Free Web-based Personal Health Records: An
Assessment of Security and Privacy
Inma Carri´on, Jos´e-Luis Fern´andez-Alem´an and Ambrosio Toval
Department of Informatics and System, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Murcia,
Murcia, Spain
Abstract. Several obstacles prevent the adoption and use of Personal Health
Record (PHR) systems, including users’ concerns regarding the privacy and secu-
rity of their personal health information. The purpose of this study is to examine
current PHR systems in order to verify what privacy and security characteristics
are deployed in them, in an American context. The strengths and weaknesses of
the PHRs identified will be useful for PHR users, healthcare professionals, de-
cision makers and builders. The myPHR website was reviewed since it contains
relevant information related to PHRs. For this end, the Privacy Policy of each
PHR selected was reviewed in order to extract the main characteristics of privacy
and security. The results show that the Privacy Policies of PHR systems do not
provide an in-depth description of the security measures that they use. This may
be a problem because users might not believe that their data are really protected.
The designs of Privacy Policies should be improved to include more detailed in-
formation related to security measures, and this may be one of the reasons why
users do not trust in PHR systems.
1 Introduction
A PHR is ”an electronic record of an individual’s health information by which the indi-
vidual controls the access to the information and may have the ability to manage, track,
and participate in his or her own health care” [1]. Nevertheless, several important ob-
stacles prevent the adoption and use of PHR systems, including concerns regarding the
privacy and security of users’ data [2]. Most PHR development and current use is in
the US, what justifies a certain US focus in this paper. Ninety-one percent of American
people state that they are very worried about the privacy and security of their health in-
formation [3]. Moreover,the consequences of an attack include reductions in the quality
of care, service disruptions, reduced revenues, higher operating costs, regulatory fines,
unsecured privacy and unauthorized access to personal information [4]. Our objective
is to analyze the main characteristics related to security and privacy in PHR systems to
verify what security measures are deployed. The strengths and weaknesses in matters of
the privacy and security of PHRs will be useful for PHR users, healthcare professionals,
decision makers and builders.
The aim of this review is to answer the following research question (RQ):
RQ1 What security and privacy features do current PHR systems have?
Carrión I., Fernández-Alemán J. and Toval A..
Free Web-based Personal Health Records: An Assessment of Security and Privacy.
DOI: 10.5220/0004090800610068
In Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems (WOSIS-2012), pages 61-68
ISBN: 978-989-8565-15-0
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
In this paper, the privacy policies of 24 free web-based PHRs are analyzed and as-
sessed. The authors have verified that the information contained in the Privacy Policies
is met by PHRs. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 intro-
duces the research method. Section 3 offers the main results of the data collected. The
main findings are discussed in Section 4. Finally, Section 5 presents some concluding
2 Methods
2.1 Review, Protocol and Eligibility Criteria
This review followed the quality reporting guidelines set out by the Preferred Reporting
Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) group [5]. We developed
a review protocol describing each step of the process (including eligibility criteria),
even before beginning the search for literature and data extraction. This protocol was
performed by one of the authors, and was reviewed and approved by the other two.
The following inclusion criteria were used:
IC1 Free PHRs
IC2 PHRs with a Web-based format
IC3 PHRs with a Privacy Policy
Among the current variety of PHR support technologies, we have focused our study
on Web-based, free PHRs. Free PHRs can be used by anyone and are easier to access
(IC1). Web-based PHRs have certain benefits with regard to the use of the Internet
(IC2). Finally, we defined IC3 because our study is based on the analysis of Privacy
Policies. Privacy Policy is a document that involves the manners in which the client
information is used, disclosed and managed by the company/provider.
2.2 Information Sources and Study Selection
The majority of the PHRs were published on the myPHR website. This website was
created by the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) and
contains information related to the use and the creation of PHRs. To the best of our
knowledge, this website provides the most comprehensive list of PHRs that a user can
find, and has also been used to select PHRs in multi-source sampling [6].
