Enhancing Alternative and Augmentative Communications Devices
with Context Awareness Computing
Adam Loup
, Lindsay Blue
and Shengru Tu
Geocent, LLC, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A.
Hubbard & Tennyson, LLC, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A.
Department of Computer Science, University of New Orleans, New Orleans, U.S.A.
Keywords: Context Awareness, Alternative and Augmentative Communications, AAC Device, Framework, Android.
Abstract: The paper reports the development of a software framework that assists programmers to enhance
Alternative and Augmentative Communications (AAC) devices by applying context awareness
technologies. Based on the situational contexts including the location and the categories of the conversation,
the enhanced system can be highly personalized and can filter, sort the words internally and highlight the
words in display. The objective is to lessen the burden of device-aided communication by proactively
delivering situational dependent words derived from historical usage contexts.
Internet and wireless communications have made it
possible for context-aware, human-oriented and
proactive systems such as SECE to sense everything
and assist everything for our daily work and life
(Boyaci, 2012). However, many speech
pathologists’ patients have not yet benefited to the
same extent as other people. For them, carrying out
conversations becomes impaired due to illness,
aging or injury. Alternative and Augmentative
Communications (AAC) devices were created to aid
both speech pathologists and their patients. The
function of AAC devices is to allow creation of
conversation for expressing wants and needs,
transfer of information, and social etiquette
(Robertson, 2004). Traditionally, AAC devices
construct conversation with lexical items available
in the device’s lexicon which is a predefined core
vocabulary developed by Speech Pathologists for
general conversations. This core is often lacking
words that are specific to a user or a conversation
context. In some cases the core vocabulary has been
found to contain only 33% of the words for a desired
conversation (Patel, 2007).
The goal of the project reported in this paper is to
provide a software framework that assists
programmers to enhance AAC devices by applying
context awareness technologies. Based on the
situational contexts including the location and the
categories of the conversation, the enhanced lexicon
system can filter, sort the words internally and
highlight the words in display. The objective is to
lessen the burden of device-aided communication by
proactively delivering situational dependent words
derived from historical usage contexts.
The rest of this paper consists of the following
sections. Section 2 describes the AAC devices for
speech pathology. Section 3 discusses how the
context awareness technology can enhance AAC
devices. Section 4 describes the design of the
context-aware AAC and the development
framework. The implementation and prototyping are
reported in Section 5. Section 6 concludes.
Speech impediments stem from various congenital
and degenerative causes. The American Speech and
Hearing Association's (ASHA) defines AAC
systems as an integrated group of components,
including the symbols, aids, strategies and
techniques used by individuals to enhance
communication (Hill, 2010). For those who are
unable to express themselves through speech, AAC
devices are an assistive technology to aid and
enhance communication capabilities.
Loup A., Blue L. and Tu S..
Enhancing Alternative and Augmentative Communications Devices with Context Awareness Computing.
DOI: 10.5220/0004082405000505
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends (ICSOFT-2012), pages 500-505
ISBN: 978-989-8565-19-8
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
There are two main types of AAC, unaided and
aided. We will focus on the aided AAC which refers
to approaches that rely on additional peripherals that
render representations of what the user wants to
convey. Aided devices also include digital devices
that playback recorded or synthetically created
speech. To date, most effective means of language
representation in aided AAC devices has been
accomplished by presenting the user with alphabet-
based symbols. Access to individual words, through
spontaneous novel utterance generation, has been
proven to increase participation in casual
conversation and to promote natural language
development (Hill, 2010). Pre-stored messages or
phrases rarely meet the needs of conversing in the
natural environment and often fail to give the user
adequate conversational ability (Patel, 2007).
The choice of vocabulary available to the user is
a critical aspect to the success of AAC usefulness.
There are two main divisions of vocabulary, core
and extended (Robertson, 2004 & Hill, 2010). The
core vocabulary is the few hundred words that
speech pathology research has deemed critical to
create general conversation and the majority of
social interactions. Extended vocabularies are those
words which are used to describe specific items and
are used infrequently. Together, these two categories
provide a solid foundation for improvements to
The current AAC devices provide a closed and rigid
lexicon. Due to cost considerations, the patients
themselves or family members rather than speech
pathologists are responsible for maintaining the
device. While these users are allowed to adjust the
words presenting on a device, they often lack the
expertise for systematically choosing words. There
is a strong need for fine-grained, intelligent
personalization for AAC devices.
Users of AAC devices are often bound to a
limited number of conversational contexts.
