Learn to Speak Like Normal People Do: The Case of
Object Descriptions
Michael Zock
, Guy Lapalme
and Mehdi Yousfi-Monod
Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale (LIF), CNRS, UMR 6166
Case 901 - 163 Avenue de Luminy, F-13288, Marseille Cedex 9, France
RALI-DIRO, Université de Montréal
C.P. 6128, Succ. Centre-Ville, Montréal, Québec, Canada
Research and Development, NEIIO, Montpellier, France
Abstract. Successful communication requires loads of various knowledge
including peoples' habits to express their thoughts. We deal here with the
description of objects composing a scene. This is called 'reference generation', a
task very frequently performed in language production. The skill of language
production requires at least two kinds of competencies: one dealing with the
mapping of concepts to forms (linguistic competency), the other dealing with
the choice of the various resources (communicative competency). Messages can
be expressed in many ways and at various levels: lexical, grammatical,
morphological, etc. Since different means tend to produce different effects,
students have to learn when to use which. This kind of knowledge, commonly
called 'pragmatic knowledge' or 'communicative competency', can rarely be
formalized as solid rules. It is largely based on experience. People learn on the
basis of correlations, that is they realize that changes of the situation may reflect
in language: different inputs (ideas, objects of a scene) yielding different
outputs, i.e. linguistic forms. We present here a setting that allows for this kind
of learning. It is a web-based application that generates a scene and various
descriptions of its components. Users can change the scene and watch how
these choices affect (or not) the linguistic form. The descriptions are produced
in two languages (English and French), and they are rated in terms of
communicative adequacy. This should allow students not only to learn how to
produce correct sentences, but also help them to realize which one of them is,
communicatively speaking, the most adequate form.
1 Introduction
We live in a world surrounded by objects that we can see, touch, smell or use, and to
which we can refer via our body (eyes, gestures) or via language. In order to allow
others to 'see' the objects we have in mind, we can point at them or describe them in
linguistic terms. Being one of the first things children learn (Matthews et al., 1997)
generation of referring expressions (
GRE) seems to be a simple task, yet it can be quite
complex, and there are various reasons for this.
While the objects we talk about hardly ever change during our conversation, the
Zock M., Lapalme G. and Yousfi-Monod M..
Learn to Speak Like Normal People Do: The Case of Object Descriptions.
DOI: 10.5220/0004100801200129
In Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science (NLPCS-2012), pages 120-129
ISBN: 978-989-8565-16-7
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
linguistic means used for describing them do. In fact, they vary considerably. One
may use a basic-level word (dog) or a more specific term (spaniel), or one may switch
from a relational description (the dog on the lawn) to the object's role (shepherd dog).
One may also use a proper noun (Fido) or simply a pointer (pronoun), etc. Imagine a
scene containing a 'dog' and a 'cat', the goal being to talk about the 'dog'.
entity type size color
cat small white
dog big black
In this particular case, only the type (dog) needs to be mentionned. Actually, in
theory any of the following expressions would do: (1) it, (2) the Doberman, (3) the
dog. All forms are correct, but not all of them suit equally well the situation.
Expression (1) is underspecified and appropriate only under very specific
circumstances: high saliency, second mention, etc. (2) is overspecified, as it provides
more information than needed for identifying the intended object. The third example,
is a minimal description. Using a basic level term it suits most situations.
It should be noted though that minimal descriptions are not always used. People
often produce descriptions more specific than needed [7]. Actually, this extra
information may be warranted. For example, in the scene described above, it would
be more appropriate to use the word 'Doberman' (specific term) than the more general
term 'dog'. While the latter allows recognition of the indended referent, it does not
convey the possibly important information that the object referred to is potentially
As we can see, speakers have quite a few options. Yet, if this diversity of
(conceptual and linguistic) means offers the speaker much freedom, it also puts
pressure on him. He has to choose, and has to know when to use what resource. Since
different forms yield different effects, the speaker has to learn not only how to refer to
a given object —i.e. what information to provide to single out an object among others,
and how to pack this information into words— but also when to use each specific
resource: noun vs. pronoun; specific term vs. more general term. This implies that the
speaker becomes sensitive to the listener —What does she know? What is she
interested in? What is currently on her mind?— or otherwise he is likely to produce
misleading cues. Clearly, linguistic knowledge is insufficient, we also need
knowledge concerning language use (pragmatic) and peoples' information processing
habits and needs. This kind of information will not be found in grammars or in
textbooks, it is generally acquired by observing language in use.
While there are different referential acts, we will confine ourselves here only to
one of them: descriptions of object mentionned for the first time. We will show how
an object description may vary as a function of a set of alternatives.
