The labels are going to be introduced into the Polish Inflection Dictionary. When this
process is finished, it should be possible to assess the performance of the expanded
dictionary. If we also connect it to SSJP, there should be a possibility to process Polish
text using rich semantic information for the most common words and the labels for
the less frequently used ones and proper names. For example, in the sentence “Blad
pilota cessny byl glówna przyczyna katastrofy w Balicach” (Pilot error was the main
cause of the disaster in Balice) the text processing algorithm would be able to know
that “cessna” is a plane and “Balice” is an airport (using the semantic labels) and, after
that, it could find the relations between plane, airport and disaster (using SSJP) and
finally decide, that the sentence contains information about a plane crash. This kind of
processing looks very promising and is a motivation for carrying on the research in this
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