An Investigation into Collaboration and Knowledge
Managementduring Product Development in the Aerospace and
Defence Industry
Richard David Evans
, James Xiaoyu Gao
, Steve Woodhead
, Nick Martin
and Clive Simmonds
School of Engineering, University of Greenwich, Central Avenue, Chatham Maritime, Kent, ME4 4TB, U.K.
Electronic Systems, BAE Systems, Rochester, Kent, ME1 2XX, U.K.
Keywords: Knowledge Management, Collaboration, Product Development, Information Sharing, Aerospace
Manufacturing, Web 2.0, Social Media.
Abstract: Organisations need to overcome a number of challenges, including improving knowledge management, to
ensure competitiveness in today’s global business environment. Product development and engineering
design decisions are typically based on the knowledge available within enterprises. An ability to quickly
discover and capture this knowledge and communicate with colleagues is required to enable effective
outputs. An in-depth industry investigation, conducted within a leading manufacturing organisation in the
Aerospace and Defence Industry (ADI), confirmed that knowledge management is only average.
Employees would welcome the introduction of new technology to improve knowledge sharing and feel
competent to use Web 2.0 and social media technologies. Based on the investigation, an interactive
groupware prototype employing collaborative Web 2.0 technologies has been proposed. The prototype will
be introduced as a case study to engineers within the collaborating company during product development
projects with benefits in productivity and collaborative practices being assessed.
The last two decades have been characterised by
major developments in enterprise globalisation and
technological advancement. This has resulted in
many opportunities being created for businesses, but
also many problems.
In an increasingly competitive global
marketplace, organisations in the 21
century have
to overcome challenges presented on a number of
fronts which include:
Meeting the complex requirements of customers
who demand lower cost, higher quality solutions
Establishing effective communication channels
between employees and external partners anywhere
in the world (Shehab, Bouin-Portet, Hole and
Fowler, 2009).
The Aerospace and Defence Industry (ADI) is an
industrial sector, which has a record of product
innovation and where the UK enjoys a global
reputation as a world leader (Harrington and
Blagden, 1999). The sector employs highly skilled
and competent work forces and is commited to
promoting high performance work practices
(Richardson, Danford, Stewart and Pulignano,
2010). The ADI is also an industrial environment
where significicant development of collaborative
work practices has already taken place, but where
further major opportunities exist for improved
Knowledge Management (KM) and the utilisation of
In today’s global business environment,
manufacturing companies are becoming increasingly
aware of the need for on-going product innovations
and efficient product development (PD) in order to
ensure their commercial survival (Rebolledo and
Nollet, 2011). Managers recognise that the
traditional process of New Product Development
(NPD) is no longer sufficient and that successful PD
Evans R., Xiaoyu Gao J., Woodhead S., Martin N. and Simmonds C..
An Investigation into Collaboration and Knowledge Managementduring Product Development in the Aerospace and Defence Industry.
DOI: 10.5220/0004111001130118
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2012), pages 113-118
ISBN: 978-989-8565-31-0
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
now relies upon a far greater corporate team effort
than in the past.
A significant challenge facing companies is to
facilitate the collaboration of all employees within
geographically dispersed teams in order to meet
common goals while sharing, developing and
retaining knowledge and ideas during on-going PD
processes. The use of collaborative web-based
technologies is seen as providing the potential to
address this challenge by allowing project review
teams to access data, records of knowledge
contributions and social interactions, all of which
would benefit subsequent PD activities (McAdam,
O’Hare and Moffett, 2008).
It has also been suggested that companies must
“create initiatives to dismantle organisational silos
and foster collaboration” (McAdam, O’Hare and
Moffett, 2008). Such initiatives are necessary
because collaboration is dependent upon the
voluntary exercise of discretionary time by
employees (CSC, 2006). Effective enterprise
collaboration may again be facilitated by the
integration of people, processes, information and
knowledge through technologies.
In the past, collaboration would often have taken
place by phone, fax or in face to face meetings, at
significant financial and time costs to organisations.
