Strategic Alignment Model Revisited
Considerations of Business-IT Alignment Formative Factors
Shuhei Kudo
, Kayo Iizuka
and Michiko Miyamoto
Department of Management Science and Engineering, Akita Prefectural University, Akita, Japan
School of Network and Information, Senshu University, Kanagawa, Japan
Keywords: Business-IT Alignment, Strategic Alignment Model (SAM), Alignment Option Generator
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to propose a framework for business-IT alignment implementation based on
Strategic Alignment Model (SAM) suggested by Henderson and Venkatraman. Since IT use is a
precondition for business operation, business is no longer distinguishable from IT. While the importance of
business-IT alignment has been growing, the alignment concept is still ambiguous. SAM, which was
suggested in 1989, has been a seminal model representing business-IT alignment structure. Alignment
research has been conducted from various viewpoints based on SAM. This study reinterprets SAM in the
light of results of prior alignment research and proposes a more practical model. Each component of
business-IT alignment model is specifically explained. Furthermore, “alignment option generator”, which
can be used as a guideline for business-IT alignment implementation, is also proposed. Alignment between
business and IT can be efficiently and effectively achieved by using the alignment option generator.
Effective IT (information technology) use is a
critical issue for a company to improve business
performance. The importance of achieving alignment
between business and IT is widely recognized by
many researchers and practitioners. Achieving
business-IT alignment more successfully than
competitors is one of the keys to gaining competitive
A lot of alignment research has been conducted
in the context of growing importance of alignment
for a company. Business-IT alignment is defined as
“balancing among the choices made across all four
domains: business strategy, IT strategy,
organizational infrastructure, and IT infrastructure”
(Henderson and Venkatraman, 1993, p.9).
In spite of the vigorous alignment research, the
concept of alignment has been vague. Specific
alignment contents and an implementation guideline
have not been sufficiently suggested in the prior
research. A more practical alignment model is
required for alignment implementation.
This study reinterprets Strategic Alignment
Model (SAM) suggested by Henderson and
Venkatraman (1993) in the light of the relevant
literature of alignment research. SAM is a seminal
alignment model that has been the foundation of
alignment research to date. Each component of
business-IT alignment model is expounded. In
addition, this study also proposes “alignment option
generator” as a guideline for aligment
implementation. Business and IT managers can
understand the current alignment status and address
future alignment implementation issues via the
Business-IT alignment research has been conducted
from various viewpoints since the late 1980’s. Eight
alignment research perspectives are identified: (1)
alignment model, (2) alignment content, (3)
alignment process, (4) critical success factors for
alignment, (5) alignment maturity, (6) alignment
measurement, (7) alignment adjustment, and (8)
alignment enhancement (Kudo and Yasuda, 2009).
This study focuses on the alignment model
research perspective and revises SAM based on the
results of these eight alignment research perspectives.
The advantage of SAM is that alignment
structure can be understood. Alignment components
that should be considered can be also identified. In
Kudo S., Iizuka K. and Miyamoto M..
Strategic Alignment Model Revisited - Considerations of Business-IT Alignment Formative Factors.
DOI: 10.5220/0004096502830286
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2012), pages 283-286
ISBN: 978-989-8565-12-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
contrast, it is not clear how SAM is applied to real
alignment practices. It is difficult to understand how
each component of SAM should be developed
because each component of SAM is not specifically
explained. Moreover, while the alignment
infrastructure is included in SAM, an alignment
execution domain including business and IT
operations is not well explained (Maes, 1999). This
study proposes a more implementation-oriented
alignment model by extending and revising SAM.
Figure 1 shows the generic business-IT alignment
model for implementation.
Figure 1: Generic business-IT alignment model for
The generic business-IT alignment model is
developed by drawing upon some frameworks
suggested in the prior alignment research (Walton,
1989; Henderson and Venkatraman, 1993; Keen,
1993; McGee, et al., 1993; Maes, 1999; Ross, et al.,
The model is based on some assumptions: One,
the boundary between business and IT is
increasingly obscure. Decisions pertaining to
business and IT choices in strategy, infrastructure,
and operation domains need to be made in parallel.
Two, as with the assumption of SAM, a company
needs to achieve a fit between external and internal
domains. The external domain means the
organization’s positioning in the competitive arena.
The strategic integration in the model corresponds to
the external domain. The infrastructural integration
and operational fusion are categorized into the
internal domain, which means the design of an
appropriate administrative structure to support its
execution. Three, business-IT alignment is driven by
“value discipline”. The value discipline framework
is suggested by Treacy and Wiersema (1995). The
consistency among strategic, infrastructural, and
operational domains is achieved driven by
company’s value discipline. Four, alignment
implementation consists of three phases. Value
proposition vision is developed via business-IT
strategic integration in phase one. Based on the value
proposition vision, value creation foundation is
developed through business-IT infrastructural
integration in phase two. Observed value is proposed
to customers in phase three. Business-IT alignment
implementation model includes 11 components:
(1)value discipline, (2) business scope, (3)
distinctive competencies, (4) business governance,
(5) IT scope, (6) systemic competencies, (7) IT
governance, (8) enterprise architecture, (9) structure,
(10) skill, and (11) operation.
As shown in Figure 1, alignment implementation
consists of three phases. This study proposes
“alignment option generator (AOG)” for alignment
implementation. AOG is a guideline for business-IT
alignment implementation. A company chooses
specific alignment options in AOG, and realizes the
logical consistency among components. The
alignment options are drawn upon the prior
alignment research (Weill and Broadbent, 1998;
Luftman, 2000; Reich and Benbasat, 2000;
Hirschheim and Sabherwal, 2001; Chan, et al., 2006;
Kearns and Sabherwal, 2006-7; Tallon, 2007-8;
Iizuka and Iizuka, 2010).
4.1 Phase One: Developing Alignment
First of all, a company must develop vision for
alignment. Table 1 shows AOG in phase one.
Value Discipline
Strategic integration
Infrastructural integration
Operational fusion
Table 1: AOG in phase one.
(1) value discipline
1.price 2.speed 3.premium 4.quality
5.performance 6.selection 7.convenience
(2) business scope
1.cost leadership 2.balancing cost and differentiation
(3) distinctive competencies
1.supplier relations 2.production and operations
3.product and service enhancement and sales
5.customer relations
(4)-1 business governance: term
1.long-term 2.short-term
(4)-2 business governance: interaction
1.facilitator 2.participant
(5) IT scope
1.efficiency 2.effectiveness 3.transformation
(6)-1 systemic competencies: data access unit level 2.enterprise level 3.inter-enterprise level
(6)-2 systemic competencies: communication
1.below average 2.average 3.above average
(6)-3 systemic competencies: hardware and software
1.below average 2.average 3.above average
(6)-4 systemic competencies: system reliability
1.below average 2.average 3.above average
(7)-1 IT governance: sourcing
1.insourcing 2.selective sourcing 3.outsourcing
(7)-2 IT governance: structure
1.centralized 2.shared 3.decentralized
(7)-3 IT governance: benefits
1.cost 2.balancing cost and value value
A company selects appropriate strategic options
and coordinates among the choices. Value
discipline-driven integration between business and
IT strategies is achieved through these processes in
phase one. The outcome of phase one is to clarify a
direction of alignment implementation.
4.2 Phase Two: Designing Alignment
Table 2 shows the three components and
infrastructural options in phase two. In phase two, a
critical success factors for business-IT alignment
needs to be achieved.
The effectiveness of alignment foundation
determines the effectiveness of business-IT strategic
integration and of business-IT operational fusion.
Each choice is made in the light of their own
business context. The purpose of this phase is to
develop foundation for business operation and IT use.
Infrastructural choices pertaining to business and IT
are simultaneously made in each component. A
company can understand current status of business
and IT infrastructures, and define to-be foundation
for value proposition by using AOG in phase two.
Table 2: AOG in phase two.
