Educative Resource Patterns Presentation in a
Model-based Instructional e-Learning System Design
Habib M. Fardoun
, Abdulfattah S. Mashat
and Daniyal M. Alghazzawi
Information Systems Department, King Abdulaziz University (KAU)
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Department of Information Technology, King Abdulaziz University (KAU)
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Abstract. In this paper we discuss the resource patterns, its presentation and in-
teraction in a model-based instructional e-Learning system development using
eLearniXML notation. In order to achieve productivity and agility in instruc-
tional e-Learning system development the resources patterns are introduced.
Also it is clarified how a presentation model is applied by using a set of interac-
tion resource patterns elements. In this research work a catalogue of patterns is
identified, documented and presented. These resource patterns are set of inter-
action elements, they are represented by using abstract interaction objects, and
they are patterns because they appear again and again in instructional systems.
1 Introduction
The modelling of a learning process under Model-based Instructional e-Learning
System Design Environment Mb-ISDE starts with the specification of the task and the
domain models [1]. These models set the starting points for other models that will be
described during this paper.
As our study is focused on e-Learning education and the creation of e-Learning
systems, next to the educative department of the University of Castilla-La Mancha,
Spain (UCLM) we started to look to find a mechanisms to design learning materials,
and we propose a catalogue of patterns, called resource patterns, to create a techno-
logical activities that supports many of the traditional activities of teachers and stu-
dents in the learning/teaching process. Where, in our methodology a resource pattern
is a link between domain, task and presentation model. The approach presented in our
research work is based on the belief that one of the most critical factors of successful-
ly e-Learning with face-to-face learning is making situated and targeted, thus deliber-
ate use of learning technology. Our purpose it that, by using these patterns the teacher
will control his activities and how his students work. He has the opportunity to see
(check) the software as an all, so he controls the teaching and learning environment
which are to the way they work and to their knowledge.
This paper is part of a continuous research works, being presented in the last years
Fardoun H., Mashat A. and Alghazzawi D..
Educative Resource Patterns Presentation in a Model-based Instructional e-Learning System Design Environment.
DOI: 10.5220/0004095800260036
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Interaction Design in Educational Environments (IDEE-2012), pages 26-36
ISBN: 978-989-8565-17-4
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
to describe a new education system using eLearniXML notation, [1] [2] [3] [4]. Our
focus, in this paper, is over the tasks the teacher has to carry out in order to leverage
the learning experience of the students. To accomplish this goal, we define a set of
tasks and concepts that provides the teacher with a set of learning objects that support
either, individual and group learning [5]. These learning objects are described in
terms of design patterns, and supported by model-driven environments encouraging
use of models that are platform independent. The user interface of our approach is
based on UsiXML framework specification language for user interface design [6].
This language allows us to describe user interfaces at different level of abstraction in
order to specify the user interface of the different learning objects in terms of their
functionality according to the task and domain models. And since, our applications
are not general, UsiXML must be adapted. We are interested on e-Learning applica-
tions and for this specific domain we proposed modifications in UsiXML and a new
modified language for Mb-ISDE, which is eLearniXML notation.
Fig. 1. Cameleon reference Framework, Cameleon Project [7].
Our methodology is based on three abstraction layers defined within the Cameleon
project [7], see Fig. 1. These layers are the abstract, the concrete and the final user
interface. By using interface models for the development of the system, instead of
final code, eLearniXML contributes to more agile and flexible e-Learning system
development, improving the quality of the generated systems in a systematic way.
This method fosters the separation of concerns between the contents to be introduced
to the students and the way they are presented. By doing so, portability and maintain-
ability quality factors are greatly improved [2]. Moreover, this separation of concerns
allows for a more systematic and clear content development process. In this sense,
eLearniXML is aimed at the development of high quality instructional systems. By
using a model-based approach, most of the facets in the development of this kind of
systems are improved, in terms of flexibility and productivity. Therefore, our ap-
proach contributes to provide a more systematic approach to instructional systems
development, and it provides the basis to include the development of such systems
according to the current trends in software of model-driven development.
The article is organized as follows: Section 1 exposes a catalogue of patterns for e-
learning system development. Then, Section 3 exposes our three groups of resource
patterns, presented in this paper, obtained from studies of the conduct of the teacher
and his students in a classroom and, Section 4 describes in detail each one of these
resources patterns. Section 5 describes how to develop the eLearniXML by Model-
Based Instructional E-Learning System Design Environment (MB-ISDE). Finally,
Section 5 exposes conclusions and future work
2 Resource Patterns Documentation
Patterns are used over a wide area of software design. Probably most famously, soft-
ware design patterns were popularized and catalogued by [8], and these have had a
significant influence on software design since their publication. Software design pat-
terns address a particular part of software development that is below the level of
software system design but above that of program design. Subsequently, patterns
have been published that cover the entire scope of software development.
As mentioned earlier, one of the first incursions of the patterns in the field of com-
puter science was in the programming community. The most important publication in
this field was Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software [8]
which describes solutions to common problems in software design.
The elements that our patterns adapt is a combination between those proposed and
described by [9] and GoF pattern [10] which is, in his case, a description of com-
municating objects and classes that are customized to solve a general design problem
in a particular context. Each design pattern focuses on a particular educative problem
or issue and is described using the following structure:
Pattern Name and Classification: The pattern name is an identification that can be
used to describe a design problem; it contains the name of the pattern and its clas-
sification. A handle we can use to describe a design problem and its solutions in a
word or two. Both are important to have brief information of the pattern identifica-
tion and to which group it belongs.
Problem: Explain the problem and its context, a scenario that illustrates a design
problem. What are the situations in which the design pattern can be applied?
(When to apply the address? How can you recognize these situations? It could de-
scribe structures of user interfaces that have an inflexible design or a list of condi-
tions that must be met before applying the pattern.
Solution: The solution describes the elements of design, its relations responsibili-
ties and collaborations. The solution describes neither a design nor a specific or
particular implementation, because the pattern is like a template that can be used in
different situations. Provides an abstract description of a design problem and how
objects are arranged to fix. It allow the actors a clear description of the proposed
solution (other patterns may be required to complete the full solution of the prob-
Structure: a graphical representation of user interface models (at an abstract level),
and the mapping process between them.
Participants: the actors (teacher, student) that participate in the design of patterns
and their responsibilities.
Sample Code: Code fragments that illustrate how you might implement the pattern
in XML, ELearniXML.
Use When: a description of the situation in which the pattern can be used, what are
the characteristics of the context, in terms of tasks, the actor/s.
How: how the teacher and student in the pattern solve the problem. The scenario
will help you understand the more abstract description of the pattern that follows.
Why: the explanation of why a pattern must be used in a specific situation and the
benefits it would suppose to the actors pattern). What are examples of poor designs
that the pattern can
The consequences are the results of applying the pattern. Even though the conse-
quences are between the lines when describing the design decisions, it is critical the
evaluation of design alternatives to understand the costs and benefits of applying the
pattern. The consequences are usually given in terms of space and time, although they
may be including questions of language and implementation. From the point of view
of user interface design it can be mentioned the impact on flexibility, usability and
functionality in different systems.
2.1 How Resource Patterns should be Applied
Several of the patterns we present above are available in e-Learning systems; for
example, a debate forum which is the implementation of a pattern presented in Com-
munication Resource Patterns. The weakness is, however, that most systems only
give the functionality of a debate forum, while the methodical knowledge and experi-
ence of how to use it in a learning situation is lacking. The result then must be the
way to how to moderate an online discussion. The expertise, of online teachers,
should instead be implemented into the system. Another weakness is often a lack of
communication between online teachers, up until now everybody makes the same
mistakes, instead of implementing the solutions into the system and so learning from
each other.
To make the design process more effective we need to have tools to simplify the
process. The tools should make it possible to develop systems with all the features
and opportunities that we want, which is to include the four aspects of Fig. 3. Car-
stensen and Schmidt see flexibility as one specific challenge for CSCW-systems
design; we have to establish basic building blocks and platforms so that the actors
themselves can establish a CSCW system fulfilling their needs [11]. Resource pat-
terns can be examples of building blocks to ensure such flexibility in e-Learning
systems. Resource patterns can work as one kind of e-Learning design tool. These
patterns are useful tools that make it easy to share the e-Learning expertise learned
from past mistakes since resource patterns are archetypes on well-used solutions.
Resource Patterns will build expertise of experienced online teachers into the system,
and help novice online teachers and students learn how to work online see Fig. 2.
The usage of resource patterns will lead to a systematic approach to e-Learning de-
sign, where the teachers do the work of collecting the resource patterns and the stu-
dents make use of it as a solution of the problem. Resource patterns will be useful and
it will provide a common language for teacher and students. Resource patterns are a
collection of tested teaching techniques methods. Some patterns will work in several
categories, e.g. a pattern of discussion; will be useful to communicative as collabora-
tive learning and problem solving.
Fig. 2. The four focus points of our e-Learning System.
Next we present how resource patterns solve the found problems. Instructional de-
sign methodologies favour many different approaches. We, as e-Learning system
designers could single out the nouns of a problem statement and define the corre-
sponding instructional tasks and actions. The verbs in the statement would become
the learning operations. Or we could concentrate on the responsibilities in our system.
Or we could model the real world and translate all subjects and their actions into your
design as e-Learning user interfaces. There is always disagreement on which ap-
proach works best and sometimes one approach is better suited to a problem, than the
others. The last approach, modelling the teaching / learning world often works. How-
ever, when we are faced with a problem where our instructional system design ends
up with no presentation as counterparts for the teaching/learning aspects, one might
be in trouble if there is no guide. Such a guide is a resource pattern. When modelling
e-Learning systems becomes difficult, a resource pattern helps us to identify the
needed aspects - even if they are low level presentation like select properties, priority.
If our strictly model the teaching/learning world, your design might not be flexible
enough. For example, a instructional system that represents the use of a calendar,
agenda and exercise is not found during the analysis phase. It's found later when one
wants to make the design more flexible and reusable.
After finding what type of holes are it that sits in our design. Since we are looking
for a resource pattern to fill these holes, we describe the problem as it relates to the
three types of resource patterns; cooperation, coordination and communication. The
goal here is to identify and narrow down the list of possible resource patterns.
Once we have worked out what type of pattern we are looking for we need to
delve into our design a little further and decide what is our primary intention is if that
hole were to be filled. Taking an example, a teacher while he is presenting a lesson to
his students, he pulls out a large amount of information of the lesson organization and
planning as the information that each activity presents and ultimately wanted to con-
vert this information to XML, keeping any hierarchical information and activities
aspects that was present in the lesson. These hierarchies and activities would then be
used to define the level of nesting in the xml structure.
The lessons retrieved would not always be the same and the xml structure would
have to reflect this. Having ruled out using a persistence framework like hibernate or
abates knowing that he could implement a much lighter solution, he then proceeded to
create simple mapping files for the tables he was pulling out. This is where he found
my hole. How do the structure and store this information in a manner that will reflect
the final xml structure? To cut a long story short, the lesson organization planning he
modelled with eLearniXML.
2.2 Relationships among Resource Patterns and others Pattern Languages
Our pattern language as a whole is part of a larger network of pattern languages.
When describing the language, we have already mentioned areas like collaboration,
communication and design support, that would well fit into the pattern language but
which are not part of this thesis. Fig. 3., extends the layers of our pattern language
with complementary pattern languages. We have linked our patterns to patterns from
the Designing Interfaces language wherever the style of interface is important for
better support of computer-mediated interaction. We also considered Jan Borcher‘s
Pattern Approach to Interaction Design [12]. This book explains how patterns can
support the construction of interactive devices.
Fig. 3. Presentation of other languages related to our pattern language.
When talking about pattern languages that address technical problems related to
the creation of collaborative systems. The History Patterns collection [13] describes
practices for logging and restoring previous states of a system. Logging is an aspect
that is relevant for the provision of awareness in collaborative systems. Teach-
ers/students have to understand how a collaboration learning environment evolved
over time to be able to situate their own tasks in the current context. Our Mb-ISDE
interaction resource patterns in education should regulate the control between the
student and the system, accommodate real-life tasks and their solution methods which
are rich in feedback and provide interactive illustrations supporting conceptual under-
standing, learner controlled inspections and problem solving. Through the structured
procedure capturing systems which offer simple devices, perceptually reflective
learning on concrete items can be achieved.
3 Resource Patterns, eLearniXML and MB-ISDE
After identifying a set of interaction elements for the performance of an educative
process, we grouped them into different groups, which we called interaction resources
patters in education, depending on the type of service that these elements provide to
solve a certain educative need or situation. Later we proceed to incorporate these
resource patterns into an e-Learning system, to see how they would work, and which
changes we must apply to make them provide the same service, as if this educative
class is given face-to-face so students will not feel that anything is changed to them
neither the lack of any regular service they are used to use.
3.1 Resource Patterns and eLearniXML
ELearniXML language which we propose as a graphical notation is an adapted XML
language, based on UsiXML language, to specify e-Learning systems. That interac-
tive learning system with different types of interaction and teaching techniques, mo-
dalities of use, and computing platforms can be described in the manner that pre-
serves the design independently from peculiar characteristics of physical computing
An eLearniXML specification is described using a series of models that represent
the models most commonly used in the development of user interfaces based on mod-
els, and additionally some models that can represent possible transformations that can
be applied on a model. ELearniXML is based on the principles of modelling MDA
(Model-Driven Architecture) and Mb-UIDE process (Model-Based User Interface
Development System) which we used to specify the steps and types of models in the
development of user interfaces for interactive applications. In this paper, we present a
pattern-based solution to address the model-based interface development using the
eLearniXML notation. So we make use of patterns in the development process to help
teacher and students in the teaching / learning process. Patterns are used when we
want to write models using eLearniXML. A pattern is a general planning principle,
which states a problem that may occur repeatedly in the environment that is helpful
again and again in eLearniXML. When we build classes, lessons, and topics patterns
are used to represent the used tasks and relationships between them. Patterns can be
gathered using eLearniXML, see Fig. 4.
We presented this solution of eLearniXML with educative patterns, because after
our study and research we haven‘t found any other notation that can be easer to the
user in the e-Learning environment, in this case the teacher by creating the content
and organizing it, and the student in the other side by the student to absorb this infor-
mation and interact with it.
Fig. 4. Mapping between components of an e-Learning system and Model-Based Models, and
resource patterns distribution in eLearniXML.
The starting point for the modelling process, of an educative topic by applying it
CAT techniques, are the specification of both task and domain models. These models
are the cornerstones for the development of the rest of models. Therefore, our interest
in the requirements of the application is first focused on the tasks the teacher will
carry out by using our system, and the concepts that will be presented to the students
so they can perform their tasks. The way, in which these concepts and tasks are pre-
sented, to provide a better learning experience will be designed in next papers.
3.2 Using Resource Patterns in Our Mb-ISDE
In our Mb-ISDE methodology, eLearniXML, we are considering two main corner-
stones: models and e-Learning components. These elements are integrated in a com-
mon framework; it is anticipated in the Fig. 5. as depicted in that Figure, models and
e-Learning components (resource patterns) can be combined in order to provide a
more homogeneous ISD development environment. In last papers [1],[2],[5], during
the process of the research work we presented the learning technique approach we
adopt and the needed tasks to perform them, as the resource patterns required to carry
out this work. And finally we present the development process of this system which is
the model-based development approach following an instructional system design
process which is a specified ADDIE model. Our Mb-ISDE study a model-based de-
velopment of instructional e-Learning systems, it proposes a set of models of differ-
ent themes and different level of abstraction, including, the task, domain models,
presentation. The actors use eLearniXML notations, in a higher level of abstraction,
to specify these models or declarative descriptions of the interface. The identified
resource patterns and the used models are distributed throughout the development of
the instructional system design process. While the resource patterns are reflected in
during the presentation models as it is shown in the patterns catalogue, in the above
section. The final relation between Mb-ISDE, the models and the resource patterns is
represented in Fig. 4.
4 Conclusions
We started this paper by making a brief overview of the used technologies in e-
Learning. From one side we did that, to remember the way in which they work and
what actions and services they give the user. And from the other side, as an introduc-
tion to the second section of this paper, to see if they cover all or part of the needed
actions by the teacher and student during a learning / teaching process.
As a result of our study of a normal day in a face-to-face classroom of an educa-
tional level, randomly elected, we found that there is a set of interactive elements in
the learning / teaching environment that are being used repeatedly during the educa-
tive process. We collect these elements and divided them into several groups (coordi-
nation, communication and cooperation), depending on the type of activity that they
provide its services. We convert these elements from face-to-face education to e-
Learning one, and we call them interactive resource patterns in education [4]. These
patterns, resource patterns, are related between each other, and they are used with
other patterns to provide the needs of a certain educative action. For that we presented
a tree that presents the existed relation between these patterns to make the user under-
stand better the way in which he can make use of these patterns depending on the
educative action he wants to perform. These relations it helps the teacher while he
wants to create the teaching process, and gives him an idea about which patterns he
must use. Once we have defined these patterns and the relation they have between
each other‘s, we incorporate them to the eLearniXML methodology and we found
that these patterns are the perfect elements that provide the mapping between the
eLearniXML models (task, domain and presentation) so that they can be specified
correctly for an e-Learning system. And finally, by including these patterns into the
Mb-ISDE approach, we found that its released is done easier near to the models are
developed more systematically and in an instructional way which enrich our objective
of the development of learning / teaching systems.
We conclude with this paper, that these patterns are just set of huge number of in-
teractive elements that can be used in the creating of learning / teaching process. It
depends, between other reasons, on the needs of the lesson, topic to be taught, as on
the available resources. The work presented in this paper of the relation between
patterns, based-models development and instructional design process demonstrate the
capacity of creating an e-Learning system, which contemplate all the used actions in
face-to-face classroom and can be performed in any platform.
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