Hontology: A Multilingual Ontology for the Accommodation Sector in
the Tourism Industry
Marcirio Silveira Chaves
and Larissa Freitas
and Renata Vieira
Business and Information Technology Research Center (BITREC), Universidade Atlˆantica, Lisbon, Portugal
Faculdade de Inform´atica, Pontif´ıcia Universidade Cat´olica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Knowledge Engineering, Ontology Development, Multilingual Ontology, Social Semantic Web, Accommo-
dation Sector.
Ontologies have been used to support both web agents reasoning and human decision making. However, on-
tology development is a new area and for some knowledge domains they are still rare. Although ontologies
had been developed in the context of Semantic Web, it is the Web 2.0 content that is actually pervasive on
the web. One of the properties of this content is to be multilingual, which requires multilingual resources to
deal with it. Online reviews are examples of multilingual texts provided by products and services consumers.
This paper presents a multilingual ontology for the accommodation sector. As a result, we deliver Hontol-
ogy, a freely available domain-specific ontology. Hontology reuses concepts of other vocabularies such as
Dbpedia.org and Schema.org. It is useful for a wide range of applications within the accommodation sector,
including ontology-based information extraction, text annotation and information visualisation.
Multilingual Semantic Web is one of the most recent
challenges to applications dealing with web data, and
has gained more attention in the last years (Buitelaar
et al., 2010; Montiel-Ponsoda et al., 2011).
Ontologies have been adopted in order to put in
practice the vision of Semantic Web. Although the
knowledge engineering hard work and time consum-
ing tasks, the building of ontologies for a narrow do-
main of interest enables the development of semantic-
oriented applications. In the tourism industry, the ac-
commodation sector still lacks this kind of resource
to support agent reasoning. This sector contains sub-
domains such as hotel, hostels and apartments with
specific features which make the development of an
ontology much more complex.
Ontologies of the accommodations domain can be
used to support managerial decision making and end-
user applications. Instead of a few categories pro-
vided by Web 2.0 portals, e.g. TripAdvisor and Book-
ing.com, accommodation managers are more able to
find specific information using an ontology. From the
user point of view, it is also easier to click on the con-
cept indoor swimming pool and read all the comments
mentioning it than to comb hundreds of comments to
find opinions about indoor swimming pool. Unfortu-
nately, this last scenery probably is the current reality
in the most of Small and Medium Accommodations
in Europe.
The research presented in this paper has been
conducted of a framework to customer management.
This framework receives as input a set of online
reviews, uses Hontology to annotate them (Chaves
et al., 2012b) and presents this information in diverse
graphical formats to the decision making (Carvalho
and Chaves, 2012). To the best of our knowledge,
a robust, coherent and multilingual representation of
accommodationsector is lacking to bring into practice
the Semantic Web. The main purpose of this paper is
filling the gap of literature in describing the process
of building a multilingual ontology for the accommo-
dation sector. As a result, we deliver Hontology (H
stands for hotel, hostal and hostel), a freely available
domain-specific ontology in four languages: English,
Portuguese, Spanish and French.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows: Sec-
tion 2 describes the related works. Section 3 describes
the actors using Hontology and presents its require-
ments through Unified Modelling Language (UML)
use cases. Section 4 details the process of ontology
development and gives the statistics about Hontology.
Section 5 closes the paper with the final remarks.
Silveira Chaves M., Freitas L. and Vieira R..
Hontology: A Multilingual Ontology for the Accommodation Sector in the Tourism Industry.
DOI: 10.5220/0004107401490154
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2012), pages 149-154
ISBN: 978-989-8565-30-3
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Accommodation sector belongs to the tourism or
travel domain for which there are some ontologies de-
veloped, e.g. Mondeca (mondeca.com)and Harmonet
(harmonet.org). However, the vocabulary of available
tourism ontologies coversa limited set of concepts of-
ten describing the domain from different perspectives
due to the restricted application scope from which
the ontologies have been elicited (Barta et al., 2009).
Barta et al. (2009) produced the cDOTT ontology, a
common ontology for the tourism industry in order to
support the interoperability of the agents in low-level
Regarding multilingual ontologies, the Monnet
project (monnet-project.eu) - Multilingual Ontologies
for Networked Knowledge has presented some efforts
to put in pratice the vision of Multilingual Seman-
tic Web through of the production of ontologies to
the hydrographical domain (Aguado-De-Cea et al.,
2010). Aguado-De-Cea et al. (2010) use the label-
ing system supported by RDF(S) and OWL to in-
clude multilingual linguistic information in the first
version of the ontology. Ou et al. (2008) devel-
oped QALL-ME, an ontology for the tourism domain,
which was linked to the multilingual terms in Eu-
roWordNet (http://www.illc.uva.nl/EuroWordNet/).