Meanings expressed through conversations are
highly dependent upon the context in which it is
created. Some existing AAC devices divide words
displayed into categories of semantic frames that the
user chooses for the desired conversations
(Robertson, 2004). We have pushed this idea further
in our enhanced AAC device prototypes. First, the
category choice is easily made from a panel which
can be called out by one button press. Second, upon
a choice of the categories the whole screen displays
the words for the chosen category. Third, new
categories can be created by the patient or the family
Our AAC devices constantly collect the word
usage statistics. The user’s vocabulary size can be
estimated by the number of different words used by
the user and the new words added to the lexicon by
the user. It is reasonable to shrink the display list for
the user with a small vocabulary. The statistics about
the usage of each word in different categories are
used to form the collections for each category.
While conversation category is chosen by the
users, the enhanced AAC device can predict possible
category change by sense the location change of the
device, assuming the user is carrying the device.
When the user moves from one place to another
place, he/she would likely engaged in a different
conversation. Therefore the AAC device prompts the
category change panel to the user. The device
records the user’s category choice into the location-
category pattern table. In general, conversations of
multiple categories can happen at a location. In the
category-choice panel, the buttons of the most
frequently chosen categories at the current location
will be highlighted. If the usage records show an
adequately strong one-to-one bound between a
location and a category, the AAC device can
automatically switch to the category.
For a set of user-selected locations, the enhanced
AAC device records the frequency of the words used
at these locations. As a result, each location may
have a subset of words for some categories. For
example, the kitchen area will bound to the food
category and having a subset of words about hot
meals in the food category. The daily diet of the user
would determine the frequently used words.
When the AAC device senses the user’s
movement, a threshold of the moving distance is
used to trigger category choice promotion. The
threshold value for each user selected location is
given an initial value. For instance, the threshold for
a park area would be 200 meters; the threshold for
home could be ten meters only.
Other statistics, such as the user’s speed of word
selection and his speed of page flipping can also be
used to adjust the AAC device’s performance. These
two measures are often closely correlated and
indicate the user’s overall communication pace. For
fast users, more words can be displayed in the
Finally, the sentence completion speed is the
measurement of the user performance. The enhanced
Enhancing Alternative and Augmentative Communications Devices with Context Awareness Computing
AAC device will constantly monitor this
measurement for each conversation category. As
words in a layout can be organized in various
fashions decided by the designer, the methods of
organizing words for layouts vary greatly. Using
user’s sentence completion speed, the effectiveness
of any adjustments or enhancements to the device
can be quantitatively measured. Any deceleration
will indicate an adverse modification.
In this section, we will first illustrate the user
interface of our AAC device. Then we will describe
the architecture of the context-aware AAC system as
well as its key components. As we discuss the
decision options of this system, we advocate the
importance of the flexibility in design. Finally, we
specify a framework that will facilitate developers
with flexibility in reusing both proven design and
tested components for future AAC development by
deploying techniques based on context awareness.
4.1 AAC User Interface
Figure 1 illustrates the upper portion of the touch-
screen user interface of our prototype of the context
aware AAC device. Nearly the entire screen is the
word display area. Common among tablet devices,
the user can scroll up and down in the word display
area by scrubbing the screen. The user makes word
selection by touching it. The selected words will be
displayed in the top text line in the order of
selection. The AAC device will speak the words in
the top text line when the user presses the “say”
button on the right.
The button at the upper right corner allows the
user to switch modes such as main (as shown in
Figure 1), library manager (to import/export
categories) and configuration (to set up the home
location and create interested locations). The drop-
down menu next to it (displaying “core” in Figure 1)
is for the user to select conversation categories.
The word display area is divided into two parts.
The three columns on left make the “stop words”
area. Stop words consists of articles, pronouns,
interjections, and other function words that serve to
create grammatical structures but are irrelevant to
conversational category (Porter, 2001). The
remaining area (the seven columns on right) is the
main word display area. Only the words displayed in
this main area will vary according to the
conversation category and the current context.
However, the word selections in both areas will be
affected by the general context information such as
the user’s vocabulary size.
4.2 AAC System Architecture
Our enhanced AAC system is compartmentalized
into components: Lexicon, Operation Logger, Word
Provider, Phrase Analyzer, and Lexicon Database as
shown in Figure 2. In this system, the Lexicon takes
the central role and provides services that collect,
organize and maintain words available to the user by
leveraging the capabilities of the other components.
The Lexicon Database stores the collected data and
supports queries. The Operation Logger monitors
and records the user’s operation speed and sentence
completion speed. The operation speed is the
average time interval between two word selections.
