Eliciting Security Requirements for Business Processes
using Patterns
Naved Ahmed, Raimundas Matulevi
cius and Naiad Hossain Khan
Institute of Computer Science, University of Tartu
J. Liivi 2, 50409 Tartu, Estonia
Abstract. Business process modelling and security engineering are two impor-
tant concerns when developing information system (IS). However current prac-
tices report that security is addressed rather at the later development stages (i.e.,
design and implementation). This raises a question whether the business pro-
cesses are performed securely. In this paper, we propose a method to align busi-
ness process modelling and security engineering. We develop a set of security
risk-oriented patterns. Such patterns help to understand security risks that poten-
tially arise within business processes, and to introduce security solutions. To ease
the applicability the security risk-oriented patterns are defined using BPMN no-
tations. The proposal is tested in an industrial business model and the findings
indicate a positive usefulness to identify important business assets, their security
risks and countermeasures.
1 Introduction
Business process modelling (BPM) is an activity of representing enterprise processes,
so that the current processes may be analysed and improved. Security engineering is
concerned with lowering the risk of intentional unauthorised harm to valuable assets
to level that is acceptable to the system’s stakeholders by preventing and reacting to
malicious harm, misuse, threats and security risks [10]. Assuming that business ana-
lysts concentrate on improving the business performance, early security analysis could
help discovering and discarding system design alternatives that do not offer sufficient
security levels. Although the importance of addressing security concerns is now ac-
knowledged [7], common practice is to consider security when the system is about to
be implemented or deployed [11]. One of the reasons is that, business analysts are ex-
perts in business domain, they have limited or no expertise in security engineering;
thus they depend on the practices, security standards [2, 3], or security experts. Such a
situation potentially contains several limitations. Thus, here we investigate the follow-
ing research question: how to facilitate elicitation of security concerns during business
process modelling?
According to Schumacher et al. “a security pattern describes a particular recurring
security problem that arises in a specific security context and presents a well-proven
generic scheme for a security solution”[17]. Following this definition, in this study we
develop a set of security risk-oriented patterns (i.e., generic scheme). These patterns are
based on understanding security risks (i.e., recurring security problems) that potentially
Ahmed N., Matulevi
cius R. and Hossain Khan N..
Eliciting Security Requirements for Business Processes using Patterns.
DOI: 10.5220/0004100200490058
In Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems (WOSIS-2012), pages 49-58
ISBN: 978-989-8565-15-0
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
arise within business processes (i.e., specific security context). To mitigate these risks,
the patterns recommend security requirements (i.e., security solution). In other words,
our approach aligns business processes and security requirements elicited using security
risk-oriented patterns. In order to understand usefulness of these patterns we apply them
in business models. Our study, thus, results in the guidelines to elicit security assets,
potential security risks and their countermeasures in the business processes.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows: Section 2 discusses the related work in
the domain of business processes security and compares the security risk management
approaches. Section 3 describes the security risk-oriented patterns, this is the major con-
tribution of our work. Next, Section 4 demonstrates the example of pattern application
in the business model. In Section 5 we discuss and conclude the paper and outline the
future work.
2 Background
2.1 Security in Business Process Modelling
There exists several studies relating business processes and security requirements elic-
itation. R
ohrig and Knorr [16] derive security requirements by assigning the security
level to business process components using a formal descriptive language. However,
security measures are applied after the definition of the business processes. Rodr
et al. [15] extend BPMN using padlocks to annotate business processes with security
requirements. The early security requirements are expressed with a specific padlock
symbols. Similarly, Christopher and Joe [14] proposed two new artefacts operating
condition and control case to express the constraints on business processes. Mod-
elling constraints helps in mitigating risk and facilitate the early discovery of security
requirements. These practices [16, 15, 14] express the security requirements. However,
they are not align with risk analysis and the rationale is absent. Paja et al. [13] specify
commitments by analysing the participant’s objectives and their interactions which are
considered as high-level specification of security requirements. They are annotated in
BPMN using conversation and choreography diagrams. Though it gives rationale for
security, but the requirements are limited to the exchange of resources. And a detail
semantic mapping between organisational model and BPMN is also missing.
