2 Project Definition and Necessity
From the educational point of view, the work at the school needs tools to act with the
curriculum materials, to develop better the collaborative work by allowing teachers to
organize better the presented teaching material using Information and Communication
Technologies (ICTs) [4], [5].
Taking into account the status of School 2.0 system [6], it is possible to highlight
the question: Which are the real necessities of the teachers in a daily classroom? This
is the question that has guide our research work, which we present in this paper.
Therefore, solving these necessities and how to make use of ICTs at the classroom
become our two main keys. The environment in which our system will be applied, is
as follows: the classroom; in addition to the equipment in the classroom, one tablet
per student; tablet for the teacher; printer; projector; port replicator and finally, a
wireless connection for the TabletsPC. Analyzing how schools are organized, we find
different types of centres that combine several courses with groups of different lev-
els, single track centres (just in one town) and others are distributed in several popu-
lations such as of the CRA (rural schools) [7]. Our first steps in the research were for
studying evolution of ICTs in the educational environments, and after having several
surveys and depending on European and American statistics, we found that the use of
ICTs is in a constant growth at the classroom, but it still exists some problems, which
are showing up with this growth. Some important weaknesses that have been found:
Low participation, between educational centres, in projects that make use of inter-
net, almost just 8%; The communication with the parents of the students through
internet, 26%; The elaboration of online resources for collaborative work, 30.6%; The
evaluation of the students using ICTs, 32%; and finally the Communication with the
families is so week.
Once these necessities have being shown, after performing many studies and re-
search within Spanish centres [8], we find that there is a really need for the use of an
application that facilitate these needs within the educational environment. But, be-
cause of the huge magnitude of the project and the requirements that we intent to
solve, we find that we have to take into consideration several characteristics, like:
flexibility of the system when new functionalities are incorporated, and making the
system accessible from others systems. All these needs, leads us to make use of Web
Services to achieve our goal, and of a new user interface of the system, to ensure its
easy use and understand by the new users (parents, etc.).
As a result, the focus while creating the system was on: from one side, creating a
bridge of communication with the students’ parents; and in the other side, to facilitate
the teachers’ work in the classroom and the enhancements of the collaborative work
between students.
3 CSchool Interactive Design System
In this section we present and identify the elements that support the CSchool system,
starting its: architecture, functionalities and its user interfaces.