Table 7. Document of problem statement.
The ACME Realtors company would like to create an e-development solution that will replace the home
listing catalogs that are printed on a monthly basis. The new system will allow to any user doing search
in the property´s database for current listings or find a Realtor, but only users registered (prospective
buyers) will be able to initiate the loan process. Realtors will be able to list their properties on the
ACME Realtor system and update the pictures of every property. A prospective buyer will be able to log
on to the system and set up a personal profile. This profile will allow the buyer to enter a set of personal
preferences and search requirements. Buyers will also be able to bookmark properties to the personal
planner for easy reference the next time they log on. After a buyer has logged on to the system they may
choose to search for a home, find a Realtor, or apply for a mortgage loan. The buyer and Realtor should
be able to search for a home in a geographic area by city, zip code, or the Multiple Listing Service
(MLS) number. The buyer should be able to further narrow their search through a series of filter criteria
until they find a number of homes they are interested in. Any user and buyer should be able to view a
picture of the home and see a full text description on all the amenities and features that the home has to
offer. Finally, if the buyer is interested in receiving more information on the home, the buyer will be
able to send an e-mail to the listing broker. The prospective buyer has the option to apply for a mortgage
loan using the ACME Realty System. ACME Realtors has an existing Loan System that communicates
with a number of partner lenders to gain loan pre-qualification approvals. This system should continue
to be used for sending loan requests to potential lenders. The Realty System will ask the prospective
buyer a series of questions about their current financial standing. After the prospective buyer has
answered all questions, the system will send the data to the Loan System and receive a list of possible
offers for a loan. If the buyer chooses to select one of the pre-qualification offers, the system will inform
the customer that a credit report must be generated. The Administrator will be responsible to generate
the Credit Reporting. Realtors subscribe to a Credit Reporting service, and the existing interface to this
system should be used to provide this service. The buyer should be allowed to view the broker's
personal profile that may contain any type of information that the broker enters and also a summary of
all the properties that the broker currently has listed. Realtors must be able to access the on-line system
to modify their personal profiles that are displayed to buyers. The Administrator will be responsible to
create a new listing of properties and assign them to every Realtor. Besides, the Administrator will
assign the nominal fee of each property and he will be able to update some pictures.
Once shown the problem statement, we can begin with the application of the
methodology as follows:
1. IWPV. Identification of the Web Portal Viewpoints. One of main output product of
this stage is identifying the viewpoints, which are: (a) Buyer, (b) Realtor, (c) User,
and (d) Administrator.
IWPV.1. Identification of the Web Portal Functionalities (IWPF) to be implemented.
The output product consists of a list of requirements and functionalities identified (see
Table 8).
IWPV.2. Identification of the Data Quality Dimensions (IDQD). List of
DQdimensions identified for each one of the web functionalities (see Table 9). This
listwill be useful to analyst, since they will be able to select whatever of them.
2. VS. Viewpoints Structuring. The level of importance of each proposed
requirement, taking into account in this example the number of times that every
requirement is related to each viewpoint, it is as follow: (1) Login to the system, (2)
Search of properties, (3) Send an email, (4) Update pictures of properties, (5)
Subscribe to Credit Reporting Service, (6) See full description of properties, (7) Find
a realtor, (8) View a picture, (9) Initiate a loan process, (10) Setup a personal profile,
(11) Permit to mark properties to the personal planner, (12) Respond questions about
financial standing, (13) Choose a pre-qualification offer, (14) View the broker´s
personal profile, (15) View summary of properties assigned to realtors, (16) List their
properties assigned, (17) Modify personal profile, (18) Generate a credit report, (19)