2.2 Security Risk Management
A domain model (see Fig. 1) for Information Systems Security Risk Management (IS-
SRM) [8] expresses the key concepts and their relationships used to define the security
risk-based template [4]. ISSRM helps identify and specify security risks. It also ad-
dresses the risk management approaches to support the risk management process that
focuses on whole IS, instead of defining security requirements for one or more IS com-
ponents. ISSRM applies security in the IS development while other approaches are
mainly applied on an existing IS, but not applicable in the IS development. Although,
few can be used by implementing additional guidelines, however they still lacks the
Requirement Engineering (RE) activities and wouldn’t able to reason for security re-
Fig. 1. ISSRM Domain Model, adapted from [8].
Risk management methods (see details in [8]) produce analysis in natural language,
which hinders to automate their activities for reasoning, evolution, monitoring or trace-
ability, except CORAS [6]. In CORAS, each activity proposed a structured artefact but
it is neither connected to RE activities nor applicable to the IS development and is dis-
connected from the standard terminology.
3 Security Risk-oriented Patterns
3.1 Developing Patterns
We followed the 3-steps pattern-oriented approach to develop our security patterns:
Firstly, we have developed the security risk-oriented template (see [4] for template de-
tails). Secondly, a set of security risk-oriented patterns are defined, by identifying the
security flaws (listed in [18]), followed by the risk analysis and the countermeasures are
developed using available security standards (e.g. [2, 3]) to mitigate these risks. Finally,
we apply our approach in a business model to illustrate its feasibility. We have devel-
oped ten security risk-oriented patterns. These patterns are the major contribution of
our research study and are briefly described below and the respective details are given
in a technical report [12].
SRP 1. Pattern secures the data transmitted between the business entities i.e., stake-
holders involved in the business process. If attacker intercepts the transmission medium
that can lead to the loss of data confidentiality and its integrity. To reduce risk this pat-
tern proposes to make the data unreadable before transmitting, and calculate the check-
sum value. To avoid risk this pattern proposes to change the transmission medium that
cannot be intercepted.
SRP 2. Pattern ensures valid data entry into business processes by rejecting the un-
wanted malicious data. The risk analysis identifies that invalid data can cause the loss
of business process integrity and also attacker can make the business entity unavailable
for their clients. To avoid these risks this pattern proposes to define a structured format
for incoming data and restrict any other format data.
SRP 3. Pattern verify the origin of the business entity that sends the data and secure the
integrity of business processes. It investigates the legitimacy of sender, and ensures that
sender should not deny the sending of data, i.e., non-repudiation. The identified risks
are malfunction strategies and incorrect initiation of a business activity (e.g., process
invalid purchase order). To reduce the problem this pattern introduces the requirement
of verifying sender’s identity.
SRP 4. Pattern ensures the availability of business service by protecting the IS from
denial of service (DOS) attack. It addresses the problem of services offered by business
which are exposed to their clients. Therefore, are more vulnerable to external attackers.
The risk is that an attacker can make the service unavailable and prevent the legitimate
users. To reduce the risk of DOS attacks this pattern proposes to restrict the packets
using proper router configuration.
SRP 5. Pattern secures data from misuse by applying multilevel access rights to the
retrieval interface. It addresses the problem of unauthorised access and missing sys-
tem log which has information about who read the data. This raises the risk of leaking
data that can be misused. To reduce the risk this pattern proposes to restrict anony-
mous access at retrieval interface, establish access levels of data and give it to relevant
individuals, and keep track of data retrieval.
SRP 6. Pattern secures data store by storing the confidential data in invisible format.
If data store saves data in plain format then attacker able to read it easily. This com-
promises the confidentiality of data and its misused can have negative impacts. Pattern
proposes two solution to this problem: reduce the risk by storing the data in invisible
format (e.g., encrypted), and do not store the data in data store instead ask clients when
the it is needed.
