A Dictionary based Stemming Mechanism for Polish
Michał Korzycki
AGH University of Science and Technology, Department of Computer Science,
Al. Mickiewicza 30, Kraków, Poland
Abstract. In this paper we present and evaluate a robust stemming mechanism
for Polish. We use the Polish Inflection Dictionary to build a Rule Based Stemmer
and a Generative Reversed Rule Stemmer. The combination of both stemmers in
the shape of the described Hybrid Stemmer provides us with a high precision
stemming mechanism that is able to match human performance. This assumption
is supported by a conducted experiment, the results of which are presented.
1 Introduction
Human linguistic skills are clearly composed of potential abilities ie. the ability to deal
with words, forms and expressions that have not been encountered before. That is di-
rectly related to the nature of the language - an ever changing entity, conveying new
information, often using new, unknown means - such as new words and expressions.
Computer systems that are dealing with language should try to replicate this behavior
in order to be of use in any serious application. This paper describes the process and
results of building a stemmer (a mechanism for generating a base form for a word form
found in text) that also is able to assign some grammatical categories to the found form.
The process of creating the stemmer is automatic - its rules are automatically extracted
from the Polish Inflection Dictionary, thus are a direct result of analyzing the language
itself and are not biased by some prior grammatical preconceptions. That permits us to
postulate that the resulting mechanism is able to recreate closely something that can be
called a natural grammar - linguistic knowledge coming directly from observation and
not from formal grammar definitions.
2 Related Work
The presentedwork bases on the notion of generativegrammar introduced by N.Chomsky
[1] that have been expandedinto the two-levelmorphologyformalism of K.Koskenniemi
[2]. All those formal approaches have been crucial in the creation of the Polish Inflec-
tion Dictionary [3] on which we build upon. The detailed description of this dictionary
and its creation approach can be found in Lubaszewski et al. [4].
There are already some stemming solutions available for Polish - such as the com-
mercial solutions Gram from Neurosoft or PoMor from MorphoLogic. Among the free
and open stemmers, one must count Stempel created by A.Białecki and L. Galambos,
the Lametyzator and Stempelator by D. Weiss [6] and the classic SAM [7]. A stemmer
Korzycki M..
A Dictionary based Stemming Mechanism for Polish.
DOI: 10.5220/0004100301430150
In Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science (NLPCS-2012), pages 143-150
ISBN: 978-989-8565-16-7
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
acts often as the replacement of a dictionary, so a stemmer comparison is often a com-
parison of the quality of the underlying dictionaries. Creating a comparison metric that
would be able to evaluate the quality of the stemming mechanism in isolation from the
underlying dictionary has been suggested in [8] and is beyond the scope of this paper.
3 Requirements for a Robust Stemmer
The stemmer that will be presented should be able to mimic human skills as closely as
possible. If we were to list those skills, we would point to the following issues:
Being able to discern exceptions from general rules. The language is an entity that
has been created through an evolutionary process, resulting in many different com-
peting layers and grammars. This often results in some vestigial grammars that
describe behaviors different to the rest of the language.
Correct behavior on known words. We use the Polish Language Dictionary as the
base for our linguistic knowledge. We need the stemmer to be fully compliant with
that dictionary.
For words that are not found in the mentioned dictionary, we need the stemmer to
be able to correctly stem and identify their part of speech.
4 Polish Word Representation
Polish is a highly inflected language. Each primary word has a number of inflectional
forms: verbs have 47 (if we exclude participles), adjectives44, numerals up to 49, nouns
and pronouns 14, and adverbs 3. These figures, and the fact that many words have irreg-
ular stem alternations, show that Polish inflection presents real problems for the com-
putational linguist [5]. If we ask how to inflect properly the Polish word, eg. personal
masculine noun aktor (’actor’):
Singular Plural
Nom. aktor-0 aktorz-y
Gen. aktor-a aktor-ów
Dat. aktor-em aktor-ami
Acc. aktor-a aktor-ów
Instr. aktor-em aktor-ami
Loc. aktorz-e aktor-ach
Voc. aktorz-e aktorz-y
The grammarian’s answer is that one must first learn Polish lexical grammar and
then apply that grammar to particular lexical items But, in fact, if one wants to inflect a
particular word properly, one must first select the proper inflection ending, eg. -0, -a, -o,
-e, -e, -i or -y to form Masc. Pers. Nom. Sing., -a, -e, or -ego to form Gen. Sing., -owi,
-u, or -emu to form Dat. Sing., etc. and then must apply the proper stem alternation
rule. As we can see, the inflectional stem of the word aktor changes from aktor- to
aktorz- before the ending -e and -y. which is the result of the palatalization process. Let’s
compare behaviour of the final stem consonant before ending -y, which can occur in
Nom. Sing. and Nom. Plur. of nouns, eg. aktor-0 : aktorz-y, senior-0 : seniorz-y (’older
person’) amor -0: amor-y (’cupid’), gbur-0 : gbur-y (’bumpkin’), traktor-0 : traktor-y
and adjectives, eg. któr-y : którz-y (’which’) and stary : starz-y (’old’). It is clear that the
global phonological rule which says that a front vowel causes consonant palatalization
is not appropriate; here, as in aktorz-y, seniorz-y the palatalization takes place before
-y in Nom. Plur., but cf. the co-existence of amor-y, gbur-y, traktor-y and któr-y, star-y
alongside którz-y, starz-y respectively Nom.Sing. and Plur. of adjective. This shows that
there is a need for a new approach to the stem alternation process. The data show that
the belief that it is possible to develop efficient stemming algorithm for Polish seems
to be naïve one. We argue, that if one wants to create algorithm, which recognize a
particular word properly, one must store all inflection forms in the dictionary - word by
5 The Polish Inflection Dictionary; its Lexical Grammar and
Generative Mechanism
The Polish Inflection Dictionary [3] is the base that has been used to create the stemmer
described in this article. The construction of the dictionary bases on over 420 identified
lexical categories. Each is defined by its inflection patterns used to generate it. The first
element of the dictionary is the set of rules that are used to assign a lexical category to
a word basing on its ending.
Each inflection category pattern is represented by its specific local grammar, which
consists of two elements: a vector of inflection endings associated with the category,
and the proper local grammar rules, mainly related to stem alternation rules.
There are words in Polish, that in general behave according to a specific inflection
pattern, but some of their forms do not match strictly the pattern (such as the words
handel ’commerce’ and hotel ’hotel’ will have their corresponding genetive cases, re-
spectively, handlu but hotelu). Such cases are described by additional exception rules
that describe over 11.000 such cases as mentioned above.
Although, the generative approach to build the Inflection Dictionary comes directly
from the concept of two-level morphology [2], it cannot be used directly for word form
recognition. The reason for that is that the dictionary generating mechanism has been
augmented by additional filters - the last building block used for generating the Inflec-
tion Dictionary. Those mechanisms are rejecting forms that, formally, are correct, but
the language itself has rejected them. Those rejected forms range from illegal adjectives
comparative form (bardziej chory but not chorszy ’more ill’) to plurale tantum forms
(spodnie - ’trousers’) that for some pragmatic reasons do not possess singular forms.
Morphological relations are another problem that cannot be described in rule form.
Those relations join different words, which share the same lexical meaning, eg. the im-
perfective, perfective and iterative form of verbs, pisa´c : napisa´c : pisywa´c ’to write’,
where one cannot specify the prefix to build the proper perfective form c.f. od-pisa´c ’to
answer’ prze-pisa´c ’to copy’ nad-pisa´c ’to overwrite’ and so on. In addition the pres-
ence of iterative forms depend on the meaning of a specific verb. It seems impossible
to determine the rules which guide those language selection mechanisms, so the filters
had to be provided manually.
All this results in a dictionary of very high quality, but at the cost of not being able to
reverse its generative mechanism for recognition. The dictionary consists of more then
120.000 lexical entries excluding proper names, with more than 3.300.000 inflection
6 Building a Stemmer by Extracting Rules from the Dictionary
The stemmer described in this article is composed of two elements. The first part has
been automatically generated from the observation of the forms occurring in the inflec-
tion dictionary. That approach gives it a large amount of flexibility, as it can be used on
any observable linguistic data. We will refer to it further in the text as the rule-based
stemmer. The second is based on reversing the generation rules of the Inflection Dic-
tionary. As mentioned above, such reversion is imperfect and can leads to erroneous
results, but as it is applied only after the rule-based stemmer has failed to provide an
answer, that imperfections (mainly multiple potential results) can be accepted.
As the first stage to create the rule-based stemmer, we need to identify homographs.
