requirements. Figure 3 shows a caption-screen of a
learning scenario within the editor whereas Figure 4
shows the equivalent result after importing the
learning model into Moodle. Teacher-designers can
complete their design directly on Moodle by
focusing on the low-level details not dealt with by
the external design tool.
This article has presented and discussed a Domain
Specific Modeling approach for the specification of
Visual Instructional Design Languages centered on
the Learning Management System semantics. The
DSM theories and practices provide a very
challenging trend for supporting the specification of
VIDLs as well as the generation of dedicated visual
editors. The main practical advantage and added
value is to synchronize human-interpretable visual
models with machine-readable persistence. The
EMF/GMF-based editor delivers learning scenarios
in a machine readable format compliant to a specific
schema like the one we propose to identify and
formalize from a specific analysis of the internal and
implicit instructional design principles embedded
within the LMS.
Nevertheless, the work conducted for now has
also depicted the difficulty to adapt the resulting
meta-model from the XSD file in order to capture
the practitioners semantics and allowing a mapping
in conformance to the notation targeted by end-
users. We have just started a French ANR funded
project in order to study the specification of more
complex LMS-centered VIDLs that will capture
practices and requirements closer to teachers-
designers than the experimentation we discussed
within this submission.
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ICSOFT 2012 - 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends