End-user Friendly UI Modelling Language for Creation
and Supporting Evolution of RIA
Chris D’Souza
, Athula Ginige
and Danny Liang
School of Business, Australian Catholic University, 40 Edward Street, North Sydney, Australia
School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics, University of Western Sydney, Sydney, Australia
Keywords: Rich Internet Application (RIA), End-user Modelling Language, Evolution.
Abstract: End users have a comprehensive understanding of business needs which is often hard to fully capture. One
possible solution to this is empowering end-users to create and manage business applications. To empower
end-users the paper presents an end-user friendly UI modelling language. The language facilitates the
creation and supports the evolution of RIAs with changing business needs. The modelling language is based
on various types of structural dependencies among the interface elements in RIAs. These structural
relationships are identified in the paper. It also derives the data model from the end-user UI specifications.
Evolution is discussed from three perspectives, namely, the structural model of interfaces, the behavioural
model of interfaces and the underlying data model.
Businesses requirements change frequently and
consequently business applications need to evolve.
End-user development is one way to manage
frequent changes. Since many end-users perceive
applications through UIs, they may be empowered
by letting them specify the structure and the
behaviour of the application through UI elements.
The paper presents an end-user friendly UI
modelling language to facilitate the creation and
evolution of a class of current web applications
called Rich Internet Applications (RIAs). RIAs are
web applications with desktop like user interfaces
and response times (Busch and Koch, 2009). Several
web engineering methods have been proposed to
model RIAs. The important ones are OOWS
(Valverde et al., 2009), OOH4RIA (Garrigós et al.,
2009; Melia et al., 2010), UWE-R (Busch and Koch,
2009), WebML Extension (Bozzon et al., 2006) and
OOHDM Extension for RIA (Urbieta et al., 2007).
These methods are helpful to IS experts such as
designers and developers. However end-users do not
possess the skills required to intricately model the
requirements using sophisticated modelling methods
though they have an expert understanding of new
and existing requirements. Further these methods do
not facilitate evolution (Liang and Ginige, 2007).
Several technological frameworks also exist that
enable developers to expedite the RIA development
process. Two prominent examples include
Microsoft’s Silverlight (Silverlight, 2010) and
JavaFX based on Java technology (JavaFx, 2007).
However these frameworks are platform specific and
hence not transformable from one model to another.
Some UI modelling languages also exist. E.g. the
USer Interface eXtensible Markup Language
(USIXML) uses a User Interface Description
Language (UIDL) allowing designers to apply
development of user interfaces at various levels of
abstractions (Limbourg et al., 2005). Similarly the
User Interface Markup Language (UIML) provides
support to designers in modelling the structure, style,
display content and the behaviour of the UI elements
in multiple computing platforms (Farooq Ali et al.,
2005). The eXtensible Interface Markup Language
(XIML) is another UI modelling language with
design time and runtime support for designers
(Puerta and Eisenstein, 2003). These UI modelling
languages support model driven engineering
approaches. However most of these UI description
languages are meant for designers. Hence an end-
user friendly UI modelling language is proposed to
fill the gap that exists between UI modelling
languages for designers and end-users.
An overview of the suggested approach for
developing RIAs is as follows. Expert end-users use
a GUI based Integrated Developmental Environment
D’Souza C., Ginige A. and Liang D..
End-user Friendly UI Modelling Language for Creation and Supporting Evolution of RIA.
DOI: 10.5220/0004078201900198
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends (ICSOFT-2012), pages 190-198
ISBN: 978-989-8565-19-8
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
to generate an end-user friendly textual model of the
expected UI in the form of one or more pages in the
application. The textual model of the UIs is then
processed by an engine to derive abstract and
concrete UI models for each page along with the
underlying data model. However the scope of this
paper is restricted to the textual representation of the
UI model of a single page and its effect on the data
model, leaving aside its engineering details and
validations for future work.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2
contains a discussion on related work on RIA UI
modelling and UI modelling lanaguages in general.
Section 3 briefly discusses the research
methodology. Section 4 classifies structural
relationships among UI elements. Section 5
discusses the developmnt of the end-user friendly UI
modelling lanaguage models based on structural
relationships among UI elements. Section 6 contains
the conclusion and future work.