2 The Importance of Context for Message Encoding
Olson [6] has shown that object descriptions are context sensitive, that is, the way an
object is described depends on the objects from which it must be discriminated. To
check his intuition, he carried out a small experiment composed of a set of simple
geometrical elements. Keeping the same reference object, he asked his subjects to
verbalize the scene in varied contexts. The results showed that the same 'flat, round,
white object' was described quite differently as "the white one, the round one, or the
round white one" depending on the similarities between the target object and the
elements of the alternatives (i.e. contrast set or surroundings elements) from which it
needed to be discriminated. As one can see in Figure 1, two features are sufficient to
ensure unambiguous reference: 'color', 'shape' or their combination.
of thought
Alternatives Linguistic
the white one
the round one
the round
white one
Fig. 1. Relationship between some intended object, a context and the linguistic form.
We will show in the remainder of this paper how the notion of microworld —a
scene whose description varies as a function of the changes of a set of parameters: the
object to be described, the viewpoint, the context, i.e. the other objects composing the
scene, objects from which it must be discriminated,— could be used to support
foreign language learning, in particular, the acquisition of language use
(communicative competency). Just as linguistic knowledge (the knowledge of words
and rules) does not guarantee fluency (or, fluent speaking), does the skill of speaking
guarantee successful communication. This latter requires not only the ability to
convey what one wants to say, but also the ability to choose the right resources
(content and linguistic form) at the right moment, that is, in agreement with the
circumstances (context, goal), so that the listener can decode properly the message
and its communicative goal. In other words, it is not enough to dump some message
on the receiver to make communication happen. The speaker has to learn to move
from his egocentric point of view —(What is his concern? What does he want to
say?),— to the listener's position, to be able to see things also from her perspective.
What does s/he know? What is on her mind? What does she believe in or care for?
We will try to achieve this for a very small domain of language: the province of
If mastering a language requires the learning of a skill (speaking, listening, etc.),
i.e. procedural knowledge, it also requires the learning of a set of rules (declarative
knowledge). Of course, this latter can be achieved in various ways, via explicit
learning or by observation (our approach), etc. While this latter is the natural
approach, it has a shortcoming: it is not systematic, hence we may have to wait a long
time before encountering again a similar situation in which a given expression
appeared for the first time. This is where a micro-world approach might be useful.
While systematic variations are certainly not part of nature's manifestations, certain
kind of rules can probably best be observed (and possibly learned) in closely
controlled experiments/settings. Put differently, a lot of knowledge is acquired on the
basis of regular changes or co-variation between an input and an output. Since this
regularity or systematicity does not occur in nature, while it would be good for
learning, one should allow for it. In addition one should visualize the determining
factors (the links between an input and output) and allow the user to control the
We now describe the principles and the implementation of a web-based
application, called WebREG, to help a speaker learn how to generate expressions that
refer properly, i.e. unambiguously and, given the circumstances (context), adequately
to concrete entities occuring in a given scene.
3 A Solution: Production of Distinguishing Descriptions
According to [1] a referring expression (RE) designates an entity in the real (or
imaginary) world. This work deals with such expressions and complies with the
following characteristics [2]:
They are expressed as noun phrases rather than pronouns or other linguistic means;
They refer to physical objects rather than to abstract entities;
They are meant to allow the hearer identify an object rather than satisfy any other
communicative goal.
So, following Dale & Reiter, we try to achieve a referential communicative goal by
generating a distinguishing description of the target entity. This description applies to
the target but not to any other object present in the scene and seen by the hearer
(context set). This set, minus the target, is called the 'contrast set' or 'potential
To distinguish the target from the potential competitors, we use features, i.e.
properties (size, color, …) and relational terms (left of, in front, …). The object type
(chair, sofa, fan, …) is special and mandatory for generation because it serves as the
head of the noun phrase. Properties and relations are represented as attribute-value
pairs. On the language side they are realized as adjectives or prepositional phrases
modifying the noun phrase. For example, the object 'chair' with the property (color:
red) and the relation (right of, desk) might be realized as the 'red chair to the right of
the desk'. The goal of referring expression generation is thus to select a set of pairs
that distinguish the target from the rest (potential alternatives, i.e. competitors).
In order to determine which RE to block, we interpret the Gricean Maxims [5] in
this context as follows:
Quality: a RE must be a precise description of the target;
Quantity: a RE should contain enough information to allow the hearer to identify
the target, but not more;
Relevance: a RE should only mention features necessary to allow the distinction of
the target from the contrast set;
Manner: a RE should be as short as possible.
The interpretation of these maxims depends on the application goal and the context
and will be discussed after the presentation of our application in the next section.
3.1 A Web Application for Learning Referring Expressions
WebREG is a web-based application that presents several types of bilingual (French
and English) RE generation activities. It can be accessed on-line at:
The user interface (see Figure 2) shows a 2D graphic scene composed of a small set
of entities represented as pictures. Entities have properties and entities can be related
to each other. The entities, properties and their pictorial representation have been
taken from the 'TUNA referring expression corpus' [6]. Depending on the activity, the
scene's configuration, —i.e. the choice of the entity to be expressed, the set of
competing entities, their position and properties— are chosen by the program or the
Fig. 2. Training mode of WebREG: the scene is on the left, the centre contains the toolbox and
to the right is the list of proposed REs for the current target pointed out by the white arrow.
WebREG can generate in French or English one or several REs for a given target .
The user interface is currently only in English.
3.2 Entities, Properties and Relations
The TUNA corpus contains entities for furniture: chair, desk, fan and sofa. We added
in our application a box to allow for the use of such objects. In addition we used some
of the properties of TUNA like: size (small or large), color (red, black, brown, gray,
green or blue) and orientation (from the front / back, turned to the left and to the
right). Note, that not all properties apply to all objects. Boxes are always big, from the
front and colored red, green or blue.
Entities are placed on a 2D plane and are referred to with respect to the other
objects composing the scene. To allow for this we use the following properties and
absolute positioning: top left/right corner, bottom left/right corner;
relative positioning: bottommost, topmost, leftmost, rightmost.
positioning: left of, right of, over, under;
containment: in, contains.
3.3 Activities
We vary the learning methods in order to motivate the learner to create a RE.
WebREG offers currently three types of activities. They all focus on insightful
learning, i.e. competency.
3.3.1 Practice (How to characterize or express an object ? Figure 2)
The learner or the program create a scene by choosing some objects, placing them on
a 2D plane and deciding on a target. The machine will then produce ten REs in
decreasing order of relevance, the order being controlled via an algorithm described in
section 4 (Reference generation). It should be noted though, that learning the
principles underlying the generation of referring expressions is much harder than, say,
learning the rules for generating plural nouns in English. While a single change at the
input (one vs. several) may yield various changes at the output (1 car/horse vs. 2
cars/horses), neither of them has an impact on the communicative level. This is quite
different from the case of referring expressions where the change of a grammatical
resource (say, pronoun rather than a definite noun phrases) may considerably affect
the scope, i.e. the interpretation of meaning and the ease of processing.
To check the validity of this last statement let us see what happens if you vary the
linguistic means [in/definite description (“a/the + N”), pronouns (its), ...] used to refer
to some concepts. Suppose the concepts were
POPULATION and PLACE, that they are
part of a message called B, i.e. —[LEAVE (POPULATION, PLACE)],— which is preceded
by A and followed by C. In this case we could have any of the following realisations
Xtown was a blooming city.Yet, when hooligans started to invade the place, (B), [i.e.
any of the occurrences (a-e) here below]. (C)
(a) the place was abandoned by (its/the population)/them.
(b) the city was abandoned by its/the population.
(c) it was abandoned by its/the population.
(d) its/the population abandoned the city.
(e) its/the population abandoned it.
While all the candidate sentences in (a - e) are basically well-formed, each one has
a specific effect, and not all of them are equally felicitous. Some are ruled out by
virtue of poor textual choices —(e.g., in (a) “the place” is suboptimal, since it
immediately repeats a word),— others because of highlighting the wrong element, or
because of wrong assignment of the informational status (given-new) of some element
(e.g., in (d) “the city” is marked as ‘minimal’ new information, while actually it is
known, i.e. old information). Probably the best option here is (c) since this preserves
the given-new distribution appropriately, without introducing potentially ambiguous
3.3.2 Finding the Target (Where is the target? Figure 3)
The system generates randomly a scene and selects a target. While not highlighting
the target, it displays a description of it (in this particular case: 'the fan facing to the
left') inviting the user to find the object described by the RE (here, 'the small red fan
at the lower left side of the scene').
Fig. 3. Target mode of WebREG: the learner must click on the entity she thinks the RE is
referring to. In the top right corner we see the number of attempts and the percentage of correct
Learners tend to make typical mistakes. This being so, one can imagine scenarios
with typical confusion sets, i.e. frequently confused items are presented together as
contrastive sets. This kind of strategy is frequently used in other areas of language
learning like spelling or pronunciation.
3.3.3 Decide on the Correct RE (Which referring expression is correct? Figure 4)
The system generates randomly a scene, selects a target and shows it to the user. In
addition it generates REs for all objects of the scene, inviting the user to find the RE
corresponding to the target.
The user can change the language at any moment and the system will generate
accordingly the RE in the chosen language. This kind of learning can be seen as a
combination of the preceding two exercices : learning by observing correlations and
learning based on contrast sets.
