P²E: A Tool for the Evolution Management of UML Profiles
Fadoi Lakhal
, Hubert Dubois
and Dominique Rieu
CEA, LIST, Laboratoire d’Ingénierie dirigée par les modèles pour les Systèmes Embarqués,
91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France
Laboratoire d'informatique de Grenoble, Equipe SIGMA, 220 Rue de la Chimie,
BP 53, 38041 Grenoble Cedex 9, France
Keywords: Abstract Syntax, Modelling Language, UML Profile Evolution, Evolutions Classification, Impact
Classification, Models Migration.
Abstract: UML profiles are a frequently used alternative to describe the abstract syntax of modelling languages. As
any abstract syntax, UML profiles evolve through time. As the UML profiles are used by models, their
evolutions may have a direct impact on them. In order to manage these evolutions, a specific treatment is
needed. The models have then to be fitted to the new profiles version. The manual adaptation cost of these
models may be as important as building the adapted models from scratch. In this paper, we deal with
reducing the cost of models adaptation fitting the conducted evolution of the UML profiles. We provide an
automatic treatment using a specific tool. The P²E tool has the ability to detect the changes occurred on the
UML profiles, to classify them according to their impacts on the models and finally to adapt the models to
the new version of the UML profile.
In Model Driven Engineering, the abstract syntax of
the modelling languages is usually described by
means of metamodels (Kleppe, 2007). Creating new
metamodels implies reusing the basic concepts, for
example the Class concept, the State or Operation
ones. This means that basic concepts have to be
created as many as we need for a given metamodel
we want to create. In order to avoid this problem,
UML proposes the profile mechanism (UML 2.4,
2011). A UML profile consists in describing an
abstract syntax of a modelling language by
extending the UML language’s concepts (defined in
the UML metamodel). The UML concepts are then
specialized by specific stereotypes to fit the concepts
of the specific domain. More than just avoiding
defining basic concepts, the profile mechanism gives
the designer the ability to use the existing UML
tools instead of building new ones.
As any abstract syntax, a profile may evolve
regularly for several reasons such as the emergence
of new concepts, modifications of existing concepts
or reorganization of its structure. A manual
management of these evolutions is usually tedious
and complex. This complexity varies according to
the evolution kind (atomic, composite) and the
impact on the models that used the profile. Indeed,
an evolution can be seen as an atomic operation (one
independent change on the profile) or as a composite
evolution (concatenation of atomic operations
dependent on each other). If all the evolutions are
treated as atomic operations, this dependence
relation will be then lost. Information will be lost
and the models adaptation in order to ensure their
compliance with the new profile version will be then
more complicated to manage. One of the major
issues is that the existing models conform to the
initial profile version become unusable if we do not
manage atomic and composite evolutions.
In this paper, we propose to automate the profile
evolution and their consequent impact on the models
using it. The P²E tool aims at facilitating the profile
and models co-evolution (Mens, 2008) by:
Adapting the models to keep the compliance
with their evolved profile. By definition, a
model is complying with an abstract syntax
described as a UML profile in our case.
Improving the models for a better description
of the modelled system. This means that
when the profile evolution consists in an
improvement, the models using this profile
should then be enhanced as well.
P²E tool is implemented as a Papyrus plugin
Lakhal F., Dubois H. and Rieu D..
PšE: A Tool for the Evolution Management of UML Profiles.
DOI: 10.5220/0004081002110217
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends (ICSOFT-2012), pages 211-217
ISBN: 978-989-8565-19-8
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
(Papyrus, 2012) and is based on three main
The automatic detection of the atomic and
composites evolutions for a better
management of their impacts.
The migration operation used to adapt the
models to the new profile version. The
migration should be as automated as possible.
The optimization operation: it consists in
improving the models in order to give a better
representation of the system (i.e. to improve
the model meaning). This operation is semi-
automated by the fact that the alerts and
recommendations are processed in interaction
with the model designer.
This paper is organized as follows: section 2
presents some existing tools, technics and our
approach positions. Section 3 gives a classification
of the profile evolutions. Section 4 details the
adaptation process in P²E tool on an illustrating
example. Finally, section 5 concludes the paper and
put some future research directions forward.
Existing tools consider the evolutions when the
abstract syntax is described as a metamodel. None of
them treat the case of evolution of UML profiles.
Nevertheless, we studied how adaptable they could
be for this use. We evaluate these tools according to
four criteria that interest us:
- The differences between two metamodel
versions: are they collected during the evolution
or a posteriori of the evolution?
- What is the role of the model designer in the
- What kind of changes treats the tool (atomic or
- Do they propose a classification of the changes?
Hermandosfer et al. proposed a tool called
COPE (Hermandosfer et al., 2008). This system
records all the atomic changes detected during a
metamodel evolution and attaches to each atomic
change a migration operation. This migration
operation is specific to a change and specified
programmatically by the metamodel designer. By
the fact that COPE treats the changes directly after
the detection, it doesn’t have interest to classify
these changes. So, it doesn’t propose a classification
of changes impact. Our approach is dedicated to
models designers who do not participate to the
profile evolution but only have the different profile
versions. So, COPE is not adapted to our goal.
Cicchetti et al. propose in (Cicchetti et al., 2008)
a tool which is based on two transformations
execution. The first transformation consists in
transforming the metamodel as an input to a
difference metamodel. By using this difference
metamodel, the metamodel designer (who may be
the model designer as well) specifies a difference
model (containing all the changes between two
versions of the same metamodel). From this model,
the second transformation generates the
corresponding migration transformation. Cicchetti et
al. do not define a classification of the obtained
changes but reuse the classification of Grushko et al.
As for (Hermandosfer et al., 2008), this approach
only treats atomic changes while we focus on all
kind of changes (composites or atomics).
Furthermore, our tool uses a difference model
automatically obtained, while in (Cicchetti et al.,
2008) they need a manual specification of
differences. The metamodel designer should be able
to identify the differences between two metamodel
versions and then to specify them; but it is not
systematically the case.
Levendovszky et al. in (Levendovszky et al.,
2010) define a language called Model Change
Language (MCL). Using this language, the
metamodel designer (who is also the model
designer) manually defines the rules that map the
matching concepts between two metamodel
versions. The difference detection here corresponds
to the establishment of these mapping rules. The
migration tool uses an algorithm specified by the
designer as input. It interprets the rules set and
executes them. The approach doesn’t propose a
difference model or a classification step. This
approach is not adapted to our goal; we want to have
the most automated process to reduce as much as
possible the models designer intervention.
Grushko et al. (Grushko et al., 2007) focused on
the management of Ecore-based metamodel. Their
migration tool uses the ChangeRecorder facility in
the EMF tool set to detect atomic changes between
two versions of the metamodel. Their migration tool
then generates a model migration in the Epsilon
Transformation Language (ETL). But, the migration
model is only generated for renaming changes. For
other changes, the metamodel designer has to
manually specify the appropriate transformation.
We were interested in the classification proposed in
(Grushko et al., 2007) that classifies the changes
according to their impact on models (which is also
our goal). Its decomposition defines three categories:
Non-breaking change (“does not require any
ICSOFT 2012 - 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends
adaptation of existing models”), Breaking and
resolvable changes (“an algorithm can be defined
to migrate existing instances to the new metamodel
version”) and Breaking and not resolvable
change (“manual interaction is required”). We
extended this classification to the domain of profile
evolution. However, there are a few points that we
will discuss in the next section.
The Table 1 synthetizes the previous approaches
to the four criteria initially described and we
complete it with our approach.
Table 1: Synthesis of the approaches and positioning.
3.1 Evolvable Elements of an UML
A UML profile consists in extending the UML
metamodel by specializing the UML concepts. Each
extended concept (represented by a Stereotype)
allows defining a new concept for a particular
domain. In addition to explaining each step of a
profile definition, (Selic, 2011) explains that an
extension of the UML language implies a semantic
proximity between the created stereotype and the
extended metaclass. It also states that the new
characteristics of a stereotype should not conflict
with those inherited from the extended metaclass.
Under these conditions, we start by determining the
profile elements that may evolve and may impact the
models. The Figure 1 describes the extract of the
UML metamodel which allows defining a profile.
The grey elements represent the elements that may
evolve. According to the UML standard, the
Stereotype element is "a restricted type of
metaclass". It can define properties, operations or
relationships with other elements of the profile.
These characteristics have not a fixed number or a
default value. It is precisely their evolutions that will
imply that the evolution of a stereotype will impact
models. Therefore, it is important to consider the
evolution of a Stereotype but also the evolution of its
The Extension element links the ends
(ExtensionEnd) of a metaclass and a stereotype. It is
used to assign to a stereotype the adequate UML
concept (UML metaclass). The stereotype inherits
the metaclass characteristics but also its
implementation. So, a stereotype evolution may be
inherits these characteristics.
The Profile element is a specialization of the
Package element. A profile evolves because its
contained elements evolve. Furthermore, these
contained elements use the profile name to create
their own qualified names. Thus, a renaming of the
profile can have side effects on the use of the profile
elements. A profile allows also the import of
external elements (ElementImport) or external
packages (PackageImport).
