Enhancing Linguistic Web Service Description
with Non-functional NLP Properties
Nabil Baklouti
, Bilel Gargouri
and Mohamed Jmaiel
ReDCAD Laboratory, University of Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia
MIRACL Laboratory, University of Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia
Linguistic Web Service, Non-functional NLP Properties, Semantic Web, Ontology, OWL-S.
This paper deals with the enhancing of Linguistic Web Service (LingWS) description. It proposes an extension
for the OWL-S approach and a Natural Language Processing (NLP) domain ontology based on linguistic
standards. The proposed extension provides a classification of the Non-functional NLP properties which
promotes the representation of their relationships. The extended OWL-S description is linked to the NLP
domain ontology to semantically annotate the LingWS properties.
The lingware system engineering is a sub-domain of
the Software Engineering related to Natural Language
Processing (NLP). The development of this kind of
systems needs both several linguistic resources and
treatments. For this, researchers in NLP have re-
sorted to reuse existing lingware systems. These at-
tempts are based on the Web Service technology such
as (Ishida, 2006), (Tufis et al., 2008), and (Baklouti
et al., 2010).
Today, many Linguistic Web Services (LingWS)
are published on the internet. They deal with various
applications such as Question/Response system and
Information Retrieval (Bramantoro et al., 2008). The
LingWS can be used like a simple Web Service or
integrated to a composite Web Service.
The Web Service discovery is the process of lo-
cating one or more related documents that describe
a particular Web service using the Web Services De-
scription Language (WSDL) (W3C, 2001) which rep-
resents a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) stan-
dard. Moreover, the SOA uses SOAP (Simple Ob-
ject Access Protocol) for the invocation and UDDI
(Universal Description Discovery and Integration) for
publishing Web Services. Unfortunately, these stan-
dards do not provide efficient discovery results since
they are essentially focused on syntactical description
of Web Service. For example, the UDDI registry or-
ganizes the services according to defined categories
without introducing semantic aspects. UDDI’s search
is also based on syntax like service’s name and it re-
lies on XML. The lack of semantics inside SOA stan-
dards powerfully influences the LingWS discovery. In
fact, there is a lack of NLP properties and their rela-
tions. For example, we should know which phenom-
ena are covered by a LingWS and what related ap-
proaches and resources are used. According to the
literature, several works suggested adding a seman-
tic wrapper or an NLP domain ontology for improv-
ing the description of LingWS. However, the Non-
Functional NLP properties and their relationships are
not considered in the above works.
Hayashi (Hayashi, 2011) has asserted that re-
searchers in the NLP field have to develop an exter-
nal mechanism to semantically enrich the LingWS de-
scriptions in order to enhance its discovery.
The LingWS description should cover the Non-
Functional NLP properties and relationships between
them like the performed treatment type, the resource,
the analysis type, and so on. Unfortunately, the ex-
isting semantic approaches such as OWL-S (Martin
et al., 2004), WSMO (essi WSMO working group,
2004), and SAWSDL (Farrell and Lausen, 2007) are
unable to represent this kind of properties and their
In other domains, some extensions of OWL-S ap-
proach have been proposed such as (Aier et al., 2007)
and (Jean et al., 2010). These extensions aim to inte-
grate the quality standards of Web Services.
This paper proposes a semantic enrichment
of LingWS description by integrating the Non-
Functional NLP properties and their relations. For
this, we make an extension for OWL-S approach
Baklouti N., Gargouri B. and Jmaiel M..
Enhancing Linguistic Web Service Description with Non-functional NLP Properties.
DOI: 10.5220/0004080604390444
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends (ICSOFT-2012), pages 439-444
ISBN: 978-989-8565-19-8
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
which aims to both classify Non-functional NLP
properties and represent their relationships. In ad-
dition, we build a domain ontology using the NLP
norms to annotate the LingWS description. Thus, the
proposed solution is distinguished by allowing the de-
scription of the NLP specificities in a separate way
while highlighting linguistic links between them.
The remaining of this paper is structured as fol-
lows. Section 2 shows the attempts related to the
LingWS discovery problems. In section 3, we present
the Non-functional NLP properties. The proposed ex-
tension is given in section 4. Section 5 shows the NLP
domain ontology. In section 6, we provide a practi-
cal study to illustrate how the proposed extension can
represent the Non-functional NLP properties and their
relations. The last section concludes the paper.
We divide this section into two parts. We start with
presenting the relevant works in the NLP related to
the LingWS discovery. In the second part, we make a
comparative study of the semantic approaches.
