Integrating a Model for Visual Attention
into a System for Natural Language Parsing
Christopher Baumg
artner and Wolfgang Menzel
University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Abstract. We present a system for integrating knowledge about complex visual
scenes into the process of natural language comprehension. The implemented
system is able to choose a scene of reference for a natural language sentence
from a large set of scene descriptions. This scene is then used to influence the
analysis of a sentence generated by a broad coverage language parser. In addi-
tion, objects and actions referred to by the sentence are visualized by a saliency
map which is derived from the bi-directional influence of top down and bottom-
up information on a model of visual attention highlighting the regions with the
highest probability of attracting the attention of an observer.
1 Motivation
We introduce a system for natural language processing that integrates knowledge about
visual context into the task of parsing sentences. This integration of contextual infor-
mation can result in different interpretations of the same sentence depending on the
knowledge of a listener, as well as on the selectively perceived surroundings at the mo-
ment of processing language input.
An artificial system that incorporates contextual knowledge should utilize descrip-
tions of scenes in order to modify the interpretation of a given sentence. This is straight-
forward as long as it is evident which parts of contextual information has to be used to
influence processing. The task gets more difficult when a wide range of possibly influ-
ential information units are accessible to the system. In this case processing all available
contextual information might not be feasible.
Our system finds a scene of reference for a given sentence and uses this scene to
improve the processing of a language parser. For this purpose we adopt findings about
context integration in humans as an inspiration for properties our system should exhibit.
2 Related Work
Several models were built that integrate language and vision, attempting to realize lan-
guage driven reference resolution albeit not directly addressing the issue of attention
focusing. Winograd’s SHRDLU [18] relates written language to objects in a blocks
world domain. Knowledge about this domain is stated in a database of facts. The sys-
tem receives instructions about what to do with the objects of its domain, parses these,
Baumgärtner C. and Menzel W..
Integrating a Model for Visual Attention into a System for Natural Language Parsing.
DOI: 10.5220/0004088100240033
In Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science (NLPCS-2012), pages 24-33
ISBN: 978-989-8565-16-7
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
finds referents for parts of the parsed sentence and acts accordingly, asking questions
whenever an instruction is not understandable or ambiguous.
The system Bishop [6] is based on studies of how people describe objects and their
spatial relations. It operates in a domain of cones with different colors. The system
receives descriptions like: the purple cone in the middle to the left of the green cones
parses them and chooses the correct referents accordingly. This is done by incorporating
information about color (green or purple), grammatical number (cone or cones) and
spatial relations (middle, left, front-most).
In [12] language ambiguity is resolved by integrating external contextual knowledge
into a language parser. The system is able to use the context information while process-
ing German utterances by adopting a predictor-based approach: Contextual knowledge
is provided prior to processing a sentence, thus influencing the results of subsequent
parsing decisions. This influence is mediated by a semantic level which was incorpo-
rated into a system originally intended solely for syntactic analysis. So far, however,
the system has not been shown to be able to select referents from competing alternative
context items according to their relevance for language comprehension.
3 System Architecture
To implement the described behavior in a computational system at least four subsystems
are required: a system for natural language processing, a model for the representation
of the visual context, a system determining the focus of attention in a picture that shows
the visual context and a component for managing hypotheses of referential context in-
formation. Our model assumes the role of an agent listening to a sentence while looking
at a visual scene.
3.1 WCDG
Contextual knowledge need not be fully consistent with the propositional content of
an utterance. Minor deviations or even serious conflicts can be observed in almost any
communicative setting. To be able to benefit from information which is partly unreli-
able, a component for natural language processing is required that allows the analysis
to make use of such evidence by arbitrating between competing interpretations based
on individual estimations of confidence.
Weighted Constraint Dependency Grammar (WCDG) [16] seems to be a promising
candidate for such a task. It has been shown to be able to successfully integrate cues
from a wide range of external predictors in a robust manner [5], it can be used to cap-
ture the relationships between parallel levels of representation (syntax and semantics)
without enforcing a rigid mapping between them [12] and it can be easily interfaced to
external reasoning components.
