A Dataflow Description of ACC-JPEG Codec
Khaled Jerbi
, Tarek Ouni
and Mohamed Abid
CES Lab, National Engineering School of Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia
IETR/INSA, UMR CNRS 6164, F-35043 Rennes, France
Video Compression, Accordeon, Dataflow, MPEG RVC.
Video codec standards evolution raises two major problems. The first one is the design complexity which
makes very difficult the video coders implementation. The second is the computing capability demanding
which requires complex and advanced architectures. To decline the first problem, MPEG normalized the Re-
configurable Video Coding (RVC) standard which allows the reutilization of some generic image processing
modules for advanced video coders. However, the second problem still remains unsolved. Actually, technol-
ogy development becomes incapable to answer the current standards algorithmic increasing complexity. In
this paper, we propose an efficient solution for the two problems by applying the RVC methodology and its
associated tools on a new video coding model called Accordion based video coding. The main advantage of
this video coding model consists in its capacity of providing high compression efficiency with low complexity
which is able to resolve the second video coding problem.
During most of two decades, MPEG has produced
several video coding standards such as MPEG-2,
MPEG-4, AVC and SVC. However, the past mono-
lithic specification of such standards (usually in the
form of C/C++ programs) lacks flexibility. Such spec-
ification does not allow to use the combination of
coding algorithms from different standards enabling
to achieve specific design or performance trade-offs
and thus fill, case by case, the requirements of spe-
cific applications. So as to overcome the intrinsic
limitations of specifying codecs algorithms by us-
ing monolithic imperative code, Caltrop Actor Lan-
guage (CAL) (Eker and Janneck, 2003) (ISO/IEC
FDIS 23001-4: 2009, 2009), has been chosen by
the ISO/IEC standardization organization in the new
MPEG standard called Reconfigurable Video Cod-
ing (RVC). RVC-CAL standard is developped in the
ptolemy2 project (Brooks et al., 2004). It is supported
with a complete framework called OpenDF (Bhat-
tacharyya et al., 2008) and a recently developed com-
piler called Open RVC-CAL Compiler (Orcc) (Jan-
neck et al., 2010) allowing users to define a multitude
of codecs, by combining together actors (called cod-
ing tools in RVC) from the MPEG standard library
written in CAL (Eker and Janneck, 2003) (ISO/IEC
FDIS 23001-4: 2009, 2009), that contains video tech-
nology from all existing MPEG video past standards
(i.e. MPEG- 2, MPEG- 4, etc. ). CAL is used to pro-
vide the reference software for all coding tools of the
entire library. The originality of this paper is the ap-
plication of the CAL and its associated tools on a new
video coding model called Accordion based video
coding (Ouni et al., 2009) (Ouni et al., 2010) (Ouni
et al., 2011). The main advantage of this video coding
model consists in its capacity of providing high com-
pression efficiency with low complexity. Such advan-
tage comes from the original idea that consists in ap-
plying a particular 3D scan, called Accordion, on tem-
poral frames generated by a temporal video decompo-
sition which is able to transform a set of video frames
sequence to a high correlated spatial representation
called IACC. The high correlation of the IACC repre-
sentation, which is actually originated from the video
temporal correlation, is easy and efficiently exploited
by any still image coder. It was shown in (Ouni et al.,
2011) that such coder could produce a high compres-
sion ratio (close to Inter compression models such as
MPEG) with low computational requirements (close
to Intra compression models such as M-JPEG). Ad-
ditionally, this model offers the possibility of easy
reutilizing different mature image compression com-
ponents for video compression purpose. The ACC-
JPEG coder, as an example of Accordion based video
coding model, consists in associated the so called Ac-
Jerbi K., Ouni T. and Abid M..
A Dataflow Description of ACC-JPEG Codec.
DOI: 10.5220/0004076901020107
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications and Wireless Information Networks and Systems
(SIGMAP-2012), pages 102-107
ISBN: 978-989-8565-25-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)