Elicitation of Specific Requirements of Data Quality
during the Web Portal Development
César Guerra-García
, Ismael Caballero
, Rodrigo Testillano
, Rafael Llamas
and Mario Piattini
Department of Information Technologies and Telemathic,
Polytechnic University of San Luis Potosí, Urbano Villalón 500, San Luis Potosí, México
Alarcos Research Group, Institute of Technologies and Information Systems,
University of Castilla-La Mancha, Paseo de la Universidad 4, Ciudad Real, Spain
Abstract. Data is one of the most important assets for making decisions and
concretizing business in organizations. So, providing data with adequate levels
of quality, especially for Internet applications is a very important issue.
However, most of developers of these applications do not take in account the
incorporation of artifacts to the necessary management of data quality (DQ)
from the early stage of development. Due to that, we have elaborated a strategy
with two approaches: methodologic and technologic. The first one is aimed to
identification the requirements corresponding to the Web portal functionalities
for the different kind of users and their specific DQ software requirements. For
the technologic approach, an UML profile to model the DQ software
requirements is shown; it embraces aspects considered basics to integrate in the
specification and modeling of these kinds of requirements. The final objective
is developing applications that satisfy the different DQ software requirements
specified by each user, at the moment to perform a function with the system.
1 Introduction
During the last years, the number of organizations and enterprises which have
developed Web portals have increased considerably [1]. This applications enable to
users the access to large amounts of data and information on line [2], through
different data resources [3]. Web portals have provided users with a more intuitive
and simple work environment, allowing users to find the data they need to perform
their tasks in a better way. However, the apparition of problems due to inadequate
levels of data quality (DQ) has been proven to negatively affect the tasks performed
by people, and consequently the performance of organizations. These problems can
cause a negative impact with a substantial cost, and not only in economic terms but
also social in the organizations [4]. The concept of DQ should not be longer
understood only as “zero defects” in the data, but “fitness for use” of data for a task
for a specific user, that is, the ability of a data set to satisfy user´s requirements [5]. In
this sense, a DQ software requirement supplied by a user can be specified, in which
indicates the characteristics of DQ required or needed to some data when they are
Guerra-García C., Caballero I., Testillano R., Llamas R. and Piattini M..
Elicitation of Specific Requirements of Data Quality during the Web Portal Development.
DOI: 10.5220/0004099700810093
In Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Modelling, Simulation, Verification and Validation of Enterprise Information Systems and 1st
International Workshop on Web Intelligence (WEBI-2012), pages 81-93
ISBN: 978-989-8565-14-3
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
used in certain specific task. The focus of this research is centred on how to elicit and
introduce in the stage of requirements analysis, the corresponding software
requirements for the management of DQ as a new kind of requirements. With this in
mind, in this paper we describe the work made. Firstly, it was carried out a systematic
review of the literature related with the purpose of getting a list of works done [6],
which could be presumably related both methodologic focus as technologic into the
area of DQ requirements specification. We have only found few proposals, as shown
by [7], [8] and [9] for the relational model, or these related to semantic technology
showed in [10] and [11], but none specifically related to deal with DQ requirements
management. Due to this reason, as part of the methodologic focus of the research, it
was designed a strategy of work in which the first step was relate the DQ problems
(potholes) identified in Information Systems (IS) described by Strong et al. in [12] to
the specific Web portal functionalities defined by Collins in [13]. In order to identify
the DQ characteristics that could be critiques at the moment to implement each one of
Web functionalities. Within this strategy, we got a list with a generic set of DQ
software requirements that any development team would like to include into a System
Requirements Specification (SRS) document. These requirements should guide to the
analyst in the identification of software requirements related to DQ from the
viewpoint of each role performing a task. Due to the above, the first objective of this
work is DAQUA-VORD, a methodology aimed to identify and elicit both kinds of
software requirements for Web portal development: those focused to functionalities,
and those ones oriented to DQ management. The second objective is included as part
of the technological approach, in which a UML profile is proposed in order to model
in a clear way, all DQ requirements related to each one of Web functionalities.
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows: Section 2 reviews the three
pillars in which our proposal is grounded: data quality measurement, Web portal
functionalities and the requirements elicitation method. Section 3 presents our
proposal: firstly the list of DQ software requirements, immediately the methodology
DAQUA-VORD, and finally the UML profile. In Section 4 an example of application
is shown. Finally in section 5 we introduce some conclusions.
