A Mobile Information System for Improved Navigation
in Public Transport
User Centered Design, Development, Evaluation and e-Business Scenarios
of a Mobile Roadmap Application
Bernhard Peischl
, Martina Ziefle
and Andreas Holzinger
Softnet Autstria, Inffeldgasse 16b/II, A-8010 Graz, Austria
Human Technology Centre, RWTH Aachen University, Theaterplatz 14, D-52056 Aachen, Germany
Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Documentation, Research Unit Human-Computer Interaction,
Medical University Graz, A-8036 Graz, Austria
Keywords: Mobile User Interfaces, User-centered Design, Ubiquity, m-Business Models.
Abstract: End-user friendly interface design is of tremendous importance for the success of mobile applications which
are of increasing interest in the e-Business area. In this paper, we present an empirical evaluation of a
mobile information system for improving navigation of public transport. High air pollution and respiratory
dust, along with other threats to environmental conditions in urban areas, make the use of public transport
system less and less a matter of choice. The central hypothesis of this study is that useful, useable and
accessible navigation contributes towards making public transport systems more attractive.
Public transport is crucial to the liveability of any
urban area. Millions of journeys are made on trains,
trams and buses every day. However the social,
economic and environmental benefits extend beyond
those who use it regularly. The advantages of public
transport include social, economic and most of all
environmental issues (e.g. air pollution, respiratory
dust etc.) which is definitely a big issue (Nel, 2005).
Consequently, it is commonly accepted, that the
environmental impact of increasing transport
volumes can be significantly reduced by
environmentally-friendly public transport systems
(Kroon and Schoebel, 2012). In order to reach such
goals, public transport systems must be made much
more attractive to the end-user. A highly important
issue is to make navigability not only attractive, but
useful and usable (Ziefle et al., 2012).
In this paper we introduce a novel end-user friendly
mobile roadmap application and discuss challenges,
design, development and evaluation of the mobile
user-interface and propose a revenue model for the
app. Section 2 introduces our app in detail and in
Section 3 we report on its empirical evaluation.
Section 4 discusses revenue e-Business models and
Section 5 concludes this article.
Worldwide sales of mobile devices totaled 440.5
million units in the third quarter of 2011, up 5.6
percent from the same period last year, according to
Gartner.Smartphone sales to end users reached 115
million units in the third quarter of 2011, up 42
percent from the third quarter of 2010 and accounted
26 percent of all mobile phone sales. In the third
quarter of 2011, Android OS accounted 52.5% of
worldwide smartphone sales to end users (compared
to 25.3% a year earlier) whereas Symbian accounted
16.9% (36.3% a year earlier), iOS accounted 15.0%
(16.6 a year earlier) and Research In Motion
accounted 11.0% (15.4% a year earlier) according to
Gartner (Gartner, 2011). The majority of
smartphones are tailored toward the business-to-
consumer (B2C) market, the predominant input
technique for mobile devices is the multi-touch
concept (Wang and Ren, 2009).
Moreover, a press release from IDC in
September 2011 stated: By 2015, more U.S. Internet
users will access the Internet through mobile devices
than through PCs or other wireless devices. As
smartphones begin to outsell simpler feature phones,
and as tablet sales explode, the number of mobile
Internet users will grow by a compound annual
Peischl B., Ziefle M. and Holzinger A..
A Mobile Information System for Improved Navigation in Public Transport - User Centered Design, Development, Evaluation and e-Business Scenarios
of a Mobile Roadmap Application.
DOI: 10.5220/0004068402170221
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Communication Networking, e-Business and Optical Communication Systems (ICE-B-2012),
pages 217-221
ISBN: 978-989-8565-23-5
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
growth rate of 16.6% between 2010 and 2015.
A user employs the roadmap application for tasks
such as requesting the current timetable and buying
tickets: Table 1 lists the use case for buying a ticket.
In designing the user interface we followed
standard usability engineering methods (Holzinger,
The user interface of the application has been
improved iteratively. In the following we discuss the
most notable steps in designing the user interface.
We started with a Spinner layout and improved this
design incrementally. This new view also (in case of
a successful route request) automatically adds the
entered entry into a list, which automatically
suggests this location or station when the first letters
are entered (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Auto-complete view.
A further step in improving the user interface
was the redesign of the results page (see Figure 2).
Compared to the original version of the results
page, this view is much easier to understand, it also
information about the number of stops, the
duration of the trip, the departure and arrival time
plus the types of transportation used for this route.
Regarding the result page outlined in Figure 2, the
trip would consist of a short sidewalk, a train- and a
tram trip.
To evaluate the usability of the roadmap application
Table 1: Use case buying a ticket.
Buy a Train Ticket
Internet access available
Departure and destination
location are valid
Name for the ticket
Desired departure and
destination information
Number of persons, desired
A name
Selection of class (1
or 2
Confirmation message from
to the service
1. User selects to buy a train
ticket (Menu Buy train
2. User enters desired
3. User sends request
4. User receives confirmation
5. User has to answer to this
message to receive a valid
Figure 2: Results pages.
the System Usability Scale (SUS) was performed
(Brooke et al., 1996). This is a simple and short, 10
question based survey, which asks the users about
their general feelings about the application
(complex, cumbersome, easy to use etc.). The SUS
test can also be used to review systems, webpages
and mobile systems, see e.g. (Holzinger et al., 2011).
The user questionnaire consists of 10 questions,
where odd-numbered items worded positively and
even-numbered items worded negatively. The
questions are as follows:
1. I think that I would like to use this system
2. I found the system unnecessarily complex.
3. I thought the system was easy to use.
4. I think that I would need the support of a
ICE-B 2012 - International Conference on e-Business
technical person to be able to use this system.
5. I found the various functions in this system
were well integrated.