The PHR selection was organized in the following four phases:
1) The search for PHRs from the myPHR website; 2) The exploration of the PHRs
found, and a selection based on eligibility criteria IC1 and IC2; 3) The exploration of the
PHR websites identified in order to find each one’s Privacy Policy (IC3); 4)A complete
reading of each of the PHR Privacy Policies selected in the previous phase to extract
their principal privacy and security characteristics.
2.3 Data Collection Process and Data Items
Data collection was carried out by using a data extraction form. Each PHR was assessed
by two of the authors of the work presented herein who read the full texts of the Privacy
Policies, and any discrepancies were resolved by the third author. These PHR Privacy
Policies were used to extract the methods used to maintain the privacy and security
of the users’ data. The privacy policy should satisfy the security safeguards that are
appropriate to the sensitivity of the information,and will be used for protecting personal
information [7].
This study analyzes security based on ISO 13606 standard [8]. Security is ana-
lyzed from the standpoint of availability, confidentiality, integrity and accountability.
ISO 13606 standards do not included privacy characteristics, and this topic was ana-
lyzed according to Westin, who defined the privacy as “the claim of individuals, groups,
or institutions to determine for themselves when, how, and to what extent information
about them is communicated to others” [9].
A template was designed which contained the data that should be extracted from
each PHR. In total, 23 characteristics were analyzed and grouped into ve categories.
Each of them satisfied one or more of the eight principles concerning Privacy Policies
by the Canadian Standards Association [7].
Account Management (AM) describes the data management when the users’ ac-
counts are deleted, along with the account types defined in the PHR system.
1. Deleted by the user (AM1). The PHR mentions in its Privacy Policy how it manages
the users’ data when the individuals remove their accounts.
2. Account types (AM2).
Access Management (ASM). describes who shares the information, with whom it
is shared, and types of permissions.
1. Users grant access (ASM1).
2. Users grant healthcare professionals access (ASM2).
3. Users grant others roles access (ASM3) (like friends, family, or applications).
4. Permission types (ASM4).
5. Access in case of emergency (ASM5).
Access criteria (AC). The system must establish what actions the user is permitted
to perform on that resource.
1. Roles (AC1). The role is based on a job assignment or function.
2. Time (AC2). Access is only permitted for a period of time.
Authentication (AU). Method used to prove that the user is who s/he says s/he is.
1. Something known (AU1) (like a password, PIN, etc.).
2. Something had (AU2) (a key, an access card, a badge, etc.).
Safeguards (S). This category describes security measures deployed by the PHR
1. Physical security measures (S1).
2. Access limited (S2). Computer servers with access limited to a small number of
3. Electronic security measures (S3).
4. Encrypted data (S4).
5. Back-up system (S5).
6. Data security plan defined (S6).
7. Staff training (S7). The staff receives training on the latest security technology.
8. Privacy Seal (S8). The PHR website has obtained certification from, for example,
TRUSTe. This certification indicates that the site has been self-certified as comply-
ing with the site’s own privacy statement.
2.4 Quality Assessment
Each PHR was evaluated depending on the characteristics which were satisfied in it.
Three different scores were assigned to each PHR: Total Score, Security Score and
Privacy Score. The Total Score was obtained by adding one point to the PHR for each
characteristic that was satisfied. The privacy and security scores group the characteristic
categories related to information privacy and security, respectively. The categories were
grouped as follows, in accordance with the security and privacy definitions described in
Section 2.3:
Total All categories defined in Section 2.3
Security Access Criteria, Authentication, Safeguards
Privacy Access Management
The privacy policies were assessed by two researchers with experience in this field,
and were then cross-checked against an evaluation of 50% of the PHRs. The Cohen’s
Kappa coefficient was used to calculate the interrater agreement among the two re-
searchers in the privacy policy evaluation. The Kappa coefficient was 0.95, which, ac-
cording to Landis and Koch [10], indicates an almost perfect agreement between the
two assessments.