With the rapid growth in the popularity and use of
the internet today, however, members of PD teams
can now be located thousands of miles apart and still
retain the ability to share and address issues with
minimal loss of time and cost. The World Wide Web
(WWW) can provide an interoperable means for
collaboration, utilising software applications on a
variety of platforms and frameworks.
Businesses recognise that organisational knowledge
has an essential role to play in responding to
competitive pressures and, for an increasing number
of companies, opportunities to establish competitive
advantage lie in their ability to enhance ideas and
intellectual know-how. By making more effective
use of their knowledge assets, organisations can
benefit from product development breakthroughs
and improved processes and practices.
Information and Communication Technology
(ICT) tools and, in particular, the internet have a key
role to play in supporting KM as they can facilitate
“efficient transfer, storage and integration of
knowledge” (Rebolledo and Nollet, 2011, Carlsson,
2003). Their role cannot be ignored as they impact
directly on the quantity, speed and efficiency of data
flow across both geographical and organisational
boundaries (Scott, 2000).
While it is recognised that businesses often
cannot identify what is known within their
organisations and as a result, best practices,
expertise and knowledge and skills cannot easily be
applied and transferred (Lockwood, 2008), digital
technologies offer the prospect of transferring both
tacit as well as explicit knowledge (Rebolledo and
Nollet, 2011); (Carlsson, 2003).
Web 2.0 technologies and the relatively new
phenomenon of social media with its emphasis on
user-generated content, can help eradicate such
barriers encouraging open communication and
information sharing. Expertise and solutions to
problems need no longer remain “hidden” as they
can be actively sought out and exploited within a
Web 2.0 collaborative environment. Web 2.0 tools,
which commonly incorporate semantic web
techniques such as meta-tagging, allow for more
meaningful information sharing and improved
searchability and encourage greater interaction with
content by employees during the collaborative
BAE Systems is a multi-national organisation
employing approximately 100,000 people worldwide
across its range of businesses. The organisation is
the second largest aerospace, defence and security
company in the world, and, in 2010, reported sales
of over £22bn ($34.6bn). The organisation is
involved in the design, manufacture and provision of
advanced products and services for worldwide
military forces (BAE Systems, 2011).
An independent bench marking study,
commissioned by BAE Systems in 2008, showed
that practices in relation to learning and knowledge
management were judged to be “average” when
compared to similar types of organisations (Milton,
2008). The study concluded that BAE Systems’ KM
performance, as a world-leading development and
manufacturing enterprise, could be raised to “best in
class” by following forty-nine recommended
actions. The actions identified included the creation
of a common collaborative platform for engineering
and product development across the company and
the embedding of KM activities into various
corporate processes including Performance and
Development Review (PDR) and Product Lifecycle
Management (PLM).
The last ten years has seen significant growth in
the volume of information being generated within
the organisation and document management has
proven to be an issue for the company (Jackson, et
al., 2008). At the end of the last decade, the volume
of data being generated was growing at an estimated
rate of 41% per annum and the scale of the problem
was doubling in size every two years. In the UK
business alone, over 1000 different file types were
being managed, as illustrated in Figure 1 (Jackson et
al., 2008).
Figure 1: BAE Systems – File Types (adapted from
Jackson et al., 2008).
Electronic communications and increased global
requirements for compliance with information and
knowledge legislation have impacted on the quantity
of data in existence and the company recognises that
the problem must be addressed. The problem is
exacerbated by the number of dispersed teams found
within the organisation who find it difficult to
arrange face to face meetings. Furthermore, the
various business units within the company have
different approaches to information management and
this has created isolated solutions, a range of
different tool sets and a lack of interoperability
between business units.
Technological improvements in terms of
information search and retrieval, knowledge sharing,
document storage and team collaboration are seen to
offer significant benefits, including increased agility
when reacting to business change, improved
collaboration and increased availability of good
information to aid decision making.
In late 2011, an in-depth survey of over 100
senior managers and engineers was conducted
within the collaborating company. The survey,
which was hosted on, produced
an encouraging 46% response rate and provided a
very good insight into knowledge management and
the process of collaboration within the organisation.