Valverde and Pastor (2009) provide a specification
of RIA UI meta-model as a combination of static
views and dynamic views. The static view identifies
the fundamental UI element types in a web
application while the dynamic view identifies the
fundamental behavioural changes to the UI due to
user interaction. They then integrate the meta-model
with the OOWS method to engineer the web
application. Sections 2.1 and 2.2 provide an
overview of Valverde and Pastor’s RIA UI meta-
model. Section 2.3 discusses current UI modelling
languages while Section 2.4 discusses end-user
empowerment through end-user friendly modelling
2.1 Static View of the UI Meta-Model
The UI can be defined as a composition of widgets
(Valverde and Pastor, 2009). A widget is a visual
component of the UI. Its main responsibility is to
handle data and user interactions. A widget is
abstracted as an entity with a set of properties. Five
types of widgets are identified based on their
interactive functionality:
Data View Widget: This widget displays data.
Input Widget: Allows user to input data.
Navigation Widget: The navigation widget captures
the target from which the UI is perceived.
Service Widget: Service widgets initiate the
execution of a service from the business logic.
Layout Widget: This widget contains other widgets.
2.2 Dynamic View of the UI
When a user interacts with the widgets, events are
triggered which causes reactions on either the same
widget or on other widgets (Valverde and Pastor,
2009). The reactions are in the form of:
Property Change: This reaction results in a change
of the UI properties of any target widget.
Data Request on Demand: This reaction results in
a request for information from the server to a data
view, if it is not already available on the client side.
Functional Invocation: This results when a service
widget triggers an event resulting in a requests-
response communication with the business logic.
Input Validation: This reaction results in a
validation of input data and a message if there is a
problem with input data.
Navigation: The navigation reaction results in
changing the point from which the application’s UI
is perceived by the user due to an event triggered
from a navigation widget.
In addition, the dynamic view uses event rules to
define reactions on target widgets for each event
from a source widget.
2.3 UI Modelling Languages
UI modelling languages are generally employed to
enable designers to generate UIs from various
models such as domain, presentation and task. The
generated UIs can then be customized by the
designer to expedite the UI development.
Teallach, for example enables designers in
building a UI from task, domain and presentation
models at logical and physical levels and also maps
the concepts from one model to another (Griffiths et
al., 2001). USIXML is another UI description
language that expresses and manipulates UIs at
different levels of abstractions (Limbourg et al.,
2005). These levels include Task & Concept (T&C),
abstract UI (AUI), concrete UI (CUI) and Final UI
(FUI) level. The T&C level describes common end-
user interaction task objects in a given domain. The
AUI level defines interaction space objects by
grouping task objects according to requirements but
without considering the specificities of layout and
navigational elements. The CUI level defines objects
from the AUI level with layout and navigation
specifications but without considering the platform
in which the rendering occurs. The FUI level defines
End-user Friendly UI Modelling Language for Creation and Supporting Evolution of RIA
the CUI objects with respect to a specific computing
platform. All UIDLs aim to provide designers a
mechanism to bridge the time gap that exists
between the user-interface engineering tasks of
design, development, and evaluation. To reduce the
time gap, UIDLs derive the UIs from domain model
and task models. However end-users are not experts
in these models. End-users on the other hand may be
empowered by providing a UI language from which
domain and other models could be derived.
2.4 Empowering End-users through
End-user Friendly Modelling
Ko et al. (2011) observed that not much research has
been done on end-user modelling of requirements
and specification for interactive and web-based
applications. Providing natural language like
descriptions of requirements is one approach to
enable end-user modelling, where in domain level
keywords are mixed with the user defined terms in
the language (Liu and Lieberman, 2005, Little and
Miller, 2006). Liang and Ginige (2007) use a Smart
Business Object Modelling Language (SBOML)
which uses succinct, pseudo-English sentences to
model relations among business objects. E.g. the
SBOML statement “in organisation,
employee has first name, last name
might have many office (has room
number, building id)” is user friendly as it
is easily understood by end users. SBOML develops
a platform specific model of a web application from
its SBOML specification and supports rendering of
the UI based on default mappings between data
elements and UI elements. Though SBOML is not a
UI modelling language it demonstrates that web
applications can be built by empowering end-users
to exploit their requirements expertise.
