Development of a Snort IPv6 Plugin
Detection of Attacks on the Neighbor Discovery Protocol
Martin Sch¨utte
, Thomas Scheffler
and Bettina Schnor
Department of Electrical Engineering, Beuth University of Applied Sciences, Berlin, Germany
Department of Computer Science, Potsdam University, Potsdam, Germany
IPv6, Neighbor Discovery, Intrusion Detection System.
This paper describes the implementation and use of a preprocessor module for the open source Intrusion De-
tection System Snort. Our implementation utilizes preprocessor APIs for the extension of Snort and provides
several new IPv6-specific rule options that make the definition of IPv6-specific attack signatures possible. The
preprocessor detects attacks against the IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Protocol and can identify suspicious activity
in local IPv6 networks. This includes misconfigured network elements, as well as malicious activities from
attackers on the network. To our knowledge this is the first such implementation in an Open Source IDS.
The IPv6 protocol was standardized in 1998 and is
now implemented in virtually all operating systems
and network devices. Since then, network security
has developed considerably but there was little in-
centive to strengthen IPv6 against attacks, because
deployment in “real networks” (i.e. outside of aca-
demic or industrial test labs) has remained marginal.
This combination leads to the present situation where
widespread IPv6 deployment is imminent (due to
IPv4 address depletion), but protocol design and im-
plementation in devices leave ample opportunity for
local network based man-in-the-middleand denial-of-
service attacks.
Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) are established
tools for the detection of attacks against computers
and networks. In the past, the spread of the IPv4-
based Internet has lead to a co-evolution of network
security research, engineering, and IDS development.
For the IPv6-based Internet, this co-evolution is to be
expected as well, so there is evident demand for new
advances in detection capabilities.
Snort (Roesch, 1999) is a powerful and widely
used IDS, that already supports the IPv6 protocol.
Based on practical experiments we analyzed capa-
bilities and limitations for the detection of critical
events in IPv6 networks (Era˜na and Scheffler, 2010).
Here we found that Snort provides basic IPv6 support,
but lacks the ability to detect many attacks on IPv6-
specific protocol mechanisms.
We developed a plugin for the Snort IDS that
provides the ability to detect IPv6-specific attacks
and makes Snort easily deployable in common net-
work setups. It combines previously implemented
and new detection functionality and can be integrated
into every Snort IDS installation. The main goal lies
in the tracking of the Neighbor Discovery Protocol
(NDP) used for IPv6 autoconfiguration. Addition-
ally it makes specific IPv6 protocol fields and ex-
tension headers available to the Snort detection en-
gine. A network administrator is now able to write
specific Snort rules that enable the detection of link-
local denial-of-service attacks like those implemented
in “The Hacker’s Choice” toolkit (Heuse, nd).
Our work builds upon related work describing known
security issues in IPv6 and NDP (Hogg and Vyncke,
2009; Nikander et al., 2004). Existing work on IDSs
and IPv6 support only describes the necessary decod-
ing of IPv6 packets for upper layer processing, but
not the detection of IPv6-specific attacks using gen-
eral purpose, open source IDS products.
The root cause of most problems lies in the early
authentication problem (Nikander, 2002), which is
common to all layer 2 protocols without strong node
authentication (most importantly Ethernet). There-
fore, most mitigation techniques like port-based Net-
Schütte M., Scheffler T. and Schnor B..
Development of a Snort IPv6 Plugin - Detection of Attacks on the Neighbor Discovery Protocol.
DOI: 10.5220/0004073303990402
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2012), pages 399-402
ISBN: 978-989-8565-24-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Schematic data flow in the Snort IDS.
work Access Control (IEEE 802.1X), IP Security
(IPSec) and SEcure Neighbor Discovery (SEND) pro-
pose a cryptographic host authentication. Another ap-
proach are filter criteria for NDP messages on layer 2
devices as specified by the IPv6 Router Advertise-
ment Guard (Levy-Abegnoli et al., 2011).
One existing software tool that detects NDP
anomalies is “ndpmon (Beck et al., 2007), a host-
based tool that listens to all Neighbor Discovery mes-
sages to track active nodes on its subnet. Our solution
builds upon this approach but extends an existing IDS
as a framework that already implements packet cap-
turing, decoding, configuration, logging mechanisms,
and log analysis tools.