3 Results
A total of 24 PHRs were identified in the review. The search of the myPHR website
provided a total of 52 different PHRs, although 11 were discarded because they did not
satisfy the IC1 criterion. Another 13 PHRs were then discarded because they clearly
did not satisfy the IC2 criterion. The Privacy Policies of the remaining 28 PHRs were
examined, and 4 of these were discarded because they did not find their Privacy Poli-
cies (IC3). Table 1 shows the results obtained after analyzing each PHR, indicating the
characteristics which are satisfied by each one.
4 Discussion
With regard to PHR access management, sixteen PHRs allow users to grant and revoke
access to their data. This characteristic is particularly important because users require
Table 1. Description of PHRs, indicating characteristics satisfied.
dLife AU1 S1, S8
Dr. I-Net ASM1, ASM2 AU1 S1, S3, S4
Google Health AM1 ASM1, ASM2, ASM3, ASM4 AU1 S1, S2, S3, S4, S5
HealthButler AM1, AM2 ASM1, ASM2 AC1 AU1
Healthy Circles AM1, AM2 ASM1, ASM2, ASM4 AC1 AU1 S1, S3, S8
iHealthRecord AC1 AU1 S1
Juniper Health ASM1 AU1 S1, S2, S3, S4, S8
Keas AU1 S1, S3
MedicAlert ASM1, ASM5 AC1 AU1 S1, S3, S5, S7
MediCompass ASM1, ASM2 AC1 AU1 S1, S3, S4 AC1 AU2 S1, S2
Microsoft HealthVault AM1 ASM1, ASM3, ASM4, ASM5 AC2 AU1 S1, S2, S3, S4, S8
MyChart AC1 AU1
My Doclopedia ASM1, ASM2 AU1 S3
My HealtheVet AC1 AU1 S3, S4
myHealthFolders AM1 ASM1, ASM2, ASM5 AC1 AU1 S1, S3, S4
myMediConnect ASM1, ASM2, ASM5 AU1 S1, S3, S4
NoMoreClipBoard ASM1, ASM2, ASM5 AC1 AU1 S3, S4
MediCompass ASM1, ASM2 AC1 AU1 S1, S3, S4
PatiensLikeMe ASM1, ASM4, ASM5 AU1
RememberItNow! ASM1, ASM2, ASM3, ASM4 AC2 AU1 S2, S3, S4
Telemedical ASM1 AC1 AU1 S3, S4, S5
VIA ASM1 AC1, AC2 AU1 S1, S3, S4
ZebraHealth AC1 AU1 S1, S3, S5, S6
more flexible ways in which to share data and links with health professionals [11]. En-
CoRe [12], a research project performed by the UK industry and members of academia,
investigates how to make an individual’s consent a useful means to control what hap-
pens to the personal information they disclose to organizations. These issues are related
to PHR access management
One characteristic not found in the PHRs reviewed is that of notifying users when
their data have been exposed. Users have the right to know this, but the designers have
not taken this issue into account because the inadvertent disclosure or loss of unen-
crypted Protected Health Information (PHI) would be considered as a data breach. Most
states in the US have data breach notification laws [13]. These require a data custodian
to report a data breach to the individuals affected, state attorneys general, the media,
consumer reporting agencies, and/or other government agencies. One means to ensure
that users trust their data’s security is to obtain a certification for the PHR website from
a certificate authority.
The PHR systems should take measures to protect user information. These measures
should be physical and electronic for total protection. The physical security measures
attempt to protect the servers which contain the users’ data. The principal electronic se-
curity measures involve the encryption of any users’ data that is stored in and transmit-
ted over the network. The process of encryption hides data or the contents of a message
in such a way that the original information can be recovered through a corresponding
decryption process to ensure that message data are not disclosed. Some PHRs (17%)
explicitly indicate in their Privacy Policy that the data are encrypted both for transmis-
sion and storage. However, encryption is only part of the solution which keeps the data
protected. There are also other threats, such as a virus laden-system, against which the
PHR systems must be protected.