2 Revision of Related Areas
2.1 Data Quality
In order to reduce the negative impact of problems (technical, organizational or legal)
due to inadequate levels of DQ [14], it is paramount that companies can have a
quantitative perception of their actual importance. So, they must assess how good
their organizational data resources are for the tasks at hand. Organizations have to
deal to the DQ, both in subjective perceptions by individuals that use the data, as
objective measures based on a set of data. An assessment of DQ in a subjective way
can reflect the needs and experiences of users with a set of data [8]. If the users assess
the quality of data as poor, their tasks could be influenced by this assessment [15]. As
mentioned, the most accepted definition for the concept “Data Quality” is “fitness for
use” [16]. This means that a user typically evaluates the quality of a set of data for a
particular task, which it is done in a specific context according to a set of criteria or
dimensions of DQ. An user performing a role within a IS can specify for a piece of
data different DQ software requirements as be necessary, specifying the DQ
dimensions that better represent this kind of requirements for a determined task. So,
the perception about the DQ level of a set of data could be different for diverse tasks,
even for the same user performing different roles. For measuring the level of DQ of a
piece of data, it is necessary to identify several DQ dimensions (known the set as “DQ
model”) which can characterize the DQ requirements in a better way. Although there
exists many DQ models most of them are quite domain dependant, which diminishes
their applicability. In order to get a broader perspective as possible, we chose for our
research the generic DQ model proposed in the standard ISO/IEC 25012 [17]. This
international standard brings together fifteen DQ dimensions from two points of view:
Inherent and System dependent.
2.2 Web Portal Functionalities
In stated in the introduction, our first step is to associate the relationships between
Web portal functionalities and those DQ dimensions, which would best represent the
various roles’ DQ software requirements. So, we must first enumerate and review
these functionalities as described by Collins [13]. We have reordered them in base to
our experience and knowledge in both data quality and web development areas:
Content Management, Process and actions, Search capabilities, Administration,
Security, Data points and integrations, Communication and collaboration,
Presentation, Taxonomy, Personalization and Help features. This reordering was
taking as criterion the following: a greater probability of using of a Web functionality,
a greater probability of being susceptible of finding inadequate levels of DQ.
2.3 Requirements Elicitation Method
The Requirements Elicitation is perhaps the activity most often regarded as the first
step in the Requirements Engineering process, this activity is responsible to identify
the stakeholders of the system and discover the requirements from them [18]. The
viewpoint-oriented approach takes into consideration the different viewpoints of the
different roles to structure and organize the requirement elicitation process [19]. The
key point of the viewpoint-oriented analysis takes into account the existence of
several perspectives and provides a framework to discover conflicts between the
requirements proposed by different viewpoints. The viewpoint can be used as a form
to classify the stakeholders. The VORD (Viewpoints-Oriented Requirements
Definition) method proposed in [19] was designed to guide the process of elicitation
and analysis of requirements having into account the different point of views of a
system. The steps of this method are: VI-1.Viewpoints Identification, VS-2.Viewpoints
Structuring, VD-3.Viewpoints Documentation and VL-4.Viewpoints Layout.
3 A Methodology for the Elicitation of DQ Software Requirements
3.1 Relation between DQ Dimensions and Web Portal Functionalities
Once presented in section 2.1 the DQ dimensions, and listed the Web functionalities
in section 2.2, we performed an analysis in both areas, it getting a matrix of
relationship between the DQ dimensions and Web portal functionalities. Considering
these relations at the moment to develop every one of Web functionality, it would be
possible to ensure that the data that will be stored and manipulated by the
functionalities have an acceptable level of DQ. Therefore, it is necessary to describe
the DQ requirements that can be drawn to avoid or minimize the effect of the
common source of problems, as those described by Strong et al. in [12]. So the main
challenge is not only to specify the relations itself, but also to express them through of
the specification of DQ software requirements. Once defined these kinds of
requirements the analyst will be able to specify the DQ dimensions that should be
observed and implemented for each one of the Web functionalities. In this sense, we
made an analysis about what kind of problems (defined by Strong et al. in [12]) could
be related to each one of the Web portal functionalities, it getting as result the next
matrix (see Table 1). Once completed the matrix, it was performed an analysis and
comparison of each one of DQ dimensions described both in the model proposed by
Wang and Strong [20] as in the standard ISO/IEC 25012. The aim of this comparison
was to resolve possible conflicts in the description of the different DQ dimensions,
either the existence of dimensions with the same name and different meaning, or
dimensions with different name but the same meaning.
