Identifying Emerging Technologies in the e-Business Industry
A Needs-driven Approach
Kyungpyo Lee
, Youngkeun Song
and Sungjoo Lee
Department of Industrial Engineering, Ajou University, San 5, Woncheon-Dong,
Yeongtong-Gu Suwon 443-749, Republic of Korea
Technology Strategy Research Division, ETRI, 218 Gajeong-Ro, Yousung-Gu, Daejeon 305-700, Republic of Korea
Keywords: Mobile Communications, Technological Characteristics, Market Characteristics, Emerging Technology,
Methodology, Applications.
Abstract: Over the last few years, there have been huge efforts to forecast the technological future and emerging
technologies, as an attempt to increase R&D efficiency within a limited budget. Therefore, this research
purposes to develop a methodology for identifying new and promising technologies and apply it to the field
of e-business. Unlike the previous studies taking a technology-driven approach, we take a needs-driven
approach starting from future needs and derive a necessary technology to meet the needs. For this purpose,
we firstly consider the future major using STEEP analysis. Secondly, the prospective social needs are
derived from each major issue and then, the technologies required to meet the core needs are deduced to be
a candidate of emerging technologies. Finally, the candidate technologies are evaluated from the viewpoint
of feasibility and issues-relatedness, based on which the top 10 most important emerging technologies are
determined. The suggested methodology is expected to be utilized as a valuable tool for discovering
emerging technologies when considering IT is evolved not only in the form of technology-driven but also in
the form of market-driven.
In order to have competitiveness in an environment
of rapidly changing science, it is important to
monitor the development of existing technology and
to discover new and promising technologies
(Wheatley and Wilemon, 1999). That is, it is
necessary for a firm to establish a technology
development strategy through emerging technology
forecasting to gain a competitive advantage while
utilizing limited resources. At the national level,
drilling and excavation technologies for the future
are also significant in realizing the vision of the
future society. At the center of discovering
promising technology, are changes in consumer
demand and the social environment in the future. In
addition to the prospective changes, the speed and
directions of technologies are considered to forecast
future technology (Martino, 1975).
Such technology forecasting and emerging
technology exploration efforts have been actively
made across many industry sectors. Among them, it
is the IT (Information Technology) sector where the
most active forecasting activities are observed. With
the latest advances in technology and the fast pace
changes that take place in the field of IT every day,
technology forecasting is an essential part of
business in the field for a firm to survive and to
remain competitive.
Looking at the methodologies commonly used
for identifying emerging technologies in the IT
sector, they seem to be divided into two types. First
one is utilizing professionals, which is the method
used by Delphi, AHP, and Panel of Experts (Dietz,
1987). The second one is to use predictive
technologies to derive trends from technical
quantitative data, for example, patents and papers
(Harhoff et. al., 2003). Despite the usefulness of
these approaches, however, most of the existing
studies have had difficulties incorporating the point
of view of users who want to practically use
technology, considering that most of the previous
methodologies are based on predictions from a
technological standpoint. Particularly in e-business,
which was created by the advances in IT, though its
evolution is highly affected by IT itself, the needs of
Lee K., Song Y. and Lee S..
Identifying Emerging Technologies in the e-Business Industry - A Needs-driven Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0004065903270334
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Communication Networking, e-Business and Optical Communication Systems (ICE-B-2012),
pages 327-334
ISBN: 978-989-8565-23-5
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
main actors in the business also affect significantly
the direction of technology evolution.
Therefore, this study proposes an approach to
reflecting the needs of the market for exploring
emerging technologies in the e-business industry.
We use both qualitative and quantitative methods to
identify the top 10 most important technologies in
the e-business and also provide an illustrative
example to verify the feasibility of our approach.
The research outputs are expected to contribute to
the development of technology forecasting
methodology and emerging business opportunities
methodology. Also, the study results will support
strategic and policy decisions in the e-business
industry by providing guidelines for the R&D
planning and business strategy to determine
priorities of technology development. These days, e-
business is being used in the society as a whole.
Social trends of various aspects and needs of future
users are emerging. This reflects the fact that
demand-based forecasting has become important. In
this regard, we believe this study may be very timely.
This study suggests a foundation for developing a
methodology for exploring emerging technologies.
For this purpose, a definition of emerging
technology is given and the previous approaches to
technology forecasting in the e-business sector (IT
field) are examined.
2.1 Emerging Technology
Despite the concept of emerging technologies being
understood, a sound definition is difficult to find.
