Section 4 describes the newly-formed IEEE
Ontologies for Robotics and Automation (ORA)
Working Group and describes some information
requirements necessary to represent state-based
intention recognition, including spatial relations,
ordering constraints, and associations with overall
intentions. Section 5 describes how this information
can be put together to perform intention recognition.
Section 6 concludes the paper.
As mentioned in the introduction, intention
recognition traditionally involves recognizing the
intent of an agent by analysing the actions that the
agent performs. Many of the recognition efforts in
the literature are composed of at least three
components: (1) identification and representation of
a set of intentions that are relevant to the domain of
interest, (2) representation of a set of actions that are
expected to be performed in the domain of interest
and the association of these actions with the
intentions, (3) recognition of a sequence of observed
actions executed by the agent and matching them to
the actions in the knowledge base.
There have been many techniques applied to
intention recognition that follow the three steps
listed above, including ontology-based approaches
(Jeon et al., 2008) and probabilistic frameworks such
as Hidden Markov Models (Kelley et al., 2008) and
Dynamic Bayesian Networks (Schrempf and
Hanebeck, 2005). In this paper, we focus on
ontology-based approaches.
In many of these efforts, abduction has been used
as the underlying reasoning mechanism in providing
hypotheses about intentions. In abduction, the
system “guesses” that a certain intention could be
true based on the existence of a series of observed
actions. For example, one could guess that it must
have rained if the lawn is wet, though the sprinkler
could have been on as well. As more information is
learned, probabilities of certain intentions are refined
to be consistent with the observations.
One of the key challenges in intention
recognition is pruning the space of hypotheses. In a
given domain, there could be many possible
intentions. Based on the observed actions, various
techniques have been used to eliminate improbable
intentions and assign appropriate probabilities to
intentions that are consistent with the actions
performed. Some have assigning weights to
conditions of the rules used for intention recognition
as a function of the likelihood that those conditions
are true (Pereira and Ahn, 2009).
There has also been a large amount of research in
the Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI) community (Rao
and Georgeff, 1991). However, this work focuses on
the intention of the intelligent agent (as opposed to
the human it is observing) and the belief structure is
often based on the observation of activities as
opposed to inferring the intention of the human via
state recognition.
Once observations of actions have been made,
different approaches exist to match those
observations to an overall intention or goal. (Jarvis
et al., 2005) focused on building plans with
frequency information to represent how often an
activity occurs. The rationale behind this approach is
that there are some activities that occur very
frequently and are often not relevant to the
recognition process (e.g., a person cleaning their
hands). When these activities occur, they can be
mostly ignored. In (Demolombe et al., 2006), the
authors combine probabilities and situation calculus-
like formalization of actions. In particular, they not
only define the actions and sequences of actions that
constitute an intention, they also state which
activities cannot occur for the intention to be valid.
All of these approaches have focused on the
activity being performed as being the primary basis
for observation and the building block for intention
recognition. However, as noted in (Sadri, 2011),
activity recognition is a very hard problem and far
from being solved. There has only been limited
success in using RFID (Radio Frequency
Identification) readers and tags attached to objects of
interest to track their movement with the goal of
associating their movement with known activities, as
in (Philipose et al., 2005).
Throughout the rest of this paper, we will
describe an approach to intention recognition that
uses state information as opposed to activity
information to help address some of the challenges
described in this section.
Imagine a situation where a person and a robot are
working together to assemble furniture. There are
different types of furniture that needs to be
assembled, and many of the pieces of furniture use
the same set of interchangeable parts.
In this example, we will focus on two cabinets,
as shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2. The cabinets and