1. General: includes general information that
describes the learning object as a whole.
2. Lifecycle: it describes the history and current
state of a learning object, as well as and
those entities that have affected the learning
object during its evolution.
3. Meta-Metadata: it describes the metadata
record itself, rather than the learning object
that a given metadata record describes.
4. Technical: it groups the technical
requirements and characteristics of the
learning object.
5. Educational use: it groups educational and
pedagogical characteristics of the object.
6. Rights: describes the intellectual property
rights and conditions of use of the object.
7. Relationship: defines the relation between a
learning object and other learning objects to
which it is related.
8. Annotation: comments on the educational
use of the learning object and information on
when and by whom these comments were
9. Classification: it describes where the
learning object falls with a particular
classification system (taxonomy).
Besides these categories, LOM also defines the
following data types: LangString for strings,
DateTime for dates, Duration for time periods and
Vocabulary for enumerated types.
Using this schema allows the authors of learning
objects to specify what elements make up a body of
metadata, to facilitate search, evaluation,
acquisition and use of learning objects by students,
instructors or automated systems. In addition it also
facilitates sharing them, allowing the development
of catalogues and repositories.
The inclusion of instances of metadata with the
learning object provides standard information on
the contexts of use, thus increasing their reusability.
Usually this metadata structure is implemented in
XML format. Our effort targeted to map this
structure to an ontology format in OWL.
As we have seen in the preceding section, learning
objects are characterized by metadata records, each
composed by a set of properties. We thought that
these properties could be used to describe instances
of the learning object from an ontological point of
view. To create an instance of an object implies
first, to define an identifier for the object in order to
identify it, and then to associate values to each
property of the object.
In IEEE LOM conformant metadata records, an
object is described by using nine categories, 1.
General, 2. Life cycle, etc. Each category is formed
by a set of related properties called subcategories.
For example the General category has the
subcategories 1.1. Identifier, 1.2. Title, 1.3.
Description, and so on. Some of these categories
have recursively new subcategories, such as for
instance the subcategory 1.1. Identification, that is
described using characteristics 1.1.1. Catalogue and
1.1.2. Entry. This hierarchical structure of
categories and properties to define an object made
easier its translation to an ontological schema.
In the following sections we will present the
classes defined in the LOM2OWL ontology which
correspond to the knowledge in IEEE LOM
metadata elements. These classes will be used not
only to represent the LOM data types, but also to
describe any LOM record.
3.1 Mapping IEEE LOM Data Types
To represent the LOM data types in OWL we have
defined one class per data type. Table 1 shows the
Table 1: Correspondence between LOM data types and
classes of LOM2OWL.
OWL Class
dateTime has the subclass lomDateTime
which has two properties:
textDescriptor and timeItem
langString specifies the language of a
string. It is composed by various instantes of
the simpleLangString class
lomDuration has two properties, one to
define the duration and other for its
description, similat to IEEE LOM duration
As it is clear in the table, every data type groups
some characteristics called properties of the data
type. For example the data type LangString has two
characteristics associated: the language of the string
and the string of characters itself.
Another important data type in IEEE LOM is
the data type Vocabulary, which does not have an
equivalent type in OWL. When a property is of this
type, we suggest using a data property of string type
restricted to take values from a fixed list of values
including of course those terms permitted in each
specific vocabulary.
There are several properties of this type. For
example in the 5. Educational category, the 5.5.