Spamming Botnet Detection using Neural Networks
Ickin Vural and Hein Venter
Department of Computer Science, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa
Abstract. The dramatic revolution in the way that we can share information has
come about both through the Internet and through the dramatic increase in the
use of mobile phones, especially in developing nations. Mobile phones are now
found everywhere in the developing world. In 2002, the total number of mobile
phones in use worldwide exceeded the number of landlines and these mobile
devices are becoming increasingly sophisticated. For many people in
developing countries their primary access point to the internet is a mobile
device. Malicious software (malware) currently infects large numbers of mobile
devices. Once infected, these mobile devices may be used to send spam SMSs.
Mobile networks are now infected by malicious software such as Botnets. This
paper studies the potential threat of Botnets based on mobile networks, and
proposes the use of computational intelligence techniques to detect Botnets. We
then simulate mobile Bot detection by use of a neural network.
1 Introduction
The field of computer security, which for many years focused on paradigms such as
network security, information security and workstation security, is facing a paradigm
shift with the ever-increasing gain in popularity of mobile devices such as smart
phones and tablets. As many of the current threats to mobile devices (also known as
cell phones or mobile phones) are similar to those that threaten desktop machines
connected to the internet, many of the same solutions can be adapted to deal with
mobile devices. Nevertheless, mobile devices present their own unique challenges
such as a fragmented operating system market (such as Apple Os, Android, Windows
mobile, RIM etc.), a proliferation of manufactures building devices on different
standards, as well as the more limited processing and data storage capabilities of
mobile devices. Security solutions have to be programmed with these limitations in
This migration of computing from desktop devices to smart phones and tablets has
lead to the appearance of those threats that initially only affected desktop devices. The
threat that this paper addresses is the migration of spamming Botnets onto mobile
devices. Botnets are now capable of infecting mobile devices and using them to send
mobile spam.
The paper is structured as follows: the background section introduces the topics of
spam, Botnets and Neural Networks. The following section introduces a model on
combating mobile spam through Botnet detection using Neural Networks. This is
followed by a description of the prototype, the actual implementation of the
Vural I. and Venter H..
Spamming Botnet Detection using Neural Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0004089800270038
In Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems (WOSIS-2012), pages 27-38
ISBN: 978-989-8565-15-0
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
prototype, and a section where experimental results are tabulated. The paper is then
2 Background
2.1 Spam
This section gives an overview of spam, mobile spam, spamming Botnets, Botnets on
mobile devices and Neural networks. The definition of spam is discussed followed by
a discussion on the different types of spam, a section on mobile spam followed by a
section on the economics of spam.
2.1.1 The Definition of Spam
Unsolicited bulk mail, otherwise known as spam, is an email (electronic message)
sent to a large number of email addresses, where the owners of those addresses have
not asked for or consented to receive the email [1]. Spam is used to advertise a service
or a product. One of the most well-known examples of spam is an unsolicited email
message from an unknown or forged address advertising Viagra [2]. The lack of a
universally recognized definition for spam is one of the major obstacles to creating
solutions designed to minimize its harmful effects. The definition of spam could range
from any unsolicited emails [3], to unsolicited commercial emails sent by any source
[4], to unsolicited commercial emails from sources the recipient has never had contact
with [5], to simply emails or postings transmitted in bulk quantities [6].
2.1.2 Types of Spam
Figure 1 shows the different types of spam that are commonly encountered today.
Email spam is the most common form of spam and the one that most people are most
familiar with. Comment spam is of the kind that inflicts the comments section of
newspaper websites, where adverts are inserted in the comments section. Messaging
spam, also known as spam over instant messaging (SPIM) is of the kind of spam that
one would receive over an instant messenger application such as Google Talk [7].
Mobile spam, which is discussed in more detail later in this paper, is spam received
on one's mobile device in the form of SMSs. Voice over internet protocol (VOIP)
spam is the kind of spam that one receives through automated voice messages over a
VOIP phone [8].
Mobile spam is the focus of this paper and therefore the next section is devoted to
discuss mobile spam in more detail.
2.1.3 Mobile Spam
Spam is not limited to e-mail as is usually thought to be the case. Spam also exists in
text messaging services (SMS). In the case of an SMS, spam can cost even more that
it would when received through email. For example, assume that a user has
subscribed to receive a notification via SMS when he/she receives an email.
Fig. 1. Types of Spam.
Depending on the particular cellular network, the user might have to pay for every
SMS received regardless if it is a spam or a valid email.