Fig. 4. The learner must click on the RE on the right corresponding to the target pointed at by
the arrow. If ever the user made a mistake, the system displays the right answer in green (both
the RE and the object), while highlighting in red the RE selected by user and the corresponding
4 RE Generation from an Algorithmic Point of View
RE generation involves finding a set of property-value and relation-value pairs to
designate the target unambiguously. As our scenes are composed of only a small set
of entities and relations, we decided to select an algorithm that tries all possible
solutions up to a certain limit to remain in line with psycholinguistic constraints and
the Gricean maxims.
The algorithm is based on a branch and bound algorithm that guarantees the
production of an unambiguous RE for a given target [5]. It determines a single
optimal RE for a scene and a target. This strategy is perfectly fine in cases where the
goal is the production of a single expression, but our problem is slightly different.
Depending on the activity we want to offer the learner more than one RE. In addition
we would like to have a finer control concerning the target's interpretation (possible
ambiguity) and the resources used in order to refer to an object.
Hence, we modified the algorithm to keep the N-best subgraphs according to the
cost function which roughly corresponds to their number of arcs. Yousfi-Monod [10]
presents the changes made to the original algorithm in order to produce more natural
sounding descriptions in the case of many similar objects or when the referring
expressions tend to become too long.
The N-best subgraphs are used to generate N REs using a generic noun phrase pattern
comprising a determiner, a noun, adjectives and prepositional phrases which are
themselves composed of a preposition and a noun phrase. The graph is recursively
traversed starting from the vertex corresponding to the target. The type property is
converted to a noun, the others to adjectives and relations map to prepositions.
A specialized lexicon has been built for entities, properties and relations. It
contains the necessary morphological information in order to allow for adequate
processing of gender and number in English and French.
When being in the practice mode, WebREG presents many realizations for the
target. Currently they are shown in the order in which they are generated by the
algorithm described above. However, one could well sort them according to other
criteria like: number of words, or types of properties and relations, etc.
WebREG is a client-server web application. The client side is executed in the web
browser via a Javascript —(we use the jQuery framework to deal with the specifics of
each browser)— to modify the HTML and CSS to change the position, size and color
of the objects. The Javascript code generates the scene and deals with the users'
actions. It communicates the modification of the scene to the server that deals with the
generation of REs, and it keeps track of the learners' progress.
5 Perspectives
This prototype opens new possibilities: the current properties are quite generic and
can be applied to all entities. Adding new ones implies not only that we have to deal
with them at the algorithmic level, but also at the interface level, i.e. how to make
them natural, i.e. easy at the user interface. Other types of activities could be added
such as:
Re-create the Input: the system creates a scene, identifies a target and generates a
RE. Yet, rather than showing the initial input (scene) the system shows a modified
version of it asking the learner to change it to comply with the produced RE.
Create the Correct RE: pointing at a component element of a scene (target
object) the system presents a list of words to be used by the user (via drag and
drop) to create the appropriate RE.
Select the Most Natural RE: since objects can be described in many ways, the
user should be allowed to select the one seeming to be the most natural one to him
or her. The system could track these answers and determine human preference
criteria (relative or absolute positioning, adjective vs. propositional groups, …)
which could be used later on for prioritizing REs. In this case, it would be the
system that learns, not the user. This would also validate the intuitions we
embedded in the system and our interpretation of the Gricean maxims.
It would be interesting to allow for several targets rather than just one to parameterize
the difficulty of exercises.
Of all the proposed activities, the last one is probably the most interesting one, as it
gives researchers a means to collect natural data to design then their algorithms
accordingly. Of course, this makes only sense if the sentences proposed by the system
contain natural sounding forms. Still, this looks like a very promising strategy, as we
are still not in a position to guarantee that the chosen means (linguistic resources)
allow both well-formedness and sucessfull communication. This being so, it may be
wise to listen to the user asking them for feedback concerning the naturalness of a
given expression produced under certain (well controlled) constraints.
6 Conclusions
This work is, to our knowledge, the first one to use the generation of REs as a task for
learning a new language. As stressed at the beginning, learning a language is more
than just learning to produce grammatically correct forms. As anything can be
expressed via various means (lexical, grammatical, ...), one also needs to learn when
to use what specific resource. And in this respect REs are an interesting application,
as even native speakers do occasionally make 'mistakes', not at the linguistic level, but
at the pragmatic side.
We have extensively drawn on features of the TUNA challenge [3]. For example,
the selection of discriminating features is based on an algorithm that was very
successful within this context. We adapted this algorithm to be able to produce
various acceptable forms for a given target while being able to address in an efficient
and useful way for the learner some of the inherent ambiguities of the target. It would
be interesting now to confront our system with the real world and test it with language
learners. To this end we will certainly revise the icons used, and more importantly,
see what kind of principles could be used to produce expressions that are not only
grammatically correct, but also natural, i.e. corresponding to the forms used by
'normal' people, that is, a majority.
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