Are Use Case Modeling Features Underutilized?
A Lightweight Survey that Raises Concerns
Mohamed El-Attar
, Khaldoun Halawani
Mustafa Alsaleh
and Mahmood Niazi
1, 2, 3
Department of Information and Computer Science,
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
School of Computing and Mathematics, Keele University, ST5 5BG, Keele, U.K.
Faculty of Computing, Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan
Keywords: Use Case Modeling, Notation Usage, Authoring Techniques, Reuse Mechanisms.
Abstract: Use case modeling is a very popular technique for eliciting, specifying and validating functional
requirements. Use case modeling possesses a very rich notational set that allows its users to accurately
specify a large variety of aspects about the underlying system’s requirements. Many authoring techniques
and templates were introduced to accurately describe a system’s functional requirements. Although a
relatively simple modeling technique, the literature has repeatedly reported on its misuse, leading to the
development of end systems that do not satisfy the intended requirements. To this end, we have conducted a
survey of use case models available online to shed light on the level of utilization of the use case modeling
notation and how they are described, which can be symptomatic of how well do requirements engineers
utilize the use case modeling technique and its modeling capabilities. In our survey we have collected and
analysed 105 use case models. The results show an underutilization of the use case modeling notation and
improper authoring techniques, which raises concern over the quality of the end systems.
Modelers create use case models to accurately
describe the functional requirements of a system
(Booch, 2005; OMG, 2009). If modelers voluntarily
restrict themselves from using the various use case
modeling features then this will result in the
development of use case models that do not
accurately represent the underlying functional
requirements. Mal-practice of use case modeling is
particularly worrying in use case-driven
development methodologies, where the quality of
use case models has a significant impact on other
development activities downstream.
The literature repeatedly reports on cases of use
case modeling mal-practice (Anda and Sjøberg,
2002; Anda et al., 2001; Berenbach 2004; Bittner
and Spence, 2004; Cockburn 2000; Lilly, 1999;
Overgraad and Palmkvist 2005). Consequently, a
great deal of research has been devoted to guide and
improve use case modeling efforts (Anda and
Sjøberg, 2002; Berenbach 2004; Bittner and Spence,
2004; 2001; Cockburn 2000). However, has the
application of the use case modeling technique
improved? To date, the overwhelming majority of
use case models produced and being produced are of
poor quality, which is evidenced by the significant
subset of software development projects that fail due
to requirements related issues, including low quality
use case models. The position argued by the authors
of this paper is that the continuing trend of poor
quality use case models produced is due to a
significant underutilization of use case modeling
features. To support this position, a lightweight
survey of 105 publicly available use case models
was conducted. The collected use case modelled
were analysed to determine their utilization of the
complete set of use case modeling features.
System boundary is an important notation since it
explicitly indicates which entities are part of the end
system and which are external to the system under
development. Failure to include system boundary
may lead to confusion as to which entities will need
El-Attar M., Halawani K., Alsaleh M. and Niazi M..
Are Use Case Modeling Features Underutilized? - A Lightweight Survey that Raises Concerns.
DOI: 10.5220/0004095102030206
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE-2012), pages 203-206
ISBN: 978-989-8565-13-6
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
to be implemented (Lilly, 1999). As such,
developers may implement functionality that is not
required, which is a waste of resources.
Abstraction in use case models serves as a reuse
mechanism in a similar was as in object-oriented
programs (Bittner and Spence, 2004). For use cases,
abstraction is used to state common yet incomplete
behaviour. This incomplete behaviour should be
completed by a specializing use case. For actors,
abstraction can be used to specify a generalized
actor role that is common amongst other actors, but
one that itself is also incomplete and thus needs to
be realized by a specializing actor. The extend,
include, use case generalization and actor
generalization relationships are reuse mechanisms in
use case modeling (Bittner and Spence, 2002;
Overgraad and Palmkvist, 2005).
The textual description of use cases is the heart of
any use case model. A use case model that only
includes a diagram would be quite vague about the
details of the underlying functional requirements.
Failure to include use case descriptions will require its
readers to guess the details of the underlying
functional requirements, which is likely to be
incorrect or inaccurate (Anda and Sjøberg, 2002;
Cockburn 2000). The use of templates to describe use
cases greatly improves quality in use case models.
The search excluded use case models created solely
for educational purposes. Therefore, use case models
that were used in tutorials and example use case
diagrams in books, journals and conference
proceedings were ignored. Use case models that
were created using the old notational set of use case
modeling were also ignored, for example use case
diagrams that used the now outdated <<uses>>
stereotype. The search also excluded use case
models created by University students as part of a
training exercise on use case modeling itself. The
student use case models that were considered were
those that were built as part of a development project
whereby the use case models were created with the
intention to develop an end product. Such use case
models are usually developed as part of a student’s
senior graduation project. Upon executing this
search, 105 use case models were elicited.
The data collected is categorized according to its
source from the use case model, i.e. if it is a
diagrammatic element or is it an element from the
textual descriptions. Detailed categorization of the
information collected is shown in Tables 1-3.
Links to access each use case models is available
in an Excel sheet which can be located at (El-Attar,
2012) The data collected is shown in Tables 1-3.
Table 1 shows the data collected for all 105 use case
models. Table 2 shows the data collected only for
the 65 industrial use case models. Finally, Table 3
shows the data collected only for the 40 student-
developed use case models.
Table 1: All use case models.