WCDG is based on constraints which are used to disambiguate structural interpre-
tations of a given sentence. The system receives a lexicon, a grammar and a written
sentence as input. The constraints in the grammar are weighted with values from zero
to one indicating their relevance, with zero implying a hard constraint that must be sat-
isfied by any solution and one indicating an unimportant constraint. The output is a
forest of parse trees of word-to-word dependencies.
Parsing in WCDG is a global optimization task. The standard solution procedure is
a transformation-based algorithm (frobbing) [4]. It starts from an initial analysis for
the input sentence which is likely to violate at least some of the constraints imposed by
the grammar. The algorithm repairs the most important violation by exchanging those
edges of the analysis that are accountable for violating the constraint. If the repaired
analysis still violates important constraints, the algorithm starts over by repairing the
next violation. By this WCDG can even revoke decisions previously made.
As the grammar contains weighted constraints the algorithm does not need to repair
all violations of constraints contained in a particular analysis to obtain a solution to
the parsing problem. In most cases any analysis will violate some constraints. As long
as these do not include hard constraints (those with value zero) the analysis is still a
viable solution. The system will proceed to repair this analysis in order to optimize the
solution to the problem.
Fig. 1. Prediction of the upcoming object for the fragment Der Mann kauft (The man buys) by
selecting the not yet instantiated virtAcc node from a set of possible candidates.
The integration of contextual information is a bi-directional process where language
processing influences search for information, which in turn influences language pro-
cessing, which again might influence visual search. In order to implement this kind of
behavior, a language processing system that outputs only the final analysis of a sentence
without giving intermediate results is of little use. In order to influence context process-
ing, we need access to analysis results at an early stage when processing is not finished
WCDG is useful in this regard because of the anytime property of the frobbing algo-
rithm: As the system generates a final solution to a problem by continuously improving
suboptimal solutions, it is possible to access crucial information contained in these less-
than-perfect analyses at a very early point in time. In particular, such information can
be used to resolve referential ambiguity among a large set of available visual entities.
One feature of the parser is its ability to deal with sentences incrementally, i.e.
word by word [1]. In this mode of operation it processes a sentence-prefix to a certain
degree, adds a new word and uses the results of the already analyzed sentence fragment
as a starting point of further processing. If additional nodes for yet unseen words are
included into the model the parser is even able to predict upcoming elements of the
sentence(Figure 1).
3.2 Knowledge Representation
We use OWL [14] to manually build a formal description of the visual context of a
scene. The representation describes objects in the scene including their properties (like
color(cube, red)). These descriptions also include spatial relationships between ob-
jects. In addition to descriptions of processes solely by spatial terms, for our system we
also use descriptions of actions and the persons and objects that are engaged in them.
The system also has access to knowledge about taxonomic relations between concepts
of objects (i.e. that a poodle is a dog; a dog is a mammal; a mammal is an animal).
Fig. 2. Saliency Map for a scene consisting of three characters (Underlying picture adapted
from [9]).
3.3 Modeling Bottom-up Visual Attention
While the top-down influence of the visual context on language processing is working
with symbolic descriptions of a given scene, a model driven by sensor-data is used to
capture the bottom-up influence on attention [8] and to visualize the effects of com-
bining top-down and bottom-up information on visual attention. In this model, visual
attention of subjects is predicted, depending on low-level features of the picture. It ex-
tracts visual cues in the dimensions of color, intensity and orientation. Saliency maps
are computed from these features, indicating regions most likely to attract the attention
of an observer (Figure 2).
Humans do not stick to just one region in the picture but move their eyes over time,
thus exploring different regions. To model this behavior, the saliency of a region is
changed, depending on which parts of the picture are currently in focus. This is accom-
plished by a mechanism called ”Inhibition of Return”: saliency is reduced for the region
currently in focus. As soon as the saliency of this region drops below the saliency of
another part of the picture, attention will switch to the new saliency maximum, whose
saliency will then be reduced subsequently. As the former region is not in focus any
more, saliency will start to increase again. Due to this dynamics of the saliency land-
scape, focus always moves towards the region that is currently the one with the global
maximum, resulting in a sequence of predictable eye-movements.