Until recently mobile networks have been relatively isolated from the Internet.
Mobile networks are now well integrated with the Internet and with the proliferation
of smart phones running on operating systems such as Android and Windows Mobile,
threats to the Internet have started to migrate to mobile networks.
Conveniences that people access today on a desktop computer are available on
mobile computing devices. Greater adaptation of these devices will encourage more
users to access personal and financial data on their phones. This means that the threats
to the internet such as spyware, phishing and spam are migrating to mobile devices.
Desktop operating systems are getting harder to exploit, but mobile devices have
code bases that are largely unexplored, and updates to new versions with security
flaws occurring frequently [9].
The increasing processing power of mobile phones, and growing features and
applications included with them, make mobile phones an ideal candidate for
exploitation by malware.
Malware writers are attacking commercial programs for mobile devices. A
malicious program such as J2ME/RedBrowser [10], which is a Trojan horse program,
pretends to access WAP web pages via SMS messages. In reality, instead of retrieving
WAP pages, it sends SMS messages to premium rate numbers, thus costing the user
more than intended. The next section discusses the motivation behind the sending of
2.1.4 Economics of Spam
Spam makes money for those who send it, as its cost versus benefit ratio for email
spam is so low. If even a small percentage of spam recipients respond to the
advertised product, spammers will still make money.
Spammers generally pay nothing or very little for the sending of email spam. They
accomplish this by exploiting open mail servers to send spam. The spammer need
only send one email message using an open or exploited email server in a bid to reach
thousands of email addresses, with the bulk of the transfer being handled by the open
or exploited email server. Recipients, in turn, need to pay access costs or telephone
costs in order to receive content they didn’t ask for.
ISPs have to bear the bulk of the cost for bandwidth overuse by spammers; this
cost is often passed onto the consumer through increased Internet access fees or a
degraded service level.
With the introduction of the "Electronic Communications and Transactions Act,
2002" unsolicited emails now have a legal definition and the sending of spam is
illegal in South Africa [11]. Similar legislation exists for many other countries [12],
[13]. Spammers, if identified, are liable for a fine and prosecution. Thus, spammers
attempt to cover their trail to prevent identification.
The economics of SMS spam differ from email spam as network service providers
have to be paid to deliver messages. Also, unlike email spam, the filters in place to
filter SMS spam are not as prevalent. Thus, there is a huge incentive for SMS
spammers to send SMSs from other people's devices and, thus, not pay for the SMSs
being sent. Sending one million SMSs, for example, is exponentially more costly than
sending one million emails. Thus, there is an incentive for SMS spammers to hijack
mobile devices in a bid to send SMS spam. The following section expands on this
topic by discussing Botnets.
2.2 Botnets
This section gives an overview of Botnets, the first part gives a definition of Botnets,
and this is then followed by a description of mobile Botnets
2.2.1 Definition of a Botnet
A Botnet is a network that consists of a set of machines that have been taken over by
a spammer using Bot software Bot software (or Bots for short) is a kind of malware
that is often distributed in the form of a Trojan horse [14]. A Bot hides itself on its
host machine and periodically checks for instructions from its human Botnet
administrator. Botnets today are often controlled using Internet Relay Chat [15]. The
owner of the computer usually has no idea that his machine has been compromised
until the user's Internet connection is shut down by an ISP. Most ISPs block bulk
email if they suspect it is spam. The spammers who control these Botnets typically
send low volumes of mail at any one time so as not to arouse suspicions. Thus, the
spam email can often be traced to an innocent individuals network address and not the
spammer's actual network address. Botnets are a prized commodity on the internet
and hackers are often willing to rent their hard-earned bots for money.
While the number of Botnets appears to be increasing, the number of bots in each
Botnet is actually dropping. In the past Botnets with over 80 000 infected machines
were common [15]. Currently Botnets with a few hundred to a few thousands infected
machines are common. One reason for this decline in Bot numbers per Botnet is that
smaller Botnets are more difficult to detect. Someone is more likely to notice a big
Botnet and take steps to dismantle it [16]. It has also been suggested that the wider
availability of broadband access makes smaller Botnets as capable as the larger
Botnets of old [15].
When Procter & Gamble ran a security check of its 80,000 PCs, it found 3,000
were infected with Bots [17]. The following section elaborates on the spread of
Botnets to mobile devices.
2.2.2 Botnets on Mobile Networks
Mobile devices are capable of accessing the internet through technologies such as
High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) and General Packet Radio Service
(GPRS) [18]. The connection between the internet and mobile devices acts as a
gateway for malware to move from the internet to mobile networks. More and more
financial transactions will take place over mobile devices; this puts valuable
information at risk.
