Knowledge Provisioning
A Context-sensitive Process-oriented Approach Applied
to Software Engineering Environments
Gregor Grambow
, Roy Oberhauser
and Manfred Reichert
Computer Science Dept., Aalen University, Aalen, Germany
Institute for Databases and Information Systems, Ulm University, Ulm, Germany
Keywords: Context-sensitive Applications, Context-aware Systems, Semantic Technology, Knowledge-based Systems,
Process-aware Information Systems, Software Engineering Environments.
Abstract: Software development is a complex, dynamic, and highly intellectual process that provides automation
challenges in the areas of process and knowledge management. Moreover, the ability to support the context-
sensitive provisioning of knowledge is further exacerbated by the rapidly changing technologies, processes,
knowledge, practices, methods, and tool chains that software engineering involves. Thus, the effective and
timely provisioning of knowledge and its concrete utilization in the software development process remains
problematic. Reasons for this include the need to ascertain the context, to be aware of the process, and to
reason and select the appropriate knowledge to provision while abiding by human and other constraints. For
such dynamic knowledge and process environments, this paper describes an approach for realizing a
knowledge-based system that automatically provisions knowledge aligned with both the actual context
(user, process, and project) and with automated workflow governance. To demonstrate the feasibility of the
approach, a scenario-based application of the implementation to the software engineering domain is shown.
Software engineering (SE) projects continue to face
challenges and struggle with unique difficulties
(Brooks, 1986); (Yourdon, 2004); (Jones, 2010).
Today, software development is typically
projectized, involves a dynamic and complicated
collaborative team process, and faces numerous
challenges including process governance and
knowledge support. In support of software
development, SE environments (SEEs) consist of an
ever-changing milieu of technologies, processes,
knowledge, practices, methods, and tools.
Process management can foster project
efficiency (Gibson et al., 2006) and product quality
(Heravizadeh, 2009). For example, (Müller, 2006)
and (Lenz and Reichert, 2007) demonstrate that
process automation is beneficial in industries that
exhibit repeatable and standardized processes, which
current business process management systems
(BPMS) support. Yet SE is characterized by
multiform and divergent process models, unique
projects, a creative and intellectual process, and
collaborative team interactions, all of which impact
workflow models (Cugola et al., 1995), (Dellen and
Maurer, 1996). These challenges have hitherto
hindered automated concrete SE process guidance
and often relegated SE processes to generalized and
rather abstract process models (e.g., VM-XT
(Rausch et al., 2005)) that are operationally vague,
consisting of inanimate documentation-centric
process guidance.
We have previously developed an automated
context-sensitive workflow adaptation approach in
support of quality assurance (Grambow et al.,
2011b). Yet comprehensive quality assurance
requires more than automated context-aware process
support. Any new product development is a
knowledge-intensive task (Ramesh and Tiwana,
1999) and software processes are mostly knowledge
processes (Kess and Haapasalo, 2002). Knowledge
management and operational knowledge
provisioning are essential for distributing knowledge
among actors and retaining and exploiting
experience. Automated systems can support this by
capturing, maintaining, reusing, and transferring
knowledge (Teigland et al., 1998). Because of their
ability to easily create and access information, Wikis
Grambow G., Oberhauser R. and Reichert M..
Knowledge Provisioning - A Context-sensitive Process-oriented Approach Applied to Software Engineering Environments .
DOI: 10.5220/0004083005060515
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends (ICSOFT-2012), pages 506-515
ISBN: 978-989-8565-19-8
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
are frequently used for knowledge management in
SE, yet the retrieval of contextually relevant
information remains difficult (Schaffert et al., 2008).
Information is captured and stored, but its reuse
remains problematic. If knowledge use were
connected with the operational SE process execution
in a context-sensitive manner, effective and efficient
knowledge utilization could be automated and better
supported while improving overall product and
process quality.
SEEs provide a uniquely challenging domain for
a comprehensive and viable solution that automates
the integration of knowledge and process
management. In this regard, this paper extends our
previous work (Grambow et al., 2011a), contributing
a practical approach that elucidates the realization of
context-sensitive knowledge provisioning in
conjunction with a process-aware information
system (PAIS), while supporting additional
knowledge types and guidance configurability. This
paper abstracts and generalizes the definition of the
knowledge the system shall provide. Furthermore, a
new component is introduced that enables more
flexible and generalized knowledge management
and automates the provisioning of that knowledge.
The remainder of this paper is structured as
follows: Section 2 discusses the requirements,
Section 3 describes the solution concept, and Section
4 uses an application scenario to demonstrate the
solution approach. Section 5 details the technical
realization. Related work is discussed in Section 6,
and Section 7 draws conclusions.
This section elicits detailed requirements for a
system seeking to provision context-sensitive and
process-aware knowledge. Note that for the scope of
this paper, our knowledge-based system considers
knowledge to be represented by information that can
be utilized dynamically by the system. We do not
differentiate between knowledge and information.
Furthermore, a user workflow is a defined sequence
of operational activities a user performs to reach a
certain goal (e.g., coding to develop new
A system that actively and automatically
supports knowledge provisioning should fulfill the
following requirements:
R:KnowStor. To be able to use and disseminate
knowledge in a project, the presence of some facility
to store knowledge is required. The storage and
management of knowledge for users shall not be
cumbersome. Additionally, to enable an automated
system to access and use this information, machine-
readable semantic annotation shall be supported.
R:CntxProc. SE projects are highly dynamic
with a multitude of events (relating to processes,
artifacts, users) occurring at run time. A system that
aims at providing situational information support
must have facilities to acquire and process context
information and to use it for information provision.
R:ExtKnow. Since not all the information users
require is stored locally in the system, a facility to
integrate external information sources is required.
Examples of such information include process
documentation or external web pages.
R:ProcMgmt. To achieve automated knowledge
support in a user process, a means of automatically
governing user process models is required. That
way, concrete workflows can be executed for the
users that govern their operational activities in
conjunction with the abstract process. Otherwise,
these activities could quickly diverge from the plan,
and a system to provide automated information
support could fail, due to its lack of awareness of the
current process activities of the user.
R:AutoKnowProv. To realize automated
knowledge provisioning for processes, both
automated retrieval of stored information and
automated process support are essential. To support
their convergence, a facility that enables the context-
sensitive provisioning of information at the
appropriate points in a process is required.
R:CfgKnowDist. Certain process information
may be specialized and not generally applicable.
Furthermore, the amount of information provided
must not exceed certain thresholds, so that users are
not subjected to information overload and thus
overlook important information. Therefore, the
information provision should be configurable, e.g.,
based on the needs or preferences of projects,
processes, or users.
This section presents the concept behind our solution
approach. The first subsection provides an overview
of how the component collaborations address
different problem areas to achieve the desired
capabilities, with succeeding subsections further
elaborating various aspects of the approach. The last
subsection concretely describes how information is
used within the process to support users.
3.1 Component Collaboration
Our solution approach aims to provide the user with
a consistent knowledge provisioning system (KPS)
that realizes holistic information support for the SE
process. The Context-aware Software Engineering
Environment Event-driven frameworK (CoSEEEK)
(Oberhauser, 2010) was used as a basis. Various
components in the CoSEEEK KPS collaborate. This
is illustrated in Figure 1 and explained in the
Figure 1: The CoSEEEK System.
The central component of the KPS is the Context
Management component, which stores, aggregates,
and processes all high-level information relevant to
the KPS. It incorporates context information about
users, artifacts, and various events as well as
information from process execution. It receives
context information from the Event Management
component (1), whose responsibility is the
acquisition and aggregation of events from the SE
environment (2) (cf. R:CntxProc). This is realized
by a set of sensors integrated in external tools, such
as IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) or
source control systems used within a SE project.
The Process Management component enables a
SE process model implementation as well as
operational process support. This is done by means
of automated workflows actively governed by that
component. The Context and Process Management
components work together to enable the usage of
context information in the process and to better align
process execution with reality (cf. R:ProcMgmt).
Knowledge management is realized by the
Knowledge Store and Knowledge Provider. The
former is utilized to store user-relevant information
and make it available to the KPS via machine-
readable semantics. The Knowledge Provider
coordinates that information (4) and provides it to
the Context Management component (5) to be
injected into the users’ workflows (3) in the
appropriate context (cf. R:AutoKnowProv). The
Knowledge Provider is also responsible for the
abstract definition of user relevant information
within the KPS (called Guidance Items), which is
referenced by the Context Management component,
as well as for the integration of external information
resources (6) (cf. R:ExtKnow).
The user can enter relevant project or SE
information (e.g., best practices) using the
Knowledge Collection GUI (7). That information is
stored in the Knowledge Store (8) (cf. R:KnowStor).
The Knowledge Management GUI (9) allows users
to integrate external information (e.g., external
process documentation) or configure the way the
information is provided (e.g., ‘This guidance is
applicable to this role at that point in the process’)
(cf. R:CfgKnowDist). The configuration for
information provisioning is stored directly in the
Knowledge Provider (10). All guidance is then
distributed to the user by the Process Support GUI
(11). That GUI receives its information from the
Context Management component (12), which unites
information on the activity from the Process
Management component (3) with additional SE
information from the Knowledge Provider (5).
3.2 Context and Process
The Context and Process Management components
collaborate. While the latter is responsible for
operational workflow guidance, the former requires
direct access to all concepts related to process
management, since it unites these with context data
from Event Management and Knowledge Provider.
To enable Context Management to be process-aware
and directly intervene in workflow execution,
process concepts are modeled in the Context
Management component as well, and are connected
with their equivalents in the Process Management
component. This is illustrated in Figure 2 and
explained in the following.
Figure 2 shows the Context and Process
Management components containing various
concepts: In Process Management, there is a
workflow instance containing the four activities
‘A1’ – ‘A4’. In Context Management, there are
mappings and extensions of these concepts. A Work
Unit Container maps the workflow and Work Units
map the activities. Via these mappings, the Context
Management component controls workflow
execution, is in charge of controlling activity
termination, enabling various factors to be
incorporated in the activity termination procedure.
This can be used for injecting information into the
users’ workflow. For example, a checklist can be
incorporated that is automatically provided to the
user and that must be processed. In that case, the
KPS can require both the completion of the current
user activity and the completion of the related
Process ManagementContext Management
A1 A4A3A2
Workflow Instance /
Work Unit Container
Annotation Link
Aa1 Aa2
At1 At2 At3
Extension Link
Figure 2: Context and process management.
There are also user and context-related
extensions shown in Figure 2: The Assignment
represents the activity the user performs utilizing the
Work Unit Container to which it is associated. An
example of this distinction would be an Assignment
called ‘Development of new Feature xy’ that would
use the Work Unit Container called ‘Standard
development workflow’. That way the KPS governs
not only how something should be done, but also
what will be done. A concrete example of the
application of this to an SE workflow will be shown
when all concepts are applied in a scenario in
Section 4. The same kind of extension is utilized for
the activities of a workflow. The Work Unit, which
maps the activity, is used to create an awareness of
workflow execution in the Context Management
component. It is used only for workflow governance,
while the user task associated to that activity is
explicitly represented by the Assignment Activity.
The final extension to the activities is Atomic
Tasks. They represent basic low-level tasks like
checking-in source code or executing unit tests. To
support the automatic detection of the actual
execution of these operational tasks, Atomic Tasks
are associated to a tool, like a version control
system, which can be monitored by Event
Management sensors. That way, a direct connection
to the operational actions of the user is established.
This is further described in the following section.
3.3 Event Management
The Event Management component provides the
Context Management component with information
about the environment including tools, users, or
artifacts. All data processed in the Event
Management component is organized as events.
These events are automatically acquired by sensors.
These are integrated into various tools used in a SE
project like IDEs or bug trackers. That way, they
automatically produce events and send them to the
KPS. Typical examples of such events are saving a
file in an editor, creating an analysis report with a
static code analysis tool, or creating a bug in a defect
database. Based on these atomic events, the Event
Management component applies further steps:
Events are aggregated to higher-level events like
‘User X is applying a Bug Fix on Artifact Y’.
3.4 Information and Knowledge
The management of user-related information is
realized using the Knowledge Provider and
Knowledge Store and the two knowledge
management GUIs. Information can be collected and
stored within the KPS (internal information) and can
be integrated from other sources (external
information). Internal information is collected via
the Knowledge Collection GUI that enables users to
annotate that information with tags. Examples for
tags are ‘junior engineer’, ‘front end development’,
or ‘high risk’ that can then be used to automatically
select the information to support the users in their
context. This is accomplished by the Knowledge
Provider that also manages the integration of
external information. For the organization of
information in the KPS, the concept of a Guidance
Item (GI) is utilized. All guidance the KPS can
distribute to users is defined by the GIs created with
the Knowledge Management GUI and stored within
the Knowledge Provider. To enable contextually
relevant information, the GI has several parameters
defined as follows:
Definition 1. A guidance item is tuple GI = (id,
type, origin, compilation, tagSet, frequency, rank,
active, link, language) where
a) id Identifiers, Identifiers denotes all valid
identifiers over a given alphabet.
b) type {Checklist, Information, Best Practice,
Notice, Tutorial} denotes the type of the information
defined by the GI.
c) origin {internal, external} denotes the origin
of the information defined by the GI.
d) compilation {static, dynamic} denotes the
way the information defined by the GI is compiled.
e) tagSet is a finite set of tags with tag STRING
used to classify the information defined by the GI.
f) interval {hour, day, week, month, year,
assignment, activity, task} denotes the maximum
frequency with which GI is to be shown to a user.
g) rank {1, …, 10} denotes the quality of GI
collected by users to whom it was shown.
h) active BOOLEAN indicates if GI is to be
used by the system (activated).
i) link STRING NULL denotes the location
of the information defined by the GI if it is static.
j) language STRING denotes the language of
the information defined by the GI.
Each GI has a set of tags used to describe the
information for the KPS as well as for the users
entering and managing it. Tags can be any type of
identifying property indicating to what the GI
applies, like ‘Activity’, ‘Junior Engineer’, or ‘High
Risk Artifact’. A GI is an abstract unit of guidance
information that may contain an arbitrary number of
positions or sub-items. The information defined by it
can be static or dynamically compiled by the
Knowledge Provider. The latter is only possible for
internal information. If a GI is internal and dynamic,
the Knowledge Provider will use the tags of the GI
to query the Knowledge Store for items that are
tagged in the same way, creating the GI out of these.
Based on its type, a GI will be treated differently by
the KPS. For example, a checklist will have a check
mark for each sub-item, while plain information will
just be shown to the user. To avoid bothering the
users repeatedly with the same information, an
interval can be defined for which the GI will be
shown maximally once. Finally, to improve the
quality of the shown information, users can rate it,
which impacts the ranking of the GIs.
3.5 Process-Centered Information
Automatic knowledge support must be aligned to a
person’s context; otherwise, it is likely to be
irrelevant. Therefore, the activities performed by the
users and governed by the Context Management
component are the initiators for GI provisioning. For
these activities, three properties decide how the
Context Management component presents GIs to the
user: These properties are called GI alignment,
target obligation, and GI usage. GI alignment
governs when a GI is shown to the user in relation to
the activity that is the target of the GI. There are
three options: ‘Pre’ GIs are shown at the beginning
of the activity. ‘Post’ GIs are shown at the end of an
activity. ‘Pre/Post’ GIs incorporate both of the
aforementioned, allowing, e.g., a checklist to be
updated with additional items.
Target obligation associates the connection to
the target activity. Some GIs like checklists may be
directly tied to a target activity. These are called
‘Synchronous’ and their lifecycle depends directly
on the target activity. Other GIs may be shown
based on certain events (including, activity
termination). These are called ‘Asynchronous’ and
can have a pre-defined lifetime.
GI usage distinguishes between ‘Required’ and
‘Optional’ GIs. Using ‘Required’ GIs, the target
activity will not be marked complete without also
acknowledging the GI.
Table 1 shows how these three properties can be
combined for the introduced activity concepts
(Assignment, Assignment Activity, and Atomic Task).
Table 1: Activity Guidance Item properties.
GI Target Target Properties
pre post
sync async req opt
Pre-GI X X X
Post-GI X X X
Combined-GI X X X
Pre-GI X X X
Post-GI X X X
Combined-GI X X X
Pre-GI X X X
Post-GI X X X
As the activity concepts have different
properties, the types of GI provision for them
slightly differ. For example, an Atomic Task that is
executed by a user can be detected by the KPS, but it
is not governed by a workflow. For such a task, GIs
cannot be required, as there is no means to prevent
the user from simply switching to another task.
There is also no event indicating completion of an
Atomic Task to the KPS. Post-GIs are nevertheless
possible, as they can be shown to the user even when
he switches to another task. The Context
Management component is in charge of tailoring the
size of the GIs. It can decide how many GIs will be
shown to the users at a certain point in the process
and how many sub-items are allowed. This
information is stored as part of the process
information in the Context Management component
and can thus exploit other c ontext information: For
Figure 3: GI Application Example.
example, a development activity conducted in a
situation with high schedule pressure could have a
checklist with fewer items than it would have if
more time were available.
The concrete procedure of GI provisioning is as
follows: The Knowledge Provider receives an event
from the Context Management component indicating
some point in the process where guidance could be
feasible (e.g., user X has started activity Y). If
needed, the Knowledge Provider requests additional
context information from the Context Management
component (e.g., what artifact the user is currently
working on). After that, the Knowledge Provider
queries its database for GIs with tags matching the
context. For external GIs, links are passed back to
the Context Management component. For internal
GIs, the Knowledge Store is queried. After having
received the GIs, the Context Management
component sends the appropriate number of GIs to
the Process Support GUI to be displayed to the user.
This section presents an application scenario that
applies the approach to a concrete software
development workflow. It is based on the Open UP
process, a derivate of the Unified Process (Scott,
2002) created by the Eclipse foundation. The
workflow is called ‘Develop Solution Increment’
and is targeted at supporting the creation of new
software. Figure 3 illustrates the implementation of
the workflow. It incorporates user-related
extensions: the Assignment Activities and two
exemplary artifacts (source code and test code). The
example presents a sample selection of possible
guidance for such a workflow.
As mentioned before, the workflow deals with
the creation of software functionality. That goal of
the workflow is represented by the Assignment
(‘Develop Feature X’). The workflow contains five
activities that deal with designing, implementing,
integrating, and creating and executing developer
tests. Each of these activities is mapped in the
Context Management component and extended by
the user-related Assignment Activities. The latter, in
turn, are extended by the Atomic Tasks representing
concrete actions executed using a specific SE tool
and manipulating (a) specific artifact(s) (e.g.,
checking-in source code).
When a user executes this workflow, the
Knowledge Provider is automatically notified when
the execution reaches a point for which a GI is
defined. This is done via a GI concept in the Context
Management component indicating what type of GI
could be shown at that point and how it should be
shown. A GI could be defined directly for one of the
activity concepts or indirectly if a GI is defined for
an artifact that is processed by one of them. Based
on that information, the Knowledge Provider can
search for matching GIs. This is realized by the tags
of the GIs, using the information from the Context
Management component as tags (e.g., that a GI
applies to a certain type of activity or artifact). The
Knowledge Provider can also request additional
information to find better matching GIs for the
current situation (e.g., the role of the applying
person). After having looked up the information, the
Knowledge Provider sends it to the Context
Management component that presents it to the user
as configured in the GI concept.
The first of four GIs applied to this workflow is
a tutorial associated to the Assignment, which
contains introductory information on the specific
properties of software development in that
organization. This could be tagged as applicable to
junior engineers that recently joined the
organization. The second GI is a link to external
information from the Open UP website containing a
guideline for developer testing. The third GI is
associated to source code artifacts and contains a
specific checklist on coding style. The last of the
four GIs is associated to the Atomic Task of
checking in. In that case, it is a note from the
configuration manager containing important
information about the current development branch.
This section provides details on the technical
realization of the approach and its user interface.
5.1 Technologies
The approach enhances CoSEEEK and the
realization is shown in Figure 4 and described in the
following. Event-based communication was chosen
due to the context-aware nature of the framework,
which gathers and processes events from its
environment and internal components. A loose-
coupling of components, which also facilitates the
addition or removal of functionality, is achieved
using a tuple space (Gelernter, 1985) on top of a
native XML database (Meier, 2009).
For the Event Management component, event
acquisition is achieved via Hackystat and its tool-
based sensors (Johnson, 2007). Event aggregation
utilizes the complex event processing framework
Esper (Luckham, 2001) to detect and process higher-
level activity events.
Both the Knowledge Provider and the Context
Management components are realized via semantic
web technology. That technology, in particular
ontologies, is advantageous (Gasevic et al, 2006): it
provides a taxonomy for the modeled entities and
their relations, as well as a vocabulary including
logical statements about these entities. Well-
structured ontologies enable automated consistency
checking and enhance interoperability between
different applications and agents, supporting
knowledge sharing and reuse. Because of its
maturity, OWL-DL (McGuinnes and Van Hamelen,
2004) is used as an ontology language. The semantic
reasoner Pellet (Sirin et al, 2007) is also used for
processing and SPARQL (Prud’hommeaux and
Seaborne, 2006) is integrated for querying the
ontology. Programmatic ontology access uses the
Jena framework (McBride, 2002). Two separate
ontologies were used to facilitate scalability and
manageability and to enable a separation of
concerns: an ontology for knowledge management
(Knowledge Provider) and an ontology for SE
process execution (Context Management).
Figure 4: Technologies utilized.
The Process Management component is based
on the dynamic Process-Aware Information System
(PAIS) AristaFlow (Dadam and Reichert, 2009).
AristaFlow supports dynamic runtime adaptation of
workflows while also providing correctness
guarantees. This supports the Context Management
component’s ability to context-sensitively adapt the
executing process. The Knowledge Store and the
Knowledge Collection GUI are realized using the
Semantic MediaWiki (Krötzsch et al, 2006). The
latter provides facilities for easy collection of
knowledge from users and for tagging this
information with machine-readable semantics. To
provide the Knowledge Provider with easy access to
that information, a SPARQL endpoint was added to
the wiki using the SPARQL server Joseki, a part of
the Jena framework (McBride, 2002). Finally, via
dynamic web pages, the Knowledge Management
GUI supports GI configuration while the Process
Support GUI can be accessed in an IDE (like Eclipse
or Visual Studio). These two GUIs provide process
support for software developers, and are briefly
described in the succeeding section.
(a) GI Creation GUI (b) GI Browsing GUI (c) Process Support GUI
Figure 5: GUI Screenshots.
5.2 Implementation Prototype
This section briefly illustrates the prototype
implemented to evaluate our approach. Therefore,
Figure 6 shows the developed GUIs used to interact
with the KPS. Since, for our realization, the
Knowledge Collection GUI is the Semantic
MediaWiki (Krötzsch et al, 2006) interface, it is not
pictured. The Knowledge Management GUI is
shown in Figure 5a and 5b; 5a shows on the left side
a menu providing access to basic GI functionality
(creating, editing, and browsing), and to its right a
frame used to create a new GI with all necessary
options. There is an option for creating a private GI,
enabling users to add personal GIs that are only
shown to them. Figure 5b shows the GI browsing
functionality, where users can apply various options
and tags to locate and modify GIs. A guidance
tracker can show users their last GI-related actions
and the related actions of other users. Users can
recommend their private GIs to other users, e.g., a
new best practice. Figure 5c shows the Process
Support GUI, which is directly integrated into the
IDE (both Eclipse and Visual Studio 2010 as a
browser-based plugin). Note that due to screen space
limitations and partner requirements, a different GUI
style evolved. The lower section of that GUI gives
comprehensive information about the activity that is
currently performed, ranging from the project in
which it is executed, over the Assignment Activity, to
the Atomic Task currently being performed. In the
upper section, an active GI of the type checklist is
shown. It has three items that have to be checked
and can be completed using the given ‘Complete’
button. Additionally, the GI can be rated,
influencing its rank for future prioritization and use.
There are many approaches targeting knowledge
management support for SE. (Bjornson and
Dingsoyr, 2008) present a literature study about
knowledge management in SE. Therein they
describe two different kinds of approaches to
knowledge management: technocratic schools rely
largely on information or management technology,
while behavioral schools focus more on
organizational or strategic aspects of the
implementing company. In the following,
approaches that can be categorized belonging to the
technocratic schools are discussed.
(Kurniawati and Jeffery, 2004) present a study of
the usage of a process-oriented knowledge
management tool in a small-to-medium-sized
software development company. That tool allows for
web-based documentation and support for the SE
process model. The study showed that the tool was
accepted by users and really supported them.
However, compared to our approach the tool has no
advanced automation features and lacks dynamic
tailored support for users.
(Barros and Werner, 2004) describe an approach
to develop, retrieve, and reuse management
knowledge and experience concerned with software
development risks. The approach incorporates the
modeling of so-called risk archetypes and scenarios
to model risk impact and resolution strategies and to
provide reusable project management knowledge.
The knowledge dust and pearls approach (Basili
et al, 2001) aims at facilitating the application of a
so-called experience base. The latter shall contain
information about experiences that has been
analyzed and organized in packages. The approach
combines both short-term and long-term oriented
features in knowledge creation and sharing. It shall
provide low-barrier access to knowledge and support
the initial creation of it.
Outside of the SE domain there have also been
various efforts seeking to support knowledge
management. (Liao, 2003) presents a study
reviewing a multitude of approaches to knowledge
management systems. These are classified in
different areas: knowledge-based systems, data
mining systems, information and communication
technology, database technology, modeling, and
expert systems providing decision support. One
example coming from the data mining area is
presented by (Nemati et al, 2002): By the extension
of a data warehouse, a so-called knowledge
warehouse is built that shall facilitate capturing as
well as retrieving and sharing knowledge.
As opposed to the above approaches, our novel
approach does not solely focus on the acquisition,
storage, and organization of knowledge. In fact, it
provides a holistic solution that automates the
provisioning aspect in the information lifecycle,
strongly focusing on the context-sensitive and
process-oriented provisioning of knowledge to the
By enabling context-sensitive knowledge
provisioning and contextualizing knowledge
management, more effective utilization of
knowledge in the actual human activities becomes
possible. Thus, it is our view that knowledge
management and automated knowledge provisioning
will play an increasingly important role in automated
process-aware information systems. The application
of this to the SE domain is especially challenging in
this regard due to its intensely knowledge-oriented,
collaborative, communicative, and highly dynamic
development processes.
We have presented a practical approach for
utilizing context management to provide relevant
knowledge, at appropriate points for the user in their
operational process and abiding by given constraints.
In this paper, we have introduced an active
knowledge management component (the Knowledge
Provider) and added an explicit abstract definition
for that knowledge to be used as automatic guidance
(the Guidance Item). By blending process
awareness, the CoSEEEK Knowledge Provisioning
System is not only aware of the current context, but
can also situationally align the knowledge to the past
(post-guidance items) and likely future activities
(pre-guidance items). Thus, current passive process
documentation and guidance can become active
operational knowledge that is contextually
provisioned. Our approach avoids requiring rigid
processes that have inhibited automated workflow
guidance for dynamic process areas such as SE.
By enhancing a PAIS with semantic technology,
our approach offers greater degrees of flexibility
with regard to understanding the contextual
implications of the workflow model and managing
the process. The technical realization showed the
concept’s feasibility and practicality. By supporting
the users with relatively simple GUIs, the
complexity of semantic technology could be hidden
and usability increased. Our approach does not
require that the entire information contents be
semantically annotated; only categorization as
metadata via tagging is required. Thus, currently
passively available knowledge and guidance forms
can be utilized and contextually activated for a user.
Future work includes an empirical investigation
in conjunction with industrial project partners in live
software projects. Planned features include the
integration of tool-generated dynamic knowledge.
To support contextually-sensitive active
knowledge management, ongoing challenges
remain. Further work and wider adoption is needed
towards practical techniques and standards for
context modeling and knowledge packaging that
allows (process-oriented) knowledge and
documentation to be easily generated, appropriately
annotated for semantics and contexts, automatically
integrated in information systems, and automatically
and contextually provisioned in operational
The authors would like to acknowledge Alexander
Grünwald for his help with the technical realization.
This work was sponsored by the BMBF (Federal
Ministry of Education and Research) of the Federal
Republic of Germany under Contract No. 17N4809.
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