MFO—The Federated Financial Ontology for the MONNET Project
Hans-Ulrich Krieger, Thierry Declerck and Ashok Kumar Nedunchezhian
Language Technology Lab, German Research Center for AI (DFKI GmbH)
Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3, 66123 Saarbr
ucken, Germany
Business Ontologies, Merging, Alignment & Integration, Representation of Temporally-changing Information.
This paper describes work carried out in the European project MONNET which deals in part with the ex-
traction of company data from stock exchange pages and its representation in a semantic repository on which
inferences and queries are carried out. The special focus of the paper lies on the construction of an integrated
ontology MFO—the MONNET Financial Ontology—that has been constructed from several independent on-
tologies which are brought together by an interface specification, expressed in OWL.
Company data in MONNET is obtained by harvesting
stock exchange Web sites, such as DAX or Euronext.
This task is realized by “harvesters”, standalone Java
programs that produce ABox data, compliant with the
integrated ontology. The output of a harvester is a set
of quintuples, RDF triples that are “annotated” by two
further temporal arguments, expressing the temporal
extent in which an atemporal fact holds.
This paper shed some light on the company data
and the construction of the integrated ontology that
has been assembled from several independent ontolo-
gies which are brought together by an interface spec-
ification, expressed in OWL (McGuinness and van
Harmelen, 2004). We will also sneak a peek on
the temporal entailment rules (Krieger, 2012) that are
built into the semantic repository hosting the data and
which can be used to derive useful explicit informa-
tion. This includes identifying companies from dif-
ferent times, monitoring data for unusual events, etc.
We have mainly focused on the Xetra pages that are
operated by Deutsche B
orse and which include stock
market indices, such as DAX, MDAX, SDAX, and
TecDAX. The good thing with the representation of
titles in the different indices is that their HTML pages
have an identical layout, so that the Xetra harvester
that was originally implemented for DAX perfectly
works for the other Xetra indices as well.
Recently, indices from the NYSE Euronext have
also been investigated, e.g., from Euronext 100 or
Next 150. Again, the layout for these different indices
in Euronext is identical, but since Xetra and NYSE
Euronext are operated by different marketplace orga-
nizer which, in addition, offer differing information
about companies, the Euronext harvester had to be
reimplemented. Contrary to Xetra, Euronext seems
to provide much more information for a company,
e.g., a finer industry sector classification, but also fis-
cal/monetary data for the past three years.
Harvesting company Web pages not only means
to collect captions and their corresponding values, but
also to transform this data into a meaningful represen-
tation that is compliant with existing standards, such
as XSD, RDF, and OWL, but also compatible with the
ontology schema (see next section). This includes (i)
the proper use of class and property names, (ii) the in-
troduction of fresh URIs, (iii) the syntactical transfor-
mation of values, and (iv) the combination of values
from different places.
Let us give an example to highlight the four tasks
of the harvester. We focus here on data for the sport-
business company adidas that were obtained on the
6th of January, 2012:
"2012-01-06T12:20:42"ˆˆxsd:dateTime .
Krieger H., Declerck T. and Nedunchezhian A..
MFO—The Federated Financial Ontology for the MONNET Project.
DOI: 10.5220/0004107903270330
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2012), pages 327-330
ISBN: 978-989-8565-30-3
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
"2012-01-06T12:20:42"ˆˆxsd:dateTime .
For better readability, we have depicted the two
quintuples using five consecutive lines each.
dax:DE000A1EWWW0 1325848842055 is a brand new
URI for adidas at the moment the harvester was
invoked, generated from the so-called ISIN number
dax:DE000A1EWWW0 for adidas and the Unix epoch
time. dax:endOfBusinessYear and dax:totalCapi-
talStock are exactly the properties that are associated
with the captions Fiscal year end and Total stock
from adidas Web page. The end of business year
was originally given by 31/12, whereas we make use
of the XSD data type gMonthDay, yielding the XSD
atom "--12-31". The total stock value results from
a combination of an absolute value, a multiplication
factor of 1,000, and a currency abbreviation, resulting
in "209216186EUR", an atom of our own XSD data
type monetary. Finally, the starting and ending points
of these two relational fluents make use of the XSD
data type dateTime. Since the snapshot was obtained
in a moment of time, the starting and ending time is
the same here.
Even though the ABox data, i.e., the company snap-
shots, do come with a temporal extent, the ontologies,
more exactly, the TBoxes and RBoxes, which pro-
vide class and property axioms are not equipped with
temporal information, thus still being represented as
triples. For instance, we do not state that an URI is
a class at a certain time and a property at a different
time. Or that a class is a subclass of another class
for only some amount of time. Thus TBox and RBox
of the integrated ontology represent universal knowl-
edge that is true at any time, so there is no need to
equip them with a fourth and fifth temporal argument.
This quality gives rise to the use of ontology editors
such as Prot
e for manually constructing the TBoxes
and RBoxes of some of our ontologies.
Originally, we have started with company snap-
shots from the DAX index, resulting in the DAX on-
tology which has turned out to be universal for the
other Xetra indices. Later then, this ontology was ex-
tended in two ways: firstly, we incorporated axioms
to store parts of the annual XBRL company reports,
and secondly, we imported our own OWL version
of the NACE taxonomy for characterizing companies
against a classification of industry sectors.
At a later stage, further information came in, so
that we opted to separate independent information
from one another, not only by introducing different
namespaces, but also by locating this information in
distinct ontologies, so that they can be reused by other
projects and applications.
It is worth noting that the classification of compa-
nies against industry sectors is of utmost importance
in our domain. We have thus decided to view indus-
try sectors as subclasses of the class Company, both in
the DAX and Euronext ontology. Overall, we now
provide three, partly overlapping industry sector on-
1. DAX comes up with a coarse and flat string-
based characterization of industry sectors. We
have manually turned these 11 values into direct
subclasses of class dax:Company. In early 2012,
Deutsche B
orse restructured their pages, adding
more sectors and a further layer of subsectors.
2. In an older project, we have worked with the
four level deep NACE classification which covers
about 1,000 industry sectors. We have automati-
cally constructed our own OWL ontology NACE
that is hooked up to dax:Company in the interface
ontology IF (see below).
3. Euronext makes use of the four-layered ICB in-
dustry sector classification. We have automati-
cally transformed the latest ICB specification of
approx. 200 sectors into an OWL ontology ICB
which is interfaced as a subclass hierarchy for
en:Company in IF.
Overall, MFO consists of nine, truly indepen-
dent ontologies which do not have knowledge of
one another (see Figure 1). Two further ontolo-
gies, called IF and XEBR2XBRL bring them to-
gether through the use of interface axioms, using
axiom constructors, such as rdfs:subClassOf and
Let us give a few examples to see how this works.
As we said above, we have interfaced NACE with
DAX. This is realized through the following obvious
axiom (IndustrySector is the synthetic superclass of
all NACE sectors). We use Description Logics syntax
below to state the interface axioms:
dax:Company nace:IndustrySector
Let us present further examples. E.g., an XEBR report
is a special form of a Dublin Core resource:
xebr:Report v dc:Resource
The free-text company information in DAX corre-
sponds to something similar in Euronext:
dax:portrait en:activity
XEBR reports are linked to DAX companies through
property if:hasReport:
> v if:hasReport
. dax:Company
Figure 1: The MONNET Financial ontology MFO consists
of 11 sub-ontologies overall. The color encoding refers to
ontologies focussing on models of industry sector classi-
fication (green), stock exchange (brown), reporting (or-
ange), financial instruments (blue), and interface (red). As
can be seen from the picture, some of the ontologies even
model several aspects of our domain; e.g., DAX alone deals
with industry sector classification, reporting, and the de-
scription of stock exchange-listed information.
> v if:hasReport . xebr:Report
It is worth noting that across the ontologies, each
property has been cross-classified as being either syn-
chronic (i.e., property instances staying constant) or
diachronic (changing over time). This property char-
acteristic can be used, amongst other things, to check
the consistency of a temporal ABox or as a distin-
guishing mark in an entailment rule (cf. section 5).
The integrated ontology as well as ABox data from
company snapshots, XEBR reports (annual financial
reporting documents) and other sources are uploaded
to OpenLink’s Virtuoso, hosted by one of our part-
ners in this projects. No inference rules are applied
here at the moment, thus only explicit knowledge can
be obtained through SPARQL (Prud’hommeaux and
Seaborne, 2008) queries. This can often be sufficient,
since SPARQL is a quite expressive query language.
Attentive readers of this paper, however, will ask
themselves how this goes together with the represen-
tation of company snapshot data, as explained in sec-
tion 2. We demonstrated that snapshot data is encoded
via quintuples, whereas ordinary semantic reposito-
ries (such as Virtuoso or OWLIM) always assume a
triple-based representation.
In order to make the snapshots accessible in Vir-
tuoso, we perform a quintuple-to-triple conversion
which is compatible with W3C’s N-ary Relations Best
Practice proposal (Hayes and Welty, 2006). A de-
scription of further possible representation schemes
can be found in (Krieger et al., 2008).
The idea behind the reduction is quite simple: all
arguments lying in the range of a relation instance
are hidden in a “container” object. The hidden ar-
guments, in our case the actual value of the atemporal
binary fact, the starting and the ending time can be
obtained through pre-defined properties. Thus a quin-
subj pred obj start end .
might equivalently be represented through 5 RDF
subj pred cont .
cont rdf:type nary:RangePlusTime .
cont nary:value obj .
cont nary:starts start .
cont nary:ends end .
Note that cont, the container object, is a brand-new
individual, usually an RDF blank node, that needs to
be introduced for each quintuple.
Given such a representation, we can now query
useful information, say, the evolution of the total cap-
ital stock for adidas, the company on which we fo-
cussed in section 2:
SELECT ?v ?s
?c dax:isin ?i .
?i nary:value "DE000A1EWWW0" .
?c dax:totalCapitalStock ?t .
?t nary:value ?v .
?t nary:starts ?s .
Due to space requirements, we can not focus here
on the temporal extension of the set of domain-
independent entailment rules for RDFS (Hayes, 2004)
and OWL (ter Horst, 2005); see (Krieger, 2012) for
the complete picture. The extension becomes neces-
sary, since the harvested ABox data presented in sec-
tion 2 is equipped with a temporal extent. Not only
do such domain-independent rules uncover inconsis-
tencies, they also make implicit consistent knowledge
Before we go on, we like to mention that the tem-
poral entailment rules in (Krieger, 2012) as well as the
custom rule and the query below have been fully im-
plemented within our own semantic repository HFC,
an extended rule-based forward chainer that we have
developed over the last years and which is compara-
ble to other popular engines. Rules in HFC consist of
a left-hand side and a right-hand side of clauses, sepa-
rated by ->. A sequence of clauses is interpreted con-
junctively. Rules can make use of LHS tests (@test)
which need to be fulfilled to successfully instantiate a
RHS. Rules might also be equipped with an action
section (@action) that binds RHS-only variables to
values returned by functions. These two last points
distinguish HFC from other forward engines, and ex-
actly further lightweight tests and actions are needed
to address temporal entailment properly (see section
5.2). HFC is used in the working examples below.
Contrary to Jena, OWLIM, or Virtuoso, HFC is fur-
thermore able to operate directly over arbitrary (flat)
tuples, i.e., n-ary relations, without sticking to con-
tainer individuals (see last section).
5.1 Domain-independent Rule
The rule below implements the temporal extension of
Pat Hayes’ version of universal instantiation in RDFS,
called rdfs9 (Hayes, 2004):
?i rdf:type ?c ?start ?end
?c rdfs:subClassOf ?d
?i rdf:type ?d ?start ?end
Names starting with ? in the above rule indicate logic
variables. Recall that the TBox axiom pattern (second
line) must not be equipped with time, since it is used
to express a universal truth in our ontology. Thus,
if an instance ?i is of class ?c within the temporal
interval given by ?start and ?end, then ?i is also of
class ?d for [?start, ?end], since ?c is a subclass of
?d. However, before and after [?start, ?end], it is no
longer guaranteed that ?i is also of class ?d.
5.2 Domain-dependent Rule
This rule turns two quintuples which coincide in sub-
ject, predicate, and object position and which share
a non-empty temporal intersection into a larger unit.
Since only diachronic properties (see section 3) are
supposed to change over time, we add a further typ-
ing constraint here. Note that the below HFC rule
even quantifies over the property position ?p and uses
a lightweight LHS test and two lightweight RHS ac-
?p rdf:type time:DiachronicProperty
?c ?p ?v ?s1 ?e1
?c ?p ?v ?s2 ?e2
?c ?p ?v ?s ?e
IntersectionNotEmpty ?s1 ?e1 ?s2 ?e2
?s = Min2 ?s1 ?s2
?e = Max2 ?e1 ?e2
5.3 Custom Query
The mapping of industry sectors from different sub-
ontologies, as described in section 3, allows us
to find “rivals” of a company across stock ex-
changes. Assuming that dax:Banks, icb:ICB8300, and
nace:nace 64.1 all denote the same set of individ-
uals (viz., banks/financial institutions), the rivals of
Deutsche Bank can be easily obtained:
WHERE ?db dax:name "Deutsche Bank" ?s ?e &
?db rdf:type ?type ?s ?e &
?rival rdf:type ?type ?s2 ?e2
FILTER ?db != ?rival
We note here that the query language in HFC slightly
differs from SPARQL and can make direct use of
quintuples, instead of applying the “triplification”
step, as described in section 4.
The research described here has been financed
by the European Integrated project Monnet
( under contract number
FP7 ICT 248458.
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