Enrichment of Inflection Dictionaries: Automatic
Extraction of Semantic Labels from Encyclopedic
Pawel Chrzaszcz
Computational Linguistics Department, Jagiellonian University, Golebia 24, Kraków, Poland
Computer Science Department, AGH University of Science and Technology,
Mickiewicza 30, Kraków, Poland
Abstract. Inflection dictionaries are widely used in many natural language pro-
cessing tasks, especially for inflecting languages. However, they lack semantic
information, which could increase the accuracy of such processing. This paper
describes a method to extract semantic labels from encyclopedic entries. Adding
such labels to an inflection dictionary could eliminate the need of using ontolo-
gies and similar complex semantic structures for many typical tasks. A semantic
label is either a single word or a sequence of words that describes the meaning
of a headword, hence it is similar to a semantic category. However, no taxonomy
of such categories is known prior to the extraction. Encyclopedic articles consist
of headwords and their definitions, so the definitions are used as sources for se-
mantic labels. The described algorithm has been implemented for extracting data
from the Polish Wikipedia. It is based on definition structure analysis, heuristic
methods and word form recognition and processing with use of the Polish Inflec-
tion Dictionary. This paper contains a description of the method and test results
as well as discussion on possible further development.
1 Introduction
Typical natural language processing (NLP) algorithms rely on word frequency statistics
(e.g. TF-IDF). More advanced processing requires the use of feature extraction. For
inflecting languages, like Polish, the basic features are: parts of speech, headwords and
grammatical categories such as gender, case etc. They are used to tag the document text.
Statistical algorithms may use tags to process the information encoded in the text, e.g.
for authorship resolution [1]. Tags in the text may be also used to train the algorithm,
which will automatically tag the rough untagged text. For example the SVM classifier
trained on a large corpus may be used to tag Polish text with parts of speech with 96-
97% accuracy [6] and ensemble methods increase that level,so the tags can be expanded
to grammatical categories [7].
To eliminate the inherent significant error rate of statistical methods, one may use a
morphological analyzer which may also allow to extend the tag structure, introducing
for example gender, case etc. – popular examples of such tools for Polish are Morfeusz
Chrzaszcz P..
Enrichment of Inflection Dictionaries: Automatic Extraction of Semantic Labels from Encyclopedic Definitions.
DOI: 10.5220/0004100501060119
In Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science (NLPCS-2012), pages 106-119
ISBN: 978-989-8565-16-7
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
[16] and Morfologik
. As an alternative for such taggers one may use the Polish In-
flection Dictionary (SFJP)
. One of the possible forms of a dictionary is a database,
which means that one can automatically expand information stored in the dictionary in-
troducing semantic information. Figure 1 shows an example of use of such an expanded
dictionary. The example sentence is “Wyszedlem z psem na spacer” (I went for a walk
with my dog). The first block shows features extracted for the word form “psem” using
only an inflection dictionary: the lemma (“pies” – a dog) and all grammatical categories
are extracted. This information could be sufficient in some cases, e.g. to decide that the
sentence contains information about dogs.
Fig.1. Feature extraction for the word “psem” using an inflection dictionary, semantic labels and
a semantic dictionary.
However, syntactical text processing is often not enough. To recognize semantic re-
lations between words, one needs a source of semantic information. Examples of such
resources are ontologies, e.g. CYC
, but they often focus on a complicated taxonomy
of entities while not containing syntagmatic relations or connections between nouns
and verbs. Moreover, it takes a lot of time to construct an ontology, the result is al-
ways incomplete and there are difficulties with connecting the ontology to an inflection
dictionary. There are also dictionaries like WordNet [3], for which there is a Polish
SFJP is a dictionary of Polish language developed by the Computer Linguistics Group at AGH
University of Science and Technology in Kraków, in cooperation with the Department of Com-
putational Linguistics at the Jagiellonian University [8]. It contains more than 120 thousand
headwords and provides a programming interface – the CLP library [4].
, but this dictionary also lacks syntagmatic relations [12]. Finally, there is an
ongoing process of creating the Polish Semantic Dictionary (SSJP), connected with
SFJP. However, it will probably also never be as complete as inflection dictionaries.
The third block in Figure 1 shows semantic relations for the word “pies” (from SSJP).
As we can see, SSJP introduces syntagmatic relations, which connects for example a
dog and barking. That makes it possible to say that the sentence: “Azor szczekal, wiec
szybko wrócilem ze spaceru” (Azor was barking so I quickly returned from the walk) is
also about a dog. It is clear that there is rich information that allows much more accu-
rate information retrieval than with the inflection dictionary alone, but creation of such
a resource requires a lot of tedious manual work.
It is much easier to introduce some semantic information into an inflection dic-
tionary. For example, it is possible to automatically extract semantic labels describing
meaning of words from an encyclopedia or a dictionary. The labels would become the
middle layer in the hierarchy shown in Figure 1. Although this semantic information is
not rich, it should be a significant improvement over simple syntactical processing. For
instance, almost all breeds of dogs appear in an encyclopedia, so if the label “pies” is
extracted for all of them, it would be possible to recognize all dog breed names in the
source text. Other examples are proper names (towns, mountains, companies etc.) that
are often missing from ontologies.
The goal of this paper is to show a method of automatic extraction of such semantic
labels from the Polish Wikipedia. Firstly, we present the motivation for choosing this
particular resource as the source of semantic information.Next, the extraction algorithm
is described. To assess the efficiency of that method, several tests were performed. We
provide their results and discuss them. Finally, we describe how the resulting data can
further be processed and how much room for improvement there is left.
1.1 Wikipedia as a Source of Semantic Information
The simplest resource of any linguistic data is plain text one can use a corpus for
extracting semantic information. There are a few such corpora for Polish language,
containing millions of words. However, extracting any semantic labels or categories
from unstructured text is a difficult task [11]. It is much better to use a resource that
already contains word definitions an encyclopedia. A decision was made to choose
the Polish Wikipedia
as the data source. The main reasons for this choice are: openness,
maturity and size of this online resource.
The Polish Wikipedia contains already more than 800 thousand articles, which is
much more than, for example, in Wielka Encyklopedia PWN, which consists of 30
printed volumes and contains about 140 thousand headwords. The number of entries
in Wikipedia has been increasing at a constant rate since 2007 (about 100 thousand
new articles are added each year) this proves that it is a stable and mature project.
Openness of Wikipedia enables anyone to edit it, so the articles are changing quickly
according to the latest events and news. On the other hand, there is a risk of vandalism
and low quality of entries some of them contain multiple language, structural and
factual errors. However, there are some means of controlling the quality of editions and
they are apparently becoming better over time
The use of Wikipedia as a linguistic resource is becoming more and more com-
mon, slowly replacing other semantic data sources in certain applications. For example,
using WordNet for expression disambiguation often yields average results because of
imperfect disambiguation methods [15] and fine granularity of WordNet classification
[2]. Using Wikipedia instead of WordNet may significantly rise the accuracy of such
disambiguation [10]. Wikipedia can also be used as a source for creating ontologies
examples include YAGO [13] and DBPedia
. Article content, infoboxes, page cate-
gories and relations between pages (various types of links) are commonly used as the
source data [9]. First sentences of articles are also often used as a source of word def-
initions. For example, J. Kazama and K. Torisawa [5] analyzed definitions from the
English Wikipedia to disambiguate proper names. A. Toral and R. Muñoz [14] used the
Simple English Wikipedia
to categorize proper names and match the category names
with WordNet entries – the topic of that work is closely related to this paper. However,
the simple algorithm used for English is not suitable for an inflecting language, which
caused the need of designing a new one for Polish.
2 Label Extraction
The basic unit of the output of the extraction algorithm is a semantic label a short
definition consisting of a single word or a sequence of words. It should be as short as
possible while retaining the meaning of the definition. For example, a good semantic
label for “Kraków is “miasto” ( a city) and for “Lance Armstrong” – “kolarz szosowy”
(a road cyclist). The main part of the label is the head noun. If a single noun is not
enough to provide the full definition, additional adjectives and nouns may be added. For
example, the meaning of the label “pilkarz reczny” (a handball player) is completely
different from the head noun “pilkarz” (a footballer). For some words, it is easier to
provide an indirect definition that uses some additional relations, e.g. “grupa ludzi” (a
group of people), “rasa kota” (a breed of cat), “czesc samochodu” (a part of a car) – in
these cases the operators of these relations should be included in the label.
The input data is the Wikipedia content, which consists of individual articles. A
typical Wikipedia article starts with a title (a headword), followed by a description. The
first paragraph of this description usually begins with a short definition of the headword,
which is used as the source of semantic labels. There are two special kinds of pages in
1. Disambiguation Pages. One headword may have several meanings (homonymy).
To disambiguate them, an additional disambiguation phrase in parenthesesis added.
An example is the polish word “kreda” which can mean either Cretaceous or chalk.
The article about Cretaceous is titled “Kreda (okres)” (a period) and the latter
is called Kreda (skala)” (rock). To provide access to these pages, the headword
System wersji przejrzanych, http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Wersje_przejrzane
“Kreda” leads to an additional disambiguation page which contains links to all pos-
sible meanings. During the processing the disambiguation page is skipped and the
data from the remaining pages are saved with identical headwords, but annotated
with the corresponding disambiguation phrases. Sometimes one of the meanings
is the most common, for example “kot” (a cat) is generally an animal, but there
also exists a small lake with the same name. In this case the disambiguation page is
called “Kot (ujednoznacznienie)” (disambiguation) and the article about an animal
is called simply “Kot”, so the data for this page is saved with an empty disambigua-
tion phrase, which means that this is the primary meaning of the headword “Kot”.
The article about the lake is titled “Kot (jezioro)” (a lake).
2. Redirections. If several headwords have the same meaning, all lead to the same
article. However, one of them is a direct link and others are redirections to that
one (e.g. “Buk pospolity redirects to “Buk zwyczajny”). This redirection graph
should be saved, because it can be used to find groups of headwords with the same
. However, in some cases these links will need to be broken, because
sometimes the meanings of the source and the destination may differ.
2.1 Extracting the Headword and its Description
Both the headword and the first article paragraph can be broken into individual tokens
and stored as a token list. Tokens are words, numbers or punctuation marks. Parentheses
are a special kind of characters they not only divide the text into smaller fragments,but
also create an independenttext part enriching the main text with some extra information.
The text is still meaningful without these bracketed fragments. To allow text processing
on different levels of detail, all bracketed fragments are stored as sublists in the main
token list, resulting in a data structure called a token tree. Wikipedia contents contain
frequent errors, which include missing opening or closing parentheses, so the token tree
construction algorithm has to skip that redundant unbalanced brackets.
The first paragraph of a Wikipedia article starts with a repeated headword this
is a common convention used in encyclopedic articles. The rest of the paragraph is
usually a description of the object, which is the place where the definition can be found.
Unfortunately, exceptions from this structure are not rare: the beginning of the first
paragraph often differs from the headword. To solve this issue, a special algorithm was
developed. It tries to match the headword on four levels. If matching on a certain level
succeeds, the algorithm breaks and returns the offset index of the first token after the
matched headword at the top level of the paragraph token tree.
Level 1. Full Match. the headword matches exactly the beginning of the paragraph.
An example is shown below. The vertical line indicates the offset (in all examples).
FIS Team Tour
FIS Team Tour |(znany równiez jako druzynowy Turniej Tr
zech Skoczni) - zawody w skokach narciarskich (...)
Level 2. All Words. Most of the headwords are multipart words. The order of the
tokens can sometimes be changed without losing the original meaning. It means that the
It is worth noting that both the source and the destination may contain disambiguation phrases.
author can, either intentionally or not, put headword components in a changed order at
the beginning of the paragraph. Sometimes also new words will be added, some words
will be in parentheses and punctuation marks will differ. This is why on the second
match level the headword token list is converted to a set of words and a search for
these words is performed in the paragraph token tree. If all words are found, the match
is successful. The distance between matched words, measured at the top level of the
paragraph token tree, must not be greater than 2
. Without that condition some random
matches would occur, like in the following example:
Zamek Ksiazat Pomorskich w Ueckermünde
Zamek Ksiazat Pomorskich (niem. Schloß der Herzöge von
Pommern) - ostatni z zachowanych zamków ksiazat pomorsk
ich na obszarze obecnych Niemiec znajduje sie w Uecker
münde |na Pomorzu Przednim.
The article is about a castle in Ueckermünde. The phrase “w Ueckermünde” is omit-
ted in the paragraph, because it is an optional part of the name. However, it was acci-
dentally found at the end of the paragraph, where it was used to describe the location
of this building. As a result, the offset is too high and the part containing the definition
“ostatni z zachowanych zamków” (the last one of preserved castles) is skipped. After
introducing the distance limit, only the first three words will be found (the distance to
the next one is 12) and the match on the second level will fail.
Level 3. Acronyms. Sometimes the title contains acronyms which are expanded in
the paragraph. Matching on this level is similar to the previous one, but each word
consisting only of capital letters is treated as an acronym and the search is performed
for both the original word and a sequence of words starting with the capital letters from
the acronym.
Level 4. Similar Words. On this level the algorithm is similar to the previous one,
but two words match not only if they are identical, but also if the Levenshtein distance
between them is lower than a threshold value (20% of the length of the word from the
headword). Another difference is that this last matching succeeds if any of the words
is matched. It turns out that this approach results in higher accuracy than a more strict
condition, because it is better to skip a partial name than to search for the definition in
If the offset is greater than zero but the definition cannot be found, another search
is performed for zero offset. This allows searching for the definition in the headword,
which is reasonable for some self-describing titles where no typical definition is in-
cluded in the paragraph. These exceptions include symbols (flags, crests) and public
institutions (schools, churches). For example, the following article is about the flag of
the town of Ostroleka. It describes the pattern of the flag instead of explaining what a
flag is, so no definition can be found after the offset. However, the word “flaga” (a ag)
is an acceptable definition in this case.
Flaga Ostroleki
Flaga Ostroleki |sklada sie z trzech poziomych, równole
glych pasów, o równej szerokosci i dlugosci.
Tests with different values have been performed and this value resulted in best performance.
2.2 Dividing the Description into Sentences and Fragments
The part of the paragraph starting at the offset is supposed to contain the definition.
That definition is most likely to be found at the top level of the paragraph token tree, so
all the deeper levels can be ignored. Resulting token list is then broken into sentences
The first sentence is then used to search for the definition. Remaining sentences are
ignored, because the probability that they will contain the definition is very low (tests
with 2 and 3 first sentences yielded worse results).
The starting point of the search should not be always at the beginning of the sen-
tence. For example, in the following example the label “zaburzenie osobowosci” (per-
sonality disorder) appears after a synonym of the headword – “osobowosc obsesyjno-
Osobowosc anankastyczna
Osobowosc anankastyczna|, osobowosc obsesyjno-kompulsyw
na - zaburzenie osobowosci, w którym wystepuje wzorzec
zachowan zdominowany dbaloscia o porzadek, perfekcjoniz
mem (...)
The part of the sentence that may contain the definition is called a sentence frag-
ment. Multiple tests and analysis resulted in the following heuristics. There are special
tokens that were found to appear at the beginning of fragments:
1. Punctuation marks: — (em dash), – (en dash), - (hyphen), “:” (colon), “, (comma),
“.” (full stop), each of them has to be followed by a white space.
2. The word “byc” (to be) in the present or past tense: jest, sa, byl, bylo, byla, byly.
3. The word “to” (it or this).
Each fragment starts with zero or one character from the first group, followed by
zero or one word from the second group, followed by zero or one word from the third
group. This sequence will be called a fragment prefix. A set of all possible non-empty
disjoint prefixes induces a set of all possible fragments. That set needs to be sorted
according to descending probability of containing the definition. Best results were ob-
served for dividing the fragments into four groups, depending on the first token:
1. Fragments starting with “— ”, highest priority.
2. Fragments starting with “–”.
3. Fragments starting with “-”.
4. Other fragments, lowest priority.
The groups are ordered from the highest to the lowest priority. Within each group
fragments are sorted according to increasing distance from the start of the sentence. For
each fragment in this sorted list a search for the head noun is performed, until the noun
is found or there are no fragments left.
There are multiple rules used here and the main one detects full stops followed by capitalized
common words.
2.3 Searching for the Head Noun
Searching for the head noun in the current sentence fragment is an algorithm that uses
SFJP and traverses the tokens, comparing them to the form specification a set of ex-
pected values of grammatical categories. The starting specification is nominative noun,
but there are some exceptions, e.g. if the fragment prefix ends with a word from the sec-
ond group, the head noun will be not a subject, but an object and the instrumental case
is expected. There are some special token sequences that might change the process:
1. An adjective followed by a noun, both in the genitive case. Some Polish nouns
in the singular genitive case look the same as in the plural nominative case, for
example: “klasy” (classes or class’), “drzewa” (trees or tree’s). If they are preceded
by an adjective, they can be disambiguated, so they will not be mistaken for plural.
Example: “sredniej klasy” (middle class’).
2. A prepositional phrase. It never contains the head noun, so to prevent mistakes, for
every noun the part of speech of the previous word is checked. If it is a preposition,
the noun is ignored. Example: “z miasta” (from a town).