In Salim et al. (2010) an ontology for Islamic
Portal can retrieve information in three different lan-
guages (English, Malay, and Arabic). The framework
proposed to help users find the information that they
need without worrying about the language, no matter
which language is used. The keywords of several lan-
guages are mapped to the same concept in an ontology
and are therefore given the same meaning.
Multilingual ontologies can also be used to struc-
ture an image database. Therefore, the problems re-
lated to the ambiguity could be solved. Popescu
(2007) developed a multilingual OWL ontology in-
cluding knowledge in English, Italian, and Spanish
which allow real-time processing when a user queries
for images.
Other example of application involving multilin-
gual ontologies is Jung (2011), who proposes a multi-
agent system for building indirect alignment between
multilingual ontologies. This system was tested with
multilingual ontologies written in English, Korean,
and Swedish languages. A case study was realized
in tourism business domain.
Hontology was initially created considering a scene-
rio of applications processing reviews about accom-
modations on Web sites 2.0 and decision support sys-
tems (DSS). The conception of an ontology should
also take into account the users point of view, which in
case of Hontology includes at least six types of users:
Database Administrator: is interested in Hontol-
ogy in order to better define the database schema
to store instances or individuals of Hontology
(e.g. reviews, features, polarity and intensity of
the reviews). In Description Logic (Baader et al.,
2007), the set of these instances is denominated
A-Box, while the schema is called T-Box.
Application Developer: is the person who uses the
content of Hontology to develop applications that
support decision making.
Prospect: is a user seeking for accommodations.
She is interested in common features of an ac-
commodation such as cleaning and staff. These
features allow her to make comparisons among
accommodations based on her specific needs.
Guest: is a former or current customer of an accom-
modation. Further the same interest of a prospect,
a guest can be interested in providing feedback.
Domain Expert: is the person responsible to main-
tain the concepts and relationships in the ontol-
ogy. Her tasks include the matching of concepts
to existing ontologies and augmenting Hontology
according to the new requirements.
Accommodation Manager: includes managers in
strategic and managerial levels of the organization
such as the Owner of the Hotel, Marketing man-
agers and Service managers.
Hontology was developed in seven phases as de-
scribed in Chaves and Trojahn (2010).
1. Identify existing ontologies on related domains;
2. Select the main concepts and properties;
3. Organize concepts and properties hierarchically
into categories;
4. Manually translation of the ontology introducing
the labels in Portuguese, Spanish and French;
5. Expand concepts and properties based on online
reviews manually evaluated;
6. Translate the new concepts and properties;
7. Export the ontology in several formats.
Domain experts updated Hontology, which in-
cludes the mapping of the concepts to existing ontolo-
gies. Classifications of accommodations vary from
country to country and in some continents it is possi-
ble to find specific types of accommodations. One of
the guidelines followed in the development of Hon-
tology was that proposed in EC (2009). Chaves et al.
(2012b) describe an analysis of the reviews about
Small and Medium Hotels in Portugal. This analysis
was used as input to build the extension of Hontology,
which is detailed in the next sections.
4.1 Main Concepts
The definition of the top-level concepts was based on
the needs of the main actor. From these concepts, the
actors have a broad and depth vision of the domain,
which they are looking for information.
Accommodation. This is the substitute concept of
Hospitality which was the concept used in the first
version of Hontology. Instead of extend Hontol-
ogy to cover restaurants, transportation and event
planning, we extend the set of subclasses to spec-
ify the different types of Accommodation. The
design of the concept Accommodation is based on
the categories provided by EC (2009). Actually,
Accommodation contains sixteen subconcepts in-
cluding six kinds of hotel under the concept Ho-
tel: Bunker, Capsule, Cave, Ice, Tree House, and
Under Water. This list can be extended depend-
ing on the applications needs. All the sixteen sub-
concepts of Accommodation are listed in the first
column of Table 1.
Facility. This concept was split in six subconcepts:
External Facility, Internal Facility, Room Facil-
ity, Bathroom Facility, Driver ans Wheel Chair
Accessible. The last two ones could be into In-
ternal Facility, but we decide to create a separate
subconcept in order to facilitate the navigation. It
is worth remembering that Internal Facility con-
tains thirty subconcepts.