The research methodology is based on the
ontological models identified in the Unifying
Reference Framework (Calvary et al., 2003). The
Unifying Reference Framework is commonly used
for the design time and run time adaptations of UIs
targeting multiple platforms. The ontological model
in the Unifying Reference Framework is
independent of any domain and interactive system
and has been applied in UI description languages
such as USIXML (e.g. see Limbourg et al., 2005).
The framework recommends abstracting the UI
models in separate layers. The separation of levels is
essential for model driven engineering, reuse and the
evolution of applications.
To empower end-users, an end-user UI
modelling level is proposed to be situated over
Valverde and Pastor’s (2009) meta-model of the
RIA UI. Hence the proposed RIA development
process is as shown in Table.
Table 1: Proposed RIA UI Developmental Process.
End-User Friendly UI Model
Valverde & Pastor’s (2009) RIA UI Model
Concrete Model
Final Implementation
A UI modelling language may be termed user
friendly if an application can be described with a UI
perspective that is familiar to the end-user, enables
tweaking of the application so that it fits one's
personal needs and enables automation of repeated
tasks(Cypher, 1993). These principles can be used
during the evaluation phase of UI engineering.
This section identifies the structural relationships
among widgets in UIs. It is important to identify the
various structural relationships among widgets in the
UI model because when the application evolves the
relationships need to be redefined to support the new
behavioural expectations. The following types of
structural relationships are identified:
4.1 No Relationship
A widget has no relationship with any other widget
except its container widget if no other widget’s
existence is dependent on it or if its own existence is
not dependent on any other widget.
4.2 Container Relationship
Two widgets are in a container relationship if one
widget is contained within the other widget. Hence
two types of widgets may be defined:
Container: A widget in a container relationship is
the container if it contains the other widget. Every
web page has at least one container widget. A
container widget may have container relationships
ICSOFT 2012 - 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends
with other widgets.
Widget: This represents any widget in a container.
4.3 Computational Relationship
Two widgets are in a computational relationship if
they are related by a computational expression. The
relationship results in two types of widgets:
Computationally dependent: A widget in a
computational relationship is computationally
dependent if it uses a computational expression.
Computationally independent: A widget in a
computational relationship is computationally
independent if does not use a computational
Consider a text field that displays the “total years
of experience” of an employee by computing the
value from two columns, “starting year” and “ending
year”, of an “experiences” widget (see Figure 1).
Here “total years of experience” is computationally
dependent on “experiences”, the computationally
independent widget.
4.4 Logical Relationship
A widget is in logical relationship if its existence is
dependent on a logical expression. Two types of
widgets may be defined:
Logically dependent: A widget in a logical
relationship is logically dependent if its existence is
dependent on a logical expression being evaluated to
be true.
Logically independent: A widget in a logical
relationship is logically independent if it exists
independently of the value of the logical expression.
Consider a text widget “Number of children” that
appears when the value of a “marital status” radio
button widget is set to “married”. Here “Number of
children” is logically dependent on “Martial status”,
the logically independent widget.
4.5 Event Relationship
A widget is in an event relationship with another if it
is set to raise an event that causes reactions on the
other widget. Two types of widgets may be defined
based on event relationships:
Event generating widget: A widget in an event
relationship that generates the event.
Event target widget: A widget in an event
relationship on which a reaction is applied.
By default all navigation widgets are event
generating types. Furthermore, all input widgets are
event generating types though not all of them may
require the events to be handled. In addition every
web page is assumed to generate an “on page load
event” to cause the loading of data on the page.
4.6 Pop-up Relationship
A widget is in a pop-up relationship with another
widget if the other widget appears as a pop-up page.
Two types of widgets are defined based on the pop-
up relationship:
Pop-up generating widget: A pop-up event
generating widget.
Pop-up page: An event target widget that manifests
as a page that pops-up on the occurrence of the
event. Pop-ups are frequently used to create
contextual menus, confirmation dialog boxes or
validation messages.
An approach to end-user empowerment is to create
applications from a UI perspective, using an end-
user friendly modelling language. The modelling
language must also be capable of supporting the
evolution of an application in the form of addition,
deletion and editing of widgets in the UI. The UI
model will also have an impact on the underlying
data model and the behavioural model. These issues
are discussed next.
5.1 Contextualizing UI Relationships
The UI of an application is represented in the form
of one or more pages. A page may contain at least
one container widget and a container widget may
have container relationships with other container
widgets. Furthermore widgets in computational
relationship, logical relationship, event relationship
and pop-up relationship can be widgets in a
container. Finally a pop-up target widget may be
perceived as a page. The structural representation of
the relationships among the UIs in an application
may be stored at the abstract and concrete level
using XML notation so that they can be easily
transformed from one model form to another.
5.2 Language Support for Creation
Consider the UI of an application to manage
employee details (see Figure 1). The UI has data
End-user Friendly UI Modelling Language for Creation and Supporting Evolution of RIA
view widgets for “F.Name”, “Experiences” table and
“Total Years of Experiences”. Assume “Number of
kids” is a logically dependent widget on “Marital
status”. “Number of kids” is an input cum data view
widget. Also assume “Total Years of Experiences”
is computationally dependent on the “Experiences”
table using a computational relationship involving
data from “Starting Year” and “Ending Year”
columns of the “Experiences” widget to calculate the
total years of experience. When “Click here for
experiences” widget is clicked, it opens a pop-up
Figure 1: UI of an application.
A page may contain additional widgets to supply
“information” or to receive “confirmation”.
Information widgets are data-view widgets
providing helpful information about other widgets.
E.g. the Number of Kids” widget has an
information widget represented by the yellow
triangle to inform the user to enter a positive integer
in the number of kids widget. A confirmation
widget is a data-input widget generally used to
gather confirmation of terms and conditions before
proceeding with the navigation.
5.2.1 Script for Creation
Script 1 defines the end-user model of the
application illustrated in Figure 1. The modelling
language has a small set of keywords to sufficiently
define the structural relationships identified in
Section 4 and its consequential mapping to UI
widgets discussed in Section 2.1.
The script defines an application using one or
more statements. A statement ends with a semi-
colon. Flower brackets in a statement represent a
container widget. Properties of a widget are
represented within round brackets. Multiple
properties are separated by a comma. A property
may have sub-properties which are represented
within nested round brackets.
Script 1: Modelling creation of the UI
01 In application <application_id>
02 create page<Employee Details>
03 (on load event,
05 for each <Employee>
06 {
07 (
08 <Accept usage terms>((Uni-choice:
09 <Accept usage terms>), hide
10 label, confirmation widget);
11 <F. Name> (String, read);
12 <Marital status>
13 (Uni-choice: (<Single> (checked),
14 <Married>), on set event);
16 <Number of kids>
17 (String, read-write,
18 logically dependent on
19 <Marital status> set equal to
20 <”Married”>, info widget
21 (<Number of kids must be more
22 than or equal to 0>));
23 <Click here for experiences>
24 (link, on click event, to pop-up
25 page<Experiences>
26 {
27 <Experiences> (table(
28 <Starting year> (integer);
29 <Ending year> (integer);
30 <Designation> (String)
31 ));
33 <Total Years of experience>
34 (integer,
35 computationally depended on
36 (sum (subtract
37 (<Experiences: Ending year>,
38 <Experiences: Starting year>
39 ))))
40 })
41 )
42 }
43 )
In the script, underlined text represents keywords
of the language. Line 1 identifies the application.
Line 2 identifies the page. Lines 3 to 43 describe the
properties of the page. Line 3 states that the page is
set to have an on load event. Line 5 uses keywords
to describe a widget which is identified as a
container in line 6. The keywords "for each" convey
additional information to generate widgets for
navigation from one employee detail to another.
Lines 7 to 41 describe the properties of the
container. They describe five widgets, namely
“Accept usage terms”, "F. Name", "Marital status",
“Number of kids" and "Click here for experiences".
Line 10 identifies “Accept usage terms” as a
ICSOFT 2012 - 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends
confirmation type widget. Line 20 indicates
“Number of kids” has an information widget
attached to it. Lines 25 to 40 describe the
"Experiences" container" and it’s associated
widgets. The container is also defined to be in a
pop-up page in line 24.