In commenting below on the results of the
survey, the qualitative categories found on the x-
axes are based on: 1 - Poor; 2 - Below Average; 3 -
Average; 4 - Good; 5 - Very Good; and 6
Excellent, while the figures given on the y-axes
show the number of responses per category.
With regard to how effectively knowledge is
managed within BAE Systems during product
development processes, the previously drawn
conclusion of “average” was confirmed. A third of
all responses expressed this view, while 26.7% of
respondents thought the effectiveness was good,
although 23.3% stated that it was below average.
Only two respondents believed that the organisation
was very good, while the same number viewed KM
as poor (see Figure 2).
Figure 2: Effectiveness of knowledge management during
product development.
On the other hand, as might be anticipated given
the security consciousness of the industrial field in
which BAE Systems operates, the security of
corporate knowledge was seen to be good or better
by nearly 72% of respondents. Indeed, the most
common view expressed was that security is very
good (38.3%) and only 5% believed it to be below
average or poor (See Figure 3).
When asked what concerns may exist in relation
to security of corporate knowledge, if online
knowledge sharing were to become a standard
collaborative practice, there was clear evidence of
employees recognising that the commercial success
of BAE Systems was founded upon its Intellectual
Property (IP); furthermore that the company is
bound to comply with a range of national and
international laws and regulations.
It was apparent that the requirement to operate
within national security and export control
guidelines often resulted in information and
knowledge only being shared on a need-to-know
basis; it was suggested, furthermore, that
technological innovations in relation to KM should
be introduced only behind the corporate firewall.
Figure 3: Security of corporate knowledge.
When the investigation focussed upon the
specific process of collaboration and how employees
interacted and shared knowledge and ideas within
project teams, there was clear evidence that
traditional methods of communication were still
being used routinely, with little reference being
made to more recently introduced Web 2.0 tools.
Over 50% of all respondents stated that face to
face meetings were the main method of
communication, while 47.2% confirmed the
significant role played by e-mails in communication;
this reinforced the findings of Jackson, et al., (2008)
who reported that in July of that year 15 million e-
mails had been sent internally.
Video or teleconferencing is seen to play an
important role within the organisation and shared
document servers are seen as important by 32%.
In terms of more technology-based solutions,
Microsoft Sharepoint sites are seen as important by
22.6% of respondents and these rank more highly
than the telephone, which accounted for only 20.8%
of responses.
Instant messaging and Web 2.0 tools, such as
wiki’s, blogs and social networking sites including
Yammer and LinkedIn, were identified as being
important by only 13.2% or less of respondents.
A detailed breakdown of the different methods of
communication of knowledge is given in Table 1.
When the effectiveness of collaboration during
PD processes was considered (see Figure 4), the
most common view expressed was good in 37.3% of
cases. A further 20.3% thought that they were very
good or excellent, although 32% suggested that the
effectiveness of collaboration was only average or
lower. This divergence of opinion is again illustrated
in Figure 4.
Table 1: Knowledge sharing methods within project
Method % of Responses
Face to Face Meetings 54.7
E-mails 47.2
Video/Tele/Web Conferencing 45.3
Shared Document Servers 32.0
Microsoft Sharepoint Sites 22.6
Telephone 20.8
Instant Messaging 13.2
Other Web 2.0 tools inc. Wikis and Blogs 13.2
Social Networking Sites, inc. Yammer and
Informal communication 7.5
Workshops 5.7
Figure 4: Effectiveness of collaboration during product
When asked what barriers may prevent more
effective collaboration within the organisation, a
limited number of factors were given, although these
could be significant. Firstly, the need for security
and the legislative background to operations within
the aerospace and defence industry could represent a
major inhibitor of collaboration and knowledge
sharing. Secondly, while operating very much in a
technology-driven and innovative environment,
there is claimed to be a lack of tools employed to
facilitate the collaborative process. Furthermore,
geographical dispersement of employees is
perceived as a real constraint on collaboration,
which impacts negatively on a collaborative ethos.