3.4 Finding a Scene
The information from different modalities is encoded by means of different representa-
tions, which are tailored to meet the specific requirements of the different input chan-
nels. Unfortunately, the differences between the representations make it difficult to in-
tegrate the information they contribute. Therefore, a component has been included that
mediates between these representations in both directions.
On the one hand, the information integration component makes a choice about
which subset of contextual representation fits the given linguistic information best. In
order to do this, the possible referential scenes must be graded with regard to how good
they match a given sentence.
On the other hand this component computes a score describing how strong the in-
fluence of the chosen visual context will be. For any given sentence a scene is identified
that describes the content of the pictures fitting the sentence best.
4 Benefits
The system architecture presented provides the benefit of being able to predict upcom-
ing parts of the utterance, to combine top-down and bottom-up evidence in order to
determine the focus of attention and to capture the dynamic aspects of language pro-
cessing as the sentence unfolds over time.
4.1 Predicting Elements
During incremental parsing upcoming elements of a sentence can be predicted by inves-
tigating those parts of the context which are connected to the parts chosen as referents
for the already parsed subsentence. For example in Figure 1 the subsentence Der Mann
kauft (The man buys) has already been parsed and referents have been found in the con-
text. As the context model contains a description of a man buying a book, the missing
object of the sentence is inferred to be the book.
4.2 Shifting Focus
When a picture is input without any kind of additional language information, the saliency
of regions depends only on the visual elements. An initial saliency landscape is given
in (Figure 2 left side) which evolves gradually over time, driven by bottom-up cues.
Additional top-down influence might change the saliency of a picture region depending
on the linguistic input and the chosen referents for parts of a sentence (Figure 3).
To model the influence of the language on the saliency of regions in a picture (and
therefore on the choice of the focus of attention) WCDG constraints are used. They
select the linguistic input which is likely to provide top-down information for guid-
ing attention to a specific part of the picture and connect the information contained in
WCDG’s parsing results (words, lexical features or word-to-word dependencies) with
parts of the context information. Thus, the occurrence of certain linguistic phenomena
analyzed by WCDG will result in an increase or decrease of saliency for certain picture
Fig. 3. Saliency before and after processing the sentence The fairy brushes the gangster (Under-
lying picture adapted from [9]).
4.3 Cyclic Refinement
A simple constraint stating that during incremental parsing each new word would in-
crease saliency of the referent of this word in the picture can already be used to model
the linguistic influence. The integration of language and vision, however, requires a
more complex approach which can be illustrated by the sentence Der Gangster bedroht
die Person neben dem Stuhl (The gangster threatens the person next to the Chair.) refer-
ring again to Figure 3. Finding the correct references for this sentence is not a straight-
forward task for a number of reasons.
First of all there is the structural ambiguity caused by the different attachment possi-
bilities of the PP neben dem Stuhl (next to the chair). It might be stating that the event of
threatening happens next to the chair or, as in our case, the person threatened is located
somewhere next to the chair. This problem is solved by inserting a constraint into the
grammar making the attachment of a prepositional phrase dependent on the existence
of a relationship between visually present persons in the corresponding context. So,
without context the sentence will be parsed to the default analysis in (Figure 4). Intro-
ducing, however, the context represented in (Figure 5 right side)the parser will switch to
the analysis in Figure 5 as its final result. The reason for choosing different attachments
in the two cases is the contextual description of a person (the tourist) standing next to
the chair.
Fig. 4. Parsing the sentence The gangster threatens the person next to the chair without context.
Fig. 5. Parsing the sentence The gangster threatens the person next to the chair with context.
A more serious issue regarding the connection between the subsystems is finding the
correct referent for the word Person (person). Obviously this word is ambiguous given
the context illustrated in the picture, as it might refer to any of the three individuals
since all of them are related in the taxonomic hierarchy mentioned in Section 3.2 to the
concept person. It is disambiguated by a constraint in the grammar, that prefers PP-
attachment if there is some kind of corresponding connection in context as well, be it
a spatial relationship or the participation in an action depicted. Using this constraint as
part of the evaluation process, the system will choose as referent for the word Person the
individual stated as having a connection with the chair, indicated by the prepositional
phrase of the dependency tree (Figure 5 left side). This individual is, in our case, the
Unfortunately the two problems just addressed are connected in a way that each can-
not be solved without first solving the other one. The system finds the correct attachment
for the prepositional phrase by finding a spatial connection between the referents for the
words Person and Stuhl but it can only find the correct referent for Person by first hav-
ing the prepositional phrase attached in a way compatible with contextual information.