Figure 1: Extract of the UML metamodel, profile package.
3.2 Classification of Profile Evolutions
The classification of profile evolutions seems to be
the key step for a better management of their impact
on the models. Then, we determine the possible
evolutions of a UML profile. The study was
conducted on a profile containing 17 stereotypes, 17
generalization links, 37 properties, 2 operations, 5
SysML stereotypes specialized and 5 UML extended
metaclasses. We identified 84 possible evolutions
(composites or atomics) for these elements that we
classify into four possible categories (we don’t treat
the elements ElementImport and PackageImport):
CATEGORIE 1: Impact-free category. This
category corresponds to the evolutions which do not
impact models compliance. The models do not need
an adaptation to be compliant with the new version
of the profile (no migration operation is required).
Grushko and al. consider these evolutions as Non-
breaking” because no migration is required. In our
approach, we consider that this evolution impacts
the representation quality of the models. The
addition of optional concepts is not insignificant for
P²E: A Tool for the Evolution Management of UML Profiles
model designer. They can improve the models
clarity or ensure a better satisfaction of system
requirements. For this evolution category, we sent to
the model designer improvement messages. They
identify the parts of models that can be improved.
CATEGORIE 2: Automatic evolution category.
To maintain the models compliance with the evolved
profile, a migration operation is required. But it can
be fully automated. For example, for the addition of
a new property, all the characteristics of this
property (multiplicity, type, initial value and
container) are defined during the profile evolution.
The migration operation will be fully automated but
a question remains: for each instance of this
property, do they have to be equal to the initial
value? Improvement messages are then sent to the
model designer in order to alert him to potential
CATEGORIE 3: Monitored evolution category.
These are evolutions that require a migration
operation with the support of the designer. This type
of evolution is restrictive for the migration operation
because some information misses to complete the
operation. These blocking constraints can be
resolved by an interaction with the model designer.
Let’s take the example of the adding of a property
for which an initial value was not defined. What will
be the value of the property instantiated in a model?
CATEGORIE 4: Manual evolution category. This
category includes evolutions which required
migration can not be automated. They require a
manual migration by the model designer. In this
case, alert messages are sent to identify the elements
which need a manual operation.
Our approach implemented in P²E is divided into
four main phases: the determination of the
differences between two profiles versions (1), their
classification according to the categories described
above (2), the adaptation consisting in automatically
generating the migration operation (3) and the
tracking of improvement messages for optimization
of the models description (we assist the model
designer in his improvement choices). The Figure 2
illustrates our adaptation process and the tasks of the
models designer during its execution. To illustrate
our approach, we consider an evolution of the
EAST-ADL2 language. The EAST-ADL2 standard
is used in automotive domain to design systems at a
high abstraction level. EAST-ADL2 is
representative of our approach. Indeed, they define
the metamodel of their abstract syntax as a UML
Figure 2: Adaptation process in P²E.
4.1 Step 1: Difference Model
Since 2010, the EAST-ADL2 standard evolved
towards three different versions. To detect the
evolutions between two profile versions, we have
chosen to reuse the EMFCompare technology
(EMFCompare, 2011). EMFCompare is an open
source tool dedicated to the EMF-based models
comparison. The lasts improvements allow
comparing two UML profiles or two EMF-based
metamodels. EMFCompare is based on a match
engine (that looks for corresponding concepts) and a
diff engine to determine differences. We estimate
that EMFCompare is sufficient to detect atomic
changes between two profile versions and so we
extended it mechanisms to obtain a profile
comparison adapted to our approach. Indeed,
currently, EMFCompare is not able to detect
composite changes which are not systematically an
atomic changes sum. So, we will add this feature to
EMFCompare. Furthermore, it doesn’t provide a
usable change model as output. To resolve this issue,
we define a structured difference metamodel and
then we extend EMFCompare to generate a usable
difference model that encompasses our difference
Between the version 2.0 and the version 2.1 of
EAST-ADL2, we established that: 580 elements
ICSOFT 2012 - 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends
were added, 529 elements were deleted and 82
concepts were modified. A total of 1191 changes can
be detected. Due to a lack of place, let us consider
one of them. In the version 2.0 of EAST-ADL2
(Figure 3 (a)), the system functions are represented
by the ADLFunctionType concept. It may be
composite to describe the functions hierarchy and
own ADLFlowPort (i.e. Port concept) to
communicate with others functions. In the version
2.0, the ADLFlowPort concept is abstract which
means it can’t be instantiated. So, it is specialized
into three sub-stereotypes corresponding to the
possible direction of the port: ADLInFlowPort,
ADLOutFlowPort and ADLInOutFlowPort. In the
version 2.1 of the standard (Figure 3 (b)), the
ADLFlowPort concept evolves towards a more
compacted concept. Indeed, the tree sub-stereotypes
are removed and replaced by an enumeration
property (direction:EADirectionKind) in the
ADLFlowPort stereotype. The EADirectionKind
enumeration contains the literals corresponding to
the possible direction of a port (in, inout and out).