In order to enhance the discovery of LingWS,
there are some relevant works which have proposed
to associate a wrapper around LingWS using se-
mantic technologies (i.e., OWL
and OWL-S) such
as (Ishida, 2006). It represents the LingWS Pro-
file which contains the LingWS Name, the LingWS
Type, a textual description, LingWS Status, and so on.
However, this profile does not contain other relevant
Non-functional NLP properties and mainly their rela-
tions which may improve the LingWS discovery. An-
other issue is the absence of an ontology which rep-
resents both linguisic processing resources and their
Input/Output (I/O).
Klein and Potter (Klein and Potter, 2004) have
proposed an ontology for describing LingWS using
OWL-S approach. For our knowledge, it had explic-
itly stated the necessity of ontological foundation for
language infrastructure. Nevertheless, this proposi-
tion ignores taxonomies for both language resources
and abstract objects. In addition, the OWL-S is un-
able to both classify Non-functional NLP properties
and establish relationships between them. In terms of
linguistic resources interoperability, this proposition
does not take into account any NLP standard (e.g.,
Hayashi (Hayashi, 2011) proposed an ”ontolo-
gization” of the Lexical Markup Framework (LMF
This work does not represent the LingWS I/O
which are important for ensuring LingWS discovery.
Hayashi et al. (Hayashi et al., 2008),(Hayashi, 2011)
used SAWSDL to annotate LingWS description. Nev-
ertheless, SAWSDL cannot represent the details of
the NLP knowledge. Moreover, Hayashi in (Hayashi,
2011) has asserted that researchers in the NLP field
have to develop a mechanism for discovering allow-
ing the semantic enrichment of LingWS description.
To conclude, the LingWS description should be
augmented with Non-functional properties and their
relationships which can enhance the discovery task.
In addition, the NLP domain ontology should be more
expressive in terms of NLP specificities.
In order to overcome the WSDL semantic
lack, various approaches have been proposed such
as OWL-S (Martin et al., 2004), WSMO (essi
WSMO working group, 2004), and SAWSDL (Farrell
and Lausen, 2007).
The OWL-S approach is built inside the Web Ser-
vices. It proposes an ontology of services motivated
by the need to provide three elements: The Profile
which is used to announce the service. It contains
the I/O, the preconditions, the results, and the service
category of Web Service. The Process which con-
tains I/O, preconditions, results, and the behaviour of
the service (data and control flow), and the third el-
ement is the Grounding which provides the details
(e.g, protocol, address) to invoke the services.
The Web Service Modelling Ontology (WSMO)
provides a framework for semantic descriptions of
Web Services and acts as a meta-model for such Ser-
vices based on the Meta Object Facility (MOF)
. Se-
mantic service descriptions, according to the WSMO
model, can be defined using Web Service Model-
ing Language (WSML
). It consists of four elements
deemed necessary to support Semantic Web services:
Ontologies, Goals, Web Services, and Mediators.
Semantic Annotations for WSDL and XML
Schema (SAWSDL) defines a new name-space called
”sawsdl”. There are three extensions for it : mod-
elreference which associates an XML Schema or a
WSDL component to an ontology concept. The other
two extensions are liftingSchemaMapping and low-
eringSchemaMapping which promote the mapping
between the semantic data and the XML elements.
We use some criteria to compare the above ap-
proaches: For SAWSDL, it deals with the discov-
ery and the automatic invocation of Web Services but
not for the composition. With SAWSDL, we can
use any type of ontology (e.g, OWL, WSML) while
OWL-S supports only OWL ontologies and WSMO
the WSML ontologies. Otherwise, the SAWSDL does
not promote the definition of Non-Functional prop-
erties. In terms of tools, OWL-S provides several
tools such as editor, matcher, and composer. The
WSMO tools are more difficult to develop because
they are based on WSML which is never used in the
past nevertheless OWL-S and SAWSDL rely on RDF
and XML.
We clearly note that OWL-S approach provides
more benefits in terms of both ontology, tools, Non-
Functional properties, and composition. Thereafter,
OWL-S seems to be the best approach for describing
Several types of information need to be modelled
within the LingWS description. For this, we present
in the following some Non-functional NLP proper-
ties. We classify these properties by processing level:
- Lexical Level: It is characterized by the use of
lexical linguistic resources, lexical approaches,
lexical formalisms, lexical analysis types and so
For example, the developer can choose its
LingWS according to the used lexical analysis
such as the thematic (It proposes a large concep-
tual category in which the user can navigate for
finding the suitable word), the structural (It helps
the writer in the structure choice) or the syntag-
matic one (It is a statement element regrouped into
sub-parties with an internal structure and a coher-
ent unit).
- Morphological Level: It contains various fea-
tures such as morphological phenomena, morpho-
logical formalisms, and approaches. As an exam-
ple, there are the Linguistic approach (It segments
a text to elementary units which have a linguistic
knowledge attached: grammatical category , gen-
der, number , time, person and so on.), the Statis-
tic approach (The analysis starts by splitting sen-
tences into words. Then, a cost is attributed to
each bi-gramme according to the calculated ap-
parition frequency in a corpus. Finally, the solu-
tion which has the lower cost is chosen like the
best probable.), and the Hybrid approach (It com-
bines linguistic and statistic criteria. It extracts the
relevant terms from both text statistic analysis and
linguistic filtering of the candidate terms. It pro-
duces a sorted list of the most representative terms
for a specific domain.).
We show the requirement of the approach kind by
the following example : When a developer has
the intention to build a morphological application
which uses a Linguistic approach, so he has to
take a way all LingWS using other kinds of ap-
- Syntactic Level: Different specificities can char-
acterize a syntactic LingWS such as syntactic
phenomena, syntactic analysis, and syntactic for-
malisms. As an example, for the analysis type
we can mention: Top-down analysis (The anal-
ysis begins from the start symbol called axiom
and try to rebuild the derivation tree by a pre-
fixed left-right course.), Bottom-Up analysis (It
factorizes the word by picking out or recogniz-
ing the right parts of production until find out the
axiom.), Profound analysis (It produces a formal
representation of the sentences, under a syntactic
tree form.), Surface or Chunking (It identifies the
components limits i.e., Nominal Group (NG) and
Verbal Group (VG)) and Structural analysis (It is
based on a set of rules for defining associations
between words in order to construct sentences.).
When an application treats two phenomena (e.g.,
Accord and Anaphora) using two formalisms
(e.g., Unification Grammar and Resolution Algo-
rithm), so the developer has to choose the suitable
LingWS according to the used formalism for each
retained phenomenon.
- Semantic Level: To develop a semantic applica-
tion, we can choose some NLP properties such
as how to represent knowledge, the semantic for-
malisms, the semantic phenomena, and the se-
mantic resources. The used resource is a rele-
vant information. Indeed, if a developer wants to
compose an application which needs a Wordnet
resource then he has to eliminate LingWS using
LMF resource for example.
After presenting the Non-Functional NLP properties,
we observe that a LingWS description should contain
this kind of properties for enhancing LingWS discov-
4.1 Drawbacks of OWL-S
The Profile promotes the description of both Func-
tional and Non-Functional properties of Web Ser-
vices. It is associated to a set of ServiceParameter
which allows the annotation of services by couples
(criteria, value). However, the latter cannot be used to
Figure 1: Extension of OWL-S for integrating Non-functional NLP properties.
represent relationships between Non-functional NLP
properties. In fact, it is not possible to: (1) Use such
criterion to classify the Non-functional NLP proper-
ties, so using OWL-S model and for one LingWS, we
cannot obtain both processing level and its linguis-
tic properties such as phenomena, resources, and for-
malisms. (2) Remove ambiguity: If a LingWS covers
many phenomena and each one is treated by one for-
malism, so we cannot keep these relations. (1) and (2)
prove that an extension of OWL-S can be very useful
to further exploit the specified Non-functional NLP
properties of LingWS.
4.2 Proposed Extension
The OWL-S extension is presented by Figure 1. As it
is shown by this figure, the OWL-S extension is based
on the specialization of ‘ServiceParameter‘ class by
one class namely ‘ServiceProcessing Level‘.
The main elements of the proposed extension are:
ServiceProcessing Level: It represents the pro-
cessing level of the LingWS. We have essentially
four processing levels which are Syntactic, Lexi-
cal, Morphological, and Semantic. Each process-
ing level is characterized by both its resources
(e.g., dictionaries, tree bank, corpus) and phenom-
ena (e.g., ellipsis, anaphora, accord). For this rea-
son, we add respectively the Resource and the Lin-
guisticPhenomenon classes.
LinguisticPhenomenon: It has the ‘refined into‘
relation, since each phenomenon has its sub-
Phenomena. For example, for the ellipsis phe-
nomenon, we can find the nominal ellipsis (the
omission of the essential part of a nominal phrase:
the head) and an ellipsis of a whole phrase (e.g.,
subject ellipsis, verb ellipsis, both verb and com-
plement ellipsis). The LinguisticPhenomenon has
also other relations with other classes:
Approach: the treatment approach of a such
LinguisticFormalism: represents the formalism
(e.g., HPSG and LFG for syntactic Grammars).