This dilemma is solved by constantly exchanging information between the subsystems
while the sentence unfolds over time. Due to our additional visual constraint that makes
the PP-attachment between connected referents more likely, each time the parser builds
such an edge between words with unconnected referents, this solution is penalized. This
will force the parser to search for a less penalized analysis with a different attachment-
point for the preposition.
When, at some point of processing, the parser attaches the PP/PN-edges between
Person and Stuhl this analysis might be penalized too, as the referent for Person can be
incorrect or not chosen at all. But in this case the second visual constraint increases the
likelihood that the referent for Person is an individual that is spatially connected to the
tourist, ensuring that the tourist will be chosen as the correct individual.
5 Results
We evaluated our system with pictures and sentences taken from [9] where they have
been used to investigate he interaction of language and visual context of human partic-
ipants.They show scenes like the one in Figure 3 with three characters: one that is the
agent of an action (the tourist), one that is the patient of an action (the gangster) and one
that is ambiguous with regard to agent/patient-role (the fairy). Each picture is accompa-
nied by two sentences describing the actions depicted. For Figure 3 sentences were Die
Fee b
urstet hier den Gangster. (Literally: The fairy brushes here the gangster.) and Die
Fee bespritzt hier der Tourist. (Literally: The fairy is splashed here by the tourist.) In
German, the first noun (the fairy) is ambiguous with regard to its role until the second
noun phrase is received during incremental parsing. [9] suggested that humans are able
to assign the correct role for the first noun phrase and to anticipate the missing role
already after hearing the verb, by incorporating the visual knowledge of the perceived
scene as a substitute for the not yet available parts of the sentence.
Fig. 6. Development of saliency for agent and patient in SVO and OVS sentences.
Figure 6 shows the development of saliency for the different characters. The graphs
present the saliency for agent and patient of the picture for OVS and SVO sentences.
The time course is normalized over all trials, such that any sentence processed is divided
into twelve time steps, depending on the progress of the incremental parsing. Time
steps 0-2 show the saliency before the onset of the first noun. Time steps 3-5 depict the
development after the first noun has been added to the sentence fragment. This results in
a drop of the saliency for the agent as well as the patient, because saliency is increased
for the ambiguous character in the picture, as denoted by the first noun of the sentence.
Time steps 6-8 show saliency after verb onset. The crucial effect is the development
of the saliency of the character not yet addressed (i.e. the patient for SVO-sentences,
the agent for OVS-sentences). Although the second noun is not processed until steps
9-11, saliency already increases for the corresponding character. This development is in
agreement with findings about human eye-movements as described in in [10]. Indeed,
a closer inspection of the parsed sentences shows that this development is caused by
the fact, that the first noun and the verb enable the system to assign the correct roles to
both characters, even if the second noun is not yet part of the sentence fragment. This
prediction of the correct role for an unnamed referent results in an increase in saliency
for the corresponding region.
6 Future Work
We have described a complex system which integrates visual context into language
processing. The system is able to differentiate between relevant and irrelevant context
items, choosing only those entities of the described visual scene that seem to be im-
portant for a given sentence. In contrast to previous approaches our system can find
the applicable information in a diverse, dynamic context, switching between its choice
whenever additional information is received, thereby guiding the focus of a model of
human visual attention.
So far, the integration of context information is restricted to descriptions of static scenes.
In the future, we will also investigate changing representations of context to model the
influence of a dynamic environment.
At the moment the selected referents influence saliency of a picture over time, but once
a scene of reference has been selected for parts of a sentence, even major changes in
saliency due to low-level cues in the picture will not be able to question this choice.
To remove this limitation a goal of future research will be to model the influence of
bottom-up attention on the choice of visual referents for linguistic input.
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