6. I thought there was too much inconsistency in
this system.
7. I would imagine that most people would learn to
use this system very quickly.
8. I found the system very cumbersome to use.
9. I felt very confident using the system.
10. I needed to learn a lot of things before I could
get going with this system.
The test was performed with 20 randomly
selected people from the campus of Graz University
of Technology. The average user age was 25 years
(min: 19; max: 32); 6 female, 14 male; Figure 4
illustrates the results obtained from our survey.
The results gained from the survey show that the
roadmap application has an above average usability
rating. An average rating has been abstracted from
over 500 studies, where the average SUS score has
been 68 (Measuring Usability, 2010). The value
representative for comparing it to other applications
or usability studies is 80.75, which is definitely
above average. From the perspective of an observer,
most of the users felt very confident with the system.
Also positive credit was gained for this project and
this work.
Some users directly downloaded the application
to their phone to start using it on a regular basis.
Considering the download statistics, it is notable that
the number of users is growing constantly (17.421
by September 2011, see Figure 3).
Figure 3: Continuous growth of the number of users.
In building up a business case around our app we
differentiate between three different models of
revenue creation. Further, to increase the awareness
level of the availability of such an application, social
media may be used as a low-cost facility for
Free App with Advertisements: Advertising is
a controlled form used by an identified sponsor to
deliver messages (text-based, image-based, etc.) to
consumer, in an effort to influence and persuade
them to take some action (buy, try, talk about, etc.)
in relation to the sponsor’s products and/or services
(Brenner et al., 2008).
Mobile advertising therefore makes use of
mobile devices. Instead printing or presenting
advertisements on large screens, mobile phone users
(users of PDAs, smartphones, handhelds or tablet
PCs) are used as potential customers.
Advertisements are presented within applications or
on websites, which directly address desired end-
users. Mobile advertising is an important factor and
makes use of both, the advertising and the software
business. As mentioned in (Information Gatekeepers
Inc., 2007), mobile advertising presents a unique
opportunity to directly interact with customers.
One example is Google Ad Mob (Mobile
Advertising, Ad Mob, 2010). Google provides
developers with an API, which allows easy access to
millions of merchants which can select, where, how
and which customers (age, country, gender) the
advertising is meant for. This can also be used to
strengthen the customer loyalty (i.e. cross selling by
local vendors). Local customer retention has been
analysed in more detail in (Bulander, 2007) and
context sensitive marketing strategies are discussed
in (Bulander et al., 2005).
Making services monetarily free could be highly
beneficial for government sectors, educational
institutions, and non-profit organizations
(Gangadharan et al., 2010). The implications of free
services are discussed in (Gangadharan et al., 2010).
Non-free App: In addition to the free app (that
comes with advertisements), an advanced version of
the app can be provided. Besides of further
improvements and convenience functions, this app
comes with no advertisements. However, the user
needs to buy this app instead of downloading it for
Royalty Fee: As our app allows one for buying
tickets on the fly, this offers another opportunity for
revenue generation. Today there are various ways
for electronic payment. For example, micro
payments can be executed via credit card, mobile
phone bill or Paypal.
Whenever a ticket is purchased, the user is charged
with a small fee. Compared to the ticket price, this
royalty fee is almost negligible, but for a bigger
number of users, the generated revenue may be
Most notably, the three strategies discussed
above can be combined as they do not exclude each
other: The app can be offered for free and for the
A Mobile Information System for Improved Navigation in Public Transport - User Centered Design, Development,
Evaluation and e-Business Scenarios of a Mobile Roadmap Application
Figure 4: The Evaluation results.
enhanced version without advertisements it is liable
to pay some fee. Further, a royalty fee when buying
a ticket can be charged to the user for both models.
Thus we can achieve a kind of diversification in the
strategy of generating revenues and thus reduce the
overall risk in generating adequate revenues. This is
particularly important for Small and Medium-sized
Enterprises (SMEs).
In general, it seems to be a widely accepted
notion that play an important economic and social
role and often contribute to innovation. But at the
present situation the development and operation of a
service to be used with mobile and wireless
terminals (mobile service) is not bearable for most
of them due to technical reasons and the market
structure. The authors of (Decker et al., 2006)
discuss the SME specific obstacles in m-business.
Although there are various benefits to B2B e-
commerce, there are also inhibitors to its
deployment. The authors of (Teo et al., 2006)
empirically investigate the inhibitors for deploying
Web-based B2B e-commerce applications in
organizations and the authors of (Stuckenberg et al.,
2011) discuss Software as a Service (SaaS) and its
implication on revenue streams.
In this paper we have introduced a novel mobile
application for improving the navigation on public
transport. We point out some challenges in for
mobile e-business applications including
developments in mobile operating systems, mobile
application development and end-user friendly user-
interface design. We introduce some of the core
features of our app and outline the (iterative) design
of the user interface for the mobile application. We
report on an empirical evaluation (system usability
scale test) and conclude that the app has an above
average usability rating (approximately a score of 81
compared to the average score of 68). This claim is
further supported by the fact that the number of
users is continuously growing. Mobile applications,
such as roadmap applications are a great possibility
to make public transport systems more attractive for
customers, thereby helping to protect our
This work has been partially carried out within the
ICE-B 2012 - International Conference on e-Business
competence network Softnet Austria II (www.soft-
net.at, COMET K-Projekt) and funded by the
Austrian Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and
Youth (bmwfj), the province of Styria, the Steirische
Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft mbH. (SFG), and
the city of Vienna in support of the Center for
Innovation and Technology (ZIT). We are grateful
to Mike Kober, who worked on the implementation
details in partial fulfilment of his master studies.
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A Mobile Information System for Improved Navigation in Public Transport - User Centered Design, Development,
Evaluation and e-Business Scenarios of a Mobile Roadmap Application