Room. Contains subconcepts for the main accom-
modation types, that is, Apartment Room, Hos-
tel Room and Hotel Room as depicted in Figure
1. Hotel Room contains nine subconcepts includ-
ing Double Room, Suite Room and Family Room.
Family Room is still subdivided into three con-
cepts: Family Junior Suite with Sea View, Fam-
ily Room with Balcony and Family Suite with Sea
View. Some special cases in the knowledge en-
gineering evolve typical properties that are repre-
Figure 1: Representation of Room types in Hontology.
Figure 2: Representation of Service and Staff in Hontology.
sented as concepts in Hontology, e.g. with Bal-
cony and with Sea View.
Service/Staff. Figure 2 presents the subconcepts of
the concepts Service and Staff. Most of the service
offered by an accommodation owns a responsible
to performit that is why we decide to present these
concepts together.
Guest Type. Figure 3 depicts the main kinds of
Guest Type. These types are commonly used in
travel 2.0 sites in order to classify guests accord-
ing to a pre-defined profile.
Other concepts to mention include Design, Meal,
Points of Interest, Price, Rating and Staff.Price usu-
ally is modelled as a property in ontologies, but some
of the uses of Hontology may require that price must
be explicit as a concept given its relevance to the ap-
plication. For instance, hotel managers can be in-
terested in reviews mentioning prices of the specific
services, such as BarPrice, BreakfastPrice, CoffeeP-
rice, CotPrice, InternetPrice, ParkingPrice, Restau-
Figure 3: Representation of Guest Type in Hontology.
rantPrice, and RoomPrice. The same principle was
applied to the feature Timetable, which is represented
as a conceptwith four subconcepts: Indoor Swimming
Pool Timetable, Outdoor Swimming Pool Timetable,
Restaurant Timetable, and Spa Centre Timetable.
4.2 Exploring Ontology Constructs
This section describes the main constructs used to
represent the multilingual and logical aspects in the
accommodation sector.
rdfs:label, skos:prefLabel. Whenever Hontology is
exported to RDF(S) or SKOS, multiligual infor-
mation is codified using the constructs rdfs:label
and skos:prefLabel, respectively. Into these con-
structs, we use the attribute xml:lang with the
respective language as a value. The construct
skos:prefLabel stores the preferred term in a lan-
owl:equivalentClass, owl:sameAs, rdfs:subClassOf.
These labels, at conceptual level, can help the
conceptual cross-lingual mappings. That is,
concepts from different ontologies described in
different languages can be semantically related
by using ontology constructs, either to represent
taxonomical relations, e.g. owl:equivalentClass,
owl:sameAs, rdfs:subClassOf (Gracia et al.,
2011). In the version of Hontology described in
this paper, we use only the owl:equivalentClass,
owl:sameAs constructs to map concepts to other
ontologies (see details in Section 4.4). We do not
deal with hierarchical mappings here.
owl:disjointWith. Hontology also handles com-
plex classes througth the owl:disjointWith con-
struct. For example, all concepts under the
concepts Accommodation, GuestType, Room,
Meal, PointsOfInterest, Price, Service, Staff and
Timetable are codified as disjoint.
4.3 Multilingual Aspects
In addition to provide a new ontology for the accom-
modation sector, we also make an effort to handle
multilingual concepts in order to foster the Multilin-
gual Semantic Web. We start from four languages, i.e.
English, Portuguese, Spanish and French. In addition
to the main concepts in each language about the ac-
commodation domain, we also store variants when-
ever they exists. For Portuguese, for instance, we
store the variants of European and Brazilian terms.
Examples include the concept Playground which is
called Prac¸a de Brinquedos in Brazil and Parque In-
fantil in the European Portuguese, and Address which
is called Enderec¸o in Brazil and Morada in Portugal.
Although, XML does not support the explicit
markup of variants, applications using Hontology
can find this information as a value of the attribute
xml:lang. This information separately facilitate the
storage in linguistic repositories, such as that pro-
posed in Montiel-Ponsoda et al. (2008). We intend
to extend the use of variants in other languages than
Portuguese, according to the requirements of the ap-
plications using Hontology.
4.4 Knowledge Reuse
One of the principles followed along the development
of Hontology was the reuse of the existing resources.
Although ontologies in the specific domain of accom-
modations are rare or even inexistent, we can find
concepts of this domain formalised in broader do-
mains such as tourism.