Table 1. Matrix of relationship between web functionalities and problems identified by [12].
Problems (potholes)
Too Much
task needs
Lack of
Content Management
Process and Action
Search capabilities
Data points and
Collaboration and
Help features
Finally, taking as reference the research published by Strong et al. in [12], where
the DQ dimensions that affect each one of the problems (“potholes”) were classified
based on their model [20], it was obtained the next matrix of relation (see Table 2). In
this matrix, the DQ dimensions established in the Wang´s model were changed by
their similar described in the standard ISO/IEC 25012.
Table 2. Matrix of relationship of web functionalities and DQ dimensions.
DQ Dimensions
(ISO 25012)
Web Portal
Process and
Data points and
Help features
3.2 DAQUA-VORD Methodology
As one result of this research, the DAQUA-VORD methodology is proposed, it can
guide developers in the specification of DQ requirements, it identifying for each one
of the functionalities selected, those DQ dimensions that have to be considered (and
implemented) according to previous matrix (Table 2). The specification of these DQ
dimensions from different perspectives (viewpoints) of the users performing a specific
task should be introduced as new software requirements. The reason why we decided
to use the “VORD” method as reference is that it allows the incorporation of DQ
management aspects during the requirement elicitation process. In this way, DQ
software requirements can be introduced as normal ones, but always taking into
account the diverse viewpoints of the different kind of users performing a task. It is
important assuring that techniques to be used can adequately capture and organize all
kind of requirements (e.g. functional requirements together with specific DQ
requirements). Descriptions of the stages of DAQUA-VORD methodology, mapped
from those one from VORD, as well as its subactivities, its input and output products,
and techniques/tools related will be next shown.
1. IWPV. Identification of the Web Portal Viewpoints. This stage is analogous to the
step VI-1 of VORD method. It implies to discover the different viewpoints that will
receive the functionalities of the Web Portal, besides the identification of the Web
Portal functionalities together with the DQ dimensions associated (see Table 3).
2. VS. Viewpoints Structuring. It is aimed at grouping the viewpoints related in a
suitable hierarchy. The main functionalities are located at the top levels of the
hierarchy, once done that, these functionalities are inherited to the viewpoints of low
level, besides the DQ dimensions are hierarchized in the same context (see Table 4).
Table 3. Artefacts and subactivities for the IWPV.
IWPV.1. Identification of the Web Portal Functionalities (IWPF) to be implemented, it implies to
identify the specific functionalities that are provided to each viewpoint.
Input Product
- List of identified viewpoints being able to propose software requirements
for the system.
- List of all Web Portal functionalities [13].
Output Product - List of chosen functionalities for satisfying requirements of each viewpoint.
Tools and techniques - Interviews - Study of documentation - Questionnaire - Brainstorming
IWPV.2. Identification of the Data Quality Dimensions (IDQD), it implies to identify the different DQ
dimensions related to each one of the functionalities described for each viewpoint, taking as base the
matrix of Table 2.
Input Product
- List of viewpoints identified being able to propose DQ requirement for the
- List of chosen functionalities for satisfying requirements of each viewpoint.
- List of DQ dimensions (see Table 2) for each functionality.
Output Product
- List of DQ dimensions associated to the different functionalities.
- Document of System Requirements Specification.
Tools and techniques - Interviews - Work sessions - Brainstorming
Table 4. Artefacts and subactivity for the VS.
VS.1. Choose a DQ Model (CDQM), it consists of classifying the DQ dimensions according to the
hierarchy, in base at the priority level that the Web Portal functionalities have (listed in section 2.2).
Input Product
- List of viewpoints identified in the system.
- List of DQ dimensions associated to the different functionalities.
Output Product - List of classification of DQ dimensions (DQ Model).
Tools and techniques - Work sessions - Judgment of experts
3. DV. Documentation of the Viewpoints. It encompasses the refinement of the
description of the viewpoints and the functionalities identified, adding the DQ
dimensions (Table 5).
Table 5. Artefacts and subactivity for the DV.
DV.1. Documentation of the Data Quality Dimensions (DDQD), it consists of documenting or modeling
if possible, the DQ dimensions identified (e.g. through use cases diagram).
Input Product
- List of classification of data quality dimensions.
- Document of System Requirements Specification.
Output Product
- Document of System Requirements Specification (SRS) augmented with DQ
Requirements Specification.
Tools and techniques
- Work sessions - Judgment of experts - Tools like Word processors - Modeling
tools for UML
4. LVS. Layout of the Viewpoints of the System. It encompasses identifying the main
objects in an object-oriented design using the information of the functionality
encapsulated in the viewpoints (see Table 6).
3.3 UML Profile to Management of DQ Software Requirements
In this section we show the proposal for modeling of DQ software requirements, by
using a UML profile. Unlike of the proposals founded in the systematic review [21],
this profile is focused in modelling DQ software requirements from the perspective of
each user (viewpoint) at the moment to perform a specific task. The motivation of this
Table 6. Artefacts and subactivities for the LVS.
LVS.1. Modeling of Data Quality Requirements (MDQR), it consists of modeling the different DQ
requirements (DQ dimensions) in a data model and later on, in a process model.
Input Product - Document of SRS augmented with DQ Requirements Specification.
Output Product
- Document of high level design with awareness of data quality (data model and
Tools and
- Object oriented modeling tools (Rational Rose, Visual Paradigm, Poseidon,
ArgoUML, etc.).
LVS.2. Validation of Model (VM), it consists of validating the complete model with the stakeholders.
Input Product
- Document of System Requirements Specification augmented with DQ
Requirements Specification.
- Document of high level design with awareness of data quality.
Output Product
- Final Document approved of “System Requirements Specification augmented
with DQ Requirements Specif”.
- Final Document approved of “High level design with awareness of data
Tools and
- Work sessions - Interpersonal negotiation techniques
proposal appears from the necessity of allowing analysts and designers specifying in a
more clear way, which DQ dimensions (related each Web functionality) should be
implemented from the specification of user requirements. For this reason, both
functional requirements (information requirements) as DQ software requirements
should be considered from the earliest stages of development, because it will allow to
designer to model all the requirements through the convenient extensions (e.g. use
case diagrams). This UML profile specifies how the concepts of the Web
functionalities and the DQ dimensions are related and represented, through
stereotypes of UML language. The package that contains the stereotypes defined into
the profile (see Fig. 1) is represented with a extended class diagram of UML2 [22].
Fig. 1. Profile to specification of DQ requirements.
4 Example of Application
In Table 7, a typical problem statement for developing a Web portal is showed.
Table 7. Document of problem statement.
The ACME Realtors company would like to create an e-development solution that will replace the home
listing catalogs that are printed on a monthly basis. The new system will allow to any user doing search
in the property´s database for current listings or find a Realtor, but only users registered (prospective
buyers) will be able to initiate the loan process. Realtors will be able to list their properties on the
ACME Realtor system and update the pictures of every property. A prospective buyer will be able to log
on to the system and set up a personal profile. This profile will allow the buyer to enter a set of personal
preferences and search requirements. Buyers will also be able to bookmark properties to the personal
planner for easy reference the next time they log on. After a buyer has logged on to the system they may
choose to search for a home, find a Realtor, or apply for a mortgage loan. The buyer and Realtor should
be able to search for a home in a geographic area by city, zip code, or the Multiple Listing Service
(MLS) number. The buyer should be able to further narrow their search through a series of filter criteria
until they find a number of homes they are interested in. Any user and buyer should be able to view a
picture of the home and see a full text description on all the amenities and features that the home has to
offer. Finally, if the buyer is interested in receiving more information on the home, the buyer will be
able to send an e-mail to the listing broker. The prospective buyer has the option to apply for a mortgage
loan using the ACME Realty System. ACME Realtors has an existing Loan System that communicates
with a number of partner lenders to gain loan pre-qualification approvals. This system should continue
to be used for sending loan requests to potential lenders. The Realty System will ask the prospective
buyer a series of questions about their current financial standing. After the prospective buyer has
answered all questions, the system will send the data to the Loan System and receive a list of possible
offers for a loan. If the buyer chooses to select one of the pre-qualification offers, the system will inform
the customer that a credit report must be generated. The Administrator will be responsible to generate
the Credit Reporting. Realtors subscribe to a Credit Reporting service, and the existing interface to this
system should be used to provide this service. The buyer should be allowed to view the broker's
personal profile that may contain any type of information that the broker enters and also a summary of
all the properties that the broker currently has listed. Realtors must be able to access the on-line system
to modify their personal profiles that are displayed to buyers. The Administrator will be responsible to
create a new listing of properties and assign them to every Realtor. Besides, the Administrator will
assign the nominal fee of each property and he will be able to update some pictures.