SRP 7. Pattern describes a flow to handle more than one request in parallel to avoid
the deadlock condition. Here, a deadlock situation is addressed when a business activity
holds a resource and request for other resources. An attacker can deliberately create
such scenario and can crash an activity or service, making it unavailable for users. To
reduce the risk this pattern proposes all the resources should be requested in advance or
released before requesting new resource.
SRP 8. Pattern ensures the atomicity of business transaction to protect the data in-
tegrity during its storage in the database. A failure of single activity causes the transac-
tion to abort abnormally resulting in writing conflicting data. It risks data integrity and
leads business to malfunction strategies. This pattern proposes to implement an external
mechanism to track transaction and invoke the compensation logic in case of failure to
undo all the changes.
SRP 9. Pattern secures multiple access to a shared data by protecting its integrity in
TimeOfCheck/TimeOfUse (TOCTOU). When several activities from different locations
access the data in a single time, this risks the loss of data integrity that can lead business
to malfunction strategies. To reduce the risk this pattern proposes to implement locking
protocol on data accessibility.
SRP 10. Pattern prevents the leakage of system information when an exception is
thrown. It addresses the problem of system information leakage, when run-time ex-
ception arises. The attacker can intentionally raise the exception to get internal sys-
tem information i.e., application configuration, which help him to launch sophisticated
attacks. To reduce the risk this pattern proposes to handle the errors and exceptions
3.2 Security Risk-oriented Pattern Example
This section presents an example of security risk-oriented pattern Securing data that
flows between the business entities”. Its major structural details are defined textually in
Table 1 and the graphical representation (BPMN using the alignment [5]) is illustrated
in Fig. 2(a), 3(a) and 4(a).
Table 1. Security Risk-oriented Pattern (SRP1).
1. Organisational scenario & Security context identification
Pattern name Securing data that flow between the business entities
Pattern description This pattern secures the data transmit between the business entities
Related pattern(s) No related patterns
2. Asset identification & Security objective determination
Business Asset Data submitted and employ by business
IS Asset Input interface, Transmission medium that transfers data and business/server
Security criteria –Confidentiality of data
–Integrity of data
3. Risk analysis & assessment
Risk An attacker intercepts the transmission medium and misuses the data leading to loss of
data confidentiality or integrity.
1. Harm of at least one business asset (i.e., harm of data submitted and stored in the
2. Harm of at least one IS asset (i.e., loss of reliability of the transmission medium)
3. Negation of security criteria (i.e., negation of data confidentiality and integrity)
Event An attacker intercepts the transmission medium due to its characteristics to be intercepted
and misuses the data due to the lack of crypto-functionality at the input interface and
server [18].
Threat An attacker intercepts the transmission medium and misuse the data.
Vulnerability – Characteristics of transmission medium to be intercepted [18]
– Lack of crypto-functionality at input interface and server [18]
Threat agent An attacker with means to intercept transmission medium by acting as a proxy
Attack method
1. Intercept transmission medium by establishing a proxy between input interface and
server [1].
2. Misuse data:
(a) Capture, modify and pass data to the database.
(b) Capture, read and keep data for the later use.
4. Risk treatment & Security requirements
Risk treatment Risk reduction Risk avoidance
Security requirement
Make data unreadable to attackers. (Mitigates the
risk of data confidentiality)
Verify the received data with the original. (Miti-
gates the risk of data integrity)
Change the transmission medium that
does not have the ability to be inter-
Control – Cryptographic algorithm
– Checksum algorithm
– Physically delivery of data.
– Employee enters data.
In Table 1, the first part describes the pattern’s name (see the entry pattern name
and description). The related patterns entry could be used to link other related security
patterns. The second part, called as asset identification and security objective determi-
nation, is used to define business and IS assets. Following the ISSRM domain model [8]
we identify business assets (i.e., data) and the IS assets defined in the pattern (i.e., in-
put interface, transmission medium and business/server) which support business assets.
Security criteria (i.e., confidentiality and integrity of data) are constraints on business
assets and is presented in Fig. 2(a) using padlocks (adapted from [15]).
