In order to achieve multidisciplinary modelling, the
CT/DE domains in our case, different modelling
paradigms and tools are required. This section intro-
duces the basic technologies and concepts we used in
our approach.
2.1 Bond Graphs and VDM
Bond graphs (Paynter, 1961) are labeled and directed
graphs, in which vertices represent submodels, and
edges, called bonds, represent an ideal energy con-
nection between the submodels. Different than block
diagrams, the bonds in bond graphs also represent a
bi-directional connection. For different physical do-
mains, such bi-directional connections are specified
as voltage and current, force and velocity, etc. Bond
graphs are domain independent which means that sys-
tems from different physical domains (e.g. electrical,
mechanical, hydraulic, etc.) can be modelled using
the same type of graphs.
In our case, the 20-sim dynamic systema mod-
elling tool is used. It supports besides bond-graph
models also block-diagram models to cover the infor-
mation domain, which means that besides modelling
the CT part, it is also possible to model DE elements.
The Real-Time Vienna Development Method
(VDM-RT) (Bjorner and Jones, 1978) is an object-
oriented language and used for modelling and
analysing of real-time embedded systems from a
discrete-event point of view. It allows explicit mod-
elling of computation times on virtual networked pro-
cessors (Verhoef et al., 2006). Operations can be im-
plemented as periodic threads which run concurrently.
VDM-RT is supported by the Overture tool built on
top of the Eclipse platform and provides a textual en-
vironment to model the discrete-event aspect of em-
bedded control systems.
2.2 Co-simulation and Co-modelling
A precondition of co-modelling and co-simulation
CT/DE models is that two domain models must be
able to talk to each other and exchange information.
For a continuous-time simulation, the state of the sys-
tem changes continuously with respect to time. For
a discrete-event simulation, only the points in time
at which the discrete state of the system changes are
computed. The co-simulation engine supported by
the DESTECS tool is used to interact with the DE/CT
models to perform co-simulation. A synchronisation
scheme is the basis of the co-simulation engine, tak-
ing care of the simultaneous execution of DE and CT
Figure 1: Conceptual view of a co-model.
models and keeping their local simulation time syn-
chronised (Fitzgerald et al., 2012).
Information sharing is achieved by defining
shared variables, parameters and events in the co-
simulation contract (see Figure 1). For example, a
discrete-event controller may control the continuous-
time velocity of an automobile by writing a steering
signal to an actuator. The steering signal can then be
considered as a shared variable which is defined in
the contract. Each domain model is connected to the
contract by attaching to a model interface (i.e. IF).
A model interface defines the shared properties of the
model that can be accessed externally.
In order to support the co-simulation technique,
we propose a structuring mechanism for the devel-
opment of dynamic intensive embedded control sys-
tems. Our intention is to, besides promote collabora-
tive modelling and simulation, also streamlining the
co-model creation process and ensure cross-domain
model consistency when constructing a co-model.
To support efficient development of a reliable co-
model using co-simulation technique is the ultimate
goal of our approach. The ideal way of applying co-
modelling and co-simulation is to: (1) partition the
DE/CT parts of a system and assign them to domain
experts; (2) concurrently develop the DE/CT models
based on the same abstraction and assumptions of the
system thus no need to worry about inconsistencies
between them; (3) both models are finished or reach a
certain level of maturity at the same time, such that the
co-model can be constructed and simulated using co-
simulation; and finally, (4) analyse the co-simulation
result and apply stepwise refinement or detailed engi-
neering (Broenink et al., 2007) if necessary, see Fig-
ure 2.
However, most embedded control systems in real-
ity do not always contain evenly distributed complex-
ity on two domains. One side may be more obvious or
easier to abstract than the other. Especially for motion
control systems, the dynamic behaviours and con-
trol algorithms are often more important and complex