Homographs are a major issue to consider while trying to identify words in a text. Their
occurrence makes it difficult to discern between words and their forms. In a highly
inflected language, such as polish, homographs can be an incidental result of the rich
inflection (as the word mamy that can be both the form of a verb mie´c ’to have’ or a noun
mama ’mom/mother’). But they can also be the result of a much deeper phenomenon,
such as the inability to distinguish in Polish between the genitive and accusative case
of personal nouns. It can also be the result of a common etymology of different words-
such as pal ˛acy from pali´c ’to smoke’ can be a form of a participle, an adjective and a
The mechanism described in this paper should be able to assign proper lexical values
to words found in texts based on the the values available in the Inflection Dictionary, its
content is transformed, in order to cope with the problem of homographs as described
above. We introduce the notion of meta-tags that describe homographs. So, the meta-
tag ADCAAA-2-3-6-7-9-BDC-26 designates the set of the 2
, 3
, 6
, 7
and 9
forms of the lexical group ADCAAA and the 26
form of the lexical group BDC. This
is an example of a proper meta-tag that is a container for over 3.000 participles, and as
such represents a real linguistic phenomenon and not only an random event that should
be discarded as an exception.
In order to extract grammar rules from the Inflection Dictionary, we build a prefix
tree (trie) out of its entries but represented in a reversed order from right to left. The
leaves of that tree are the meta-tags of the represented forms.
This trie is searched from top to bottom, in order to find the nodes, such that all
leaves below that node that share the same meta-tag (grammatical description). With
such a node we can identify a key - that is the string that can be constructed by go-
ing from the root of the trie to this node and its value - the unique meta-tag of the
leaves below that node. Such key,value pair can represented in the form of -onoma
=> AAAAAA-2-4 - something that will be described further as a rule.
The rule has a straightforward interpretation - it signifies that in the Inflection Dictio-
nary all forms ending with -onoma were of the lexical group described as AAAAAA
and on the 2
or 4th position if its form vector. Unknown words with such an ending
will also be identified as belonging to this lexical group.
It is important to be able to discern exceptions from general rules, as some words,
often representing a vestigial grammar, should not influence our ability to recognize
new words. That decision comes from the observation that new words appearing tend to
be have a much more regular inflection in general. The distinction between exceptions
and rules comes directly from a set of simple observations made on the trie described
above. First we identify as 0-level exceptions the words in the dictionary that belong to
categories that are not inflected (all their forms are identical). 21.331 such words have
been found. Next, we identify as 1
level exceptions those words that belong to cate-
gories that have rules containing on their keys only full words - their rules are just word
dictionaries - they have no discerning power for unknown words. 3.882 such words
have been found. After that, the trie is rebuilt after rejecting level 0 and 1 exceptions.
After extracting the rules from the trie, some of the rules again contain full words as
keys. And some categories have only full word keys. Those keys (words) are identified
as 2
level exceptions and listed separately. There are 9.947 such rules (exceptions)
identified. They contain usually categories of rare uninflected nouns such husky, collie
etc. Finally, we list as exceptions (not rules) those keys that are identical to the forms.
These are usually very short words, so short, that they are not much different in length
from typical lexical endings. In this category we have words like efeb ’ephebe’, that
found themselves in the same category group as keys -ozof or -ligraf that lead all to the
lexical label AAAAAA-1. That group of 3
level exceptions is the largest one at 156.970
elements, as it contain short words that are quite numerous in the language itself. These
operations lead to the following example rules after discarding the exceptions from the
-achówki ADAB-2-8-11-14 -achówka
-achtem ACAAAAA-5 -acht
Where the first column corresponds to the inflected ending of the stemmed form to
be matched, the second describes the identified lexical value (the inflection category/ies
and the corresponding indexes on their form vectors), the third depicts to the ending of
the base which has to replace the inflected ending in column 1 in order to obtain the
searched base form.
The process of creation of the stemmer guarantees us one important property - if a
rule matches the analyzed form, it will be the only rule matching and the result will be
7 The Rule-based Stemming Mechanism
The application of the rule-based stemmer to a word is a two step process:
first we check if that word is an exception. If it is found on the exception list - we
return the lexical value associated with that exception.
If it is not an exception, we find the key of a rule that matches the ending of that
word. As the keys are extracted from the original dictionary trie as to determine
unambiguously the lexical category - the keys are mutually exclusive and do not
include each other.
8 The Reversed Generating Rule-based Stemmer
As described above, the Inflection Dictionary has been generated by two set of rules.
The first set is the set of category recognition based on word ending (as in -iwiec
=> AAACBA). The second one is a set of stem alternation rules. After applying those
two rules, a vector of inflected endings is applied to generate the form vector for the
presented word.
The Inflection Dictionary generation rules are used to create the mechanism of the
reversed generating rules stemmer. The set of lexical endings from each specific cate-
gory is prepended with the alternation rules for that category (or taken as such without
them). That leads to a set rules that can create many false positives, as in the generative
case, the alternation mechanism was optional, ie. was used only if it was applicable to a
specific stem. Here we must consider the potential applicability of alternations in each
cases - leading to superfluous answers.