Various studies from different perspectives have
tried to define emerging technology.
First, research on emerging technologies in
recent years has seen rapid growth (Corrocher et al.,
2003; Porter et al., 2002). It is a useful concept to
identify, as scientific technology about reasonable
prospects such as speed and direction as well as the
scope of technological advances is important to
predict in coming years; in fact, emerging research is
a guideline for evaluation. Second, emerging
technology is a transfer or change in technology that
is in process. These transfers or changes may be
incremental or radical, and they can be difficult to
determine (Day and Shoemaker, 2000; Porter et al.,
2002; Hung and Chu, 2006). Finally, an emerging
technology gradually increases reliance on basic
science (Day and Shoemaker, 2000). Recently, it
seems to have become a topic viewed in a positive
light. It is described as “the newly emerging
technology” (Kontostathis et al., 2003).
Synthesizing existing research on emerging
technologies and considering the characteristics of e-
business, emerging technologies is defined as the
technologies in the introductory stage to be
promising in the mid-and long-term perspective of
10 years, as seen in the country and social issues,
and as reflected among worldwide leaders in the e-
business industry in this research.
2.2 Emerging Technology Mining
To examine the efforts of emerging technology
mining in the field of e-business, we examined the
efforts in the field of IT by taking technological
perspectives. Currently, various methodologies have
been developed in the IT fields, but mainly from a
technology standpoint. Interestingly, in the IT fields,
many attempts have been made to discover emerging
technology based on quantitative data. First, the
filing of patents and publications is rich in the field,
which is essential to take a data-driven approach.
Second, because the technology life cycle is short,
changes can be easily detected from the data. Finally,
quantitative analysis is relatively easy in terms of
cost and effort.
The relevant studies can be grouped into three
categories depending on the type of data being used.
The first category is based on the citation data.
Carpenter et. al. (1981), Albert et. al. (1991),
Harhoff et. al. (1999), and many other studies have
been conducted in this field. The second category
uses the growth trends in patents and publications.
The work by Carrocher et. al. (2003) is
representative. To derive emerging technologies in
the field of information and communications, two
periods, 1995-96 and 1998-99 were examined using
patents. The third type reflects composite indicators,
as in work by Harhoff et. al (2003).
Qualitative techniques in the field of IT include
the Delphi and scenario techniques. First, in case of
the Delphi technique, it is easy to predict long-term
time series data or forecasts for a wide range of
technical areas due to high utilization in the industry
(Dietz, 1987). Second, a scenario that describes the
future potential of complex information enables
policy-makers to understand its advantages (Kees,
Previous studies examined emerging technology
patents in the process of selection techniques such as
Delphi and most often approached the issue from the
perspective of technical and systematic analysis of
ICE-B 2012 - International Conference on e-Business
the actual needs in the industry. In this study, the
technical standpoint could not derive the hunt for
technology from the public's needs; quantifying
qualitative data to derive an emerging technology
process was applied.
3.1 Research Framework
The proposed emerging technology mining process
consists of four phases in this study (see Figure 1).
First, identifying future issues (Step 1) involves
identifying mega-trends of the future through
extensive literature review (research paper, outlook
report) from the point of STEEP (Social,
Technological, Economic, Environmental, Political)
views. As a result, we note that issues of necessity
will rise over the next ten years.
Figure 1: Research Framework.
Second, identifying needs for the issues (Step 2)
includes a variety of perspectives among several
users, such as the state, community, family and the
private user. We note that needs are driven by the
pursuit of the ultimate goal. These goals include a
safe life, a convenient life, or a comfortable life ten
years from now.
Third, to identify technologies for these needs
(Step 3) core issues and needs of the future are
determined by a questionnaire based on the results
of Step 2 (needs technology set). We derived
element technologies for the realization of core
needs, referring to the technical architecture that has
already been developed and is being used in the e-
business sector. We develop a final technology set in
which the elemental technologies were merged.
Finally, prioritization of candidate technologies
(Step 4) involves analyzing 'issues relatedness' about
candidates of emerging technologies using QFD
(Quality Function Deployment). We evaluated
'Feasibility' using the cross-impact analysis in the e-
business sector and derived final emerging
3.2 Detailed Process
3.2.1 Identifying Future Issues
The point of view of STEEP has the advantage of
helping the mixed comprehension across all over the
external spectrum in the macro view. Thus, it is easy
to determine the candidates of emerging
technologies for solving issues that develop
primarily from the mega trends of the future as
candidate technologies for mining in the e-business
sector. We determined the issues of the future
through an extensive literature review from the point
of view STEEP, as we approached the review from a
variety of viewpoints of how all aspects of e-
business are changing.
