PPiTTA - Preserving Privacy in TV Targeted Advertising
Tzachy Reinman
and Erez Waisbard
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel
Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel
NDS Technologies Ltd., Jerusalem, Israel
Privacy, Targeted Advertising.
Targeted advertising involves using a person’s personal data to determine the most promising commercials to
show that person. While the benefits are clear, the price paid in terms of loss of privacy may be high. In this
work we bridge what seems at first to be contradicting requirements – the ability to personalize data and the
need to maintain privacy, especially while reporting back the impressions to the advertiser. We provide two
schemes that achieve this, each in its own adversarial model. We put an emphasis on modern TV systems and
describe the architecture for supporting it.
Advertising is “fuelling” the content industry as users
are paying for the content by watching the inter-
spersed commercials. In the past, commercials were
broadcast to all TV viewers and the cost of an adver-
tisement was proportional to its length and its level of
exposure. However, due to the limitations of broad-
casting technology,many people were forced to watch
commercials in which they had no interest. Nowa-
days, technology allows us to deliver different ad-
vertisements to different viewers watching the same
show. This gives advertisers a powerful way to ad-
dress the relevant audience. In addition, measure-
ment systems are able to report back exactly which
ads were viewed by each user (denoted impression),
giving the advertiser a more accurate measure of the
relevant exposure of each ad.
Targeted advertising delivers advertisements to an
audience that is likely to have an interest in the adver-
tised product. This is done by gathering as much in-
formation as possible about each user and then deter-
mining the most appropriate target audience for each
commercial. Practically, this is actually accomplished
in the reverse direction – from a target set of potential
commercials, we pick the one which is most appro-
priate for each user. This selection may be based on
demographic data, or information inferred from the
viewing habits of users, for example, determining that
a user is a sports fan based on the many hours spent
tuned into sports channels.
Many users are unhappy about the collection
of personal information for advertising (“OUT-LAW
News” of September 30, 2009 reported that “US web
users reject behavioral advertising ”). As a result both
regulators and technology providers are acting to en-
sure that users have the ability to protect their privacy,
if they choose to do so. This is already enacted in the
EU’s Data Protection Directive, which requires users
to be notified about any data that is being collected.
This directive calls for maximizing the privacy of the
user when handling such data and giving the user an
option to opt out. This shift toward enhancing users’
privacy can also be seen in Google’s announcement
to include the ‘Do Not Track’ button in the Chrome
While enhancing privacy is mostly good, there is
also a down side to it, both at a personal level and
on a more global level. Naturally, if users are not
tracked they cannot enjoy a personalized viewing ex-
perience. While this may be fine for a small percent-
age of users, if too many people choose not to be
tracked, this would have a global effect on the adver-
tisement business.
In light of the above, we present a middle-ground
approach in which users are able to enjoy a personal-
ized viewing experience by receiving targeted ads and
advertisers are able to know the amount of exposure
that their ad received, while at the same time protect-
ing the privacy of users. The way we cope with these
seemingly contradictory requirements is by:
Moving the processing of personal information
Reinman T. and Waisbard E..
PPiTTA - Preserving Privacy in TV Targeted Advertising.
DOI: 10.5220/0004076103270332
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2012), pages 327-332
ISBN: 978-989-8565-24-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
from the broadcaster
to the user (for example, to
the set-top box of a TV viewer).
Reporting back a statistically noisy reply that pro-
tects the individual, but still provides a good ap-
proximation for the advertisers.
Until recently targeted advertising was deployed
mostly for web-based content, but now with the wide
distribution of personal video recorders (PVRs), the
set-top box is able to receive a variety of ads and to
decide locally which ones to display. This localized
ad insertion during a commercial break allows mul-
tiple TV viewers to watch different ads at the same
time. While our approach is applicable to several set-
tings, we focus on the TV + PVR case, as this is still
the major content consumption platform.
As mentioned, the first step towards achieving
user privacy with targeted advertising is to store and
process ads on the user’s device. The second step is to
have multiple ads delivered to the user’s device, each
ad being selected based on a metadata analysis to de-
termine the attributes of the optimal user presumed to
be watching the particular program being viewed (for
example, a program targeting mainly women should
deliver ads related to women). The user’s device
would then find the best match between the user’s pro-
file and the ads delivered and display the ad that has
the closest characteristics to the user’s profile.