The security measures deployed by PHRs are an important question, particularly
for the PHRs included in this review which are Web-based, thus increasing the vulner-
ability of these applications, systems, and sensitive data. An attacker who successfully
exploits application vulnerability could quickly and significantly affect a healthcare fa-
cility in a variety of ways, such as disrupting services, stealing data and identities, or
taking control of host computers and using them for illicit purposes [14]. Since there
are no well documented examples of PHR/EHR (Electronic Health Record) systems
linked to security breaches [15], designers should consider threats to Web applications
at least when they deploy their PHR. In 2008, over 63% of all documented vulnera-
bilities concerned Web applications [16]. Moreover, the National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST) has identified 46467 Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
(CVE) between 1997 and 2011, which have been grouped into categories. Of these,
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), the most important categories of vulnerabilities that affect
Web applications, has 2823 CVEs [17]. This is just one example of the amount of threats
which could affect Web-based PHRs and should be carefully considered in their design.
Finally, all the PHRs analyzed used only one authentication method, using some-
thing which the users know or have. However, two of the following three methods are
recommended for inclusion in an identification system: “something a person knows”
such as login ID, email address, password, PIN; “something a person has” such as a
key, swipe card, access card, digital certificate; or “something that identifies a person”
such as biometrics. Designers should incorporate another authentication system in order
to provide strong authentication [18]. Moreover, the use of passwords as authentication
mechanisms is exposed to multiple types of attacks, such as “electronic monitoring
for listening to network traffic to capture information, or ”unauthorized access the pass-
word file“.
4.1 Final Evaluation
Few differences have been found, and those that have appeared have occurred because
the PHR has a particular functionality which is not described in the Privacy Policy.
This error is not grave: users are simply not informed about those functionalities. If
a particular functionality were not deployed, but was stated in the Privacy Policy, the
designers would be making a serious error, since the users are being deceived. The
scores calculated in Section 3 help us to compare the PHRs. Figure 1 shows a histogram
of the privacy and security scores obtained by the PHRs. In general, the PHRs obtain
a privacy score that is higher than the security measure score deployed. PHR designers
should therefore focus their efforts on increasing the quality of security measures at all
stages of the PHR development [19].
5 Conclusions
In accordance with the Privacy Policies, PHRs do not provide an in-depth description
Fig.1. Histogram of the Privacy and Security Scores of PHRs.
of the security measures used, which might be a problem, leading users to be concerned
about whether their data are really protected. The designs of Privacy Policies also need
to be improved to include more detailed information related to security measures. These
findings can be extended to any web system.
Our study may have some limitations, such as the following: (1) the authors may
have not included PHRs relevant for this study; (2) the authors may have not included
PHRs in which a Privacy Policy is defined, when this was not mentioned on the PHR’s
website; (3) lack of analysis of user’s perceptions or actions with regard to this topic;
(4) lack of analysis of important privacy issues.
The development of third party applications that add new functionality to PHRs is
increasing. An example of this is Microsoft HealthVault which has more than 50 third
party applications at the present. This connection to other applications, such as PHRs,
could cause security breaches. Moreover,some PHRs use cloud computing, such as Mi-
crosoft which provides a PHR which offers cloud-computing services through its API.
Some PHRs, like HealthATM, have been deployed around Microsoft HealthVault, thus
making it possible to design low-cost PHRs that are customized for specific functions
and populations. However, PHRs which offer cloud services must consider the new
arising security and privacy threats [20]. The goals are involved in achieving adequate
security: availability, confidentiality, data integrity, control and auditing [21].
Future research involves to perform a deep analysis about threats related to PHRs,
detailing them and the actors, the expected impact and likelihood, and corresponding
requirements and countermeasures.
This work has been partially financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innova-
tion, project PANGEA, TIN2009-13718-C02-02
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