Semi-dynamic Calibration for Eye Gaze Pointing System
based on Image Processing
Kohichi Ogata and Kohei Matsumoto
Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kumamoto University, 2-39-1 Kurokami, Kumamoto 860-8555, Japan
Eye Gaze, Iris, Calibration, Image Processing.
In this paper, we propose two semi-dynamic calibration methods for compensating for user’s head movements
for an eye gaze pointing system. Since the user perceives degradation in pointing accuracy during use, an
effective compensatory calibration by the user which does not require additional apparatus or high cost cal-
culation can be a useful solution for the problem. The proposed semi-dynamic calibration methods lead the
user to gaze at 1 or 3 points on the computer screen and reduce the gap between the true eye gaze direction
and the position of the mouse pointer. Experimental results showed that the proposed methods were capable
of pointing the mouse pointer within 20 pixels at a distance of about 60 cm between the user and the display.
Eye gaze interface systems have the potential to be
useful multimedia tools and related research and de-
velopment have been continued (Young and Sheena,
1975) (Hutchinson et al., 1989) (Wang and Sung,
2002). However, they still have not been spread to our
daily lives because of their expensiveness and com-
We have been developing an eye gaze detection
system by using image processing technique without
infrared light sources. In the system, the eye gaze di-
rection is estimated by detecting the center of the iris
from an eye image obtained with a miniature visible
light camera. The system is capable of a real-time
processing of 30 fps for 320 x 240 pixels with an ac-
curacy of 0.6 and 1.3 degrees in horizontal and verti-
cal directions, respectively (Yonezawa et al., 2008b)
(Yonezawa et al., 2008a) (Yonezawa et al., 2010).
In eye gaze detection systems, user’s head move-
ments during long-term use cause detection errors.
This problem causes unwanted positioning of the
mouse pointer in spite of user’s effort. Therefore,
compensation for the troublesome movements is nec-
essary to reduce the related errors. One of the solu-
tions of the problem is to monitor head related move-
ments with multiple cameras (Talmi and Liu, 1999)
(Yoo and Chung, 2005). Other method requires four
or more infrared light sources (Ko et al., 2008). How-
ever, a compensation method, which does not require
additional apparatus or calculation for direct detec-
tion of the head movements, can be a useful solu-
tion to prevent the system from being complex. In an
eye gaze driven mouse-pointing system, the user per-
ceives degradation in pointing accuracy through the
discrepancy between the true eye gaze direction and
the position of the mouse pointer. In this paper, we
propose two semi-dynamic calibration methods for
compensating for the discrepancy mainly caused by
user’s head movements.
2.1 System Configuration
Figure 1 shows an overview of the system. The sys-
tem consists of a small color video camera (Kyohritsu
JPPCM25F 1/3 inch CMOS 0.25 Mpixel) and a desk-
top computer (CPU: Pentium4 3.2 GHz, MEMORY:
1 GB, OS: Windows XP) with an image capture board
(ImaginationPXC200). The camera is attached on the
user’s goggles. A computer display and a 20-W fluo-
rescent table lamp are located in front of the user. A
chin support is used to produce a rest position.
2.2 Iris Center Detection and
Figure 2(a) shows an example of detecting the con-
tour of the iris from an eye image obtained with the
Ogata K. and Matsumoto K..
Semi-dynamic Calibration for Eye Gaze Pointing System based on Image Processing.
DOI: 10.5220/0004063602330236
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications and Wireless Information Networks and Systems
(SIGMAP-2012), pages 233-236
ISBN: 978-989-8565-25-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
camera. The two green arcs indicate parts of the iris
contour and the green dot indicates the center of the
iris. These are obtained by circular pattern match-
ing (Yonezawa et al., 2008b). Figure 2(b) shows five
calibration points to be shown on the display screen
in a calibration process in which a mapping function
between the detected iris centers and the calibration
points is calculated. In Figure 2(a), ve iris centers
which correspond to the five calibration points in Fig-
ure 2(b) are also shown as red dots.
Figure 3 shows an example of calibration vectors
as a mapping function. An eye gaze direction is es-
timated by linear interpolation using the detected iris
center and the calibration vectors on the eye image.
We used a calibration method by (Fukushima et al.,
Although a chin support is used as a positional refer-
ence and to reduce the head movements of the user, it
is necessary to introduce the mechanism of compen-
sation for the troublesome movements mainly caused
by the head movements into our system for long-term
use. Such a mechanism may lead the system which is
free from the chin support in the future.
Figures 4 and 5 show overviews of two proposed
semi-dynamic calibration methods. In the semi-
dynamic calibration shown in Figure 4 (Method 1),
three icons which correspond to three types of modi-
fication of the mapping function appear on the screen
after user’s eye blinking with intention. These three
icons correspond to expansion (left icon), parallel
translation (middle icon) and reduction (right icon)
of the mapping vectors shown in Figure 3, respec-
tively. The user can select an icon depending on the
mismatch between the present location of the mouse
pointer and one which the user intends to locate on
the screen. In this Method 1, the mapping function
60 cm
Fluorescent lamp
Figure 1: Overview of the eye gaze pointing system.
is modified globally, i.e., on the whole of the display
In contrast, in the semi-dynamic calibration
shown in Figure 5 (Method 2), two calibration vec-
tors which cover one of the quarter areas having an
eye gaze point are modified. In this case, since the
rough eye gaze point on the screen is known, two vec-
tors to be modified can be automatically determined.