(8)-1 enterprise architecture:
the scope of business process standardization and integration
1.not defined 2.partly defined 3.fully defined
(8)-2 enterprise architecture: the type of operating model
1.diversification 2.coordination 3.replication 4.unification
(8)-3 enterprise architecture:
the scope of IT architecture standardization and integration
1.not defined 2.partly defined 3.fully defined
(8)-4 enterprise architecture: data standardization and
1.not defined 2.partly defined 3.fully defined
(8)-5 enterprise architecture:
communication standardization and integration
1.not defined 2.partly defined 3.fully defined
(8)-6 enterprise architecture:
technology standardization and integration
1.not defined 2.partly defined 3.fully defined
(8)-7 enterprise architecture:
application standardization and integration
1.not defined 2.partly defined 3.fully defined
(9)-1 structure: business managers’ participation in IT
1.inadequate 2.moderate 3.adequate
(9)-2 structure: IT managers’ participation in business
1.inadequate 2.moderate 3.adequate
(9)-3 structure:
setting up the steering committees including users and IT staff
1.inadequate 2.moderate 3.adequate
(9)-4 structure: formal communication between business and
IT units
1.inadequate 2.moderate 3.adequate
(9)-5 structure:informal communication between business and
IT units
1.inadequate 2.moderate 3.adequate
(9)-6 structure: the relationship between business planning
section and IT unit
1.independent relations
2.belonging to the same higher level organization
3.IT section is located under business planning section
(10)-1 skill: senior executive support for IT
1.inadequate 2.moderate 3.adequate
(10)-2 skill: top managers’ knowledge of IT
1.inadequate 2.moderate 3.adequate
(10)-3 skill: IT managers’ knowledge of business
1.inadequate 2.moderate 3.adequate
(10)-4 skill: IT unit’s ability to offer reliable IT services
1.inadequate 2.moderate 3.adequate
(10)-5 skill: IT unit’s ability to keep up with IT progress
1.inadequate 2.moderate 3.adequate
(10)-6 skill: IT unit’s ability to respond to business needs
1.inadequate 2.moderate 3.adequate
(10)-7 skill: IT success experience in the company
1.inadequate 2.moderate 3.adequate
(10)-8 skill: senior executive’s ability to prioritize IT projects
1.inadequate 2.moderate 3.adequate
4.3 Phase Three: Fusing Business
Operation with it Utilization
Operational alignment options are shown in Table 3.
Table 3: AOG in phase three.
(11)-1 operation: the optimized IT portfolio for value
discipline realization
1.not optimized 2.partly optimized 3.well-optimized
(11)-2 operation: the users’ skill acquisition for IT use
in core business processes
1.inadequate 2.moderate 3.adequate
(11)-3 operation: business metrics are related to IT
1.not related 2.partly related 3.well-related
(11)-4 operation: IT metrics are related to business
1.not related 2.partly related 3.well-related
(11)-5 operation: risk and rewards are shared between
business and IT units
1.not shared 2.partly shared 3.well-shared
A company needs to ascertain suitability of IT
portfolio for core business processes. Users in core
business processes need to acquire an appropriate IT
utilization skill. Alignment implementation in phase
three includes the options relevant to evaluation.
Risk and rewards need to be shared between
business and IT units.
This study revisits SAM of Henderson and
Venkatraman and proposes a new framework for
alignment implementation. SAM is reinterpreted and
extended by introducing the results of the prior
alignment research. This study also offers
“Alignment Option Generator (AOG)” as a guideline
for supporting alignment practices.
Actual alignment implementation is more
complicated. Alignment implementation involves IT
projects prioritization, coordination between
corporate and business-unit management, and
choices for the scope of standardization and
integration pertaining to business and IT. It is
necessary to clarify methodologies for addressing
effectively these issues. In addition, business-IT
alignment profiles and differences of alignment
implementation among companies also need to be
empirically examined.
This work was supported in part by Japan Society
for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Scientific
Research (C) No. 24530425.
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