When asked to identify how collaborative
practices could be improved within the organisation,
it was interesting to note that repeated references
were made to barriers which hinder collaboration
and it was suggested that cultural change is required
in order to make a real difference. A number of
specific ideas were nevertheless suggested to realise
improvements and these included:
Development of a bespoke project collaboration
Creation of a centralised information repository;
Company-wide adoption of Web 2.0 and social
media tools.
Finally, the importance of the need for improved
collaboration tools within the organisation’s global
operations was confirmed when it was revealed that
all respondents have a need to contact colleagues at
other locations during PD activities. Over one-third
of these contacts take place on a daily basis, while
over 60% take place weekly or more frequently.
Similarly, nearly 95% of respondents confirmed that
they have regular contact with colleagues overseas.
Although this contact takes place less frequently
than the figures reported for other sites, 20% still
have daily contact while a further 25% report either
weekly or monthly contact.
Based on the results of the industrial investigation, it
is proposed to develop an interactive collaborative
groupware solution, which will incorporate a
bespoke user interface (see Figure 5).
The groupware will be made accessible using a
variety of devices, which will include, but are not
limited to:
An interactive capacitive touch screen all-in-one
unit with integrated web camera;
Personal computers;
Handheld portable devices, including smart
phones and internet tablets.
It is proposed to design a high impact user friendly
and accessible front end with easy-to-use navigation
and functionality, which complies with the W3C’s
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).
The groupware will be designed using HTML5,
CSS3 and JavaScript programming languages to
maintain accessibility and usability on a variety of
devices. The associated database will be coded in
PHP and content will reside on a MySQL database.
The collaborative prototype will include:
Fast and easy access to uploaded user-generated
Instant messaging;
Project discussion board;
Timeline file management tool.
Figure 5: Wireframe of the Front End of the proposed
Interactive Groupware Prototype.
During PD activities new concepts and lessons
learned will be recorded and uploaded to the
groupware site from a variety of file types including
video, images, documents and presentations. These
will be immediately available to view by project
team members anywhere in the world who will then
be able to add further comments and ideas to
enhance the collaborative new product development
process in real-time. Additionally, users will able to
collaborate one-to-one using the embedded instant
messaging facility or one-to-many using the on-
screen discussion board.
The investigation showed that an increased usage of
online collaboration and data exchange methods
would be welcomed by respondents.
It was recognised that Microsoft Sharepoint,
which has been introduced at various business units
over the past few years, had impacted positively on
practices within the organisation and there was
recognition that the internet could provide
employees with more dynamic interactivity, rather
than them having to merely rely on more passive
methods of communication, such as e-mails.
It was suggested that interactive functionality
could allow for formal record keeping, logging of
decisions, sharing of information and discussion of
ideas. It was proposed that increased use could be
made of Web 2.0 tools, such as wiki’s and blogs to
improve collaboration and inform work practices.
Social media applications, such as chat rooms
and forums could be utilised in order to seek out
information and answers to problems, while a
central repository of corporate files could be
established to improve access to data.
A corporate groupware designed to enhance the
sharing of information, beyond simple exchange of
data, would be received positively by respondents
and, ultimately, knowledge management and
collaboration could be enhanced within the
organisation. It was recognised that social media
tools, which are growing in use significantly in
personal lives, have potential for use in corporate
KM and provide “even technically illiterate people
(with) an accessible way of sharing knowledge”
(Anon., 2011).
The investigation confirmed that the internet is
seen as allowing BAE Systems the opportunity to
overcome barriers to collaboration and KM, which
exist within the organisation. It offers the whole of
industry the prospect of revealing concealed
expertise and exposing employee knowledge and
skills; ultimately, it allows dispersed teams to
collaborate effectively and more efficiently on a
global scale.
This document is based on work funded by the
EPSRC through BAE Systems’ Electronic Systems’
operation in Rochester, Kent, UK. The authors
would like to thank all at BAE Systems for their
support with this project and their input to the
Industrial Investigation. Any opinions, findings and
conclusions expressed in this document are those of
the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of
the EPSRC or BAE Systems PLC.
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