3. An adjective followed by a noun. Some Polish plural adjectives look the same as
nouns. For example, the word “wloski” (Italian) in the expression “wloski malarz”
(Italian painter) can be mistaken for a noun, meaning trichomes. It can be disam-
biguated by checking if it is an adjective matching to the form specification and if
the following word is a noun that is in agreement with this adjective.
Another important issue is the frequent use of phrases like “jeden z ... (one of ...) in-
stead of the head noun. After such a phrase the plural genitive case should be expected.
For example, instead of “najwiekszy zamek” (the largest castle) one can write “jeden
z najwiekszych zamków” (one of the largest castles) or “najwiekszy z zamków” (the
largest of the castles). To resolve this, we have to do an additional matching, checking
if the current segment is an adjective matching the specification and followed by “z”.
Not all adjectives can be used in that expression – allowed words include: “jeden”, or-
dinals (“pierwszy”, “drugi”, ..., “ostatni” - first, second, ..., last) and superlatives. If this
matching succeeds, the form specification is changed to the plural genitive case and
matching the gender of the adjective. The adjective is also saved in a list called aux,
which contains auxiliary parts of the label.
2.4 Relations and Operators
The definition gives information about the category that described object belongs to.
In other words, the object is often a kind of the category. Sometimes that relation is
indicated explicitly:
Wellnhoferia - rodzaj prehistorycznego ptaka blisko spo
krewnionego z archeopteryksem.
The algorithm described above finds only the word “rodzaj” (a kind). The under-
lined part is the correct definition (a prehistoric bird) in the genitive case. To find the
Table 1. Relations and operators. The “number” column specifies expected grammatical number
of the head noun after the operator. The expected case is always genitive.
Relation Number Operator examples
Rodzaj (kind
s. or pl. gatunek, podgatunek, rodzaj, typ,
forma, rasa, odmiana
Nazwa (name
s. or pl. nazwa, okreslenie, tytul, oznacze-
Czesc (part of) s. or pl. czesc, element, dzial, edycja
Zbiór (set of) plural grupa, rodzina, podrodzina, seria,
lista, zbiór, gromada
correct head noun, we have to recognize the special word “rodzaj”, which is an operator
of the kind of relation. Then the form specification has to be switched to the genitive
case and the search for the definition (the right side of the relation) should be contin-
ued. There are more operators of the kind of relation: “gatunek (species), “typ” (type),
etc. What is more, kind of is not the only relation type used in encyclopedic definition.
Sometimes it is easier to define the object by describing it as a set of smaller objects:
“Inuici – grupa ludów” (Inuit – a group of tribes) or a part of a bigger one. To find these
relations and their operators, additional research was performed. It resulted in creating
a list of relations and operators shown in Table 1. When an operator is found, it is added
to the aux list and the form specification is updated to the appropriate number and the
genitive case. Operators may also be chained together as well as with expressions of
type “jeden z”.
As an example, Figure 2 shows the steps of finding the head noun for an article
about mayflies. The first sentence is: “Ecdyonurus nazwa lac. jednego z rodzajów
jetek.” (Ecdyonurus – the latin name of one of the genera of mayflies).
Sometimes an operator is used as the head noun – this is a result of inherent natural
language ambiguity. In that case the head noun will (hopefully) not be found. The al-
gorithm takes the elements from the end of the aux list until it finds a noun. That noun
becomes the head noun.
2.5 Additional Parts of Semantic Labels
There is a trade-off between the amount of additional information and conciseness of
the semantic label. Because it is important to have a simple and well-defined label
structure, after multiple experiments it was decided that there are only a few types of
additional definition parts:
a conjunction “i” (and) followed by a noun in the same form (number and case) as
the head noun, e.g. “miasto i gmina” (a town and a commune),
a noun in the genitive case, e.g. “ruda zelaza” (iron ore),
a noun in the same form and gender as the head noun, e.g. “lekarz chirurg” (a
physician surgeon),
an adjective in the form matching the form and gender of the head noun, e.g.
“chorwacki pilkarz reczny” (a Croatian handball player).