The challenge for businesses and banks in the near future will be to produce
secure mobile applications while ensuring ease of use at the same time [19]. The
motivation for installing a Botnet that sends spam on a mobile device and installing
one on a desktop differ. In the case of Botnets on desktops the motivation is to
prevent the spammer’s identity being revealed, in the case of mobile Botnets that is
not the only motive. As was discussed in section 2.1.4 the cost of sending SMS
messages is exponentially higher than the cost of sending email messages. Thus
another motivation for mobile Botnets is to pass on the cost of sending the message to
someone else. An implementation that would enable users to identify Botnets on their
mobile devices would slow the emergence of SMS spam. The following section
discusses anomaly detection; a technique that has been used in many security
applications such as intrusion detection and that the authors believe can also be used
to combat SMS spam.
2.3 Artificial Neural Networks
Artificial neural networks are computational methodologies that perform
multifactorial analyses. Inspired by networks of biological neurons, artificial neural
network models contain layers of simple computing nodes that operate as nonlinear
summing devices [20]. These nodes are richly interconnected by weighted connection
lines, and the weights are adjusted when data are presented to the network during a
“training” process. Successful training can result in artificial neural networks that
perform tasks such as predicting an output value, classifying an object, approximating
a function, recognizing a pattern in multifactorial data, and completing a known
2.3.1 Learning
Learning is a process in which different events are associated with different outcomes,
i.e. substantiating the cause and effect principle. This section will examine the
different types of learning mechanisms.
2.3.2 Learning through Association
Learning through association is simply learning through the cause and effect
principle. One example of learning by association is Boolean algebra [21]. Boolean
algebra is the logical association between truth and falsehood. The logic of truth and
false can be represented by AND, OR and NOT operators. Almost all arithmetic
expressions can be represented by Boolean algebra and modern computers use
Boolean logic for their operation. For example consider the statement a person must
be at least 18 years old to drive a car, from this we can rationally deduce that someone
driving a car is at least 18 years old.
Another example of association is decision tree algorithms [22]. Every node on
the tree is evaluated and a decision is made as to which child node to proceed to until
a solution to the problem is found. This method will fail when the parameters on the
node being evaluated do not produce a sharp distinction so as to allow the algorithm
to know which child node to evaluate. In cases where it is some correlation between
the parameters themselves that means it is better to not just evaluate them but their
combinations as well. A Neural network is designed to handle such situations. In
general decision making is an attempt to find the best association between known
features and known outcomes, by assigning a certain weight to each association we
can select the association that is most likely.
2.3.3 Feature Identification
Identification of useful features that will be used to build associations is a pertinent
issue in machine learning. A good feature is one that produces proximity to some
unique region in the feature space, leading to the formation of a cluster of similar
objects in the region. The greater the separation between the clusters of objects in the
feature space the better the parameter. This separation is usually measured as a
distance measure. A commonly used distance measure is the Euclidean distance
formula. . The Euclidian distance formula, in mathematical terms, is the ordinary
distance between two points that one would measure with a ruler [23].
2.3.4 Artificial Neural Network Learning
An artificial neural network models a system based on the information fed into it. If
we build a good model it should be possible for the network to predict the correct
output from the inputs. Real systems can be very complex and thus difficult to
duplicate, neural networks can if given enough data correctly model the system that
produced the data. Neural networks can be one of two types those that use supervised
learning and those that use unsupervised learning [24]. Supervised learning networks
learn from training data that contains many examples of possible inputs and their
corresponding outputs from a real system. Thus the network attempts to mimic the
training data. For unsupervised learning the training data consists of a collection of
patterns with no distinction between inputs and outputs from this data the network
attempts to group the patterns into different clusters. Thus the network makes a self
evaluation of the possible sources of the variants in the data.
3 A Model for a Botnet Detector using Neural Networks
In this section we introduce the model for our spamming Botnet detector and explain
the reasons for it being modelled in this manner as well as its advantages and
disadvantages. We discuss the data that will be used to train our algorithm, the
population and selection of the data. We then round this section off by explaining how
the prototype would be used in a real-world situation to combat Botnet spam.