The generated recognition rules coming from the generative rules described in the
part regarding the generation of the Inflection Dictionary lead to the following example
ACACBC awiec awca
ACACBC ec cowi
Where the first column corresponds to the lexical category, the second to the ending
of the base from, the third column to the inflected ending that has to be removed and
replaced by the 2
column value in order to obtain the searched base form.
9 The Hybrid Stemmer
Combining the two stemmers (the rule-based and the reversed generating rule) by using
them sequentially gives us a solution that combines the power of both approaches:
by using the rule based stemmer first we obtain a mechanism that works perfectly
on all known words, and generates high precision unambiguous results for recog-
nized unknown words.
if the former approach fails (does not provide a result - the form has not been
matched by any rule), a more "fuzzy" mechanism based on the reversed generative
rules is applied. As the analyzed word has not been matched in the first step, it can
be seen as "hard" and can be interpreted in an ambiguous way. Additional tools
working on a wider scope that a single form (such as a contextual morphosynctatic
disambiguator) can be required for further processing. But issues dealing with more
than one form are beyond the scope of this paper.
10 Benchmarking the Hybrid Stemmer
The goal set for the created mechanism is to be able to mimic as closely as possible
human behavior in word recognition, so the proper benchmark for its efficiency should
be based on human evaluation. The task of stemming words has been presented aThe
survey was composed of words to be stemmed in 5 categories:
Category A - 10 "hard" word forms from the dictionary - those having homographs
both incidental (damy from da´c ’to give’ and dama ’damme’) and systemic (par-
ticiples versus deverbative nouns such as pal ˛acy smoking and ’smoker’)
Category B - 11 word forms not in the Inflection Dictionary, but recognized by the
rule based stemmer - such as edynburskim from edynburski (’from Edinburgh’)
Category C - 10 word forms not in the Inflection Dictionary, but correctly recog-
nized by the hybrid based stemmer, but not by the rule-based stemmer - words like
handlu from handel (’commerce’)
Category D - 6 word forms not found in the Inflection Dictionary, but correctly
recognized by the hybrid based stemmer, but not by the rule-based stemmer. Those
words have been recognized but not unambiguously. Those words included such
forms as krasnoarmiejców from krasnoarmiejec (adopted from russian: soldier of
the Red Army’).
Category E - 3 words unrecognized by the stemmer like jazzmenów from jazzman
The score has been evaluated in each category separately, with a value of 50% given
for an partially (ambiguous or incomplete) correct answer.
Table 1. Survey results overview and comparison with the Hybrid Stemmer performance.
Hybrid Survey Results
Category Stemmer Average Median 4
Quartile 95
A 100.00% 50.80% 46.60% 54.10% 83.30%
B 100.00% 60.41% 63.64% 70.45% 78.64%
C 100.00% 90.00% 90.00% 100.00% 100.00%
D 50.00% 75.56% 83.33% 83.33% 85.00%
E 0.00% 38.60% 33.33% 66.66% 66.66%
Average 85.00% 65.89% 65.63% 74.15% 83.91%
To give an estimate on the efficiency of the described mechanism, we will provide
a general performance comparison to A.Weiss Stempelator - a very popular stemmer
solution that is probably the closest in terms of general architecture to the Hybrid Stem-
mer described above. The Stempelator [6] is composed similarly of two parts - the
Lematyzator that extracts base forms from the ispell dictionary for Polish and Stempel
- a rule based stemmer for forms not found by the Lematyzator. As the comparison
should be between the stemming mechanisms, we will compare the results obtained by
Stempel on the survey above,but restricting it only to categories B to E - to compare ele-
ments that do not belong to the dictionary from the point of view of both stemmers. The
results presented below should be regarded more as a comparison of the performance
of both stemmers in reference to human performance rather than a relative comparison
between them.
Table 2. Survey results with Hybrid Stemmer and Stempelator performance.
Hybrid Stempelator Survey
Category Stemmer Performance Median
B 100.00% 63.64% 63.64%
C 100.00% 50.00% 90.00%
D 50.00% 33.33% 83.33%
E 0.00% 33.33% 33.33%
Average 80.00% 46.67% 66.66%
11 Conclusions
As can be seen, especially in difficult cases, the described stemmer performance excels
typical human skills (actually, only one participant of the review scored more than the
described mechanism). Such result proves that we were able to create a mechanism that
mimics human behavior in word recognition, extracts its data from the language itself
and does not overgeneralize its rules, thanks to its ability to discern between exceptions
and generic rules.
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