3.2.2 Identifying Needs for the Issues
Next, we derived relevant needs at the level of the
issues. Needs are derived from each issue in pursuit
of a 'safe life', a 'convenient life' or a 'comfortable
life' from the point of view of the 'private user',
'family' and 'community'. Specifically, the needs are
determined by the general public, not experts, for ten
years from now. Therefore, the questionnaire is
expressed as 'Needs about new product and services'
or 'Needs about improvement of existing services'.
The needs draft is derived through brain storming. If
necessary, a FGI (Focus Group Interview) is
performed by general people. Or, we could refer to
the proposed scenario of the future in several
organizations abroad.
Identifying Emerging Technologies in the e-Business Industry - A Needs-driven Approach
3.2.3 Identifying Technologies for the Needs
Next, we derive core issues and needs through
general population based on the determined needs
set (3.2.2 result). This section considers the most
important issues and needs that the general
population foresees; it is difficult to satisfy all issues
and needs that are deduced from emerging
technologies. So, unlike previous studies, we took a
survey of the general population, not experts. This is
the best feature for an approach based on needs, not
We determine the needs technology from the
derived core issues and needs through a survey of
the general population. Needs technology, which
primarily satisfies needs, is referred to as the
technology tree. The technical experts and the
industry experts are involved in this stage. Finally,
we merge the technologies by needs and eliminate
overlapping technologies. Thus, we determine the
candidates for emerging technology.
3.2.4 Prioritizing Candidate Technologies
In this section, we determine the final emerging
technology through detailed analysis about
candidates for emerging technology. The
assessments used are the two viewpoints of 'Issues
relatedness' and 'Feasibility'. By synthesizing the
evaluation of these results, the priorities of
candidates are set.
First, 'Issues relatedness' refers to assessing the
correspondence between core issues and each
technology. If technology is relevant to a variety of
issues, the score of Issues relatedness is higher. We
proposed use of 'Linking grid' methodology (see
Table 1) for the evaluation of the correspondence of
When considering the weight of the issues, the
proposed linking grid is measured according to the
'Issues relatedness' of technology by the level of
relationship between the technologies and the issues.
Table 1 shows the correspondence evaluation matrix;
the horizontal axis represents core issues and the
vertical axis represents needs technology. We assess
the relationship between needs technologies and
issues on the matrix by 7-point (very strong
association: 7 points, very weak association: 1 point).
The weight of the core issues was retrieved from the
survey results of the general population. We
evaluate the 'Issues relatedness' of candidates of
needs technology by multiplying the correspondence
by the weight of each core issue.
Table 1: Correspondence evaluation of issue.
Second, 'Feasibility' involves assessing the
realistic possibility of each technology in ten years.
If the realistic possibility is high, the score of
feasibility is high. We use the evaluations of experts
to determine the feasibility and the cross impact
analysis that reflects the relationship between
technologies. The realization of e-business
correlation techniques, by nature, has a great effect
on the realization of other technologies. Thus, in the
feasibility analysis of technology, we assess the
feasibility of each technology. This is significant as
it reflects the conditional probability assessment that
when development of any kind of technology is
successful, the probability of development of other
technology is increased.
In addition, we used a 7-point evaluation index
for the evaluation of 'Issues relatedness'(very strong
independent feasibility: 7 points, very weak
independent feasibility: 1 point; 'A technology' has a
strong influence on 'B technology': 7 points, 'A
technology' has a weak influence on 'B technology':
1 point). Table 2 shows the cross-impact analysis
utilized in this study. The value of cell (i, j) in the
matrix means that When development of 'i
technology' is successful, the success probability of
development of 'j technology' increases. The value
of the independence row means that the realization
probability of 'i technology' is disregarded in its
effect of other technology.
Table 2: Cross-impact Analysis.
As 'Issues relatedness' and 'feasibility' results are
normalized, the highest score is '1' and the lowest
score is '0' on each score. We are multiplying both
results and valued importance of candidates in the
higher order. The top 10 technologies according to
the previous results are derived as the final emerging
ICE-B 2012 - International Conference on e-Business
This section proposes the process of emerging
technology mining in E-business. However, the
scope of the study is limited to illustrative examples
in the wireless communication technologies field
among e-business infrastructure technology, because
we verify the validity and applicability of the
proposed method. Up to now, we have progressed to
step 2 in practice. Step 3 includes a hypothetical
case for how to apply the proposed process.