We later discuss how to parameterize the user’s
profile and to perform the matching with the delivered
ads. If we were only interested in privately match-
ing ads to users, this would be a final step. How-
ever, a crucial requirement is for the system to re-
port back which ads were displayed. It was shown by
Korolova (Korolova, 2010) that reporting which ads
were viewed leaks a lot of private information. Thus,
we need to find a way to provide this feedback to op-
erators (which they can convey to advertisers) with-
out leaking private information. A helpful observa-
tion is that advertisers are not interested in particular
users, but rather in getting a global view of how many
people actually watched an ad. By masking feedback
reports with statistically noisy responses we can pro-
vide a good estimation of the global exposure that an
ad received while maintaining user privacy.
The conflict between targeted advertising and con-
sumer privacy arose in the context of web browsing.
An advertiser’s interest is to collect as much client
We interchangeably use the terms broadcaster and op-
information as possible, in order to display advertise-
ments more efficiently. In contrast, the consumer is
interested in preventing the exposure and exploration
of private information by the advertiser
Juels (Juels, 2001) discusses this conflict. He sug-
gests solutions to reconcile these contrasting interests
by using a negotiant a client-side agent that medi-
ates between the consumer and the advertiser. Basi-
cally, the idea is that the consumer profile is accessi-
ble to the negotiant, and not to the advertiser. Based
on the consumer profile, the negotiant decides which
advertisements to request from the advertiser – with-
out disclosing the profile to the advertiser. In addi-
tion, if we would like to camouflage the ad category
of a specific consumer from the advertiser, Jules sug-
gests to use tools such as Mix Networks (introduced
by Chaum (Chaum, 1981)), which assumes the hon-
esty of (most of) the servers on the route.
Spangler et. al. (Spangler et al., 2003) present a
way to profile households and TV viewers, based on
their viewing patterns, in order to deliver targeted ad-
vertising. Their discussion focusses on data mining
aspects, and barely refers to the privacy issues (they
only recommend a privacy policy).
Toubiana et. al. (Toubiana et al., 2010) introduced
Adnostic (http://crypto.stanford.edu/adnostic/), a sys-
tem for targeting web advertising based on a user
browsing behavior. Adnostic is a web-oriented on-
line system that uses properties of web-browsing,
such as cookies, to create a user behavioral profile in
the user’s browser.
The concept of differential privacy was introduced
by Dwork et. al (Dwork et al., 2006). They gave a
measure to the amount of privacy leakage. Loosely
speaking, ε-differential privacy is designed to protect
the privacy between neighboring databases which dif-
fer only in one row. As one can see in (Dwork, 2008)
many papers have been written in this area, giving
generic constructions. However, they address only
one aspect of our problem. In our work, we take a
more specific look and give a complete solution to the
issue of targeted advertising, including user profiling
and privacy preserving report back. Our construction
is simple and efficient and can be implemented in real
The contradictory interests that need to be reconciled
Advertisers claim that there is also a consumer advan-
tage to collecting client information a typical consumer
prefers relevant advertisements that target his needs and in-
terests rather than those which are of no interest.
are the following: On the one hand, the advertiser
needs to know information about the individual and
the household so that advertising can be targeted. On
the other hand, the viewer wants to protect the privacy
of himself and his household. In addition, there might
be regulatory prohibitions to collect and/or process
private information outside the individual’s premises.
User viewing habits are a valuable source of informa-
tion for ad targeting, as they tell the operator a great
deal about the household. The advertiser would like to
use this information to better-target the viewers. The
problem is that this must be done in a way that does
not violate the privacy of the viewer.
Generally speaking, targeted advertising requires
user profiling, which can be done in one of two ways:
1. Using information that the user explicitly gives
(e.g., gender, age, etc.). 2. Dynamic profiling that is
derived from user’s behavior, for example, TV view-
ing habits – which gives a very good indication about
the user’s interests.
A privacy-preservingtargeted advertising solution
must ensure that the advertiser knows how much ex-
posure each ad receives. As mentioned before, the
advertiser is not interested in what individual users
viewed. We make use of this fact in our solution in
order to give the advertiser a good estimation of the
overall exposure of each ad, while hiding the individ-
ual’s ad exposure pattern.
