pattern effects. In other words, the
common negatives of an SOA are effectively miti-
gated. We compared the performance when the SOA
was used in the conventional linear regime with the
SCA arrangement and found up to 10-dB power bud-
get improvement from a single output arm. When the
output doubling is taken in account, the power budget
improvement over the linear operation SOA rises up
Figure 9: TDM/WDM using SCA.
to 13 dB. In collaboration with Orange-France Tele-
com Labs we show in (Le et al., 2011) that the SCA
arrangement can even be used for amplification of
multiple simultaneous wavelengths without a notice-
able penalty. And the compatibility of the SCA for
reach extension of a commercial single-wavelength
XGPON1 system was experimentally demonstrated
(Saliou et al., 2011).
In this paper, a power budget extension scheme has
been shown. We demonstrated our scheme using
a SOA and one DLI. Optical budget extension of
46.8 dB with in a 10 Gbit/s TDM/WDM PON was
achieved. We showed that there is trade-off between
higher and lower values of the feeder budget. The ex-
periment performed for six-channel case, i.e., for total
transmission of 60 Gbit/s.
The SCA power extension method has been explained
in section 4. The SCA has not been investigated for 60
Gbit/s WDM/PON system. One of the future works
will be to investigate the difference between the sin-
gle SOA and the SCA setup. Additionally, the bit
rate will be increased to see the performance of the
proposed model. Furthermore, power equalization in
burst mode transmission in upstream case is under in-
vestigation in the laboratory.
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