4.1 Future Issues
In S.T.E.E.P, deriving the issue of the future through
extensive literature review is performed as follows
(see table 3). The result can be summarized in three
mega trends, such as The change in population
structure and human relations, The progress of
the knowledge Based network society and The
emergence of new, fusion, energy and eco
Table 3: Issue mining results.
Future issue
Changes in population structure
Network society
Virtual intelligent space
Fusion Hybrid technology
Emotional consumption
Knowledge-based economy
Changes in labor market
Climate change and environmental
The energy crisis
Prolongation of life technology
Changes in corporate governance
Increased safety risk
Civil Integration
We draw 30 sub-issues from issues of Table 3.
We separated the sub-issues into three sections and
ten parts for the convenience of needs mining. The
results are attached to Appendix 1.
4.2 Future Needs
Next, we draw the needs of the market from sub-
issues. However, it is difficult to do so for all 30
sub-issues. Therefore, we grouped sub-issues that
were judged to have high similarity in needs into 10
sections, and needs are derived by grouping category.
Table 4 shows an example of the future needs
drawn in the Health/Welfare/Senior/Women section
that include increase in older people, increase in
consumption related to safety/wellness, increase in
natural disasters and disease threats, increase in new
health hazards, and real-time medical/diagnostic
Table 4: Example results of needs mining.
Safe life
Convenient life
Comfortable life
- Assistive
services for
seniors /
- Accidents
and risk
- Smart mobiles
and applications
for silver IT
- Mobiles and
services for
- Secretary mobiles
and services for
seniors / disabled
- Mobiles and
applications for
- Mobiles
and services
for location
- Emergency
detection and
system in
- Information
between family
- As a partner in
life, a robot
services for home
- Smart home,
Tablet PC
- Smart home
monitoring and
control services
- Wireless
- Unmanned
- Wireless
service for
improvements of
seniors / disabled
- Silver town
operating system
- Management
system for the
4.3 Emerging Technology Candidates
We carried out a survey targeting five hundred of the
general population for core issues and needs of
future mining. The survey was undertaken by a
professional research firm and was held during the
week of January 19-26, 2012. The survey represents
the demographic characteristics of Korea. Also, we
performed screening for suitable respondents
through a few questions in advance due to the nature
of the survey, because it required basic
understanding of E-business products and services
Identifying Emerging Technologies in the e-Business Industry - A Needs-driven Approach
and the ability of a panoramic view of the future
Upon investigation, nine core issues and three
core needs of each core issue at the level of sub-
issues were derived. Table 5 shows the core issues
and needs.
Table 5: Example results of core issues and needs.
Core issues
Core needs
tion and the
change of
Personalized service and intelligence
Implementation of the emotion recognition
fusion and
Smart Vehicle Service
Implementation of Smart City (including
smart home / building / transportation)
U-health healthcare services for real-time
health service
Primary, wireless technologies are derived to satisfy
each need based on drawing core needs. At this
stage, several principles are important. First, this
should well reflect the context of emerging
technology mining. In other words, in this case, we
should infer belonging to a relevant technology part
and consider satisfying the needs of the wireless
technology in the E-business field. Second, we must
consider the technology for the gratification of the
needs in ten years. So, we should be careful of
technology mining in the short term. Third,
technology satisfies specific needs and needs to
express generalized technology. It is necessary to
consider integrated technology that is derived from
needs later. Therefore, we draw specialized
technology for needs and change the type of
generalization. Table 6 shows results of technology
mining regarding Personalized service and
intelligence equipment in Personalization and the
change of values.
Table 6: Example results of technology mining.
d service
Location and context-
aware service platform
technology for
personalized services
Location and context-
aware service platform
Stand-alone signaling and
configuration for power
control for continuing to
receive user information
Stand-alone signaling
and configuration for
power control
This step is necessary to domain knowledge about
technologies and industries because it is performed
through an expert survey. Finally, 20 generalized
technologies, in other words, candidates of emerging
technologies are derived.
4.4 Emerging Technologies
Finally, we evaluated “issues relatedness and
“feasibility for the 20 candidates of emerging
Table 7 is a part of issue-relatedness evaluation.
First, we wrote the weight of each issue in the
evaluation matrix. 43.4, for example, is the weight
of Issue 1 and 18.5 is the weight of Issue 9.