3.1 Learning with Negative and Positive Data
The detection of SMS spam is a typical classification problem where patterns, also
known as signatures, need to be classified as legitimate or not. Thus, it can be
regarded as a binary classification problem in which the data set, consisting of SMS
messages, are classified as either spam or non spam. Neural Networks are ideal for
this sort of classification problem as we can train the spam filter on legitimate
(positive) and non-legitimate (negative - spam) messages. From this data, the neural
network should be able to deduce whether messages are spam or not. The Neural
Network Botnet Detector (NNBD) was implemented using the .Net framework.
3.2 Data Classification
As discussed in section 2.3.4 supervised learning networks learn from training data
that contains many examples of possible inputs and their corresponding outputs from
a real system. It is thus possible to train a neural network on a data set consisting of
only spam SMSs. The neural network trained on this data should be able to accurately
identify SMSs as spam or ham. To increase the accuracy of the neural network it can
be trained on an additional data set. This additional data set consisting of ham
messages can be used to improve the accuracy of the implementation and reduce the
number of false positives (valid SMSs incorrectly classified as spam). Section 4.4
further describes the data selection process.
3.3 Remote Analyses Vs. Analysis on the Device
There are two ways in which one could analyse a mobile device user's SMS data. The
first possibility would be to analyse the SMSs sent on the ISP's servers and use this to
build a profile of the user's SMS sending behaviour. There are several drawbacks to
this approach. Firstly, there are privacy implications of analysing SMS data on an
ISPs server, but even if these concerns were addressed, the classification algorithm
would have to determine whether or not a message is valid or invalid without the
user's input. Thus, it would not be able to learn based on user feedback. The second
solution is to implement the detection algorithm on the device, thus, taking care of the
privacy implications as well as allowing for user feedback in the learning process.
The major disadvantage of this approach is that the prototype needs to be installed on
a mobile device which has limited processing power and storage space especially
when compared to an ISP's server. Thus, the prototype had to be programmed to use
minimum storage and be optimised to make use of as little memory as possible.
3.4 Flow Diagram for Botnet Detector
Figure 2 visualizes how the Botnet detector is designed to work. The mobile user
enters a text message and sends it to a recipient. This message is intercepted and
certain message characteristics such as the number of capital letters (the full list of
characteristics is defined in section 4.1) are also extracted for analysis by the Botnet
Evaluate whether
valid Message
Characteristics sent
SMS Captured by
Botnet Detector
Fig. 2. Model of the Botnet detector.
Detector before the message is sent (the neural network should not send out messages
identified as spam messages). The characteristics are sent to the neural network which
then determines whether the message is valid or not by inputting the SMS message
into the neural network (this is explained further in the next section). If the NNBD
can determine that the message is valid, the message is sent onwards. Else the
network provider will be alerted by the NNBD so that the service provider can
investigate the malware that is sending these spam messages and remove it from the
mobile device
The premise behind the NNBD implementation is that the authors believe that a
spamming Botnet that has installed itself on a user’s mobile device, and is sending out
spam SMSs without the knowledge of the mobile devices user, can be detected by the
NNBD. Thus, if these spam messages are blocked, the NNBD would have succeeded
in preventing the sending of spam as well as saving the mobile device owner the cost
of the spam SMSs being sent. Additionally, the NNBD would alert the mobile device
user to the presence of Botnets on their device so that the malware, that has installed
itself on their device, can be removed.
4 Implementation of Mobile Botnet Detector – A Prototype
This section describes how the prototype was implemented. The authors first discuss
the message characteristics chosen to extract and train the Neural Network module
with. Next the section describes the process of training the neural network. This is
followed by a section documenting the testing of the neural networks accuracy as well
as a section describing how the data was selected for this implementation.
4.1 Message Signatures
The prototype creates a signature (pattern) for each message sent by the mobile
device. The signature consists of the following characteristics that are analysed by the
neural network to determine the validity of the message:
Does the SMS message contain links?
Does the SMS message contain telephone numbers?
The number of words in a message
The ratio of punctuation characters to words
The ratio of links to words in the message
The ratio of capital letters to words in the message
The ratio of misspelt words in the SMS message
Bayesian spam probability
The specific characteristics mentioned above were chosen by the authors to define
the message signature as they allow the implementation to build a profile of the user’s
sending behaviour. The characteristics chosen are simple to capture, yet indicative of
sending behaviour. Use of punctuation, capital letters and their ratios to word in a
message may reveal much about an SMS message.