Our solution comprises three actions:
1. A method for dynamic user profiling
2. Determining which ad to present, according to the
user’s profile
3. Doing the above two actions on the user’s device
in a manner that preserves his privacy
The PPiTTA design enables targeting advertise-
ment according to the user viewing habits without
violating his privacy. In addition, it preserves both in-
dividual privacy and global statistical accuracy. This
is achieved by maintaining an approximated global
view (by adding random noise) that does not reveal
the choices of individual users.
4.1 Building the Profile
The first element of targeted advertising is the ac-
tual building of the profile. Basically, there are four
methods to build the profile (all of them may be used
jointly). The focus of this paper is the last method.
Profile Knowledge based on User Demography.
When consumers subscribe to a broadcasting service,
they are required to fill a form which includes in-
formation such as their age and number of people
in the household. In addition, the specific package
they purchase provides another indication about the
household. There is also statistic information that
can be used by the operator. For example, the con-
sumer’s neighborhood, the size (and worth) of the
house, and the credit-card class may all be correlated
with a socio-economic status.
Profile Knowledge based on the Users’ Volun-
tary Disclosure. Advertisers, broadcasters, and sur-
vey companies may ask users to voluntarily (or for
payment or other benefits) supply information about
themselves. This information may include the level
of income, consumer interests and history (for exam-
ple, whether a user has bought a car or a house in the
last year), hobbies, cultural outlook, and so on.
User Self-profiling. A user may ask for specific types
of advertisements.
Behavioral-profiling based on User Viewing
Habits. This method assumes a correlation between
viewing habits and consumer habits and interests.
Moreover, it assumes that this correlation is simple
enough, such that valuable information about con-
sumer interests can be deduced from viewing habits.
The general idea is to analyze the viewing habits,
and to profile the user accordingly. For example, the
more sports shows a person watches, the more likely
he would be interested in sports goods.
4.1.1 Profile based on Viewing Habits
A user can be profiled as a male or a female, as a
teenager or an adult, and so on. A way to maintain a
user profile is to have a list of attributes, such that for
a given user, each attribute gets a score. We denote
this list as the attributes vector. The attributes vector
may haveentries for demographiccharacteristicssuch
as age, level of income, neighborhood, and entries for
level of interest in different areas such as sport, fash-
ion, and gadgets. The attributes vector is initialized
to certain values, based on the package purchased by
the user and known demographic information (region
of residence, income level, education level, etc.), and
is stored in the STB. Attributes whose values cannot
be deduced from a-priori knowledge are initialized to
some predefined initial values.
Whenever a user watches a TV program, the at-
tributes vector is updated on the client device (e.g.,
STB) as follows. Initially, the content provider or the
broadcastergives each TV program a score for each of
the attributes, meaning that each program has its own
values for the attributes vector. For example, if a cer-
tain movie is knownto have more appeal to teenagers,
then the attributes vector for that content is marked
with a higher score in its teenager-related entries. For
certain content, some attributes will have no distinct
categorization, and thus their score for those attribute
will be zero.
When a user watches a TV program, the pro-
gram’s attributes vector is added to the user’s at-
tributes vector, and the attributes vector is then re-
normalized (each attribute is normalized such that its
score is within its valid range). By accumulating the
score of these attributes, we get a high level of assur-
ance about the viewer’s profiling.
Let us see a more detailed example: John Smith
purchased the Sports Gold Package with extra sports
channels, including live events in HD quality. On his
registration form, the following information has been
disclosed: He is 30 years old and single, his income is
in the top echelon, and he lives in the center of Lon-
don. Consider an attributes vector with the following
attributes (with the value range in parenthesis, and
default value in square brackets see Figure 1(a)):
Age (0 99)[0], Gender (M,F,B)[B]
, Number of
people in household(120)[4], Income(0 10)[5],
Sport(010)[5], Fashion(010)[5],Cars(010)[5],
Travel(010)[5]. With the current known informa-
tion, the broadcaster could initialize John’s attributes
vector as follows (see Figure 1(b)): Age = 30, Gen-
der = M, Number of people in household = 1, In-
come = 10, Sport = 8. Using the default values, the
rest of the attributes can be initialized: Fashion = 5,
Cars = 5, Travel = 5. (Alternatively, the broadcaster
can base the initialization of these last attributes on
heuristics of what a 30-year-old, rich, single sports
fan would be interested in). Now John starts to watch
TV and, as expected, he watches many sports pro-
gram. On the other hand, he never watches fashion
shows, and watches only a few cars-related and travel-
related shows. His attributes vector is updatedaccord-
ingly see Figure 1(c). Then John meets a girl, Jill,
and after a while she moves into his apartment. Jill
loves fashion TV shows (so the fashion attribute score
goes from 0 to 9), and John watches fewer sports pro-
grams than before (so the sport attribute score goes
from 9 to 8). They also begin to plan a trip and start
to watch travel programs, so the travel attribute score
is increased accordingly see Figure 1(d).
