The server will analyze, for both requests, all the appropriate information coming
from the environment where the user is located at that moment, together with the
significant information from the user involved. The information regarding the us-
er´s environment is wide and diverse: user location, other users´ location that may
be useful, resources needed, state of the different resources needed, resources loca-
tion, functionalities offered by the system which may help the user to perform his
task, complete information on the task to be performed (steps to follow, re-
strictions) and so on.
A key point of any system of this nature is efficiency. The system requires a high
level of efficiency, besides offering the required functionality. For this reason, the
information analyzed by the server in each case must be accurately defined. This
definition consists on several fields and parameters that refer to the information of
the educational environment. This is important because this way the server will lo-
calize the information in a rapid and concise way, based on the content and type of
parameters and the searches in the database, which is the main source of infor-
mation, are improved. All this process of reducing data processing is very im-
portant because the server will not only receive requests from a single user but
from any of the active users in the system and at any time instant. Therefore, a user
must receive the needed information and the adequate functionality in the shortest
possible time in such a way that it is useful and can be used according to his cur-
rent state and not to a past state. Otherwise, it will useless or even more, totally in-
convenient or disturbing for the performance of the tasks.
− Database. Basically it contains the information regarding the current state of the
environment where the system is deployed. Its structure must allow simple and
rapid content searches. It must relate, by means of the proper fields, each user with
the tasks s/he is involved and in turn, the tasks with the context information and the
required functionality in each case. Additionally, the database must offer stored
procedures and functions that facilitate access and management with the aim to
provide a data system as accessible as possible. We have to consider that the in-
formation stored is private in many cases. The data stored in the database is not on-
ly regarding users’ tasks but also regarding their address, contact persons, marks,
etc. This way, the database must include an access and security system as reliable
as possible.
− Mobile Devices. They offer all the users of the system the mobility they need
throughout the educational environment. They are essential for the system to be
considered as ubiquitous. They allow users to have access to the system and enable
the system to offer users the information and functionality they need in any place
and at any time. The mobile devices included in this component may be a PDA, an
Smartphone, an IPhone, an IPad and Laptops. These devices have to allow connec-
tivity via Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and RFID in order to be able to use any functionality.
− Static Devices. Due to the fact that not all the users require mobility in their actions
(for instance, teachers who are preparing an exam in their office) considering static
devices in the architecture is a necessity. The most common static device is the
Personal Computer. Nevertheless, we also consider wall screens, last generation
televisions placed throughout the environment. The aim of these screens is to offer
the users certain important information in certain areas, with important data for the
performance of their tasks: exam marks, information about the following class, in-