cases when reasonable should be replaced with activity diagrams. Being more pre-
cise, in our opinion SRS should consists of following artifacts:
(a) business glossary – defining main terms from the problem domain,
(b) use-case diagram – presenting the system boundary,
(c) activity diagrams for selected (not trivial) use-cases accompanied by at least short
descriptions presenting the aim of the use-case and business rules (not directly ex-
pressed on the activity diagram),
(d) textual specification for trivial use-cases (e.g. CRUD), mainly presenting in-
put/output together with business rules to be satisfied.
In future work we plan to perform more experiments checking the validity of the
recommendations given above, especially in the context of incremental software
development. In such a case an analyst/developer needs to have a general picture of
the whole but does not need to remember all details at once.
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