This research introduces a new element into TFM –
logical relations. Logical relations in TFM are
crucial when transforming TFM into other diagrams.
Thus the analysis of logical relations takes an
important part of TFM development and problem
domain specification. Within each logical relation
can participate two or more logical relationships and
each logical relation has its type – conjunction (and),
disjunction (or), or exclusive or (xor). Logical
relations exist between topological relationships and
denote the system functioning behavior. Depending
on logical relation type system functioning behavior
is specified by means of decision making, merging,
forking, and joining. While depending on the type of
logical relation L
fork node (for relation type and)
and decision node (for relation types or and xor) is
added to Activity diagram, the type of logical
relations L
denotes join node (for relation type and)
and merge node (for relation types or and xor)
addition to the Activity diagram.
In addition this research shows that by adding
additional efforts at the very beginning of software
development life cycle it is possible to create a
model that contains sufficient and accurate
information of problem domain. By “sufficient”
meaning that this model can be transformed into
other diagrams without major re-analysis of problem
domain and by “accurate” meaning that the model
precisely reflects the functioning and structure of the
This work has been supported by the European
Social Fund within the project “Support for the
implementation of doctoral studies at Riga Technical
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