Table 3: Test result of time constraint.
In spite of various techniques on testing of
embedded software, the frequent failures of
embedded systems occur in real operation
environments. The cause of these failures exists
fundamentally in the software itself, but the problem
is that the defects for such failure are not discovered
in development testing. Therefore we proposed an
On-the-Fly testing technique to perform self-testing
while the system is running in a real environment.
The proposed testing technique can find defects
missed during development testing and can prevent
unexpected malfunctions that can happen during real
operation of a system. In a hard real-time system, the
test execution of aspect components can cause delay
of response time. However, because our aspect
components are very small in size and simple in
complexity compared with function modules, there
is no large delay on execution time. We believe that
our proposed On-the-Fly testing technique gives
some benefits of a real test of unexpected input
conditions, prevention of software malfunction, and
high reusability of test components.
Our future work is to develop techniques that can
test issues such as dead lock, pre-emption
scheduling and race condition between modules
through extension of the aspect concept. Also, we
are also going to apply our testing technique to a
large-scale embedded application.
This research was supported by Next-Generation
Information Computing Development Program
(No.2011-0020523) and also partially supported by
Basic Science Research Program (2011-0010396)
through the National Research Foundation of
Korea(NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education,
Science and Technology.
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ICSOFT 2012 - 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends