Topic and Subject Detection in News Streams for Multi-document
Fumiyo Fukumoto
, Yoshimi Suzuki
and Atsuhiro Takasu
Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Medicine and Engineering, Univ. of Yamanashi, Kofu, Japan
National Institute of Informatics, Chiyoda-ku, Japan
Topic, Subject, Multi-document Summarization, Moving Average Convergence Divergence.
This paper focuses on continuous news streams and presents a method for detecting salient, key sentences
from stories that discuss the same topic. Our hypothesis about key sentences in multiple stories is that they
include words related to the target topic, and the subject of a story. In addition to the TF-IDF term weighting
method, we used the result of assigning domain-specific senses to each word in the story to identify a subject.
A topic, on the other hand, is identified by using a model of ”topic dynamics”. We defined a burst as a time
interval of maximal length over which the rate of change is positive acceleration. We adapted stock market
trend analysis technique, i.e., Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD). It shows the relationship
between two moving averages of prices, and is popular indicator of trends in dynamic marketplaces. We
utilized it to measure topic dynamics. The method was tested on the TDT corpora, and the results showed the
effectiveness of the method.
With the exponential growth of information on the In-
ternet, it is becoming increasingly difficult for a user
to read and understand all the materials that is poten-
tially of interest. Multi-document summarization is
an issue to attack the problem. It differs from sin-
gle document summarization in that it is important
to identify differences and similarities across docu-
ments. This can be interpreted as a question of how
to identify a topic and a subject in series of stories.
Here, a topic is the same as TDT project: something
that occurs at a specific place and time associated with
some specific actions (Allan, 2003). A subject, on the
other hand, refers to a theme of the story itself, i.e.,
something a writer wished to express. Much of the
work on summarization has applied statistical tech-
niques based on word distribution to the target doc-
ument (Lin and Hovy, 2002). Other approaches ex-
plore to use machine learning or graph-based ranking
method (Marcu and Echihabi, 2002; Wan and Yang,
2008). Wan et al. proposed two models, the Cluster-
based conditional Markov Random Walk model and
the Cluster-based HITS model, both use the theme
clusters in the document set (Wan and Yang, 2008).
However, most of these approaches does not deal with
the identification of a topic and a subject in series of
This paper focuses on extractive summarization
and presents a method for detecting key sentences
from continuous news streams. We assume that a
key sentence in multiple documents includes words
related to the target topic, and the subject of each
story. Moreover, we assume that the sense of the sub-
ject word is related to the domain where domain is the
traditional text categorization sense. For example, the
word ”court” in the target topic ”Pinochet trial” is re-
lated to the subject, ”Pinochet appealed his arrest and
a London court agreed,” and it has a sense of judica-
ture in the legal/criminal domain. Here, ”court” has at
least two senses in the WordNet; judicature and ten-
nis court. If we can find that the ”count” from a story
”Pinochet trial” has a domain-specific sense, i.e., ju-
dicature sense, we can identify the ”court” to a sub-
ject word. In addition to the traditional term weight-
ing method TF-IDF, we used the result of assign-
ing domain-specific senses (ADSS) to identify sub-
ject words. On the other hand, a topic is identified
by using a model of ”topic dynamics”. We defined a
burst as a time interval of maximal length over which
the rate of change is positive acceleration. We used
Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD)
to identify topic. MACD is a technique to analyze
stock market trend. It shows the relationship between
Fukumoto F., Suzuki Y. and Takasu A..
Topic and Subject Detection in News Streams for Multi-document Summarization.
DOI: 10.5220/0004109901660171
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2012), pages 166-171
ISBN: 978-989-8565-30-3
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
two moving averages of prices modeling bursts as in-
tervals of topic dynamics, i.e., positive acceleration.
2.1 Assignment of Domain-specific
Senses for Subject Detection
We used the result of ADSS to identify subject words.
We used the TDT corpus and WordNet 3.0 thesaurus.
The TDT documents are classified into eleven top-
ics (domains), such as ”natural disasters” and ”elec-
tions”. We used these topics except for the topic
MISC. To assign topics/domains of the TDT corpus to
each sense of the word in WordNet, we first selected
each sense of a word to the corresponding domain by
using a text classification technique. For each sense s
of a word w, we replace w in the training stories as-
signing to the topic t with its gloss text in WordNet.
(hereafter, referred to as word replacement). If the
classification accuracy of the topic t is equal or higher
than that without word replacement, the sense s is re-
garded to be a domain-specific sense. However, the
sense selection is not enough for ADSS. Because the
number of words consisting gloss in WordNet is not
so large. As a result, the classification accuracy with
word replacement was equal to that without word re-
. Then we scored senses by computing the
rank scores.
1. Candidate Extraction
The first step to find domain-specific senses is to ex-
tract candidates. We divided TDT documents into
two: training data to learn SVM model and test data
to classify documents. For each topic, we collected a
set of wordsW with high TF-IDF value from the TDT
corpus. Let TS be a topic set, and S be a set of senses
that the word w W has. The candidates are obtained
as follows:
1. For each sense s S, and for each t TS, we
replace w in the training documents assigning to
the topic t with its gloss text in the WordNet.
2. All the documents of training and test data are
tagged by a part-of-speech tagger, stop words are
removed, and represented as term vectors with
3. The SVM is applied to the two types of the train-
ing documents, i.e., with and without word re-
In the experiments, the classification accuracy of more
than 50% of words has not changed.
placement, and classifiers for each topic are gen-
4. SVM classifiers are applied to the test data. If the
classification accuracy of the topic t is higher than
that without word replacement, the sense s of the
word w is judged to be a candidate sense in the
topic t.
The procedure is applied to all w W.
2. Scoring Senses by Link Analysis
The next procedure for ADSS is to score each candi-
date for each topic. We used the MRW model. Given
a set of candidates C
in the topic t, G
= (S, E) is
a graph reflecting the relationships between senses in
the candidate set. S is a set ofvertices, and each vertex
in S is a gloss text assigned from the WordNet. E is
a set of edges, which is a subset of S × S. Each edge
in E is associated with an affinity weight f(i j)
between senses s
and s
(i 6= j). The weight is com-
puted using the standard cosine measure between the
two senses. Two vertices are connected if their affin-
ity weight is larger than 0 and we let f(i i)= 0 to
avoid self transition. The transition probability from
to s
is then defined as follows:
p(i j) =
, if Σ f 6= 0
0 , otherwise.
We used the row-normalized matrix U
to describe G with each entry correspond-
ing to the transition probability,whereU
= p(i j).
To make U a stochastic matrix, the rows with all zero
elements are replaced by a smoothing vector with all
elements set to
. The matrix form of the saliency
score Score(s
) can be formulated in a recursive form
as in the MRW model.
λ = µU
| S |
~e. (2)
λ = [Score(s
is the vector of saliency
scores for the senses. ~e is a column vector with all
elements equal to 1. µ is the damping factor, which
we set to 0.85. The final transition matrix is given by
the Eq. (3), and each score of the sense in a specific
domain is obtained by the principal eigenvector of the
matrix M.
M = µU
| S |
. (3)
The procedure is applied to all of the topics. We se-
lected a certain number of words (senses) according
to rank score as a subject word in a document.
2.2 Topic Detection
Topic Bursts
He et al. proposed a method to find bursts by using
Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD)
histogram which was used in technical stock mar-
ket analysis to detect bursts (He and Parker, 2010).
MACD histogram refers to a difference between the
MACD and its moving average. MACD is defined by
Eq. (4).
) = MACD(n
) refers to n
-day Exponential Moving Aver-
age (EMA). For a variable x = x(t) which has a corre-
sponding discrete time series x = {x
|t = 0,1,···} , the
n-day EMA is defined by Eq. (5).
= αx
+ (1α)EMA(n1)[x]
α refers to a smoothing factor and it is often taken
to be
. MACD(n
) in Eq. (4) indicates the
difference of n
-day and n
-day exponential moving
averages, i.e., EMA(n
) EMA(n
). We applied the
model to detect topic words.
Topic Detection
The procedure for topic detection is illustrated in Fig-
ure 1. Let A be a set of documents to be summarized.
A set of topic words TS are detected as follows:
1. Create MACD histogram where X-axis refers to a
period of time of length T, and Y-axis denotes the
frequency of documents concerning to the target
topic. Hereafter, referred to as correct histogram,
as shown in Figure 1.
2. Each term in the TDT corpus is weighted by us-
ing TF-IDF scheme. For each target topic, terms
within the documents assigning to the target topic
are sorted in the descending order to make a term
3. Given the number of k, we extracted the topmost
k terms from the term list. For each term, we ap-
plied the following procedures.
(a) Create MACD histogram where X-axis refers
to a period of time of length T, and Y-axis de-
notes bursts. Hereafter, referred to as bursts his-
togram, as shown in Figure 1.
Correct histogram Bursts histogram
Histogram similarity
Figure 1: Similarity between correct and bursts histograms.
(b) As illustrated in the bottom of Figure 1,
compute similarity between correct and bursts
histograms by using Bhattacharyya distance,
ρ(p, q) =
where p and q are a nor-
malized distance of correct histogram and burst
histogram, respectively
. p
refers to the fre-
quency of documentsthat arrive in time i, and q
indicates bursts of topic in time i. If the value of
ρ(p, q) is larger than a certain threshold value,
the term t is regarded as a topic word.
In the procedure (b), we assume that burst histogram
of the term t is close to the correct histogram if t is
a topic term. Because burst histogram obtained by
procedure (a) refers to a burst of a topic t concerning
to a set of documents A. Thus, we can assume that it is
similar to the histogram obtained by using a frequency
of A concerning to the target topic.
2.3 Sentence Extraction
Each sentence concerning to the target topic is rep-
resented using a vector of frequency weighted words
that can be subject or topic words. Similar to the pro-
cedure of ADSS, we used the MRW model to com-
pute the rank scores for the sentences, i.e., given a
document set D, a graph G consists of a set of ver-
tices S and each vertex s
in S is a sentence in the doc-
ument set. After the saliency scores of sentences have
been obtained, choose a certain number of sentences
according to the rank score into the summary.
We tested Bhattacharyya distance, histogram intersec-
tion and KL-distance to obtain similarities. We reported
only the result obtained by Bhattacharyya distance as it was
the best results among them.
Table 1: Topics assigned to categories in the TDT.
Category Topics
Elections U.S. Mid-Term Elections
Scandals/hearings Olympic Bribery Scandal
Legal/criminal Pinochet Trial
Natural disasters Hurricane Mitch
Accidents Nigerian Gas Line fire
Violence or war Car Bomb in Jerusalem
Science and discovery Leonid Meteor Shower
Finances IMF Bailout of Brazil
New laws Anti-Doping Proposals
Sports Australian Yacht Race
Table 2: The number of candidate senses.
Category Doc Total Cand.(%)
Elections 518 3,837 1,970(51.3)
Scandals/hearings 108 3,566 1,775(49.7)
Legal/criminal 860 3,396 1,805(53.1)
Natural disasters 286 3,496 1,851(52.9)
Accidents 82 2,828 916(32.3)
Violence or war 234 3,495 1,741(49.8)
Science and discovery 186 3,955 1,969(49.7)
Finances 540 3,428 1,945(56.7)
New laws 7 3,304 1,646(49.8)
Sports news 326 3,428 1,957(57.0)
We used the TDT3 corpus which comprises a set of
eight English news sources collected from October to
December 1998. It consists of 34,600 stories. A set
of 60 topics are defined for evaluation in 1999, and
another 60 topics for evaluation in 2000. Of these
topics, we used 78 topics, each of which is classified
into 10 categories. Table 1 illustrates categories and
some examples of topics assigned to these categories.
3.1 Assignment of Domain-specific
We divided TDT documents into two: training and
test data in text classification. The size of training data
for each category is two-third of documents, and the
remaining is test data. All documents were tagged by
Tree Tagger (Schmid, 1995). For each category, we
collected the topmost 500 noun words with high TF-
IDF weight from the TDT3 corpus. We used Word-
Net 3.0 to assign senses. Table 2 shows the number
of training documents, the total number of senses, and
the number of candidates senses (Cand.) that the clas-
sification accuracy of each category was higher than
the result without word replacement. We used these
senses as an input of the MRW model.
Table 3: The result against SFC resource.
Finances 390 125 81 0.648
New law 358 1,628 193 0.437
Science 389 671 176 0.699
Sports 395 1,947 8 1.000
There are no existing sense-tagged data for these
10 categories that could be used for evaluation.
Therefore, we selected a limited number of words
and evaluated these words qualitatively. To this end,
we used the Subject Field Codes (SFC) resource
(Magnini and Cavaglia, 2000) annotating WordNet
2.0 synsets with domain labels. The SFC consists of
115,424 words assigning 168 domain labels with hi-
erarchy. It contains ”finances”, ”laws”, ”science” and
”sports” labels. We used these four labels and its chil-
dren labels in a hierarchy, and compared the results
with SFC resource. The results are shown in Table
3. ”ADSS” shows the number of senses assigned by
our approach. ”SFC” refers to the number of senses
appearing in the SFC resource. ”SFC & TDT” de-
notes the number of words (senses) appearing in both
SFC and the TDT corpus. We note that the corpus
we used was TDT corpus, while SFC assigns domain
labels to the words appearing in the WordNet. There-
fore, we used recall as the evaluation measure where
it refers to the number of senses matched in our ap-
proach and SFC divided by the total number of senses
appearing in both SFC and TDT. ”Recall” in Table
3 refers to the best performance among the varying
number of senses according to the rank scores. As we
can see from Table 3 that word replacement improved
text classification performance as the former was 0.06
F-score, while that of the latter was only 0.01. One
reason is the length of the gloss text in the WordNet;
the average length of gloss text assigned to ”law” was
5.75, while that for ”sports” was 8.96. The method of
assigning senses depends on the size of gloss text in
the WordNet. Efficacy can be improved if we can as-
sign example sentences to WordNet based on corpus
statistics. This is a rich space for further exploration.
It is interesting to note that some senses of words
that were obtained correctly by our approach did not
appear in the SFC resource because of the difference
in WordNet version, i.e., we used WordNet 3.0 and
the TDT corpus for ADSS, while SFC is based on
WordNet 2.0. Table 4 illustrates some examples ob-
tained by our approach but that did not appear in the
SFC. These observationssupport the usefulness of our
automated method.
For evaluating subject detection, we randomly se-
lected one topic for each category, and manually
checked whether the words assigning domain-specific
senses are the subject or not. Table 5 shows the re-
Table 4: Some examples obtained by ”ADSS”.
Cat Example of words and their senses
New law fire: intense adverse criticism
break: an escape from jail
Sports era: (baseball) a measure of a
pitcher’s effectiveness
Table 5: Performance of subject detection.
Cat ADSS Subject F F(TF-IDF)
Finances 86 88 0.678 0.302
New law 63 79 0.577 0.208
Science 72 102 0.609 0.319
Sports 92 132 0.705 0.412
sult of subject detection. ”ADSS” refers to the num-
ber of subject words identified by our approach and
also appeared in the documents assigning to the target
topic. ”Subject” denotes the number of correct sub-
ject words identified by two humans
, and ”F” shows
F-score. We compared the result obtained by our ap-
proach with simple term weighting method, TF-IDF.
”F(TF-IDF)” shows F-score obtained by using TF-
IDF weighting method. As can be seen clearly from
Table 5, the results obtained by our approach were
much better than those of a simple term weighting,
TF-IDF method.
3.2 Sentence Extraction
Finally, we report the results of sentence extraction.
Because of manual creation of the evaluation data, we
used 32 out of 78 topics which have less than 646
sentences in documents in the experiment. The eval-
uation is made by two humans. We set the extraction
ratio to 30%, and compared our method with the fol-
lowing three approaches to examine howthe results of
subject and topic detection affect sentence extraction.
The average number of sentences with the extraction
ratio of 30% was 42.5 sentences.
1. Apply MRW model to noun words (Noun)
The method applied the MRW model to the sen-
tences consisting of noun words.
2. Apply MRW model to topic words (Topic)
The method applied the MRW model to the results
of MACD method.
3. Apply MRW model to subject words (Subject)
In contrast to Apply MRW model to subject
words”, the method applied the MRW model to
the results of ADSS.
For each of the four methods including our approach,
we divided 32 topics into two: 10 topics to train the
The classification is determined to be correct if two hu-
man judges agrees.
Table 6: ROUGE-1 score for 22 topics.
Method Max Min Ave
Noun 0.428 0.180 0.258
Subject 0.485 0.202 0.269
Topic 0.529 0.362 0.421
Subject & Topic 0.750 0.318 0.485
optimal number of subject and topic words, and the
remaining 22 topics to test sentence extraction perfor-
mance by using the estimated number of subject and
topic words. The best performance obtained by ADSS
(Subj) using training data was 0.332 ROUGE-1 score
and the number of subject words was 10 per topic.
Similarly, the best performanceby our approach (Subj
& Topic) was 0.442 ROUGE-1 score and the num-
ber of subject and topic words were 10 and 5, respec-
tively. Therefore, we used the topmost 10 subject and
5 topic words, and evaluated each method by using
the test data. The results are shown in Table 6. In
Table 6, ”Max” and ”Min” denote the maximum and
minimum ROUGE-1 score, respectively. ”Ave” refers
to the average score obtained by using 22 topics.
As shown in Table 6, the use of subject words only
did not contribute sentence extraction performance,
as the average ROUGE-1 score was 0.269 and it was
not significant improvement over the baseline, i.e., the
method applied MRW model to the sentences consist-
ing noun words. The use of topic words only con-
tributes sentence extraction performance compared to
the use of subject words only. Moreover, the results
obtained by using both subject and topic words, i.e.,
our approach attained at 0.485 averaged ROUGE-1
score, and we found that it always outperforms, re-
gardless of how many number of documents (sen-
tences) were used. These results clearly support the
usefulness of our method.
Figure 2 illustrates the topmost three sentences ex-
tracted by each method. The topic is ”Ukraine Min-
ing Accidents”. indicates that the system and
human judges agree. Words marked with {} and
the underlined words refer to a subject word and a
topic word identified by the system, respectively. Fig-
ure 2 shows that terms such as ”Ukraine”, ”mines”,
and ”accident” consisting topic name are correctly ex-
tracted by ”Topic” and Subject & Topic” methods.
Similarly, ”Donetsk” and ”region” appearing a partic-
ular document is correctly extracted as a subject word
by ”Subject” method. Our method correctly extracted
salient sentences, while the methods used subject or
topic only were not perfect extraction. Moreover, the
results obtained by ”Subject” shows that sentences
1 and 2 are similar contents, i.e. the extracted sen-
tences include redundancy information, while those
obtained by ”Subject & Topic” shows that sentences 1
and 2 are subsumption relationship, i.e., sentence 2 in-
Method: Noun
1 Pieces of coal fell in a deep mine shaft in eastern Ukraine on Monday, killing a miner, officials said.
2 Ukraine’s cash-strapped mines lack the funds needed to improve safety conditions and modernize equipment, which
has led to a steady increase in work-related fatalities in recent years.
3 Two mine workers were killed in separate accidents in eastern Ukraine, pushing this year’s number of mine fatalities
to more than 300, officials said Wednesday.
Method: Subject
1 Two {miners} were killed in {Ukraine’s} crumbling {coal} {mines} over the weekend, bringing to at least 305 the
number of {coal} industry {workers} who have died on the job so far this {year}, officials said Monday.
2 Two {mine} {workers} were killed in separate accidents in eastern {Ukraine}, pushing this {year’s} number of
{mine} fatalities to more than 300, officials said Wednesday.
3 The worst single accident this {year} was in April, when a methane gas blast killed 63 {workers} at a {mine} in the
eastern {Donetsk} {region}.
Method: Topic
1 The accident occurred at the depth of 540 meters (1,782 feet) at the Olkhovatska mine in the coal-rich Donetsk region,
the Emergency Situations Ministry reported.
2 The death toll in coal mine accidents in Ukraine has been rising for years as the cash-strapped government has been
unable to modernize deteriorating mines and improve safety conditions.
3 Work and safety conditions at the former Soviet republic’s coal mines have deteriorated in recent years as the cash-
strapped government has failed to provide sufficient funds to support the largely unreformed industry.
Method: Subject & Topic
1 Two {mine} {workers} were killed in separate accidents in eastern {Ukraine}, pushing this {year’s} number of
{mine} fatalities to more than 300, officials said Wednesday.
2 A total of 301 people have died in {mine} accidents in {Ukraine} so far in 1998, about 100 more than over the same
period last {year}, according to government statistics.
3 The number of {miners} killed on the job has been increasing steadily in recent {years} because {mines} lack the
funds needed to modernize equipment and improve safety conditions.
Figure 2: Topmost three sentences extracted by each method (”Ukraine Mining Accidents”).
cludes additional information, ”about 100 more than
over the same period last year”. These observations
again clearly support the usefulness of our method.
We have developed an approach to multi-document
summarization from continuous news streams. The
results showed the effectiveness of the method. Fu-
ture work will include: (i) comparison to other
topic models such as hierarchical Pachinko Alloca-
tion Model (Mimno et al., 2007) and Two-Tiered
Topic Model (Celikylmaz and Hakkani-Tur, 2011),
(ii) comparison to other term weighting methods such
as Information Gain and χ
statistics, and (ii) apply-
ing the method to other data such as DUC2004 and
DUC2007 for quantitative evaluation.
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