Fig.2. Processing a complex definition with multiple operators. (1) Repeated headword is
skipped, the first sentence is detected and a fragment is generated. The fragment prefix “-” is
omitted. Initial form specification contains a noun in the nominative case. (2) The first token,
“nazwa” (name) is an operator of the name of relation. The form specification is now changed to
the plural genitive case. (3) The segment “lac” (abbreviation of Latin) does not match. (4) There
is also no match for the dot. (5) Because of the expression “jednego z” (one of, masculine or
neuter gender) the form specification is changed to the plural genitive case, masculine or neuter
gender. (6) The word “rodzajów” (kinds, genitive case, plural) matches the specification. The
form specification is changed again to the plural genitive case. (7) The word “jetek” (mayflies,
genitive case) becomes the head noun (there are two words with this form: a feminie noun “jetka”
and a plurale tantum word “jetki”, this ambiguity cannot be resolved).
These additional parts may appear only directly after (any one of them) or before (only
the last one) the head noun. The algorithm used for finding them uses form specifi-
cations to match the words. They are matched in the same order in which they were
listed above
. It is important to note that adding these definition parts sometimes has a
positive side effect of disambiguating the head noun. For example, the definition below
contains an ambiguous head noun “polana”, which can mean a glade or logs (plural).
Przyslopek - nieduza polana i przelecz w Gorcach znajdu
jaca sie na grzbiecie laczacym Przyslopek (1123 m) z Ku
dloniem (1276 m). (...)
This order performed best in tests, for example it allows for correct recognition of the expres-
sion “owoce morza” (fruit of sea), in which the token “morza” can be either a plural nominative
or a singular genitive form of the word “morze” (a sea).
The definition means Przyslopek – a small glade and a mountain pass in the Gorce
mountains. Matching the adjective “nieduza” (small) allows disambiguating the word
“polana”. The full semantic label will be “nieduza polana i przelecz”.
2.6 Final Label Processing
The label requires some additional processing before it can be saved as a semantic
label. The aux list contains adjectives that do not introduce much information. They are
removed from the label. This generally does not result in loss of data except expressions
like “jeden z najwiekszych zamków” (one of the largest castles), that will be changed
to “najwiekszy zamek” (the largest castle), which has a slightly distorted meaning.
The form of the label has to be changed to the nominative case and the first noun
after a removed adjective needs to be changed to singular if the adjective was singular.
This may cause word ambiguity – for example the definition “jeden z rodów (one of
the clans) after processing becomes either “ród” (a clan) or “rod” (rhodium). If there is
a need to have the definition in a short form without the operators, the aux list can be
skipped. It results in a more concise albeit sometimes incomplete label.
After analyzing the output data statistics, it turned out that there are many head-
words for which it is not needed to read the article to create a good semantic label.
These include public institutions (schools, churches, airports, museums), administra-
tive units (communes, nature reserves), valleys, vehicles, guns, flags and much more.
These headwords are self-descriptive and the articles often contain no definition. To re-
solve this, a simple rule-based correction mechanism was developed. It contains a few
hundred manually created rules that change the definition for the most common cases.
It results in 1-2% accuracy gain.
3 Tests and Further Improvement
The tests were performed for Wikipedia data from the 20th of February 2010. There
are 826117 pages. 636298 (77%) of them are unique articles and the rest are redirection
pages. The definition extraction was performed only for the unique articles, because for
each redirection the source semantic label is the same as the destination label. The num-
ber of headwords: 758423 is lower than the number of pages because of the existence
of homonyms.
The goal of the first test was to find out how many of the articles contain correct
definitions. It was difficult to perform this test automatically, so a sample of 500 random
articles was created and manually checked. We can divide articles into three categories:
1. Correct definition. Articles that contain clear and correct definitions.
2. No definition. Articles without typical definitions usually because the headword
is self-descriptive.
3. No definition, no object. Tables, summaries, lists and other articles that do not de-
scribe a well-defined object. Example: “Formula 1 – Grand Prix Argentyny 1957”.
The results are shownin Table 2. Most of the articles contain correct definitions. The
size of last two categories can be minimized by the rule-based correction algorithm. It
helps to correct the definitions from the second category and delete the entries from the
third one.
Table 2. Definition correctness for a random sample of 500 articles.
Category Number %
1. Correct definition 472 94.4
2. No definition 10 2.0
3. No definition, no object 18 3.6
The second test was a redirection check. It is good to know how accurate the redi-
rections are and what is the probability that meanings of the source and the destination
are identical or similar. A sample of 500 random redirections was created and manually
divided into three categories:
1. Identical meaning. The perfect case.
2. Similar meaning. The meaning can be either slightly wider or narrower, or the
number differs. Example: “Mewa” “Mewy” (Gull Gulls).
3. Different meaning. Example: “Perkusista” “Perkusja” (Drummer Drums).
The results are shown in Table 3. Most of the redirections have identical meaning.
However, the usage of redirections might lower the definition quality by about one
percent. If the quality is much more important than the amount of data and existence of
redirections, they can be skipped.
Table 3. Differences in meaning for a random sample of 500 redirections.
Meaning Number %
1. Identical 478 95.6
2. Similar 10 2.0
3. Different 12 2.4
Table 4. Results of the semantic label accuracy test.
Number % of all (500)
Number of
% of
Correct 452 90.4 444 92.5
Incorrect (reasons below) 48 9.6 36 7.5
Error in redirection 2 0.4 2 0.4
No definition 5 1.0 3 0.6
No definition, no object (should be skipped) 5 1.0 5 1.0
Word not in SFJP 16 3.2 8 1.7
Other errors 20 4.0 18 3.8
The final and most important test is the semantic label accuracy test. It is often diffi-
cult to decide whether a semantic label is correct or not. However, for a given headword
and first article paragraph it is quite easy to manually find the most suitable definition.
This approach was utilized in the test. The first step was to select 500 random Wikipedia
pages – redirections mixed with articles. For each of them a short and concise definition
was manually selected. The main condition was that the definition should be based on
the first paragraph of the article and on the title (both source and destination titles for
redirections). Other words can be used only if there are no suitable ones in the article.
If the article should be skipped, there should be an empty definition.
After preparing the test data the label extraction algorithm was run and the results
were compared with manual definitions. The result for a single article was positive only
if the automatically extracted label included the manually created one (only if all to-
kens were included in the same order). There were two test sets: one was used during
the development and the other one for validation. The results for the validation set are
shown in Table 4. We can view them from two different perspectives. The first one is
the amount of correct definitions including empty definitions. It tells how many of the
Wikipedia entries are processed correctly. The second one is the amount of correct defi-
nitions without empty definitions. It answers how many of the output dictionary entries
are correct. Both values are over 90%, so the performance is good. There is no main
reason of errors, but a frequent one is that the head noun is not in the SFJP dictionary.
Other reasons include no definition in the article (sometimes also without a main ob-
ject – so the definition should have been empty), errors in redirection, misspelling, too
complex paragraph structure or other random coincidental mistakes.
The results shown above indicate that the algorithm can be still improved. It should
be possible to skip articles without definitions and objects with better efficiency. SFJP
could also be supplemented with additional frequent foreign words. There is also some
room for improvement of the head noun detection algorithm, which fails in some com-
plicated cases. Furthermore, it seems that the range of the search for additional label
parts around the head noun could be extended sometimes the head noun is correct,
but other important definition parts are missing because they are separated from the
head noun by other words.
Another issue is the further processing of headwords. The first token of a headword
is always capitalized, what causes a need for a new algorithm that would decide about
the case of this word. It could use the case of other words and the article contents to
determine the right case.
4 Conclusions
Inflectional dictionaries are useful for natural language processing, but they lack se-
mantic data. In this paper we investigated if such data can be easily obtained from an
encyclopedia. We used the Wikipedia to create a dictionary containing semantic labels,
describing the categories that headwords belong to. We described a method that uses
the Polish Inflection Dictionary and several heuristics to extract a semantic label from
the article: a short sequence of words containing the meaning of the headword. The
labels are concise, have a formally defined structure and can be easily processed. De-
spite not using a predefined taxonomy or manual correction, the quality of output data
is quite high. They may also be used to create a hierarchy of semantic categories, either
manually or automatically.
The labels are going to be introduced into the Polish Inflection Dictionary. When this
process is finished, it should be possible to assess the performance of the expanded
dictionary. If we also connect it to SSJP, there should be a possibility to process Polish
text using rich semantic information for the most common words and the labels for
the less frequently used ones and proper names. For example, in the sentence “Blad
pilota cessny byl glówna przyczyna katastrofy w Balicach” (Pilot error was the main
cause of the disaster in Balice) the text processing algorithm would be able to know
that “cessna” is a plane and “Balice” is an airport (using the semantic labels) and, after
that, it could find the relations between plane, airport and disaster (using SSJP) and
finally decide, that the sentence contains information about a plane crash. This kind of
processing looks very promising and is a motivation for carrying on the research in this
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