The majority of spam emails contain a link to a URL, thus it makes sense to mark
the presence of URLs in the SMS message (these links might lead to a website which
sells a product that the spammer is attempting to advertise). The presence of
telephone numbers is also be a useful bit of information to mark as the spammer
might include a telephone number for the recipient of the spam message to call in
order to enquire about the product or service advertised, quite possibly this call may
be charged at a premium rate. The ratio of misspelt words is also a useful
characteristic to monitor as spammers will often hide words. They will often send an
SMS with phrases like “v1agr@a” instead of Viagra in order to thwart a spam filter.
The Bayesian spam probability, which calculates the probability of a message being
spam, will become the dominant feature if the other characteristics fail to identify the
message as being spam. To calculate The Bayesian spam probability examines all
string tokens within a message and calculates whether the token appears often in spam
message. This Bayesian probability is used to calculate the spam probability of the
message. Additional characteristics may be added in future to the prototype to
increase the accuracy of the implementation. This would enable us to build a better
profile of the users messages.
4.2 Training the Neural Network
The training of our neural network is a three stage approach. First, we add the
messages we are going to train the neural network on, to a spam list and a ham list (a
ham list is a list of valid SMS messages). Once we have done this, we can then
generate the message signatures for each message, which we save to a list. Finally, we
pass the message signatures from our saved list into the training procedure of our
neural network, which, in turn, causes the network to learn what message signatures
represent spam.
4.3 Testing the Neural Network
To test the neural network we run the network against a collection of spam and ham
messages extracted from one of the authors' mobile phones. The neural network looks
at the message signatures as identified previously in section 4.1 and generate a
numerical statistic for each signature between 0 and 1. The NNBD then takes the
collection of statistics generated, and feed them as input vectors into our neural
network. The neural network will have one output, which will be a probability
between {0, 1} on whether the SMS is spam or ham..
4.4 Data Selection
The data that was used to train the NNBD implementation was selected by using SMS
messages collected by the SMS Spam Collection project [25]. In total 4815 of these
valid SMSs were used to create a white list of legitimate SMS messages. The second
set, i.e. the black list of invalid SMSs, totalled 746 (including blacklisted URLs). In
the following section we tabulate the experimental results.
5 Tabulation of Results
The results of the experiment are tabulated as follows and show the accuracy in
detecting spam SMSs in Table 1. For this paper the authors compared the results from
the NNBD against a previous prototype they had built that used a Bayesian filter to
detect spamming Botnets.
Table 1. Results.
Valid Messa
e Invalid Messa
e Total erro
eural Networ
100% 95% 2.5%
esian Filte
100% 90% 5%
As can be seen in Table 1, the NNBD has an accuracy of 100% in identifying
valid messages, and an accuracy of 95% in identifying spam messages giving us a
total error of 2.5%. The total error is calculated by determining how many of the spam
and ham messages (40 in total, 50% spam and 50% ham) were incorrectly identified.
This compares well to the prototype that uses a Bayesian probability to detect spam as
shown in the second line of Table 1.
6 Discussion
Spam cannot be eliminated solely with technological solutions. To reduce spam,
people must ideally stop responding to spam messages by actually purchasing items
advertised in spam messages. Never the less, technical solutions play a strong role in
combating spam. By allowing less spam to get through, we can reduce the incentive
for spammers to spam and increase the cost of sending spam for spammers, thereby
reducing spam.
The authors believe that this neural network, when implemented, could reduce
spam significantly. This NNBD could be implemented either on a mobile device or on
a network provider’s server. The advantage of installing it on a mobile device is that
the user can be prompted to confirm whether a particular message is indeed spam or
not if the neural network is unsure. The disadvantage of installing the NNBD on a
user’s mobile device is the degradation of performance that could be experienced
when the NNBD calculates its spam probability. The advantage of situating the
NNBD on a network service provider’s server is that processing can be done by
dedicated servers. The disadvantage, of course, is that the user cannot be prompted for
feedback and confirmation, which might result in certain messages being incorrectly
7 Conclusions and Further Work
Spamming Botnets have the potential to become more common with the increasing
processing power of mobile phones make mobile phones more attractive for
exploitation by malware. The aim of this research is to provide a tool that is not only
capable of identifying spam SMSs being sent from a user's mobile device, but also to
allow the spam filter to learn new spam features as spammers continuously change the
spam features to confuse spam filters. The NNBD is has been shown to be capable of
correctly identifying 95% of all Spam messages with a zero false positive rate. This
shows that the NNBD can be used to detect spamming mobile Botnets that have
infected mobile devices.
The authors believe that over time, with more spam messages added to the black
list, the accuracy of this implementation would improve. The authors hope to apply
these ideas out on an Instant Messaging platform as well as on SMS messaging.
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