Note, the time interval from pressing the “say”
button to the first word selection is excluded in
measurements because it is often the user’s listening
period. The sentence completion speed is the
average duration of each spoken phrase or sentence,
which is estimated by measuring the duration from
the first word selection after the “say” button was
pressed to the next press on the “say” button.
Context awareness is achieved by leveraging
multiple contexts into a singular situational context,
the LexicalContext. Simple context data such as
geographic location is combined with inferred
context information consisting of the actual words
spoken and the categories currently used (Park,
2005). Historical contextual information has a
significant role in personalization. This is collected
by the PhraseAnalyzer that filters, analyzes and
records the word usage along with the context
information into the lexicon database.
4.3 Lexicon Management
The Lexicon component is in charge of presenting
the word set relevant to the user’s current situational
context. The Lexicon obtains words by querying
every available WordProvider component using the
current location and category. When a change of
category or location happens, the lexicon
immediately sends a query to every available
WordProvider component with the changed
parameters. The lexicon combines and sorts the
WordProviderResult collections for display to the
user as each WordProvider component returns
ICSOFT 2012 - 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends
Figure 1: The graphical user interface of the AAC prototype.
Figure 2: The AAC Architecture.
The lexicon is also responsible for dispatching
the tasks of recording word usage and context
information. Every time when the user completes a
phrase or sentence, the Lexicon passes the phrase to
the PhraseAnalyser component. The Phrase-
Analyser component breaks down the phrase into
individual words. First, any stop words are removed.
Next, word objects are created for any words new to
the current word set. New words may not be base
words. Identifying the base of a word is carried out
with a stemming algorithm, the Porter-Stemming
algorithm, which is implemented and available in
the Lucene Snowball API. If the base word does not
exist in the Lexicon, a Word object for the base
word is created. Any new Word objects created by
the PhraseAnalyser are added to the lexicon
database through the persistence layer. Finally, a
record about the usage context is created for each
word and category pair along with the current
geographic location. These records are then stored in
the lexicon database. Since one word can have
multiple conjugations, the base word’s ID is used in
place of the word ID. If a record corresponding to
the word-category-location combination already
exists in the database, the usage counter is
incremented. Word usage is kept because the lexicon
tries to highlight the words most relevant to the
user’s current context. Technically, relevance refers
to how often a word is used in a context.
Initially the stop word set is created from a
predefined, common list used in all natural language
processing. To promote personalization, words can
be added to the stop word set. For example, if the
word usage statistics show that a (non-stop) word is
unanimously used in all categories and locations
repeatedly, it can be added to the stop word set and
to be displayed all the time.
4.4 Word Providers
Word Providers are used to populate the lexicon
with words and to discover meaningful lexical items.
They dictate which words go to the lexicon at a
given time. Word Providers deliver words to the
lexicon as collections of WordProviderResult
objects. Each such object contains the word and a
relevance score representing a weighted importance
of this word to the chosen context.
In our AAC architecture, WordProvider
components can be replaced. We have implemented
two WordProvider components, namely the
LocationWordProvider component and the
LocalWordProvider component. The
LocationWordProvider returns relevant word results
based on the current geographical location of the
user. This is achieved through the usage history data.
The importance of a word to a particular geographic
location is determined by using term frequency
normalization. This relevance is computed by term
frequency times inverse document frequency (tf*idf)
(Manning, 2008). For purposes of this provider, term
frequency (tf) is the normalized frequency in which
a word has been used in a situational context and is
computed as 
) where ct
is the number of
times a word has been used in all contexts and ct
the total number of times a word has been used in
the current context. Document frequency (df) is the
number of categories, per geographic location,
associated with the word divided by the total number
of categories (n). The Inverse Document Frequency
(idf) is then computed as
  .
LocationWordProvider uses the result of tf*idf for
each term as the relevance score for the
WordProviderResult of the term. Computing the
relevance using IDF ensures that a lower importance
Enhancing Alternative and Augmentative Communications Devices with Context Awareness Computing
is given to words that occur greatly throughout all
situational contexts. A higher score is given to words
that are used more often in a particular situation. The
more a word is used in a specific situation the higher
the relevance score becomes.
Words stored locally are also accessed through a
word provider. The LocalWordProvider returns
words that are most relevant based on the
predetermined categories stored in the
word_category table. These relationships serve as a
starting point until the usage history is capable of
supplying valid results independently.