Snort was created in 1998 by Martin Roesch. It is
probably the most widespread open source IDS and
provides multiple interfaces for third-party rules and
plugins. One of its most powerful features is its rule
language, which allows everyone to define and share
their own signatures in a relatively simple plain-text
format. Figure 1 shows the main data processing
stages of the IDS. The main architectural elements
that influence the detection capabilities of the IDS are
the Detection Engine and the Preprocessors which are
discussed next.
3.1 Detection Engine
The core of Snort’s detection capabilities lies in the
evaluation of configured attack signatures. A sim-
ple rule notation allows developers and users to eas-
ily configure and customize the IDS policy for their
own networks. A rule header describes very basic
attributes (action, protocols, direction and endpoints)
and is followed by a rule body which contains a num-
ber of options to select certain packets or sequences
of packets.
Basic IPv6 support was added to Snort in version
2.8 in 2007. Following versions added checks to the
decoder (e. g. resulting in decoder alerts for packets
alert icmp any any -> any any (itype: 3; \
msg: "dest unreachable or time exceeded?";\
sid: 1000000; rev: 1;)
Figure 2: Ambiguous Snort signature without IP protocol
with a multicast source address) and the ability to nor-
malize IPv6 packets. In regard to detection signatures
the developers decided to pass all IPv6 values the
same way as IPv4 values to the detection engine, thus
a rule option for the IPv4 time-to-live (e. g.
will also match an IPv6 hop limit. This has the ad-
vantage that all existing signatures continue to work
well on IPv6, but has the disadvantage that signatures
cannot distinguish between IPv4 and IPv6 packets.
For example, the rule in Figure 2 is ambiguous and
matches different ICMP messages in IPv4 and IPv6.
Rules are designed to be stateless, and have very
limited capabilities to keep state, for example by set-
ting own flags on TCP connections. Therefore, the
rule management does not haveto consider dependen-
cies among differentrules. However,it cannot be used
to detect patterns in connectionless protocols, such as
ICMP and IPv6 autoconfiguration.
3.2 Snort Preprocessors
Snort preprocessors generally have three functions:
They implement their own checks to trigger alerts,
they normalize data to simplify detection rules and
they provide new rule options for the detection layer.
For example, the http inspect preprocessor imple-
ments preprocessor alerts, rule options, and addition-
ally normalizes HTTP-specific data such as URIs.
The preprocessor stage can include multiple mod-
ules; providing functions such as defragmentationand
portscan detection. Preprocessors may perform addi-
tional payload decoding for a number of application
layer protocols such as HTTP, SMTP and DNS.
Snort provides a dynamic plugin API; so it is pos-
sible to develop third-party preprocessors and deploy
them as dynamically linked libraries. These plugins
get access to the packet data and some of Snort’s sub-
systems, like event logging queues. These capabil-
ities make the preprocessor stage most suitable for
the inspection of additional connectionless protocols;
therefore we chose to implement our IPv6 autocon-
figuration checks as a preprocessor plugin using the
dynamic preprocessor API.
Our preprocessor plugin provides two services: First
it adds new IPv6-specific rule options to Snort’s sig-
nature language, second it maintains its own network
view by tracking all neighbor discovery messages in
the IPv6 subnet.
4.1 Rule Options
A new set of rule options makes IPv6 protocol val-
ues available for Snort detection signatures; these val-
ues include the basic header fields, extension head-
ers, and options contained in destination or hop-by-
hop headers. Examples are the version number of
the Internet Protocol, the flow label value, inclu-
sion of routing headers, or included router alert op-
tions. Most rule options are implemented with a set
of operators to enable not only exact matching (like
ip6 flow:0
), but also negation and compar-
isons (like
ip6 extnum:>3
). A list of new rule op-
tions is given in Table 1. Figure 3 shows an improved
version of the ruleset in Figure 2. By using the plu-
rule option for IP protocol selection, we
can now correctly distinguish between the different
error semantics of the ICMP and ICMPv6 types.
Table 1: IPv6 rule options provided by our preprocessor.
IP version
ip6 tclass
Traffic Class
ip6 flow
Flow Label
ip6 exthdr
Extension Header
ip6 extnum
Num. of Ext Hdrs.
ip6 option
ip6 optval
Dst-/HbH-Option Value
ip6 rh
Routing Header
icmp6 nd
is NDP pkt
icmp6 nd option
NDP Option
We already used the new rule options to imple-
ment several IPv6-specific signatures to check for un-
usual header values and packets. We expect these rule
options to become important building blocks for the
detection of future IPv6-specific attacks.
alert icmp any any -> any any ( \
ipv: 4; itype: 3; \
msg: "ICMPv4 dest unreachable"; \
sid: 1000002; rev: 1;)
alert icmp any any -> any any ( \
ipv: 6; itype: 3; \
msg: "ICMPv6 time exceeded"; \
sid: 1000003; rev: 1;)
Figure 3: New Snort signatures, with rule options for IP
protocol distinction.
4.2 Preprocessor
The preprocessor hooks into Snort’s packet process-
ing and receives all IPv6 packets. This allows it to in-
spect every packet and keep state information for the
monitoring of the connectionless IPv6 autoconfigura-
The basic functions of the preprocessor are state-
less checks of all IPv6 packets with extension headers
for consistency and standard conformance. For exam-
ple a packet should never include an empty extension
header (carrying only padding), or padding options
containing data. Packets like this show unusual node
behavior and the preprocessor will raise an alert.
The main purpose of our plugin is to build and
maintain its own network view by observing all
ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery messages. This allows
it to keep track of all routers and hosts with their ten-
tative and acquired IP addresses. Every change in this
network view triggers a Snort event; this happens ev-
ery time a new host or router appears on the net, a
router changes its advertisement, or a duplicate ad-
dress detection fails.
The network model of the preprocessor is sim-
ple and regards every observed pair of MAC and IP
addresses as a host; those hosts that send router ad-
vertisement messages are considered routers and their
announced network attributes (prefix, lifetime, flags)
are stored to detect later changes in these values.
One of the most common IPv6 related security
issues is the resource exhaustion attack, for exam-
ple against a node’s neighbor cache or routing table
(Wheeler, nd). An attacker can easily generate lots
of neighbor or router announcements (and “flood” the
network), while the target has to keep state and al-
locate memory for every new binding. Because this
attack vector applies equally to all network monitor-
ing tools, our plugin is designed to handle a flood-
ing situation. All seen nodes are kept in three col-
lections, each with a maximum number of entries:
one for routers, one for active hosts, and one for new
hosts with tentative addresses. The last one does not
only increase the level of detail but also strengthens
Table 2: IPv6 preprocessor alerts.
SID Message
1 RA from new router
2 RA from non-router MAC address
3 RA prefix changed
4 RA flags changed
5 RA for non-local net prefix
6 RA with lifetime 0
7 new DAD started
8 new host in network
9 new host with non-allowed MAC addr.
10 DAD with collision
11 DAD with spoofed collision
12 mismatch in MAC/NDP src ll addr.
13 extension header has only padding
14 option lengths 6= ext length
15 padding option data 6= zero
16 consecutive padding options
the preprocessor against denial of service attacks. In
case of a simple flooding attack, where the attacker
sends bogus neighbor announcements to our network,
the number of tentative address entries will exceed
the limit and further addresses are simply ignored. A
more sophisticated attack may keep state to fill the ac-
tive host list as well, thus causing a limited denial of
service, but even then the plugin will only use a fixed
amount of memory and is not susceptible to memory
exhaustion attacks.
The preprocessor is configurable and can be sup-
plied with additional information about the monitored
network; among these are the used IP address prefix,
router MAC addresses, and host MAC addresses. If
these options are configured, then all IPv6 packets are
checked against them and an alarm is raised if e.g. an
unexpected address prefix is announced. A list of all
implemented alerts is given in Table 2.
The IPv6 protocol has several weaknesses in its
neighbor discovery and autoconfiguration services.
Most of these problems arise from the unsolved early
authentication problem and the implicit assumption
that all link-local nodes are trustworthy. Thus, an at-
tacker with physical network access and control over
a connected node is usually able to assume a man-
in-the-middle position and also to perform various
denial-of-service attacks against particular hosts or
the router.
A new IPv6 plugin was developed to extend the
Snort IDS with integrated IPv6-specific detection rou-
tines. It includes neighbor discovery tracking to alert
when new hosts and routers appear on-link. It also
provides additional rule options that expose IPv6 spe-
cific header fields to the Snort detection module. The
rule options facilitate the writing of new detection sig-
natures using the flexibility of Snort’s rule language,
for example to detect attacks from the THC toolkit.
The integration into the Snort infrastructure facili-
tates an easy deployment and integration into existing
IDS setups. A number of test cases verify the plu-
gin’s functionality and demonstrate that known flood-
ing and neighbor discovery attacks can be detected.
The plugin may become part of future Snort re-
leases; its current development repository is available
at ipv6.
This work was carried out as part of the IDSv6 re-
search project (, funded by the Ger-
man Federal Ministry of Education and Research
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