In ISSRM domain model [8], risk is a composition of impact, vulnerability, threat
agent and attack method. In the SRP1 (see Table 1) we define that there might exist a
threat agent (i.e., attacker) who has motivation and means (i.e., intercept transmission
medium by acting as a proxy) to threatens the system. He is able to target the IS as-
sets by exploiting the vulnerabilities (i.e., Characteristics of transmission medium to
be intercepted and Lack of crypto-functionality at input interface and server). As the
risk event happened it potentially leads to impact (listed in Table 1). The situation is
illustrated graphically in Fig. 3(a) where vulnerability in an IS asset is represented by
asterisk (
) (adapted from [9]). Such a model provide rationale for the security require-
ments defined later in Section 4 under reasoning about security requirements.
According to the ISSRM domain model [8], there exists 4 potential risk treatment
decision (e.g., avoidance, reduction, retention, or transfer) choosing one or another de-
cision influences the actual design of security countermeasures. In SRP1 (see Table 1),
we introduce two alternative decisions i.e., risk reduction and risk avoidance, which are
refined to different security requirements. In case of risk reduction, security require-
ments could be potentially implemented by cryptography or checksum algorithms. In
the second case (i.e., risk reduction) security requirement (i.e., Change the transmission
medium that does not have the ability to be intercepted) is implemented by introducing
the physical data delivery. As analysed in [5], BPMN does not model ISSRM con-
trols, however, the security requirements are potentially introduced using combination
of tasks, gateways and events [5] or business model is annotated (adapted from [13]).
We have used later approach to keep the business models simple for business analyst
(see Fig. 3(a)).
4 Pattern Usability
To test the usability and performance of our approach we have applied the patterns
to the business models of land management organisation. Major objectives to choose
this example are: the complex execution of activities, large IT dependency and the data
exchange between the stakeholders, and business model (see overall size description in
Table 2) is expressed in BPMN. The research goal of this application is twofolds. Firstly,
develop application guidelines for our patterns. Secondly, investigate the usefulness of
our approach to discover potential security flaws and implements the countermeasures.
We continue the application with the example pattern, SRP1 (see Table 1).
Table 2. Size of Land management organisation business models.
Processes Sub-process Events Gateways Pools Tasks
Message flows
Sequence flows
9 73 109 83 68 186 129 492
In Section 4.2 we consider their sum to estimate the size of the business model.
4.1 Application Guidelines
Identifying Pattern. The first step is to identify the occurrences of security pattern
in business model. This is a manual activity, that potentially requires a good compre-
hension of the modelled domain and problem. For example in Fig. 2(b) we illustrate
an occurrence of SRP1. Here we could see the correspondence between the processes
log on to portal (Fig. 2(b)) and submit data (Fig. 2(a)), since both these activities are
about entering the data (i.e., user log on details in Fig. 2(b) and data in Fig. 2(a)) us-
ing their input devices (i.e., lodging party in Fig. 2(b) and input interface in Fig. 2(a)).
Similarly there is a correspondence between processes validate user (in Fig. 2(b)) and
employ data (in Fig. 2(a)). Since they both concern with the operations which employ
the received data.
Fig. 2. (a) Organisational scenario (b) Pattern occurrence in business model.
Fig. 3. Annotated Security criteria & Security requirements in (a) Security pattern, (b) Pattern’s
occurrence in business model.
Annotating Model with Security Criteria. After finding the pattern in the business
model we potentially annotate assets that require security consideration. For example in
Fig. 3(b) user log on to details is annotated with padlocks (that correspond to the ISSRM
security criterion [5]) to highlight that it needs to be considered for confidentiality (C)
and integrity (I).
Introducing Security Requirements. Next, the business model is annotated with se-
curity requirements (see Fig. 3(b)), derived when defining the security risk-oriented
pattern. Alternatively, security requirements could be defined using combination of the
task, gateway, event constructs as discussed in [5].
Reasoning about Security Requirements. Some security risk-oriented patterns have
alternate risk-treatment decisions; for instance applying SRP1, different security re-
quirements could be derived when selecting risk reduction or risk avoidance. Different
requirements, result in different security controls (and thus, different system implemen-
tation). Selecting one or another risk-treatment is security trade-off that analyst should
make. To support the decision on risk-treatment and to reason why security require-
ments are introduced, the risk analysis and assessment (for SRP1, see Table 1) could
provide reasoning why one or another risk-treatment should be taken, or why security
requirements should be considered when implementing the system. For example, taking
into account SRP1, analyst could potentially comprehend (see Fig. 4(b)) how user log
on details can be intercepted by an attacker.
Fig. 4. (a) Pattern threat analysis (b) applied in the business model.
4.2 Pattern Occurrences
We have conducted analysis using all the ten patterns. The findings are illustrated in
Table 3. In this table we report on an extend, at which the patterns influences the busi-
ness process model. This extend is defined as a correspondence between the number of
model elements considered by pattern (e.g., multiplication of total number of pattern
constructs an number of model pattern occurrences in the model; in case of SRP1, 4
x 33 = 132) and size of the business model (which equals to a sum of Tasks, Message
flows, and Sequence flows, 807, as defined in Table 3). Number of the pattern occur-
rences could suggest the amount of decisions, which analyst needs to make about the
trade-offs of the security requirements (and their corresponding controls) in the busi-
ness model. Furthermore, each pattern, as defined in [12] contributes to the mitigation
of at least 1 or 2 security risks. Thus, having the number of pattern occurrences we
potentially identify the number of risks that are possible to mitigate using our approach.
5 Discussion & Conclusions
5.1 Discussion
Currently business process models are mainly analyzed manually but the patterns pro-
vide a way to structure information (for SRP1, see Table 1). This creates the possibility
Table 3. Patterns’ Occurences in Land management business model.
Pattern ID
No# of language constructs used to define
No# of pattern
occurrence in
business model
An extend, at which
pattern influences the
business process modelTask Message
SRP1 2 2 0 4 33 16%
SRP2 2 2 0 4 33 16%
SRP3 3 2 0 4 33 16%
SRP4 2 1 0 3 35 13%
SRP5 1 1 1 3 39 14%
SRP6 2 1 3 5 6 4%
SRP7 3 2 0 5 12 7%
SRP8 8 0 10 18 0 0%
SRP9 2 1 3 6 4 3%
SRP10 2 2 3 7 8 7%
to automate the process of searching patterns in business models. The patterns identifi-
cation also depends on how the business processes have been modelled. If the business
models include detail information then the patterns can be easily automated without
requiring any manual efforts from the domain expert. The scope of our patterns are
software errors described in taxonomy [18] therefore, the paper focuses on the IT secu-
rity risks. There is no list of risks to compare the completeness of our patterns (e.g., how
many risks are covered?). Although there are several surveys conducted to categorise
the risks but usually they are subjective and focuses on system domain. Therefore, we
calculate the completeness of patterns by comparing the 85 security errors described in
the taxonomy [18] with the vulnerabilities identified in the security patterns. We keep
in mind that there exists several other flaws but they are not currently analysed. The
analysis of pattern’ occurrences shows the patterns covered 68 vulnerabilities from 85
listed in taxonomy [18]. The remaining 17 vulnerabilities are tool dependent, therefore,
it is not possible to address them. These occurrences are subjective, so it can vary from
analysis to analysis.
5.2 Conclusions
In this paper we introduce security risk-oriented patterns to address security concerns.
The patterns are developed taking into account the well-known taxonomy of security
errors [18]. The pattern application results in a set of guidelines that business analysts
can apply our method to understand the security risks and to envision costs and rationale
for implementing these security decisions without asking for help from the security de-
signer. Although the graphical pattern is defined using BPMN, this is not specific to any
modelling language and other modelling languages could be used to create graphical
pattern expressions, if these languages are understood in terms of the ISSRM domain
model [8].
Our future work includes developing an approach for semi-automatic identification
of these patterns in the business models. In addition we plan to equip the security pat-
terns with the metrics for asset value, risk level and risk-treatment cost measurement to
support the security trade-off analysis.
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