4.3 Masquerade Method
Another approach is to replace the real flight time for
particular digraph XY by a random δ
chosen ran-
domly from some distribution defined for XY. Such
approach not only hides real timings of the user but
also can pretend other individual. Similarly, this ap-
proach can be extended to n-graphs. The method of-
fers moderate delay and requires relatively long size
of the buffer.The main disadvantage is the need of
keeping distribution of the digraphs, which is quite
difficult as shown in Section 3.
In this paper we discussed several issues related to
keystroking biometric techniques. We pointed out
some potential risks with particular focus on privacy
threat as well as some simple countermeasures. We
believethat issues related to this area are generally un-
derestimated. In effect many fundamental questions –
theoretical as well as practical are left unanswered. In
particular there is no convincing and possibly exact
statistical model of timings of n-graphs. It is also not
clear which other information (e.g., mistakes in typ-
ing ) can be used for recognizing individuals.
We also see the need of providing much more ex-
perimental results about statistics that appear in our
paper. The volume of data we used allows us to test
only a few simple hypothesis e.g., about normality of
distribution of digraphs. With this respect, this pa-
per is a preliminary work revealing only a fraction of
problems in the area of profiling based on keystroke
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