Next, we analyzed the correlation between
technology and issue. Responsiveness by issue of
needs 1, for example, means that is closely related to
Issue 1 and is not closely related to Issue 9
because Issue 1 is the 7-point and Issue 9 is the
1-point. We multiplied weight by issue and summed
up issue-relatedness in each technology for the total
score. Normalized, the highest score is 1 and the
lowest score is 0.
Table 7: A part of issue-relatedness evaluation.
Next, Table 8 is a cross-impact analysis result for
candidates of emerging feasibility evaluation. We
wrote down the feasibility of each technology in the
evaluation matrix. We used a 7-point scale, the
response to the feasibility, for ease of response and
to assign the appropriate probability according to the
barometer(1 point-0, 2 point-1/6, 3 point-1/3, 4
point-1/2, 5 point-2/3, 6 point 5/6, 7 point-1). For
example, the probability of technology 1’s feasibility
is 2/3.
Next, we measured cross-impact between
technologies. We used a 7-point scale and converted
to probability. The value of the cell (1, 20) is 5/6.
This means that the probability of realizing
technology 20 is the same as that of realizing
technology 1. With a completed matrix, we could
derive the probability of realizing (total score) to
consider cross-impacts between technology. The
probability of realizing technology 1, for example, is
0.67 without regard to relation to other technology.
However, it rises to 0.82 when considering relations
with other technology. Finally, as for issue-
relatedness, it is normalized; the highest score is 1
and the lowest score is 0.
ICE-B 2012 - International Conference on e-Business
Table 8: A part of technology feasibility evaluation.
Total score
We synthesized the results of assessments, issue-
relatedness evaluation, and cross-impact analysis.
The top 10 technologies according to total scores are
derived as final emerging technology.
This study uses the needs-driven approach to find
future emerging technologies. The contribution of
this study is twofold. First, this study has
significance in the proposal of emerging technology
mining that is important to the social needs of
industry, including the e-business industry. This
methodology is judged as useful as it applies in
evolving technologies based on needs. Second, this
study uses the 'qualitative technique', such as future
needs mining based on users, for the emerging
technology mining process. The 'qualitative
technique' is also used in, the correspondence
evaluation of technology. The objectivity of this
study increased compared to our previous study
based on discussions with experts. The strategic
value also increased compared to our study based on
the database of scientific techniques.
Despite these contributions, this study has some
limitations. First, this study requires advanced
methodology due to the earlier studies of emerging
technology mining in the e-business industry.
Through the variety of information collection and
processing, we will forecast and design our system
so as not to end the study in a one-time effort. At the
same time, the system should be designed by the
study for the creation of new information. Second,
we applied only part of the proposed whole
methodology in the application of this study.
Becoming an emerging technology requires
'Economic feasibility', 'Technical feasibility' and
'Suitability' in addition to 'Issues relatedness'. Thus,
further research needs to be applied to various
processes. Finally, we used a needs driven approach,
but we need to flesh out the possibility of a
methodology to integrate a technologies-driven
approach. Recently, an attempt was made to
continue to identify a hidden signal early in the
technical trend using the database of widespread
scientific techniques. Thus, it is very meaningful to
identifying emerging technologies in the e-business
industry that are used to integrate surveys and patent
This research was supported by Basic Science
Research Program through the National Research
Foundation of Korea(NRF) funded by the Ministry
of Education, Science and Technology(No.2009-
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Table 9: Sub-issues results.
List of sub-issues
Daily life
Increase in older people
Increase in consumption related to safety/wellness
Increase in natural disasters and disease threats
Increase in new health hazard
Spread real-time medical/diagnostic services
The personalization and the change of values
Due to globalization, the spread of cultural
Increase in global activity through IT technologies
Diversification of consumption patterns and
expansion of emotion-based service
The transition to the mobile economy
Increase in global cooperation activities
Activation of Smart Work
The need for creative talent
The beyond learning society
The beyond human relations
The rise of the virtual space based on extreme
Technology development for the expansion of
cognitive ability
The expansion of intelligent networks all things
The market growth of artificial intelligence
Technology convergence and synergy
The growth of knowledge-intensive industries
The realization of Resource recycling society
The proliferation of smart grid
The utilization of renewable energy
State &
social part
Deepening polarization of social and economic
Increase in transparency
The proprietary of power and information
Deepening of protectionism of the domestic
Civil Integration
ICE-B 2012 - International Conference on e-Business