The several actors interested in the accommoda-
tion information share common concepts that need
to be represented or formalised in a single structure
or aligned with existing vocabularies. We consid-
ered concepts from other public ontologies QALL-
ME (Ou et al., 2008), Schema.org and Dbpedia.org.
We then aligned our ontology concepts with these
other public resources according to Table 1. More-
over, the subconcepts of the concept Accommodation
in Hontology also include: Apartment, Botel (Boat
Hotel), BungalowAndCamping, GuestHouse, Holi-
daySettlement, Hostal, Inn, Pension, and OtherAc-
Table 2 presents the mappgins between the con-
cepts of Hontology and QALL-ME. Figure 4 depicts
the representation of the concepts Facility and Room-
Facility in both Hontology and QALL-ME ontolo-
gies. Hontology maps the concept Facility to the ex-
isting one in QALL-ME and extends its subconcepts.
BathroomFacility owns 10 subconcepts, ExternalFa-
cility contains nine subconcepts, InternalFacility has
29 subconcepts and RoomFacility owns 22 subcon-
cepts. It is worth mentioning that QALL-ME was
designed to cover the wide domain of tourism and
Hontology was built to the specific sector of accom-
Table 1: Alignment between the subconcepts of Accommodation in Hontology and QALL-ME, Lodging Business in
Schema.org and Tourist Accommodations in Dbpedia.org.
Hontology QALL-ME Schema.org Dbpedia.org
BedAndBreakfast BedAndBreakfast BedAndBreakfast BedAndBreakfast
Hostel Hostel Hostel Hostel
Hotel Hotel Hotel Hotel
Motel Motel Motel
Chalet Chalet
Cottage Cottage
Resort Resort Resort
Table 2: Alignment between the concepts of Hontology and
Hontology QALL-ME
Accommodation Accommodation
Airport Airport
BusStation BusStation
Country Country
Facility Facility
Location Location
MetroStation MetroStation
Price Price
Restaurant Restaurant
RestaurantPrice GastroPrice
RoomPrice RoomPrice
Stadium Stadium
Theatre Theatre
TrainStation TrainStation
modations. For this reason, Hontology specifies the
subconcepts of Facility in more detail.
Moreover, it is important to note that the concept
RoomFacility occurs in both ontologies but it is not
aligned. The subconcepts in QALL-ME represent
types of room facility while the subconcepts in Hon-
tology represent the infrastructure that is present or in
lack in a room.
4.5 Hontology Metrics
Hontology contains 282 concepts categorized into 16
top-levelconcepts. The concept hierarchy has a maxi-
mum depth of 5. Table 3 presents some metrics about
Hontology. It is worth mentioning that all concepts
and properties are defined in English, Portuguese,
Spanish and French. Along the development of this
ontology, we observe that Hontology contains the fol-
lowing qualities: i) indefinite expandability, since it
remains consistent with increasing content. ii) content
and context independence, since any kind of concept
can find its place and iii) specify different levels of
granularity (levels range from 1 to 5 – see an example
in Figure 1).
Figure 4: Representation of the concept Facility in Hontol-
ogy (left) and in QALL-ME (right).
This paper introduces a new resource to put in
practice the Multilingual Semantic Web. Hontol-
ogy, a robust multilingual ontology for the ac-
commodation sector, helps to pave the path for
reaching this Web with meaning. Considering
that Hontology can be useful for a wide range of
knowledge-based systems, we make it freely available
from http://ontolp.inf.pucrs.br/Recursos/downloads-
Hontology.php. Preliminary experiments using Hon-
tology were performed for Portuguese in Chaves et al.
(2012a). In this sense, we provide a contribution
knowledge enginnering, ontology development and
domain applications. Future works include the task
of ontology population, where we plan to implement
algorithms to recognise concepts of the Hontology in
the reviews and make them the appropriate instances
to the concepts.
Table 3: Hontology Metrics.
Metrics Values
Number of Concepts 282
Number of Object Properties 8
Number of Data Properties 31
Concept Axioms
Subconcept axioms 272
Equivalent concepts axioms 4
Disjoint concepts axioms 93
Object Property Axioms
Functional object property axioms 5
Object property domain axioms 9
Object property range axioms 9
Data Property Axioms
Functional data property axioms 12
Object data domain axioms 17
Object data range axioms 1
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helping in the Spanish and French ontology transla-
tion, respectively. We thank the Brazilian funding
agency CAPES for the scholarship granted.
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