iSATS: Leveraging Identity based Sender Authentication for Spam
Sufian Hameed, Tobias Kloht and Xiaoming Fu
Computer Network Group, University of G¨ottingen, G¨ottingen, Germany
Email Sender Authentication, Spam Prevention, Identity based Cryptography.
A vast majority of spam emails today are sent from botnets with forged sender addresses. This has attracted
researchers over the years to develop email sender authentication mechanism as a promising way to verify
identity of the senders. In this paper we introduce iSATS, a new email sender authentication system based
on Identity-based public key cryptography. iSATS leverages an identity based signature scheme to provide
a reliable and easy way to bind the identity of legitimate sender to an email. Unlike the popular existing
solutions like SPF and DKIM, it is hard for the spammer to adopt iSATS.
Spam is still a largely unsolved problem that has out-
numbered legitimate emails with big scores. Spam
has already reached around 89.1% of total emails
(Pingdom, 2011) i.e. 262 billion spam emails/day,
increasing from 65% (MessageLabs, 2005) in 2005
and it is projected to cost $338 billion by 2013 (Red-
Condor, 2011). Email infrastructure was originally
not designed to verify the authenticity of a sender
address/identity. This weakness is greatly exploited
by zombie networks or botnets to send spam/phishing
messages with forged addresses. It is well-known fact
that the majority of spam messages today - 88.2%
(Symantec, 2010) of the total spam according to some
estimates - are sent by botnets using forged addresses.
Email sender authentication mechanisms enable
receivers to automatically distinguish forgeries from
authentic messages. Over the years several sender
authentication protocols have been proposed, out of
which Sender Policy Framework (SPF) and Domain
Keys Identified Mail (DKIM) are the most adopted
SPF (Wong and Schlitt, 2006) is an IP-based
sender authentication scheme that operates on SMTP
envelope (MAIL FROM) to block forgeries at SMTP
time. SPF allows the domain administrators to pub-
lish the IPs or range of IPs for their valid server(s) on
DNS in simple text format referred to as SPF record.
When the email exchange begins, the receiving side
can query the DNS for senders SPF record to validate
if senders IP is listed in the address range specified
by the sender’s domain. According to (Mori et al.,
2011), SPF is the most adopted sender authentication
scheme and over 60% of the prominent domains have
published their SPF record as of July 2011. However,
due to its simplicity, SPF is also easily adopted by
spammers. According to (Mori et al., 2011) 20+% of
spamming domains have already adopted SPF. If the
majority of spamming domains will adopt SPF over
time, SPF would become useless. (Mori et al., 2011)
also show that significant amount of spams are suc-
cessfully authenticated by SPF and on the other hand
around 5+% of legitimate messages can potentially
fail SPF tests. Message forwarding is also a limitation
for IP-based SPF. Unless the return path is edited dur-
ing forwarding, the receiver will treat the message as
forgery for not coming directly from its listed sender.
DKIM (Allman et al., 2007) signs the email head-
ers and body using public-key cryptography, and ap-
pend the signature in a DomainKey-Signature header.
The signature keys are bind to a domain name and the
domain admins publish the public-key in the DNS.
The receiver can query the DNS to extract the public-
key of the sender and verify the signature. A suc-
cessful verification implicates that the message con-
tent was not forged during the transmission and the
message is actually from the sender responsible for it.
In DKIM, the signature can only be evaluated af-
ter the entire message content is received, thus, it is
not possible to reject spam at earlier stages or during
SMTP time. DKIM is prone to content munging and
if the message content is altered during transit, DKIM
will fail. DKIM cannot evaluate the trustworthiness
Hameed S., Kloht T. and Fu X..
iSATS: Leveraging Identity based Sender Authentication for Spam Mitigation.
DOI: 10.5220/0004078404080411
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2012), pages 408-411
ISBN: 978-989-8565-24-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
of a sender and the spammers can also adopt it to sign
their own messages. However, (Taylor, 2006) shows
that only 2% of spam received are authenticated by
DKIM, which is significantly less than the spam au-
thenticated by SPF.
In iSATS, we introduce a new email sender authen-
tication system that is based on identity based public
key cryptography (IBC) (Shamir, 1985). With IBC
a private key generator (PKG) or a trusted authority
(TA) is responsible for generating a secret key (SK)
against the identity of the domain used as public key
i.e. the TA is also responsible to thoroughly verify the
identity of a domain before issuing SK. This verifica-
tion strongly binds the identity of the domain owner
to its domain and makes it hard for the spammer to
adopt iSATS, unless they are willing to give away their
iSATS requires the sender’s Mail Transfer Agent
(MTA) to generate a signature using SK of the do-
main and append it along with SMTP envelop (MAIL
FROM). This enables the recipient’s MTA to quickly
authenticate the sender by verifying the appended sig-
nature. Any invalid connection is terminated right
away, saving valuable resources both at the MTA and
in the network. Finally, email forwarding and mung-
ing of message along the transit is not a problem in
iSATS is a crypto-based email sender authentication
system that operates on the SMTP envelop, in par-
ticular on MAIL FROM command, to perform do-
main level authentication during the SMTP time.
iSATS leverages identity based signature (IBS) using
identity-based public key cryptography (IBC) (Cocks,
2001; Boneh and Franklin, 2001) to authenticate the
identity of an email sender. Compared to tradi-
tional public key cryptography, IBC saves the burden
of managing and distributing the public keys, since
publicly available unique identities are used as pub-
lic keys. iSATS requires establishment of a trusted
authority (TA) also known as private key generator
(PKG), responsible for issuing secret key (SK) and
system parameters. The TA is also responsible to ver-
ify the identity of a domain before issuing the SK.