All Use Case Models Percentage Used
Diagrammatic Elements
System boundary 45.76%
Actors 100.00%
Abstract actors 14.29%
Use cases 100.00%
Abstract use cases 6.67%
Extension points 2.86%
Extend 27.62%
Extend with a condition 1.90%
Include 38.10%
Use case generalization 12.38%
Actor generalization 13.33%
Association 96.19%
Bi-directional 65.71%
Directed 32.38%
Combination 1.90%
Cardinality 2.86%
Textual Descriptions
General characteristics
Bullet points 45.18%
Free-flow form 58.82%
Template 27.45%
Basic flow 100.00%
Alternative flow 47.06%
Preconditions 41.18%
Postconditions 33.33%
Special requirements 13.73%
Table 2: Real-world use case models.
Real-World Use Case Models Percentage Used
Diagrammatic Elements
System boundary 44.62%
Actors 100.00%
Abstract actors 13.85%
Use cases 100.00%
Abstract use cases 9.23%
Extension points 1.54%
Extend 26.15%
Extend with a condition 0.00%
Table 2: Real-world use case models (Cont.)
Include 44.62%
Use case generalization 13.85%
Actor generalization 12.31%
Association 98.46%
Bi-directional 65.71%
Directed 32.38%
Combination 1.54%
Cardinality 2.86%
Textual Descriptions
General characteristics
Bullet points 24.24%
Free-flow form 75.76%
Template 27.27%
Basic flow 100.00%
Alternative flow 51.52%
Preconditions 42.42%
Postconditions 30.30%
Special requirements 15.15%
Table 3: Student use case models.
Student Use Case Models Percentage Used
Diagrammatic Elements
System boundary 45.00%
Actors 100.00%
Abstract actors 15.00%
Use cases 100.00%
Abstract use cases 2.58%
Extension points 5.00%
Extend 30.00%
Extend with a condition 5.00%
Include 27.50%
Use case generalization 10.00%
Actor generalization 15.00%
Association 92.50%
Bi-directional 62.50%
Directed 32.50%
Combination 5.00%
Cardinality 2.50%
Textual Descriptions
General characteristics
Bullet points 44.44%
Free-flow form 55.56%
Template 27.78%
Basic flow 100.00%
Alternative flow 38.89%
Preconditions 38.89%
Postconditions 38.89%
Special requirements 11.11%
Upon analysing the data collected and shown in
Tables 1-3, a number of concerns are raised about
how use case modeling is practiced. Further concern
is raised as some trends of use case modeling
practice in industrial settings is found to match
trends of use case modeling practice in academic
settings. The following is a list of concerns raised
after analysing the data collected:
The system boundary was absent in more than
half of the use case models. Further analysis
shows that students are just as likely as
practitioners to overlook the depiction of the
system boundary.
The level of use of abstract actors is low at
approximately 14%. This percentage was found
to be approximately the same between students
and practitioners.
The level of use of abstract use cases were
found also to be low. However, practitioners
were much more likely to introduce abstract use
cases than students.
The level of use case of extension points in use
cases was found to be very low at
approximately 3%, with students being much
more likely to use it than practitioners.
Only 5% of student use case diagrams used the
extend relationship while specifying a condition.
Meanwhile, no use case diagrams developed by
practitioners were found to this notational
While the use of the include relationship was
high, it was found the practitioners were twice
more likely to use this relationship than
The use of actor and use case generalization
relationships were found to be equally low in
use case diagrams developed by students and
Almost half of the use case models did not
promote reuse using the various use case
modeling relationships, with practitioners
slightly more likely to use these relationships
than students.
The actor generalization relationship was found
in few diagrams than abstract actors. This
means that in some use case diagrams there
were abstract actors that were not specialized.
There are some use case diagrams created by
practitioners and students that were found not to
contain a single association relationship.
Practitioners and students were twice as likely
to use the bi-directional association relationship
as they are to use the directed association
relationship. However, very few diagrams by
practitioners and students were found to contain
both types of association relationships, which
might be indicative that the modelers may not
know the difference between the two types of
association relationships. Therefore, decisions
of whether or not to add an arrow head to an
association relationship notation were perhaps
Specifying cardinality at an association
relationship end was a very rare practice which
occurred in less than 3% of all diagrams.
Although Tables 1-3 show that almost half of
the use case models did not include textual
descriptions. This statistic is likely to be
misleading since it may be possible that the
textual descriptions were available at a different
source which we were unable to access.
However, there is also likelihood that a subset
of the use case models actually does not include
textual descriptions of the use cases.
It was found that students are much more likely
to describe their use cases in bullet-point form
while practitioners are much more likely to
describe their use cases in free-flow text form.
The utilization of a template to describe use
cases was equally low in practitioner and
student use case models.
More than half the use case descriptions did not
specify alternative flows, preconditions and
Very few textual descriptions included the
relative constraints imposed in non-functional
requirements, i.e. very few included a ‘Special
Requirements’ section.
Use case modeling is constantly increasing in
popularity. The results of this survey show that the
majority of use case modeling features is
underutilized or misused. Given the current trends in
use case modeling practice, there is great concern
that software development teams will continually
develop low quality systems. We argue that more
care should be taken while teaching use case
modeling in academic and industrial settings. Care
should be given in the form of exposing students to
the various use case modeling features and
explaining how they should properly use them. In
industry, current certifications by well-established
organizations should conduct a more thorough
examination of the use case modeling skills of
This study is considered preliminary since it
assesses quality in use case models based on its
utilization of use case modeling features. A more
thorough study would certainly be desirable which
will carefully analyse modeling decisions made in
each use case models and while referring with the
authors of each use case model. This comprehensive
study is planned for future work.
The authors would like to acknowledge the support
provided by the Deanship of Scientific Research
(DSR) at King Fahd University of Petroleum &
Minerals (KFUPM) for funding this work through
project No. IN111028.
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