Once shown the problem statement, we can begin with the application of the
methodology as follows:
1. IWPV. Identification of the Web Portal Viewpoints. One of main output product of
this stage is identifying the viewpoints, which are: (a) Buyer, (b) Realtor, (c) User,
and (d) Administrator.
IWPV.1. Identification of the Web Portal Functionalities (IWPF) to be implemented.
The output product consists of a list of requirements and functionalities identified (see
Table 8).
IWPV.2. Identification of the Data Quality Dimensions (IDQD). List of
DQdimensions identified for each one of the web functionalities (see Table 9). This
listwill be useful to analyst, since they will be able to select whatever of them.
2. VS. Viewpoints Structuring. The level of importance of each proposed
requirement, taking into account in this example the number of times that every
requirement is related to each viewpoint, it is as follow: (1) Login to the system, (2)
Search of properties, (3) Send an email, (4) Update pictures of properties, (5)
Subscribe to Credit Reporting Service, (6) See full description of properties, (7) Find
a realtor, (8) View a picture, (9) Initiate a loan process, (10) Setup a personal profile,
(11) Permit to mark properties to the personal planner, (12) Respond questions about
financial standing, (13) Choose a pre-qualification offer, (14) View the broker´s
personal profile, (15) View summary of properties assigned to realtors, (16) List their
properties assigned, (17) Modify personal profile, (18) Generate a credit report, (19)
Create a new list of properties, (20) Assign the nominal fee of each property. Taking
as basis the importance level of each requirement, we can hierarchize the viewpoints
in the next order: 1. Realtor, 2. Buyer, 3. Administrator, 4. User.
VS.1. Choose a DQ Model (CDQM). The output product is a hierarchized list of DQ
dimensions identified (taking as base Table 4): 1. Accessibility, 2. Compliance, 3.
Confidentiality, 4.Completeness, 5.Consistency, 6.Currentness, 7.Credibility.
Table 8. Identification of the Web Portal Functionalities (IWPF).
Viewpoint Functional Requirement
Web functionality described by
FR1. Search of properties. Search capabilities
FR2. Initiate a loan process. Process and actions
FR3.Login to the system. Security
FR4. Setup a personal profile. Content Management
FR5. Permit to mark properties to the personal
FR6. Find a realtor. Search capabilities
FR7. View a property´s picture. Search capabilities
FR8. See full description of properties. Presentation
FR9. Send an email.
Collaboration &
FR10. Respond questions about financial standing. Process and actions
FR11. Choose a pre-qualification offer. Process and actions
FR12. View the broker´s personal profile.
Collaboration &
FR13. View summary of properties assigned to
Search capabilities
FR14. List their properties assigned. Search capabilities
FR15. Update pictures of properties. Content Management
FR16. Subscribe to Credit Reporting Service. Process and actions
FR17. Modify personal profile. Content Management
FR9. Send an email.
Collaboration &
FR3. Login to the system. Security
FR1. Search of properties. Search capabilities
FR18. Generate a credit report. Administration
FR19. Create a new list of properties. Content Management
FR20. Assign the nominal fee of each property. Administration
FR3. Login to the system. Security
FR9. Send an email.
Collaboration &
FR16. Subscribe to Credit Reporting Service. Process and actions
FR15. Update pictures of properties. Content Management
FR1. Search of properties. Search capabilities
FR7. View a property´s picture. Search capabilities
FR8. See full description of properties. Presentation
FR6. Find a realtor. Search capabilities
3. DV. Documentation of the Viewpoints. We use the following templates to
conveniently document the different viewpoints and requirements. The results are
gathered in Tables 10 and 11 (due to pages restriction of the paper, we only describe
some of them). This documentation is a key part of a System Requirement
Specification document augmented with DQ Requirements Specification.
Table 9. Identification of DQ dimensions.
Web functionality DQ dimensions related
Administration Completeness, Compliance.
Security Accessibility, Compliance, Confidentiality.
Process and actions Completeness, Currentness, Accessibility, Compliance.
Search capabilities
Completeness, Consistency, Credibility, Currentness, Efficiency,
Traceability, Understandability, Availability.
Personalization Completeness, Accessibility, Compliance, Confidentiality.
