behavior, data dependencies, resource contention, etc.
The aim of the framework here is to provide a mecha-
nism for experimentation, where behavior models can
be iteratively refined for increased precision.
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resource behavior in distributed computing environ-
ments. We note a current lack of simulation toolkits
that encompass the dynamic behavior and resource
heterogeneity of such environments, and propose a
simulation model for combined discrete-time simula-
tion of resources and discrete-event simulation of vir-
tual infrastructures. In a brief performance evaluation
we demonstrate that the proposed approach is scal-
able and parallelizable, and discuss how the formu-
lation of (application and resource behavior) profiles
capture modeling of resource heterogeneity, variabil-
ity, and volatility.
The authors extend their gratitude to the anony-
mous reviewers for valuable feedback and interest-
ing discussions. This work is done in collaboration
with the High Performance Computing Center North
(HPC2N) and is funded by the Swedish Government’s
strategic research project eSSENCE.
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