Friction Sources Characterization for Fricative Consonants of Arabic
Fazia Karaoui and Amar Djéradi
Laboratoire de la Communication Parlée et de Traitement de Signal,
Université des Sciences et Technologies Houari Boumediene, Beb Ezzouar Alger, Algerie
Keywords: Fricatives Consonants, Vocal Tract Transfer Function, Noise Source Model.
Abstract: The objective of this work is the acoustic characterization of the friction source for Arabic voiced
consonants [v], [z], [ʒ], [h], [ς] and unvoiced ones [s], [f], [], [ħ], employing vocal tract transfer function
obtained from a direct measurement by the Pseudo Random Excitation of the human vocal tract and the
signal spectrum radiated at the lips. Assuming the separability of the source of the vocal tract considered as
a linear filter, the sources spectrum is obtained by the ratio of the output signal spectrum of the vocal tract
transfer function. The results are derived from data produced by two female and two male subjects.
The fricatives are produced when a supra glottis
constriction is formed in the vocal tract; the air flow
through the constriction produces a jet (turbulence)
in the region downstream of the constriction (near
the walls of the vocal tract and / or the teeth that
form an obstacle). In addition to the turbulence, the
vocal cords vibrate in the case of voiced fricatives.
To characterize the Arabic fricative consonants our
study is divided in two parts: the first part is the
acoustic characterization of the vocal tract by
measuring the vocal tract transfer function using
Pseudo Random Excitation method. The second part
is determining the friction sources spectra involved
in the production of the studied Consonants.
The excitation of the vocal tract by a pseudo-random
binary sequence (PRE) is a technique for direct
measurement of the vocal tract transfer function in
human subjects developed by Djéradi et al. in 1991.
This method has several advantages over
previous methods for providing in this case a very
short measurement time (100ms), it is also
compatible with phonation (Djéradi et al., 1992).
2.1 Data Acquisition
The recordings were made in an ambient
environment. The fricative consonants [s, f, , v, ʒ, z,
ħ, ς] were made by two female speakers of native
language Kabyle for the subject KF and Algerian
Arabic for the subject BS. The signal is digitized at
sampling frequency of 16 KHz. The measuring time
is about 100 ms, corresponding to a pseudo-random
sequence of 1024 points. Each consonant is recorded
ten times by each speaker
The pseudo random excitation method developed by
(Djéradi et al., 1991). Allows the measuring of the
vocal tract transfer function in phonation mode and
also the obtaining of the signal spectrum radiated at
the lips as shown in the diagram below:
Figure 1: Block diagram of PRE method.
Transfer function
Vocal trac
Karaoui F. and Djéradi A..
Friction Sources Characterization for Fricative Consonants of Arabic.
DOI: 10.5220/0004079901340136
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications and Wireless Information Networks and Systems
(SIGMAP-2012), pages 134-136
ISBN: 978-989-8565-25-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The sources spectrum is obtained by the ratio of
the output signal spectrum of the vocal tract transfer
function. The ten source spectrums of each
consonant are superposed in the same figure, and the
voiced consonants are opposed with the unvoiced
ones for the fourth speakers, in order to compare the
results, figure 2.
3.1 Analysis and Interpretation of
The main observation is that the spectral curves
overlap very well and the peaks values obtained are
stable for the speakers in the corpus. For the dental
voiced/ unvoiced fricatives [z, s], we see the
emergence of two main peaks one at about 4500Hz
and the other at 3200 Hz, these resonances are
attributed to incisive that form the source of
obstacle. According to previous studies in particular
that of Shadle (Shadle, 1985). The value of these
peaks depend both of the shape of the obstacle, the
diameter of the constriction and the distance
between the constriction and the obstacle which may
explain the appearance of two peaks for the dental
source. The amplitude of the peak (at 4500Hz) of the
fricative [s] is 50dB and that of [z] is 35dB, the peak
at 3200Hz [s] is 40 dB and that of [z] is 30 dB. Note
that the amplitude spectrum for the dental voiced [z]
falls relative to that of the unvoiced [s], this is due to
the drop in pressure at the glottis. Note also that the
amplitude and slope of the spectrum differs between
subjects that are due to the pressure difference
generated by each subject.
For the post alveolar sources fricatives [, ʒ],
three main peaks appeared, the first is at 1500 Hz,
the second at 3200 Hz and the third is at 4500 Hz
representing the resonances of the vocal tract walls
and dental sources.
For the pharyngeal, the spectra obtained are
similar for the subjects. 4500Hz, 3200 Hz appeared
for the three fricatives [ς,
ħ, h], the band below 500
Hz is dominated by the effect of voicing for the
voiced fricatives [ς, h] for the fricative [ς] a broad
peak appeared at 400 Hz. For [h] is at 200 Hz. For
the [ħ] a broad peak appeared at 1500 Hz.
Figure 2: Sources spectra for unvoiced fricatives [s, ʃ ] (left) and voiced fricatives[z, ʒ] (right) spoken by subjects KF, BS.
KF [ʕ]
KF [ħ]
KF [h]
Figure 3: Sources spectra for pharyngeal fricatives
consonants [ʕ, ħ, h] spoken by subject KF.
In this framework, we have implemented the PRE
method for direct measurement of the vocal tract
transfer function on human subjects.
From the transfer functions obtained and the
output signal spectrum we determined the acoustic
parameters of the friction sources concerned during
the production of the fricative consonants.
We conclude from this analysis that the spectra
of the sources of friction of voiced consonants and
unvoiced consonants are similar, they exhibit the
same resonances in the high frequencies, while in
the low band frequency the effect of the glottal
source is dominant. The amplitude spectrum for
voiced sources decreases compared to unvoiced ones
due to the drop in pressure at the glottis. The
amplitude also differs between speakers due to the
difference in pressure emitted by each subject during
the production of these fricatives.
These results are in agreement with the
preceding results studies particularly those obtained
by Abeer Alwan and Shrikanth Narayanan for [s, ʃ].
On prospects, continue this study and propose a
complete model for a source of friction for Arabic
- A signal generator whose spectrum is the one we
obtained in this work
- Command parameters that would allow the use
of this generator in a synthesis of fricative
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