2.1 Basic Requirement
At the outset, we seek a solution that works well with
the current, entrenched system. This means that the
system should:
Work as an optional addition to standard
mail clients or servers, and continue to sup-
port popular means of accessing mail (e.g.
Be incrementally deployable.
Remains transparent to end users.
The functionality of iSATS can be divided into four
steps: 1) setup, 2) identity verification and secret key
extraction, 3) signature generation and 4) signature
verification, discussed in the upcoming sections.
2.2 Setup
This step is executed once in the beginning and marks
the creation of a whole IBC environment by a TA. The
setup results in generation of Master Key and System
Parameters. Master key is kept secret by the TA and it
is used to generate SK for the domain based on their
identity. System parameters are publicly available.
2.3 Identity Verification and Secret Key
This step is initiated when any domain wants to be-
come part of iSATS and requests a SK (see Figure 1).
iSATS represents a closed system, in a sense that do-
mains are not automatically added to the system but
the TA verifies their identity first. iSATS is envi-
sioned to provide extended validation of the domain’s
identity. Identity verification with Extended Valida-
tion (EVC, 2009) provides high-security information
to clearly identify a domains organizational identity.
This will help bind the owner’s identity to the iden-
tity of the domain and will make misbehaving do-
mains visible. Most well-known webmail providers
and websites tend to have SSL certificates with ex-
tended verification, so this requirement is not exces-
After identity verification, the TA will issue sys-
tem parameters and a SK corresponding to the do-
main name which is also its identity. This meets the
requirements of the system, as the domain name is a
unique identity for the domain and is publicly avail-
able to all parties.
2.4 Signature Generation
This step is executed when a user wishes to send
an email. The MTA will generate a signature
on the sending user’s email address (e.g. al- using the SK and system param-
eters of the domain. After doing this, the signature is
appended to MAIL FROM command as an additional
Figure 1: The process of domain joining iSATS.
Figure 2: Email Processing with iSATS.
parameter (see Figure 2). The use of additional pa-
rameters in MAIL FROM is allowed and in line with
the current SMTP specifications (Klensin, 2008).
2.5 Signature Verification
On receivingthe MAIL FROM command, the MTA on
the receiving side will verify the signature. For verifi-
cation the MTA will use the public system parameters,
signature (extracted from MAIL FROM), signed text
i.e. sending users email address from MAIL FROM
and the domain name of the sender as the public key
(see Figure 2). The entire verification process is com-
pleted before replying to MAIL FROM, which give
recipients the option to reject the message before its
content is sent.
2.6 Discussion
2.6.1 Email Forwarding
In email forwarding, it is a common practice not
to change the return path or MAIL FROM message
envelop. This is an Achilles heel in IP-based SPF
(Wong, 2005), but for iSATS message forwarding is
not a problem as long as MAIL FROM command re-
mains intact.
2.6.2 Message Munging
iSATS does not operate on the content of an email.
If the content of the message is altered during transit
by a mailing list (which is a common practice) it will
have no effect on iSATS, unlike DKIM (Wong, 2005).
2.6.3 Security of TA
In iSATS, the security of the TA is very crucial and if
an attacker is able to obtain the TAs master key, he
would be able to issue SKs and generate valid signa-
tures. It is synonymous to securing any Certification
Authority (like VeriSign) for the legitimacy of the is-
sued certificates. In order to secure central TA, Boneh
and Franklin (Boneh and Franklin, 2001) introduce a
concept for distributing the TA (PKG) in such a man-
ner that the master key is distributed over a set of
nodes, so that each node has no information over the
key itself. Domains can extract their SK by obtaining
partial keys from a subset of these nodes, where the
subset must be bigger than a certain threshold. This
kind of distribution will also help in minimizing the
effect of DDoS attacks, which is still an open prob-
lem. Further discussion of the security of the TA is
beyond the scope of this paper and we will consider it
as part of future work.
2.6.4 Attack on Secret Key of Domain
Protection of SK is the responsibility of the MTA or
Domain. Attacks related to key thefts are synony-
mous to hacking the domain and the corresponding
defense mechanisms are beyond the scope of this pa-
per. Hence we have left the discussion on key theft
and revocation mechanisms as future work.
2.6.5 Signature Reuse or Misuse
In order to avoid reuse or misuse of signature by
a potential attacker we recommend using a unique
signature for each message. This can be done eas-
ily by using a nonce (a unique number used only
once) and instead of just signing the sender’s email
id the MTA can sign email ID + nonce. The
nonce can be composed of time stamp value, mes-
sage ID or a combination of both. With this the
new MAIL FROM will be something like this, MAIL
FROM: <>, ccsig = Sign ( al- + nonce ), nonce.
2.6.6 Sender Reputation
Email sender authentication systems only authenti-
cate the identity of the email senders at the domain
level. For the legitimacy of the domain it is recom-
mended that each domain maintain local reputation
for the domains sending emails. As part of future
work, sender reputation can also be centralized at the
TA level, based on the feedback of individual legiti-
mate domains.
Nowadays, it is also a common practice in legit-
imate domains, ISPs and major web-mail providers
to run bot detectors against non-human automatic ac-
count creation and impose an email sending limit be-
tween 100 to 1000 recipients/day (EmailLimit, 2010).
We introduce iSATS, a new email sender authentica-
tion system that leverages identity based signatures
for stronger sender authenticity than existing solu-
tions. With the help of a trusted authority, iSATS
forms a closed system that provides a reliable and
easy way to bind the identity of a legitimate sender to
an email. On the other hand, it is hard for the spam-
mer to adopt the system without getting noticed. Fur-
ther, iSATS operates on email envelope, specifically
on MAIL FROM command, which makes it easy to
reject spam before receiving the actual content.
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