The Table 2 presents the difference model of the
evolution in a schematic way (simplified).
Figure 3: Port concept in EAST-ADL2 (version 2.0 (a)
and version 2.1 (b)).
Table 2: Difference model simplified.
4.2 Step 2: Classification of Detected
This step consists in reorganizing the difference
model according to the four categories we defined in
the section 3. The difference model (table 2) shows
that three evolution operations were made on our
example. The remove operation can be fully
automated, the modify operation can also be
automated. But, the addition operation can’t be
automated if all of their characteristics are not
defined: the initial value of the direction property is
missing. By this example, we notice that the
decomposition of one global evolution into
successive atomic operations can reduce the
automation of a migration operation. In our
approach, we propose to make researches on the
difference model, in order to detect patterns of
composite evolutions. We have thus defined a
catalogue of the most common profile evolutions in
the form of evolution patterns. For each pattern, we
associate a category. For this example, the
associated pattern is called Removal of sub
stereotypes that become enumerated type. Indeed,
the three merged operations become one composite
evolution to handle. The type of each port can be
associated (mapping) to a literal and can be
implicitly used as an initial value. So, it allows
adding automatically the direction property. The
management of composite patterns allows
automating a migration that wouldn’t be automated
if decomposed into atomic operations. More
generally, assigning a category to each detected
pattern will be made by filtering.
4.3 Steps 3 and 4: Operations of
Migration and Optimization
For Impact-free evolutions, recommendation
messages are generated for a treatment during the
step 4.
For Automatic and Monitored evolutions, we
automatically generate the transformation rule
specific to the detected evolution pattern. Indeed, we
studied each evolution pattern to give the
corresponding migration rule (to treat non atomic
patterns). It will consist then in instantiating the
adequate migration rule for each evolution pattern
contained in the catalogue take into account the
blocking constraints that require a designer
intervention. After the generation of the migration
rules, alert and recommendations messages are then
One main objective of our approach being to
avoid the intervention of the models designer during
the adaptation process, we want to reduce Manual
evolutions to have as much as possible a posteriori
evolutions that belong to the first three categories. If
P²E: A Tool for the Evolution Management of UML Profiles
no solution is determined, the model elements that
can’t be migrated will be identified (generation of
warning messages).
To illustrate the migration operation required in
the evolution described above, we specified a model
using the ADLInFlowPort concept (Figure 4). The
Engine element represents the engine function of the
system. It owns a port accelerator stereotyped by
ADLInFlowPort representing the accelerator sensor.
The migration operation will consist in instantiating
the corresponding migration rule: 1/ the mapping of
the type of the sub stereotypes with the literals
(example: ADLInFlowPort = in). 2/ the replacement
of the stereotype ADLInFlowPort by the stereotype
FunctionFlowPort. 3/ the creation of the new
property direction. 4/ the information of the property
by the specific value (in). The Figure 5 illustrates
the result of the adaptation process executed on the
model in Figure 4.
For this example, we don’t consider the
renaming of the concepts and we don’t detail the
optimization step.
Figure 4: Model before the adaptation process.
Figure 5: Model after the adaptation process.
In this paper, we presented P²E tool (a Papyrus
plugin). The adaptation process implemented in P²E
was based on an automatic detection of evolution
patterns. To each detected pattern, a category is
assigned (according to the classification that we
propose) allowing then to adapt the models (by
using a migration operation) specifically to the
impact of the detected evolution. Then, P²E assists
(optimization step) the model designer in his choices
to improve models (by the tracking of improvement
P²E should be completed by the implementation
of the filtering method used for the detection of all
evolution patterns (composites). P²E should also be
able to define the correct order between the atomic
operations which compose a composite pattern.
Indeed, this order may differentially affect the level
of automation of the migration and may increase the
time of the migration operation. E should take into
account the relations of import or merge. These
relations imply that there exist two main impacts to
manage. The first one when an imported profile is
evolving, what are the evolution impacts on profile
that are imported? And the other one on the models
using the profile that make the import? (respectively
on a merging profile). For this, we will measure the
evolution impacts of these imports into a profile to
then offer a migration strategy for the adaptation of
the models as automatically as possible.
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P²E: A Tool for the Evolution Management of UML Profiles