6 Future Work
We have described a complex system which integrates visual context into language
processing. The system is able to differentiate between relevant and irrelevant context
items, choosing only those entities of the described visual scene that seem to be im-
portant for a given sentence. In contrast to previous approaches our system can find
the applicable information in a diverse, dynamic context, switching between its choice
whenever additional information is received, thereby guiding the focus of a model of
human visual attention.
So far, the integration of context information is restricted to descriptions of static scenes.
In the future, we will also investigate changing representations of context to model the
influence of a dynamic environment.
At the moment the selected referents influence saliency of a picture over time, but once
a scene of reference has been selected for parts of a sentence, even major changes in
saliency due to low-level cues in the picture will not be able to question this choice.
To remove this limitation a goal of future research will be to model the influence of
bottom-up attention on the choice of visual referents for linguistic input.
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