Collaboration and
Completeness, Consistency, Currentness, Accessibility, Compliance.
Presentation Completeness, Compliance.
Content Management
Completeness, Consistency, Credibility, Currentness, Accessibility,
Compliance, Confidentiality.
Table 10. Specification of viewpoint "Buyer".
Reference Buyer.
Focus Viewpoint of the Buyer, he performs the main business functionalities of the
Attributes Name, address, telephone, email, salary.
Requirements Search of properties, Initiate a loan process, Login to the system, Setup a personal
profile, Permit to mark properties to the personal planner, Find a realtor, View a
property´s picture, See full description of properties, Send an email, Respond
questions about financial standing, Choose a pre-qualification offer, View the
broker´s personal profile, View summary of properties assigned to realtors.
Search capabilities, Process and actions, Security, Content Management,
Personalization, Presentation, Collaboration and Communication.
Exceptions None.
History No alterations.
Table 11. Requirement “Setup a personal profile”.
Reference Setup a personal profile.
This requirement is related to manage and update of all the buyer personal
Data Name, address, email, salary.
Viewpoints Buyer.
DQ requirements
Completeness, Consistency, Credibility, Currentness, Accessibility,
Compliance, Confidentiality.
DV.1. Documentation of the Data Quality Dimensions (DDQD). As part of the output
product of this stage based on the Table 5, and with the goal of documenting and
modeling the DQ dimensions, we apply in this point the UML profile proposed
previously, this profile will permit us modeling DQ requirements (DQ dimensions)
associated to the different functionalities that the system will provide, taking as basis
this profile we can model an “Information case diagram”, which is much more
explicit that a common use case diagram. In this “Information case diagram” (see Fig.
2) we can see the requirements previously referred: “FR4. Set up a personal profile”
and “FR20. Assign the nominal fee of each property”, which can be modelled like
Information cases” (IC), they maintain a relation of type “include” with the use
cases stereotyped like “DQDim”, it means that data managed for each one of
Information cases should satisfy the DQ dimensions specified. Thus, the developer
will have to consider the DQ dimensions at the moment of implementing the different
functionalities of the application. In this diagram, the Information Case “Set up a
personal profile” (associated with the Web functionality “Content Management”)
manages mainly the following pieces of data: name, address, email and salary. It
means that these data should be compliant with the DQ dimensions of Completeness,
Consistency, Credibility, Currentness, Accessibility, Compliance and Confidentiality.
In this specific case, the analyst has chosen modeling only three of them. Similarly,
the Information case “Assign the nominal fee of each property” (associated with the
Web functionality “Administration”) will manage the following pieces of data: ID
property, nominal fee, Realtor in charge and address. So, these data should be
compliant with the DQ dimensions of Completeness and Compliance.
4. LVS.1. Modeling of Data Quality Requirements (MDQR). The output product of
this stage based on Table 6, it consists mainly in getting an object-oriented design, it
should contains the main classes responsible for providing the functionalities of the
Web portal, as well as the classes responsible for implementing the DQ dimensions.
These diagrams are part of a document of high-level design with awareness of DQ.
LVS.2. Validation of Model (VM). Finally, the main documents obtained once
applied the methodology (“Document of System Requirement Specification with DQ
Requirements Specification and “Document of high-level design with awareness of
DQ”) should be validated with the client.
Fig. 2. Information case diagram.
5 Conclusions
At present, data and information are fundamental assets of any organization. In the
last years the Web portals has established as one of the main information sources in
Internet, and as means for allowing the access to information for all people.
Nevertheless, the great majority of users who seek information needs to be sure that it
has the adequate DQ level for the use that they require. A first solution to this
problem is showed in this paper, where it is described which DQ dimensions are
presumably related with the different Web functionalities. Immediately, we show a
Methodology to elicit and define DQ requirements (DAQUA-VORD), besides a UML
profile in order to modeling these kinds of requirements. Thus, we are able to
encompass both approaches: methodological and technologic. These approaches
could facilitate to the analyst and developers getting awareness about the DQ level
that need to be implemented for each one of the functionalities during all Web
development process.
This research is part of the PEGASO-MAGO (TIN2009-13718-C02-01), and IQMNet
(TIN2010-09809-E) projects, supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y
Ciencia. ALTAMIRA project (PII2I09-0106-2463) supported by JCCM Consejería de
Educación y Ciencia.
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