It supports the phenomenon determination us-
ing an Analysis Type (e.g., Top-Down, Bottom-
It is essential to develop an NLP domain ontology
to annotate the elements of the LingWS description
(e.g, I/O and the recently added properties). Thus, the
proposed extension and the NLP ontology should be
linked using pointers (e.g, sParameter) in order to give
an expressive semantic description. Unfortunately,
the existing ontologies are incomplete and not spe-
cialized to improve the LingWS discovery (Hayashi
Figure 2: Extract from NLP domain ontology.
et al., 2008). Hence, we have developed a new on-
tology which both promotes linguistic resource tax-
onomies and takes advantages of ISO standards pro-
posed in the area of lexical resources construction,
namely LMF (ISO 24613) and DCR (ISO 12620).
We have used these standards to identify concepts
and data-properties (i.e, relations). The developed on-
tology is extensible, so we can add other resources
(i.e., data resource and processing resource). We used
as description language and Prot
as the
main tool for the ontology construction. Figure 2
shows an extract of the developed ontology dealing
with the Morphological and the Syntactic levels.
To consolidate our solution, we use a service li-
brary available in our laboratory which contains many
LingWS then, we take one for applying the OWL-S
extension using the NLP domain ontology. Currently,
our library contains about 40 LingWS which can be
expanded by other. The available LingWS cover some
languages : Arabic, French and English. We obtained
these LingWS from both (Baklouti et al., 2010) and
from some opensource tools like OPEN-NLP
, NLP-
LIB, classifier4j, standford
, and so on. The major
of these tools are used by the known platforms (e.g,
We choose the ‘Syntactic Parser‘ as an example
of LingWS for making a practical study. The latter
promotes many tasks such as it performs context-free
syntax analysis, it guides context-sensitive analysis,
and it attempts error correction.
Now, we present the ‘Syntactic Parser‘ profile us-
ing the proposed extension.
For this, we use OWL-S Editor
which is a plug-
in for prot
e. It is the most used tool for OWL-S,
since it performs several tasks such as edition, compo-
sition, and execution. Moreover, it is able to both load
WSDL files of existing LingWS, generate an OWL-S
‘skeleton‘ using wsdl2owls class, annotate generated
description, and execute Semantic LingWS.
Figure 3 shows how we represent the Non-
Functional NLP properties as well as the relation-
ships between them. This representation is not pos-
sible using the initial OWL-S profile. To do this,
we added some ‘Object Properties‘ like ‘refined into‘,
‘treated By‘, and so on.
As it is indicated by Figure 3, the ‘Syntac-
tic Parser‘ LingWS treats ‘Ellipsis‘ as ‘Linguis-
ticPhenomenon‘ which is refined into two sub-
phenomena: ‘Nominal Ellipsis‘ and ‘Verb Ellipsis‘.
The first one is resolved using ‘Semantic Approach‘
and the second one by an ‘Hybrid Approach‘ as ‘Ap-
Figure 3: OWL-S extension code of ‘Syntactic Parser‘
Figure 3 also shows the links between the Non-
Functional NLP properties and the NLP domain on-
tology by respectively ‘sPhenomenon‘ for ‘Linguis-
ticPhenomenon‘ and ‘sApproach‘ for ‘Approach‘.
This figure does not contain the initial OWL-S el-
ements such as ‘serviceName‘, ‘textDescription‘ but
only the recently added NLP properties (i.e, ‘Linguis-
ticPhenomenon‘, ‘Approach‘).
This section clearly prove how the proposed ex-
tension can both represent the Non-functional NLP
properties and establish relationships between them.
We provided a solution to the problems related to the
lack of semantic within the LingWS description. In-
deed, we proposed an OWL-S extension for integrat-
ing Non-functional NLP properties and relations be-
tween them, since they can semantically enhance the
LingWS descriptions. Besides, we developed an NLP
domain ontology using NLP ISO standards.
The demonstration that we made proves the ef-
fectiveness of the OWL-S extension. Actually, the
LingWS description is more meaningful, so it pro-
motes advanced research (i.e, many combinations)
knowing also that each property can be accessible
For the future, we plan to cover other NLP prop-
erties mainly for the non-Latin languages. Then, we
will check out the LingWS discovery by defining an
appropriate matching algorithm. Finally, we will ad-
dress the LingWS composition.
A Part of this work was done during a SIMBAD sup-
ported internship at the TELECOM SudParis, Evry
France. For this, the authors thank Samir Tata for its
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