The language can also capture optional data type
and the read/write properties of widgets, See line 11
for an example of a string data element with a read
property and line 8 for a uni-choice data type to
represent a choice among one or many alternatives.
The language also supports navigation widget
properties. E.g. Line 24 uses keyword "link" to
define a hyperlink type of navigational widget.
5.2.2 Deriving the Structural UI Model
The structural relationships among the widgets in the
UI can be automatically derived from the language.
Figure 2 represents the structural object model of the
UI defined by Script 1. Though Figure 2 is shown in
UML notation, it may be represented in XML form
for easy storage and manipulation to other levels of
Figure 2: Structural object model of the UI.
The structural object model may contain
additional widgets not explicitly defined by the end-
user. E.g. the “Previous employee navigation-service
widget” is not user defined. This is generated due to
the keywords “for each” on line 5 in Script 1 which
is mapped to two buttons “previous’ and “next” in
Figure 1. Similarly the structural object model may
define other implicit widgets such as a default
header widget for the title of the page. In addition all
events associated with an interface are identified in
the structural object model. Some widgets such as
the information widget (see line 20 in Script 1) have
an implicit event associated with it which is picked
up in the structural object model.
5.2.3 Deriving the Data Model
A data model can be derived from the structural
object model. Figure 3 represents the data model
derived from the structural object model in Figure 2.
All data bearing widgets, except computationally
dependent widgets, and widgets with information
property or confirmationproperty are included in
the data model. E.g. a widget such as “Accept usage
terms” is not meant for supplying or accessing
domain data. Domain tables are identified from
container widgets. Thus two tables “Employees” and
“Experiences” are identified. The relationship
between tables in the data model is captured from
the nesting of container widgets and the
multiplicities are derived from keywords such as
“table” in line 27 in Script 1.
Figure 3: Initial data model of the application.
5.2.4 Language Support for the Behavioural
A behavioural model is required to support UI tasks.
Script 2 contains a partial behavioural model of the
application illustrated in Figure 1. The general form
of the behaviour model is: “on a widget’s event,
apply reaction(s) over target widget(s)”. End users
may create the behavioural model by using the
structural object model of the UI as the reference.
The script uses UI widgets and events defined in the
structural object model along with widget reactions.
For example lines 6 to 8 in Script 2 specify that
when the “set event” occurs on the “marital status
data input widget”, “property change reaction” is
applied over “Number of kids data input widget”.
Similarly Script 2 may be continued for other event
generating widgets.
End-user Friendly UI Modelling Language for Creation and Supporting Evolution of RIA
Script 2: Partial behavioural model of the UI
01 In application <application_id>
02 on <employee details container page>
03 load event
04 apply data_request_reaction over
05 page <employee details>;
06 on<marital status data input widget>
07 set event
08 apply property_change_reaction over
09 <Number of kids data input widget>;
10 ...(continues for other widgets)
5.3 Language Support for Addition of
The changing business requirement can result in
addition of new interfaces to an application. Figure 4
illustrates a case for evolution of an application by
the addition of new widgets. The dotted horizontal
line in the figure separates pre and post additions.
The new additions are in the form of:
a) a “L. Name” text field for data viewing;
b) a navigation link from the “L. Name” label to the
experiences page;
c) a new column, “Role” in the Experiences table.
The corresponding end-user model for the evolution
of the application is presented in Script 3. The
language details of Script 3 are not explained here as
they are similar to that of Script 1.
The addition of new widgets causes
consequential changes to the structural object model
the details of which have not been provided for
economy of space.
Figure 4: Evolution by addition of UI widgets.
Script 3: Addition of widgets
01 In application <application_id>
02 on page <Employee Details>(
03 for each <Employee> {
04 add <L. Name>
05 (string, read);
06 add <L. Name> (link , on click,
07 to pop-up page <experiences>),
08 after
09 <First Name>
10 });
11 on page <Experiences>(
12 add table( <Experiences>:<Role>
13 (string, read,
14 after
15 <Experiences>:<Designation>
16 ))
17 )
5.3.1 Effect of Addition on the Data Model
When new widgets are added, its effect on the data
model must be captured. The data model gets
affected only if new domain data bearing widgets
are added to the UIs. Furthermore this may also
result in the creation of new data tables if the user
adds container widgets.
Script 3 causes changes to the initial data model
in the form of alternations to the Employees and
Experiences table structures. The altered data model
is shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5: The altered data model.
5.3.2 Effect of Addition on the Behavioural
The behavioural model of the UI also gets affected
due to the addition of new widgets. Users may
recreate the behavioural model using the existing
behaviour model as a template. New creation is
preferred over editing of the existing behavioural
model because additions of new widgets may affect
the behaviour of old widgets too.
5.4 Language Support for Deletion of
The deletion of widgets involves deleting at least
one widget from the UI. It does not mean deleting
events or editing existing properties of a widget.
Permissions to delete depend on the structural
relationship types which are maintained in the
ICSOFT 2012 - 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends
structural object model.
Widgets with no relationships can be safely
deleted without affecting other widgets. Container
widgets cannot be deleted unless its widgets are first
deleted. The widgets in a container can be deleted if
they are not involved in other relationships. Widgets
in logical or computational relationships cannot be
deleted unless their dependencies are taken care
before the deletion. Similarly widgets in event
relationships or pop-up relationships may be deleted
only after the dependencies are removed. In
summary, no widget can be deleted unless it has no
relationships with other widgets.
5.4.1 Effect of Deletion on the Data
When a widget gets deleted, the structural object
model is re-created. This may have an impact on the
data model. E.g. if the deleted widget is a source
widget for domain data, the corresponding data
model field too will be deleted. Hence data-bearing
widget deletion will have an impact on the domain
data model, resulting in a logical deletion of a
database table field. If a container widget is deleted
it may result in the deletion of a database table itself.
However physical deletions should be avoided to
maintain the integrity of legacy data.
5.4.2 Effect of Deletion on the Behavioural
UI widget deletions will cause changes to the
behaviour of the application. Hence the behavioural
model of the system will have to be recreated.
Further details are not provided since the modelling
of the behavioural process is similar to that
discussed earlier.
5.5 Language Support for Editing of
Editing of a widget means changing the properties of
a widget or changing the events and the reaction to
the events associated with an event generating
Widgets with no relationships can be safely
edited without affecting other widgets. Containers
cannot be edited to be non container widgets unless
it’s containing widgets are first deleted. Widgets in
computational relationships must be edited together.
Similarly widgets in logical relationships must be
edited together as the widgets are related by a logical
Editing of an event generating widget involves
either adding an event or changing an event.
Changing an event can be perceived as deletion of
an event followed by an addition of a new event. If
an event is deleted from a navigation widget it may
result in the navigational widgets target widget to
be unattached to any other widgets of the page.
However the target widget must not be inaccessible
since it is not deleted. Such unlinked widgets must
be maintained in the structural object model for
possible future editing by the end-user.
5.5.1 Effect of Editing on the Data Model
The editing of widgets does not change the structure
of the data model as no new widgets are added nor
any widget deleted. Any change in the data model as
a result of renaming of the widgets may be avoided
by representing the database tables’ names
independently of the user-defined names of the
associated interfaces. However the behavioural
model needs redesign as in other cases.
5.5.2 Effect of Editing on the Behavioural
UI editing will cause changes to the behaviour of the
application. However further details are not provided
since the modelling of the behavioural process is
similar to that discussed earlier.
This paper presents an end-user friendly UI
modelling language for creating and supporting the
evolution of RIA with changing requirements. The
textual model of the UIs can be processed by an
engine to derive the UI model for each page along
with the underlying data model. For this we have
identified various types of structural relationships
among UI widgets which are important for
managing evolution. When requirements evolve
adding, editing or deleting widgets in a UI must be
performed while managing existing relationships.
The language described in the paper is end- user
friendly. Further it is possible to derive the
underlying data model from the UI specification.
Future work will address engineering approaches
and the evaluation of the efficacy of the language
with respect to user-friendliness, generation of the
structural relationships and end user understanding
of the created models.
End-user Friendly UI Modelling Language for Creation and Supporting Evolution of RIA
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ICSOFT 2012 - 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends