Improved Detection of Probe Request Attacks
Using Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithm
Deepthi N. Ratnayake
, Hassan B. Kazemian
and Syed A. Yusuf
Intelligent Systems Research Centre, Faculty of Computing, London Metropolitan University,
166-220 Holloway Road, N7 8DB, London, U.K.
Institute of Industrial Research, University of Portsmouth, PO1 2EG, Portsmouth, U.K.
Keywords: Wlan Security, Probe Request Flooding Attacks, Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms.
Abstract: The Media Access Control (MAC) layer of the wireless protocol, Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers (IEEE) 802.11, is based on the exchange of request and response messages. Probe Request
Flooding Attacks (PRFA) are devised based on this design flaw to reduce network performance or prevent
legitimate users from accessing network resources. The vulnerability is amplified due to clear beacon, probe
request and probe response frames. The research is to detect PRFA of Wireless Local Area Networks
(WLAN) using a Supervised Feedforward Neural Network (NN). The NN converged outstandingly with
train, valid, test sample percentages 70, 15, 15 and hidden neurons 20. The effectiveness of an Intruder
Detection System depends on its prediction accuracy. This paper presents optimisation of the NN using
Genetic Algorithms (GA). GAs sought to maximise the performance of the model based on Linear
Regression (R) and generated R > 0.95. Novelty of this research lies in the fact that the NN accepts user and
attacker training data captured separately. Hence, security administrators do not have to perform the
painstaking task of manually identifying individual frames for labelling prior training. The GA provides a
reliable NN model and recognises the behaviour of the NN for diverse configurations.
Wireless networks are springing up everywhere as it
enables an information-rich environment through
computers and handheld devices with portability and
flexibility, increased productivity, and lower
installation costs. However, the openly exposed
airwave signals, by their nature have increased risks
in security. Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)
management frames facilitate stations to begin and
maintain connections. In infrastructure WLANs, any
wireless station with a legitimate Media Access
Control (MAC) address can send a probe request
management frame when it needs information from
an Access Point (AP). AP replies to any probe
request with a probe response management frame
with capability information, such as the network
name access point name, supported data rates, etc.
Probe request and response management frames are
open, so the information can be obtained using
freely available sniffing software. Almost all
Wireless Network Interface Cards (NICs) permit
changing their MAC addresses to arbitrary values
through vendor-supplied/open-source drivers or an
application program. Probe Request Flooding
Attacks (PRFA) send a burst of probe requests,
having different source MAC addresses to generate a
heavy workload on the AP which can lead to a
Denial-of-Service (DoS) to its legitimate users.
Vulnerability arising from PRFA can also be
exploited to create other advanced attacks.
In a real WLAN, traffic pattern is usually
unpredictable and also varies on the usage, operating
system and applications used. Further, Wireless
Intrusion Detection System (WIDS) may fail to
capture some of the frames due to network or
environmental issues. Neural Networks (NN)
considered ideal in dealing with real-world tasks,
where data is often messy, uncertain or inconsistent
and perfect solutions may not exist. The capacity to
learn by example makes NNs exceptionally flexible
and powerful as there is no need to create algorithms
to execute a task. The parallel architecture facilitates
high response and computational times. These make
NNs a perfect candidate for application of wireless
attack detection in real world complex environments
N. Ratnayake D., B. Kazemian H. and A. Yusuf S..
Improved Detection of Probe Request Attacks - Using Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithm.
DOI: 10.5220/0004077703450350
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2012), pages 345-350
ISBN: 978-989-8565-24-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
(Karygiannis and Owens, 2002); (Landau and
Taylor, 1997); (Ratnayake et al., 2011); (Zhang et
al., 2008)
In a previous empirical study by the authors
(Ratnayake et al., 2011), an external attacker was
identified by analysing the traffic generated from a
user MAC address in a single frequency band of a
WLAN. A supervised feed-forward NN with four
distinct inputs, delta-time, sequence number, signal
strength and frame sub-type is applied to identify
and differentiate a genuine frame from a rogue
frame. The experimental results showed that the use
of NN can detect probe request attacks to a very
high precision.
However, the effectiveness of an Intrusion
Detection System (IDS) is evaluated by its ability to
make correct predictions, and therefore, the NN has
to be optimised and trained. NN optimisation is the
art and science of arranging interconnected factors to
the best possible effect. Many methods are in use
including trial-and-error, which are not rigorous
enough to arrive at a truly optimal structure. In
contrast, Genetic Algorithms (GA) outperform
traditional optimisation methods, due to its
rigorousness in finding optimal parameters. GA is a
search heuristic that is modelled on the principles of
natural selection, reproduction by crossover and
mutation. A fitness function is applied to evaluate
individuals. GA was first used by (Holland, 1975).
(De Jong, 1993) established that population-based
GAs using crossover and mutation could
successfully be applied to optimisation problems in
many areas. Some research work based on GA in the
field of intrusion detection are presented in
(Bankovic et al., 2007); (Gong et al., 2005);
(Haddadi et al., 2010); (Hua and Xiaofeng, 2008);
(Li, 2004); (Pillai et al., 2004); (Wu and Banzhaf,
2010); (Xia et al., 2005); (Yao, 2010). GAs are
frequently successful and considered as the most
popular in real applications (Reeves and Rowe,
This paper discusses the structural optimisation
component of the NN designed to detect probe
request attacks, using GA. The paper is organised as
follows: Section 2 - Probe request attack detection
using neural networks, Section 3 – Neural network
structure optimisation, Section 4 - Results and
discussion, and Section 5 – Conclusion.
A supervised feed-forward NN was designed with 4
input neurons, one hidden layer, with 20 hidden
neurons and a linear output neuron which classifies
genuine frames from rogue frames. The initial
design divided the data sample and used 70% of the
data to train the network and 15% each for
validation and testing respectively. Levenberg-
Marquardt back propagation algorithm was utilised
for training (Ratnayake et al., 2011). The results are
shown in Table 1. Performance of the network was
determined by the overall regression value.
Table 1: Results from the Un-optimised NN.
Training Sample 70% 123640
Validation Sample 15% 26495
Testing Sample 15% 26495
Hidden Neurons 20
Epoch 77
Performance 0.00386
(The Mean Squared Errors (MSEs) of training, validation and
testing were 3.86409e-3, 3.75033e-3 and 3.67129e-3)
Regression (overall) 0.98043
However, NN structural values were 70/15/15
sample sizes and one hidden layer with 20 neurons.
The model’s performance can be misleading due to
over-fitting, which generally occurs when the model
is not evaluated during the NN training. Over-fitted
models do not perform well on unseen data. Cross-
validation is among several methods of estimating
how well a trained model will perform with unseen
data and detect and prevent over-fitting of the model
(Moore, 2001). A 5-fold cross validation test was
performed using the sample data set, and the results
showed that the trained NN will perform
considerably well with unseen data with 73.59 to
100% accuracy rate. However, the intention of this
research is to realise a 100% accurate NN model.
NN performance can be improved by initialising the
network and training, increasing the number of
hidden neurons and layers, using a different training
function, or using additional training data
(MathWorks, 2012).
This research uses GA approach to optimise the
constructs of NN structure, namely; training,
validation and testing sample percentages, and
number of neurons of the hidden layer. The training
sample contains approximately 175K frames. Larger
numbers of neurons and extra hidden layers give the
NN more flexibility since network has more
Figure 1: The flow diagram of the GA applied.
parameters for optimisation. However, a too large
hidden layer can cause the problem to be under-
characterised and the network must optimise more
parameters than there are data vectors to constrain
these parameters. Further, more neurons and layers
increase processing time, and demands high
processing power (MathWorks, 2012). Therefore, in
this experiment, a single hidden layer and maximum
of 32 hidden neurons were used. A single training
algorithm is selected to train the network. A mix of
MATLAB and Netbeans/JGAP environment were
used to optimise the solution.
(Reeves and Rowe, 2003) state that probably
everybody’s GA is unique. Although, GAs can find
global optima, when it is applied to different
problems, there are other attractors to which they
may converge, with a distance from global
optimality. Since Holland and De Jong, researchers
and practitioners have recommended many
variations of GA recommending population sizes,
initialisation methods, fitness definitions, selection
and replacement strategies, and crossover and
mutation methods. However, Practitioner’s
viewpoint, (Levine, 1997) has a clear and reasonable
deviation from traditional GAs, which this research
utilised as a guideline.
The flow diagram of GA applied is shown in
Figure 1. Population of random chromosomes,
validation, crossover and mutation were performed
in Netbeans Environment. NN training, calculation
of fitness and fitness scaling were performed in
MATLAB environment. The algorithm ran 3 times
with different selection and mutation configurations.
Population created a population of a binary
vector that represents 4 genes (
Table 2). Function
randomGeneration created the initial population,
and crossOver and mutation functions created the
populations of the rest of the generations. A
validation function validated genes. Therefore,
population is biased to create a chromosome with
genes that are on the boundaries of the constraints,
and to create well-dispersed populations. The size of
the population is 30 chromosomes.
Table 2: Genes of the Chromosome.
Gene Name Description
trainVal % of training sample
validVal % of validation sample
testVal % of testing sample
neuL1 number of neurons in hidden layer 1
Table 3: Validation constraints.
Sizes of trainVal, validVal, and testVal should be > 0 and < 98
Total of trainVal, validVal, testVal should be =100
neuL1 should be > 0 and<33
Fitness evaluation was performed as follows;
Gene values of each chromosome were fed into NN
model. The network used MATLAB back
propagation training function – trainlm, with default
training parameters. Function trainlm is considered
as the fastest backpropagation algorithm in the
toolbox, however, it does require more memory than
other algorithms. Function trainlm updates weight
and bias values according to Levenberg-Marquardt
optimisation (MathWorks, 2012).
The information recorded during train, sim, and
regress functions are;
Regression, MSE, and best epoch.
Regression analysis is a statistical tool for the
examination of interaction between variables
(Lindley, 1987). The MATLAB function postreg
was used to calculate the fitness value [R]egression.
The function performs a linear regression between
the NN output and the target, and computes the
correlation coefficient (R value). Stochastic
Universal Sampling (SUS) was used for selecting
chromosomes for recombination. SUS uses a single
random value to sample all of the solutions by
choosing them at evenly spaced intervals. Therefore,
it offers zero bias and minimum spread (Baker,
1987). A fitness scaling was performed using
MATLAB function fitscalingrank. A pre-determined
% of the total population was selected for crossover
using MATLAB function selectionstochunif. Single
point crossovers were performed. The position of the
crossover was generated randomly. The concepts of
élitism and population overlaps were used in
creating new population, i.e. one elite chromosome,
which is the best performed chromosome from each
generation, was migrated to the next generation.
Selected chromosomes were crossed until 29 more
valid chromosomes were generated to complete the
next generation. Chromosomes to be mutated and
position to be mutated were selected randomly.
Mutated chromosomes were validated using
conditions in
Table 3. The stopping criterion for the
GA is when maximum number of generations is
reached or when there is no improvement.
The GA was set for 100 generations with 30
chromosomes in each generation, and 4 different
types of genes in each chromosome. This
experiment was run on a Toshiba Satellite Pro M70
laptop with an Intel® Pentium® M 740 (1.73GHz)
microprocessor and 1.9 gigabytes of Random Access
Memory, Microsoft Windows XP OS, and a
standard JDK with MATLAB 2008b. Matlabcontrol
Java API was used to interface Java and MATLAB.
The GA was run several times with different
parameters. The following presents 3 unique GAs
that shaped the ultimate objective of the research.
The initial GA was executed up to 59 generations
with maxNeurons=25, 1% of single point mutations.
fitnessScale=0.6. To maintain mutation at 1% of
total population, mutation was performed on one
newly formed offspring at every 3rd generation. The
GA was stopped when there was no improvement in
regression value after 42nd generation. Minimum
and maximum MSEs were 0.0035 and 0.0046.
Regression values reported were between 0.9560
and 0.9679. GA converged at 8
generation when
trainVal, validVal, testVal and neuL1 were 21, 33,
39 and 3 respectively. When the results were
analysed, it was found that insufficient
chromosomes were validated to the next generation,
resulting rapid diversity reduction in the population.
Therefore, in the 2nd GA, the maxNeurons were
increased to 32, and fitnessScale rate to 90%. The
GA was executed up to 76 generations. The GA was
stopped when there was no improvement in
regression value after 41st generation. Minimum and
maximum MSEs were 0.0036 and 0.0045.
Regression values reported were between 0.9578
and 0.9691. GA converged at 2nd generation when
trainVal, validVal, testVal and neuL1 were 24, 06,
70 and 27 respectively. When the results were
analysed, it was found that the problem of
insufficient validated chromosomes to the next
generation, still causes rapid diversity reduction in
the population. Further analysis showed that the
strict validation rules restricted achieving diversity.
Although, the research used a high selection and
crossover probability, the validation after crossover
and mutation rejects a major percentage of new
offspring migrating into the next generation.
Selection, crossover and mutation play a major role
in evolution, creating diversity. Therefore, in nature
and in GAs, the key feature for good performance is
to sustain the diversity of the population. Selection
methods also can lead to reduce diversity swiftly.
Therefore, the validation rules of GA were revised to
accept offspring, by scaling the absolute values to
relative values of 100%, so that the total of
trainVal+validVal+testVal will always equal to 100.
The calculations were performed using the Largest
Remainder Method. SUS was not changed as there
was no visible effect between 60% and 80% rates
during previous tests. However, a two-point
mutation was performed. Revision of maxNeurons
may also have improved the diversity and results.
However, current hardware constrains restrict
increasing the neuL1 limit.
The GA3 was executed up to 100 generations.
GA converged at 12th generation. Maximum overall
regression value 0.97682 was achieved when
trainVal, validVal, and testVal and neuL1 were 1,
43, 56 and 6 respectively. Minimum regression
value 0.96101 was achieved when trainVal,
validVal, and testVal and neuL1 were 41, 39, 20 and
17 respectively. Minimum and maximum MSEs
were 0.0084378 and 0.0036468 (Figure 2). The
search space analysis showed a considerably good
diversity in chromosomes generated by the GA.
All GAs generated impressive results with R>
0.95, which is very close to the ideal fitness value of
1. This shows that the training data is
comprehensive. It was achieved due to the large
training sample. Obtaining a large training sample
Figure 2: The evolution of the best performed chromosome of each generation (GA3).
and labelling them was possible as normal and
attack data were collected separately. The final
fitness value 0.97682, outperforms or similar to the
GA applications presented in (Gong et al., 2005);
(Haddadi et al., 2010); (Hua and Xiaofeng, 2008);
(Xia et al., 2005), where the results have obtained
using sample traffic databases or synthetic traffic.
This complete research was performed in a real
environment, i.e. capturing of training data (used for
training, validation and testing of NN) and
simulation data were from a real home WLAN.
However, the GA never reached the R value
obtained in (Ratnayake et al., 2011). Population of
trainVal, validVal, and testVal and NeuL1 were
between 1-62, 1-86, 7-88 and 1-30 respectively,
whereas (Ratnayake et al., 2011) used 70, 15, 15 and
20 respectively (Table 1). Hence, although all the
regression results are very close to global optimality
and ideal fitness value of 1, it is reasonable to
suggest that the GA could be further improved.
IEEE 802.11 is the standard for WLAN
communication. Attackers manipulate the request-
response design vulnerability and send a flood of
probe request frames which can cause serious
performance degradation or prevent legitimate users
from accessing network resources.
The research investigates and analyses WLAN
traffic captured on a typical home wireless network,
and uses supervised feedforward neural network
with 4 input neurons, one hidden layer and an output
neuron to determine the results. Empirical results
show that all models perform similarly well.
The research utilised a GA to optimise structure
of the neural network. The paper presents the
process of systematic improvement of the GA and
issues occurred during implementation. The
regression value of the final GA was 0.97682, which
outperforms or similar to current research in the
field of WIDS. However, GA did not reach the R
value 0.98043 obtained in Ratnayake et al. (2011) as
it never simulated with exact combination of NN
structural values. However, the minimum regression
value 0.96101 suggests that this NN model can be
applied to unseen data successfully. The computer
simulation results and optimisation results
demonstrated that this approach helps the NN
designer to find an optimised and reliable NN model
using GAs without searching for every conceivable
combination. Further research will be conducted in
the future to enhance this experiment to optimise the
NN training function.
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