4.5 AAC Development Framework
The framework provides two basic implementations
of the word provider class, the basic WordProvider
and the cache based CachedWordProvider. These
two classes are meant to be extended in order to
create customized Word Providers. For any provider
that extends WordProvider, the getWords method is
called every time the lexicon requests words.
Conversely, for any word provider that extends the
CachedProvider the getWords method is only called
when a new context passed to the provider or if the
results of a previous request have expired.
WordProvider component can be replaced. Each
word provider can have a different criterion to grade
the relevance score. For example, the correlation
between locations and words was used in the
LocationWordProvider but the correlation between
conversational categories and the words was used in
the LocalWordProvider. We have made the AAC
development framework that supplies an API to
support the creation of customized word providers.
The framework allows the AAC developers to
customize the methods in which word relevance is
computed. The framework is intended to be a
foundation to create applications on mobile devices
and is designed to be lightweight with a low
resource footprint.
To use this API, the programmer needs to
register to the lexicon through the addProvider and
removeProvider methods. Custom word providers
can extend the WordProvider class and implement
the get method to return the WordProviderResult
collection. Every registered provider will be invoked
by the lexicon in response to a change of context,
and the context is passed to all registered word
providers. The combination of the capabilities of the
enhanced AAC and the flexibility provided by the
framework will assist AAC developers to deploy
context awareness technologies to this type of
forgotten application.
Implementation of the framework is done in Java.
All components are compatible with the Standard
Java 6.0 run-time environment. The framework was
developed with the Android platform in mind but
did not use any Android specific functionality.
A SQLite database and a Java data access layer
(ORMLite 4.33) are used in the persistence layer.
Access to the database from the components of the
framework is handled through the LexiconDatabase
object. This object is a wrapper for an external
persistent data store that contains methods to obtain
the Data Access Objects (DAO) for words,
categories, word categories and word usages. Each
DAO manages the persistence and retrieval of the
respective type.
A practical AAC system has been built using
our framework. This prototype runs on a touch
screen tablet running the Android operating system.
The main focus of the interface is to utilize the
screen space to the full extent by displaying the most
important elements to the user: words, and to
simplify the controls for speech creation. Using the
built-in WordProvider components, two sources are
connected to create word providers. A base lexicon
is established by importing libraries that contain the
desired categories.
In order to build a useful profile large amount of
usage data are needed. We collected and parsed
various movie and comic book reviews into the
lexicon through the PhraseAnalyzer. The
LexicalContexts with predefined categories and
geographical locations were created for this test.
After the data were imported, the PhraseAnalyzer
succeeded in both adding new words and creating
word usage records. Words were requested from the
LocationWordProvider using the same context
passed to the PhraseAnalyzer, the top ten results are
shown in Table 1.
Table 1: WordProviderResult: word, relevant score.
Relevance Score
ICSOFT 2012 - 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends
Filtering the results by relevance scores was able
to determine that the word “movie” was most
relevance to the user in this contest. Sorting by
frequency alone is not adequate in determining
meaningful relevance. The LocationWordProvider
calculates the relevance of a word to a specific
context. Based on frequency alone “movie” was the
twenty first ranked value.
Context Awareness Computing (CAC) has attracted
significant efforts from academic research and
electronic industry (Mehra, 2012; Yonezawa, 2011).
The CAC programming language, such as SECE.
connects previously isolated services into user
personalized composite services (Boyaci, 2012).
A project about applying CAC to health care was
reported in (Kjeldskov, 2007). The goal was to
maintain a distributed electronic patient record
across multiple ubiquitous devices both mobile and
stationed throughout large hospitals.
The work closely related to this paper includes
those on user-centric systems such as the pervasive
environments in (Kalatzix, 2008; Preuveneers,
2007). The framework proposed in (Park, 2005)
provided us with a reference model of complex CAC
system and a number of design options.
Due to the complexity of natural language, no one
best method will determine the conversational
relevance of words in any situational contexts.
Separating the Word Provider component from the
Lexicon gives the flexibility to achieve a level of
personalization that many current AAC devices do
not provide. Applying varying methods of relevance
computation and word discovery with a predefined
organization of words allows conversations that may
have previously been unavailable to the user.
The AAC device prototype needs thorough user
evaluation. Future work on the framework will
include further decoupling of the components that
make up the Lexicon and adding means for more
customization. Future work will also introduce
device discovery capabilities to allow data sharing
between users. Meanwhile, the AAC devices will be
able to automatically sense people grouping context
for further customizing available vocabulary.
Shengru Tu’s work was partially supported by NSF
grant CCF-0939108.
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Enhancing Alternative and Augmentative Communications Devices with Context Awareness Computing