Profiling is actually computed for the household, rather
than for a single user so ’B’ stands for ’both’. Research is
being done to enable distinguishing between different users
in the same household according to the time of day, the
viewed content, and even the zapping speed and frequency.
Machine learning techniques can be used to figure out who
is likely to be the current user.
people in
B 4 5
Sport Fashion
5 5 5
people in
M 1 10
Sport Fashion
8 5 5
people in
M 1 10
Sport Fashion
9 0 2
people in
M 1 10
8 9 2
(a) Default values
(b) John’s initial values
(c) John’s values after a month
(d) John’s values after five months
Figure 1: An Attributes Vector.
4.2 Deciding Which Ads to Display
The advertiser defines a target audience for each ad-
vertisement. This definition uses similar scores as the
attributes mentioned in the previous section. For ex-
ample, an advertisement of athletics is intended for
males, who are interested in sport and the Sport at-
tribute will get a high score. It is also possible to de-
fine attributes as “irrelevant” for a specific ad.
Initially, users are profiled and ads are categorized
into profiles too, so only the matching still need to
be done. To ensure that the user’s privacy is pre-
served, all profile matching is performed in the user’s
device (STB). The STB stores a large collection of
of many kinds. According to the user’s pro-
file, the STB decides which ad to display and when.
Each ad has its value (score) for each attribute, and
the STB chooses the ad which is the most suited to
the user’s profile.
Ads are pushed to the STB ahead
of time and are embedded into the viewed program
(using an “ad-insertion” mechanism) in the commer-
cial slots (or displayed in a banner or in the menus).
As such, users (with different profiles) who watch the
same program at the same time will get different ad-
vertisements, according to their profiles.
Actually, the STB may use the same logic (of profiling
and scoring) to select which ads to store, instead of storing
many ads and select which of them to display.
To be precise, suitability is not the only criteria. Usu-
ally, the contract between an advertiser and a broadcaster
defines many conditions and limitations, e.g., how many
times and how frequently each ad should be displayed. The
STB has to maintain counters and other mechanisms in or-
der to obey to these (and other) limitations.
4.3 Advanced Reporting
In todays systems, statistics of TV ad viewing is
mostly based on “Panels”
or “Samples”. These pan-
els are designed to be statistically representativeof the
population. When an advertiser wants to know how
many people with a given demographic were exposed
to a given ad, and how many times on average each in-
dividual of the target population saw the ad (“spread”
and “reach”), they take the numbers for the Panel and
extrapolate them to the population at large.
We propose an alternative approach that collects
data from the entire viewer base and use privacy pro-
tected reporting to provide better granular spread and
reach data.
4.4 Usage Flow Example
In this section, we demonstrate a use-case, in which
the advertiser is charged according to the audience
who watched his ad. We start with the pre-known
static data, that is not related to viewing habits, and
is usually collected by the operator in the registra-
tion/purchasing process and deduced from a publicly
available data. Such data includes the wealth of peo-
ple in the neighborhood, the percentage of families
that own their home, etc. We start by setting the val-
ues of these attributes accordingly (e.g. setting the
“Own home” to a score of 90% in a rich neighbor-
Next, user viewing habits effect the users at-
tributesvector and this is used to deduce a user profile.
For example, when a particular show is viewed regu-
larly (e.g., MTV hits), there is an 80% chance that
there is a teenager in the home. Every time this show
is viewed, the “Teenager in home” score goes up a
bit. This is considered to be private data that viewers
do not wish to share. Naturally, combining both static
and dynamic data allows a more accurate prediction
(combined also with estimations from Panel data).
The price that advertisers pay is relative to the ex-
posure it gets. The measuring unit is CPM (Cost Per
Mil, i.e., cost per thousand). The more targeted the ad
is, the more an advertiser is willing to pay. For exam-
ple: 5$ for sports fans, 6$ for male teens, 7$ for male
teens that are sports fans, 10$ for male teens that are
sports fans and that have affluent parents.
Using our technique, the CPM will be set accord-
ing to the viewer’s profile. By maintaining an ongoing
count of how many times each ad was presented to a
particular user, we would be able to plot a detailed
chart. This chart describes the number of times this
A “panel” is a subgroup of the population who agree to
have their data collected and analyzed.
ad was presented, how many viewers were exposed
to it at least once, and how many saw it many times
(e.g., more than ten times).
4.5 Privacy Preserving Impression
Another challenge is to report back statistical usage
while preserving both individual privacy and global
statistical accuracy. These are two somewhat contra-
dictory tasks: the first being to provide an accurate
report of users’ consumption and the second being to
preserve the privacy of each user. Here we want to
achieve differential privacy, meaning that the global
reply is not affected by more than ε fraction by the
inclusion or exclusion of any specific user.
We construct two schemes that achieve this pri-
vacy. Each scheme is designed to be robust against
a different type of adversary that may have different
a-priori knowledge about user behavior.
4.5.1 Individual Ad Mask
The first scheme hides the exact number of impres-
sions of each ad A
that the user j consumes by adding
a random value r
to its real impression counter c
reports back ¯c
= c
. In our construction, we rec-
ommend using a Gaussian distribution.
Computing the sum of the impressions for A
Note that
is the exact sum of the c
, and
is a random combination that is treated as a random
noise with its mean equal to zero.
4.5.2 Accumulated User Impression Counter
The second scheme gives better protection for users
who may have more extreme impression counters. In
this scheme, each viewer reports back a value that is
the weighted sum of all his counters. Now, even a
high value counter is well masked by the other coun-
ters of that individual. The scheme works as follows:
Let n denote the number of users, k - the number of
different ads, and c
, . . . , c
be the counters of the im-
pressions for a user j.
1. j {1. . . n}, user j would pick a random vector
= v
, . . . , v
where each v
{−1, 1}
2. User j would compute s
3. User j would report < s
, v
The operator, after collecting all the reported
counters < s
, v
>, . . . , < s
, v
>, is able to compute
an estimated impression counter as follows:
) =
) =
) +
+ random
Since v
are chosen at random, for t 6= i the summation
acts as a random value; thus we get a noisy sum of c
In this section, we analyze the security of our scheme
and emphasize the advantages in the context of the
two adversarial models. We start with analyzing the
first scheme, which hides the exact number of impres-
sions for each ad. Clearly, this scheme achieves pri-
vacy, since adding a report of an additional user to the
server’s database does not change the overall distribu-
tion of impressions in the database.
By adding Gaussian noise with a distribution
(µ, σ
) we get that
(µ, (
The larger σ is, the better privacy protection we get
for the user. The smaller
is, the more accurate is
the estimation of the total number of impressions. So
by carefully choosing σ, one can set the tradeoff be-
tween accuracy of the result and the level of privacy.
However, there is one more thing we need to ad-
dress – that is the potential privacy leakage over time.
Consider the following attack: The operator keeps a
log of all the reports he gets from a single user. If
he notices that for a specific category, such as sports,
the user’s report is often above the average impression
count, then he can deduce that the user is a sport fan.
The way to cope with this is by periodically deleting
the logs after they are processed. We claim that it is
reasonable to perform this because we do not consider
the operator as malicious, but as semi-honest. If the
operator was malicious, then could simply have the
set-top box report back the exact values (the operator
controls the set-top box software). While the operator
is assumed to act in good faith and to follow the pri-
vacy regulations, he does not want to retain private in-
formation any longer than necessary (and potentially
have it exposed to insiders).
Our second scheme avoids possibility of long-
term learning even if the operator does not delete the
logs. However, there is a different potential weakness
in this approach. Consider the following attack: As-
suming the number of possible ads is small and that
an adversary has auxiliary information about a par-
ticular user (e.g., via the package he has purchased),
then the adversary can make a good estimation about
the distribution of the different impressions for that
user. Here again we claim that the operator is semi-
honest and would not store such information about
the user. Therefore, it is unlikely that insiders would
have such a-priori knowledge about individual users,
and outsiders with such a potential knowledge would
not have access to the logs.
In this paper, we have presented the first practical
scheme for achieving targeted advertising in TV sys-
tems, while preserving the user privacy. We showed
how to build a household profile, how the set-top box
decides accordingly which ad is the most appropriate
to display, and how to report back the impressions to
the operator in a privacy preserving manner.
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