This modification mode is activated by the user’s eye
blinking with intention and the user gazes at three
points which form the beginning and end points of
the two calibration vectors. This method modifies
the mapping function locally and requires less pro-
Iris center
a b
d c
Figure 2: Detection of the contour of the iris and target
points in the calibration.
Figure 3: Example of calibration vectors as a mapping func-
Figure 4: Semi-dynamic calibration for global modification
of the mapping function (Method 1).
Mouse pointer!
Figure 5: Semi-dynamic calibration for local modification
of the mapping function (Method 2).
cedure steps than Method 1. The user can activate the
two modification modes above at any time by the eye
blinking of one second or above.
Experiments for evaluating the proposed methods
were performed for five subjects with normal eye-
sight. The experimental setup is the same as Fig-
ure 1. A 17-inch display with 1024 x 768 pixels
was placed in front of the subject at a distance of
about 60 cm. Figure 6 shows flowcharts of the ex-
periments. The experiments consist of three stages:
Experiment I, II and III. In Experiment I, the usual
calibration was performed and the related parameters
were stored for later use in Experiment II and III. Af-
ter the calibration, the subject was asked to free his or
her head from the chin support and to place it again.
After that, the subject was asked to gaze at 25 target
points that randomly appear one after another on the
screen. In Experiment I, a mouse pointer was not dis-
played on the screen to evaluate the original accuracy
of the eye gaze detection with avoiding user’s adjust-
ment. The accuracy for each target point was calcu-
lated from image data of 30 frames after the subject
pressing a space key on the keyboard. The experi-
ment was followed by Experiment II and III and the
stored calibration parameters were used at the begin-
ning of each experiment to reproduce the same cali-
bration condition as Experiment I. After that, the sub-
ject was asked to move the mouse pointer to 25 target
points that randomly appear one after another. The
pointing accuracy for each target point was calculated
from image data of 30 frames in the same way in Ex-
periment I. In experiment II and III, the subjects used
the semi-dynamic calibration Method 1 and 2 respec-
tively, when necessary.
Figure 7 shows examples of pointing accuracy for
Subject 3. In each figure, the arrangement of the 25
target points on the screen is shown as red dots. The
estimated eye gaze points based on the iris detection
are shown as mesh points. Figure 7 (a) shows ex-
tremely large errors and suggests that it is extremely
difficult to place the pointer because of the large dis-
crepancy even if the pointer is displayed. In contrast,
both the semi-dynamic calibration methods Figure 7
(b) and (c) show quite good pointing accuracy.
Table 1 shows the pointing accuracy for all the
subjects. Each value shows the average over the 25
target points. These results suggest that the pointing
accuracy using the semi-dynamic calibration methods
is within 20 pixels in distance which is enough for
pointing an icon in regular size. The average num-
Detection of the iris center!
Head movements!
Detection of eye-gaze!
Detection of the iris center!
Pointing by eye-gaze!
Parameters in Experiment I is used!
Experiment I!
Experiment II and III!
Figure 6: Flowcharts for experiments.
bers of applying the method for all the subjects were
8.4 and 7.2 times for Method 1 and 2, respectively.
Questionnaires for assessing the usability showed the
easiness and effectiveness of the proposed methods.
In this paper, semi-dynamic calibration methods for
eye gaze pointing system were proposed for compen-
sation for user’s head movements. Experimental re-
sults showed that the proposed methods were capable
of pointing the mouse pointer within 20 pixels at a
distance of about 60 cm between the user and the dis-
play. These results suggest that the proposed methods
are effective solutions with a reasonable accuracy in
practical use preventing the system from being com-
plex with additional apparatus or calculation for direct
detection of the head movements.
Table 1: Results of pointing accuracy.
Accuracy [pixels]
@ Method 1 Method 2
Subjects Horizontal Vertical Distance Horizontal Vertical Distance
Subject 1 10.8 10.9 17.2 10.2 10.8 16.1
Subject 2 7.6 9.5 13.5 7.2 10.8 14.5
Subject 3 12.7 11.8 19.3 5.5 9.8 12.1
Subject 4 10.9 10.5 16.6 9.5 10.9 16.3
Subject 5 16.9 14.5 25.1 15.7 18.6 28.6
Average 11.8 11.4 18.3 9.6 12.2 17.5
(a) Without semi-dynamic calibration!
(b) With semi-dynamic calibration Method 1!
(c) With semi-dynamic calibration Method 2!
Figure 7: Examples of pointing accuracy for Subject 3.
Part of this work was supported by Grant-in-Aid for
Scientific Research (C) from the Ministry of Educa-
tion, Science, Sports and Culture, Japan.
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